12 research outputs found

    Yhteisöllisesti tiivistyvä Korvensuora

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    Tiivistelmä. Diplomityö Yhteisöllisesti tiivistyvä Korvensuora on suunnittelupohjainen yhdyskuntasuunnittelun työ, jossa esitetään kaksi vaihtoehtoista suunnitelmaa Korvensuoran koulun lähialueen kehittämisestä. Tavoitteena on luoda tehokasta ympäristönsä mittakaavaan sopivaa asuntorakentamista, joka tukee alueen yhteisöllisyyttä. Työ on jaettu neljään osaan; ensin käyn läpi työssä käytetyn tausta-aineiston tiiviistä ja matalasta asuinrakentamisesta ja miten yhteisöllisyyden muodostumiseen voidaan vaikuttaa pientaloalueella yhdyskuntasuunnittelun keinoin. Toisessa osassa käyn läpi taustaselvitykset Oulun Korvensuorasta ja suunnittelualueesta. Näiden aineistojen analyysin perusteella suunnitellut vaihtoehdot muodostavat työn kolmannen osan. Lopuksi esitän vielä työn aikana tulleet johtopäätökset. Työn perusteella voidaan todeta, että tiivis ja matala rakentaminen sopii hyvin olemassa olevan pientaloalueen täydennysrakentamisen tavaksi. Tiiviillä ja matalalla rakentamistavalla monipuolistetaan alueen asuntotarjontaa, jolla on sosiaalisen kestävyyden kannalta myönteisiä vaikutuksia. Asukkaiden välisiä kohtaamisia voidaan myös lisätä monin keinoin, joka on lähtökohtana sosiaalisten suhteiden ja yhteisöllisyyden muodostumiselle.Infilling in Korvensuora by communal means. Abstract. Infilling in Korvensuora by Communal Means is a design-focused master’s thesis in urban planning that presents two alternative plans for the development of the neighborhood surrounding the Korvensuora School in Oulu. The aim is to develop efficient housing that is appropriate to the scale of its environment and supports the sense of community in the neighborhood. The thesis is divided into four parts: The first part covers the background materials on the development of low-rise, high-density housing and how the sense of community in a detached housing area can be influenced by different means of urban planning. In the second part, I go through the background studies on the Korvensuora School and the surrounding neighborhood. Based on the background materials, I have designed two alternative plans, which are presented in the third part of the thesis. In the final part, I present the conclusions made during the design process. It can be stated that the development of low-rise, high-density housing is well-suited for supplementing the existing detached housing in the neighborhood. The new housing diversifies the housing supply in the area, which has a positive impact on social sustainability of the neighborhood. Encounters between residents can also be increased in many ways, which is the starting point for forming social relations and the sense of community

    Benchmarking of two flexible multibody dynamic simulation software in engine simulations

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    Summary In this paper, two different commercial multibody dynamic (MBD) simulation software cases are studied. Due to the restrictions determined in the conditions of contract, the names of the software are not revealed, instead being called Software S and Software E. The central purpose of this research was to investigate the abilities of Software S in the simulation of a large engine, as a part of the strength analysis process. The abilities were studied by comparing the program with another, here called Software E, which is designed primarily for engine simulations. The capabilities of Software E have been proven after years of usage at Wärtsilä, resulting in its essential role in the strength analysis process today. The aim was to find the shortcomings and restrictions of Software S but also advantages it could bring to the strength analysis process for Wärtsilä. Similar simulation models were also built using both programs during this research. A 16-cylinder V-engine was selected as the subject because of its size in order to obtain further information about the behavior of the program when working with extensive model files. The components of the engine were flexible and were reduced FE models, also called super elements. The forces and contact situations that occur inside the engine were modeled using elements provided by the MBD programs. Different levels of detail of the modeling elements were used to obtain information about the flexibility of the program. The results obtained from time integrations were compared to ensure the similarity of both modeling elements used. Also, this paper reports the calculation times. In addition, a small-scale study was performed for Software S to clarify the effect of the modes used in time integrations towards results accuracy and calculation times. Simulation models were built successfully in both programs, and the results obtained correlated with each other on an adequate level. Significant differences appeared in the features and usability of the programs in general. The GUI of Software S is advanced and user-friendly, whereas Software E is not focused on these features. On the other hand, the modeling element library of Software E covers all of the required features related to large engine simulations, some of which Software S is lacking. This work can be used in assistance when considering buying new software for a company as well as when investigating new development areas that could be improved with new software

    The prognostic and predictive roles of plasma C-reactive protein and PD-L1 in non-small cell lung cancer

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    Abstract Background: Anti-PD-(L)1 agents have revolutionized the treatment paradigms of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), while predictive biomarkers are limited. It has been previously shown that systemic inflammation, indicated by elevated C-reactive protein (CRP) level, is associated with a poor prognosis in anti-PD-(L)1 treated. The aim of the study was to analyze the prognostic and predictive value of CRP in addition to traditional prognostic and predictive markers and tumor PD-L1 score. Methods: We identified all NSCLC patients (n = 329) who had undergone PD-L1 tumor proportion score (TPS) analysis at Oulu University Hospital 2015–22. CRP levels, treatment history, immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) therapy details, and survival were collected. The patients were categorized based on CRP levels (≤10 vs. >10) and PD-L1 TPS scores (<50 vs. ≥50). Results: In the whole cohort (n = 329), CRP level of ≤10 mg/L was associated with improved survival in univariate (HR 0.30, Cl 95% 0.22–0.41) and multivariate analyzes (HR 0.44, CI 95% 0.28–0.68). With ICI treated (n = 70), both CRP of ≤10 and PD-L1 TPS of ≥50 were associated with improved progression-free survival (PFS) in univariate (HR 0.51, CI 95% 0.27–0.96; HR 0.54, CI 95% 0.28–1.02) and multivariate (HR 0.48, CI 95% 0.26–0.90; HR 0.50, CI 95% 0.26–0.95) analyzes. The combination (PD-L1 TPS ≥50 and CRP >10) carried a high negative predictive value with a median PFS of 4.11 months (CI 95% 0.00–9.63), which was similar to patients with low PD-L1 (4.11 months, CI 95% 2.61–5.60). Conclusions: Adding plasma CRP levels to PD-L1 TPS significantly increased the predictive value of sole PD-L1. Furthermore, patients with high CRP beard little benefit from anti-PD-(L)1 therapies independent of PD-L1 score. The study highlights the combined evaluation of plasma CRP and PD-L1 TPS as a negative predictive marker for ICI therapies

    A novel MTTT mutation m.15933G > A revealed in analysis of mitochondrial DNA in patients with suspected mitochondrial disease

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    Abstract Background: Mitochondrial diseases present with variable multi-organ symptoms. Common disease-causing mutations in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) are regularly screened in diagnostic work-up, but novel mutations may remain unnoticed. Methods: Patients (N = 66) with a clinical suspicion of mitochondrial disease were screened for their mtDNA coding region using conformation sensitive gel electrophoresis and sequencing. Long-PCR was used to detect deletions followed by POLG1 sequencing in patients with multiple deletions. Results: We discovered three novel mtDNA variants that included m.8743G > C, m.11322A > G and m.15933G > A. The novel MTTT variant m.15933G > A is suggested to be pathogenic. Analysis revealed also multiple mtDNA deletions in two patients and five nonsynonymous variants that were putatively pathogenic according to in-silico prediction algorithms. In addition, a rare haplogroup H associated m.7585_7586insT variant was discovered. Conclusion: Among patients with a suspected mitochondrial disease, a novel MTTT variant m.15933G > A was discovered and is suggested to be pathogenic. In addition, several putatively pathogenic nonsynonymous variants and rare variants were found. These findings highlight the importance of coding region mtDNA screening among patients with clinical features suggesting a mitochondrial disease, but who lack the common mitochondrial disease mutations

    Dronet mittauksessa ja näytteenotossa

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    Abstract Project “Drones in water monitoring and sampling” developed water measurement and sampling strategies for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV, drone). Project tested a large number of available measurement probes and developed programmable water sampling unit suitable for field sampling. This unique product was tested and used in field sampling campaigns focused on natural and man made waterbodies such as mining ponds. Sampling unit is available for commercial development with heavy drone. Lighter drone unit was prepared for quick surveys with smaller probes capable to measure temperature, conductivity and pH. As a result of a webbased survey among environmental authorities and consults there is a high interest and needs to utilize drones in water related surveys in near future.Tiivistelmä Dronet mittauksessa ja näytteenotossa -hankkeessa kehitettiin lentäville ilma-aluksille vesinäytteenottostrategia luonnon- ja kaivosvesien sekä vesirakentamisen vaikutusten seuraamiseen. Päätuotteena oli dronesta laskettavan vesinoutimen suunnittelu ja kehittäminen sekä kahden erityyppisen tuotepaketin kokoaminen operatiiviseen käyttöön. Kevyt drone-mittalaite yhdistelmä koostuu edullisesta dronesta, jonka merkittävimpänä ominaisuutena on 0,5 kg kantokyky. Kevyt laiteyhdistelmä voidaan varustaa veteen laskettavilla mittalaitteilla, jotka mittaavat esim. lämpötilaa, johtokykyä ja happamuutta. Yhdistelmä sopii nopeisiin kartoituksiin ja koostuu helposti saatavilla olevista osista. Raskaampi ammattilaistason drone-mittalaite yhdistelmä rakentuu ohjelmoitavan vesinäytteenottimen ympärille, joka ottaa 2 * 0,5/0,75/1 l vesinäytteen ohjelmallisesti määritetystä syvyydestä. Näytteenotin mittaa samalla lämpötilan, sähkönjohtokyvyn, paikkatiedon ja asennon tallentaen tulokset älylaitteelle tai pilveen. Molemmat dronet on varustettu vinssillä, mutta käytännön kokeissa todettiin vinssin sijasta pitkä vaijeri tai naru luotettavammaksi. Raskaampi drone, 6 kg kantokyvyn ansiosta soveltuu hyvin myös moniparametrisondien kuljettamiseen ja käyttämiseen. Hankkeessa testattiin miltei kaikki kaupallisesti saatavat itsenäisesti toimivat mittalaitteet ja niiden soveltuvuus erityisesti mittausnopeuden suhteen drone käyttöön. Lisäksi hankkeessa toteutettiin ympäristöviranomaisille sekä konsulteille laaja kysely drone-mittausten ja näytteenoton tarpeellisuudesta, sekä laadittiin suunnitelma laitteen kaupallistamisesta

    The BepiColombo Mercury Imaging X-Ray Spectrometer: Science Goals, Instrument Performance and Operations

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    The Mercury Imaging X-ray Spectrometer is a highly novel instrument that is designed to map Mercury's elemental composition from orbit at two angular resolutions. By observing the fluorescence X-rays generated when solar-coronal X-rays and charged particles interact with the surface regolith, MIXS will be able to measure the atomic composition of the upper similar to 10-20 mu m of Mercury's surface on the day-side. Through precipitating particles on the night-side, MIXS will also determine the dynamic interaction of the planet's surface with the surrounding space environment. MIXS is composed of two complementary elements: MIXS-C is a collimated instrument which will achieve global coverage at a similar spatial resolution to that achieved (in the northern hemisphere only - i.e. similar to 50 - 100 km) by MESSENGER; MIXS-T is the first ever X-ray telescope to be sent to another planet and will, during periods of high solar activity (or intense precipitation of charged particles), reveal the X-ray flux from Mercury at better than 10 km resolution. The design, performance, scientific goals and operations plans of the instrument are discussed, including the initial results from commissioning in space.Peer reviewe