942 research outputs found

    Los Medios Sociales como una herramienta estratégica para la Comunicación Corporativa

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    Companies around the globe are embracing and adapting social media for many different intentions: customer service, marketing, internal communications, public relations or corporate social responsibility, etc. It is now a reality that social media is channging the way stakeholders and companies communicate daily, providing opportunities for collaboration, participation, interactivity, and engagement. Therefore, social media is conceived today in the corporate world as a strategic communication partner, driving new and unique possibilities for organizations to engage stakeholders in conversations. We are witnesses of a new digital era where consumers are becoming active users rather than passive individuals, changing dramatically how society operates. But these useful technological tools are employed widely and precisely by corporations in order to facilitate and improve communications? This research aims to discover the usage of different social media platforms by Puerto Rican companies. A content analysis was performed to the Facebook and Twitter official profiles of the top 400 locally owned Puerto Rican companies of 2009. The principal objective was to find if social media sites were mainly used as a strategic tool for corporate communication that can enhance stakeholder participation and engagement. Results showed that Puerto Rican companies are not employing social media platforms for improving communications with different stakeholders, failing to take advantage of the enormous possibilities that social media has for communication.Instituto de Investigación en Relaciones Pública

    Monarchy, Art and power in a frontier diocese: the ancient diocese of Tui and the development of Romanesque art in southwestern Galicia and northern Portugal

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    The ancient diocese of Tui was, due to its strategic location on the banks of the Miño river, a borderline bishopric which encompassed territories in southwestern Galicia and northern Portugal from the 5th to the 15th century. This diocesan space was a privileged space for power struggles between monarchs and nobility from both sides of the frontier which contributed to the birth, development and expansion of Romanesque art in this territory.La antigua diócesis de Tui debido a su estratégica posición a orillas del Miño fue desde el siglo V hasta mediados del siglo XV un obispado transfronterizo que abarcaba territorios del suroeste de Galicia y el Norte de Portugal. Este territorio diocesano fue un espacio privilegiado para las luchas de poder entre monarcas y nobles de ambos lados de la frontera que contribuyeron al nacimiento, desarrollo y expansión del arte románico en este territorio

    Selección de películas relacionadas con el mundo del arte

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    Selección de películas relacionadas con el mundo del art

    Ciencia y arte se encuentran : el caso del telescopio de Galileo

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    Se plantea un enfoque interdisciplinar para la enseñanza de las ciencias basado en la historia de la ciencia y la historia del arte. El enfoque es innovador, pues recupera la historia de la ciencia para el aprendizaje, y se complementa con productos del arte, cuya accesibilidad y fácil comprensión amplifican la atracción y motivación de los estudiantes. Integrando ciencias y humanidades, ya que historia y arte son también materias escolares, este enfoque interdisciplinar propone una enseñanza de ciencias humanística. Este enfoque se contextualiza con el caso del telescopio de Galileo, que aporta cuestiones adicionales de naturaleza de la ciencia y tecnología (nacimiento de la ciencia), las relaciones ciencia-tecnología (instrumentación científica) y las relaciones generales de ciencia y tecnología con la sociedad (arte). A modo de ejemplo, se elabora una propuesta didáctica global para el caso.Es planteja un enfocament interdisciplinari per a l'ensenyament de les ciències basat en la història de la ciència i la història de l'art. L'enfocament és innovador, doncs recupera la història de la ciència per a l'aprenentatge, i es complementa amb productes de l'art, l'accessibilitat del qual i fàcil comprensió amplifiquen l'atracció i motivació dels estudiants. Integrant ciències i humanitats, ja que historia i art són també matèries escolars, aquest enfocament interdisciplinari proposa un ensenyament de ciències humanística. Aquest enfocament es contextualitza amb el cas del telescopi de Galileu, que aporta qüestions addicionals de naturalesa de la ciència i tecnologia (naixement de la ciència), les relacions ciència-tecnologia (instrumentació científica) i les relacions generals de ciència i tecnologia amb la societat (art). A manera d'exemple, s'elabora una proposta didàctica global per al cas.An interdisciplinary approach for teaching science based on the history of science and history of art is proposed. The approach is innovative, as it traces the history of science for learning, and is complemented by products of art, whose accessibility and understanding amplify the attraction and motivation for students. As history and art are also school subjects, science teaching is approached by an interdisciplinary humanistic view through integrating science and humanities. The approach is contextualized with the case of Galileo's telescope, which provides additional issues on nature of science and technology, the relationships between science and technology (scientific instruments) and the general relations of science and technology with society (art). As an example, a global educational proposal for the case is developed

    Reconstructing the disappeared ‘heart’ of Madrid: the convent of San Felipe El Real as urban setting for political, commercial and cultural life during Modern Age

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    San Felipe El Real convent was one of the most important epicenters of the political and cultural life in Madrid from its founding in 1544 until its demolition in 1841. Located at the ‘heart’ of the city, San Felipe had not only the church and convent, but also adjacent spaces such as the bleachers and the so-called ‘covachuelas’ (small shops attached to the church walls) that turned this architectural complex into an open space for the city. This paper aims to reconstruct this disappeared ‘heart’ of Madrid through documentary, textual and iconographic sources from 1598 until 171

    Analytical strategies based on quantum dots for heavy metal ions detection

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    Heavy metal contamination is one of the major concerns to human health because these substances are toxic and retained by the ecological system. Therefore, in recent years, there has been a pressing need for fast and reliable methods for the analysis of heavy metal ions in environmental and biological samples. Quantum dots (QDs) have facilitated the development of sensitive sensors over the past decade, due to their unique photophysical properties, versatile surface chemistry and ligand binding ability, and the possibility of the encapsulation in different materials or attachment to different functional materials, while retaining their native luminescence property. This paper comments on different sensing strategies with QD for the most toxic heavy metal ions (i.e., cadmium, Cd2+; mercury, Hg2+; and lead, Pb2+). Finally, the challenges and outlook for the QD-based sensors for heavy metals ions are discussedM.V.G. thanks the MICINN for the PhD grant (FPI, BES-2010-032652). C.C.C. acknowledges a postdoctoral fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt FoundationS

    Perspectivismo con objetividad, causal y temporal

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    It has been suggested that the only plausible way to integrate causality in the scientific image of the world is through a subjectivist causal perspectivism. Causation would exist only from the point of view of an agent capable of doing things. The conception of time associated with such causal perspectivism is certain temporal perspectivism that is also subjectivist. Following some ideas of Ramsey, Huw Price is a recent exponent of these approaches, which are rooted in Russell's critique of the notion of causality and in McTaggart’s irrealism about time. We analyze this line of thought and argue for an objectivist interpretation of those perspectivisms. It will be crucial a distinction between perspectives and the subjects capable of adopting them, as well as an analysis of the conditions for adopting  perspectives

    Portable and efficient FFT and DCT algorithms with the Heterogeneous Butterfly Processing Library

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    Versión final aceptada de: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpdc.2018.11.011This version of the article: Vázquez, S., Amor, M., Fraguela, B. B. (2019). 'Portable and efficient FFT and DCT algorithms with the heterogeneous butterfly processing library', has been accepted for publication in Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 125, 135–146. The Version of Record is available online at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpdc.2018.11.011.[Abstract]: The existence of a wide variety of computing devices with very different properties makes essential the development of software that is not only portable among them, but which also adapts to the properties of each platform. In this paper, we present the Heterogeneous Butterfly Processing Library (HBPL), which provides optimized portable kernels for problems of small sizes that allow using orthogonal transform algorithms such as the FFT and DCT on different accelerators and regular CPUs. Our library is implemented on the OpenCL standard, which provides portability on a large number of platforms. Furthermore, high performance is achieved on a wide range of devices by exploiting run-time code generation and metaprogramming guided by a parametrization strategy. An exhaustive evaluation on different platforms shows that our proposal obtains competitive or better performance than related libraries.This research has received financial support from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) funds (80%) of the EU (TIN2016-75845-P), by the Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria, Xunta de Galicia co-founded by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) funds under the Consolidation Programme of Competitive Reference Groups (Ref. ED431C 2017/04) and the Consolidation Programme of Competitive Research Units (Ref. R2014/049 and Ref. R2016/037) as well as by the Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria, Xunta de Galicia (Centro Singular de Investigación de Galicia accreditation 2016–2019) and the European Union (European Regional Development Fund, ERDF) under Grant Ref. ED431G/01.Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2017/04Xunta de Galicia; ED431G/01Xunta de Galicia; R2014/049Xunta de Galicia; R2016/03

    Education transformation in learning communities

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    Con la descripción de esta experiencia hemos pretendido dar a conocer qué es una Comunidad de Aprendizaje y analizar cómo funciona la del CEIP Andalucía de Sevilla, además de promover la reflexión de prácticas educativas favorecedoras del éxito escolar y la participación de la comunidad. La puesta en marcha de Comunidades de Aprendizaje precisa la implicación de múltiples agentes educativos, procesos de cambio, la introducción de nuevos modelos organizativos en el centro, el desarrollo de nuevas metodologías en el aula, el cambio de concepción de lo qué es un centro público, etc…Analizamos el ámbito de acción metodológico con la propuesta de grupos interactivos de aprendizaje y metodología de trabajo por proyectos; el ámbito curricular con sugerencias para las áreas de Lengua y Educación Artística y el ámbito de participación con la formación de las familias. Esta Comunidad de Aprendizaje ha incrementado los niveles de competencia curricular del alumnado y ha disminuido el absentismo escolar, dos aspectos claves en un contexto de marginación y exclusión social, además del trabajo colectivo y cooperativo de todo el claustro, voluntarios, asociaciones, instituciones y familias