13,313 research outputs found

    SEMBUH NARKOBA DAN TIDAK KAMBUH LAGI Metode Baru Psikomedikoreligi

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    Pelaksanaan terapi psikomedikoreligi untuk menangani pasien ketergantungan narkoba menggabungkan tiga bidang, yaitu secara psikologis, medis, dan religi. Pelaksanaan psikomedikoreligi memberikan hasil yang baik bagi para penyalahguna narkoba dengan ditunjukkan oleh penurunan derajat cemas, depresi, dan stres setelah diintegrasikan tiga komponen tersebut. Secara psikologis, dengan psikoterapi, terjadi peningkatan citra diri, mematangkan kepribadian, memulihkan kepercayaan dan melatih kemampuan mekanisme defensi yang matur. Pelaksanaan implementasi psikomedikoreligi efektif bagi penyalahguna narkoba. Terbukti, setelah dilakukan rehabilitasi menggunakan psikomedikoreligi, para peyalahgunaan narkoba banyak yang menyadari bahwa mengkonsumsi narkoba hanya dapat sengsara sehingga mereka memutuskan untuk total berhenti menggunakan barang haram tersebut. Pertama, sebelum dilakukan terapi berbasis psikomedikoreligi, level depresi pengguna narkoba berada di tingkat sedang. Setelah diberikan terapi berbasis psikomedikoreligi, sembuhlah depresi yang dialami seluruh pengguna narkoba. Kedua, tingkat ansietas pengguna narkoba sebelum diberikan terapi berbasis psikomedikoreligi sebagian besar mengalami ansietas sedang. Tingkat ansietas pengguna narkoba setelah diberikan terapi berbasis psikomedikoreligi hampir seluruh pengguna narkoba tidak mengalami ansietas. Ketiga, tingkat stres pengguna narkoba sebelum diberikan terapi berbasis psikomedikoreligi sebagian besar mengalami stres sedang. Tingkat stres pengguna narkoba di Badan Narkotika Nasional Kabupaten Sumenep setelah diberikan terapi berbasis psikomedikoreligi seluruh pengguna narkoba tidak mengalami stres. Keempat, efektivitas terapi berbasis psikomedikoreligi sebagai penyembuhan ketergantungan narkoba terhadap tingkat depresi, ansietas dan stres menunjukkan adanya pengaruh yang signifikan


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    Menurut ketentuan pasal 10 ayat (3) Undang-Undang Hak Tanggungan, tanah yang belum bersertipikat dapat dijadikan sebagai objek Hak Tanggungan, dengan syarat pemberian Hak Tanggungan tersebut dilakukan bersamaan dengan pendaftaran hak atas tanah yang bersangkutan. Hal ini tidak memberikan kepastian hukum bagi kreditur, karena Hak Atas Tanah harus didaftarkan terlebih dahulu baru Hak Tanggungan dapat didaftarkan. Oleh karena itu dilakukan pengkajian tentang pelaksanaan pemberian Hak Tanggungan atas tanah yang belum bersertipikat di PD. BPR BKK Pati Kota Cabang Wedarijaksa, pertimbangan Bank dalam menerima jaminan atas tanah yang belum bersertipikat dan akibat hukum yang timbul apabila pemberian Hak Tanggungan tersebut tidak dapat didaftarkan. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif analitis secara pendekatan yuridis empiris, dengan melakukan penelitian terhadap peraturan perundang-undangan, dan melakukan wawancara dengan informannya yaitu Pejabat PD. BPR BKK Pati Kota Cabang Wedarijaksa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pemberian Hak Tanggungan atas tanah yang belum bersertipikat di PD. BPR BKK Pati Kota Cabang Wedarijaksa, dilakukan dengan 2 (dua) cara yaitu melalui Surat Kuasa Membebankan Hak Tanggungan (SKMHT) dan langsung dengan Akta Pembebanan Hak Tanggungan (APHT). Penggunaan SKMHT dilakukan karena data-data tanah belum lengkap, baik data fisik maupun data yuridis, sedangkan yang menggunakan APHT dilakukan karena ketentuan perundang-undangan membolehkannya. Pertimbangan Bank menerima agunan tanah yang belum bersertipikat karena aturan perundang-undangan sesuai dengan ketentuan Pasal 10 angka 3 UUHT dan aturan internal bank membolehkan dan pertimbangan lainnya adalah karakter serta prospek usaha dari debitur. Akibat hukum yang timbul apabila APHT tersebut tidak dapat didaftarkan, dan debitor wanprestasi, maka kedudukan Bank hanya bersifat konkuren, Bank tidak mempunyai hak preferen dan tidak dapat melakukan eksekusi Hak Tanggungan sebagaimana sesuai dengan Pasal 20 UUHT. Disarankan kepada Bank untuk berhati-hati dalam menerima objek jaminan tanah yang belum bersertipikat, karena ada kemungkinan tidak dapat didaftarkan hak atas tanah tersebut. PPAT diharapkan lebih teliti dalam membuat APHT yang objeknya tanah belum bersertipikat dengan cara meneliti kelengkapan persyaratannya


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    There has been a consistent interest at both the metropolitan scale and at the local level to reduce energy consumption, relieve traffic congestion, enhance the mobility of central business areas, promote pedestrian and bicycle use. Over several years, a large amount of event relevant to local area planning in Surabaya has been required. A few considerable topics of planning, such as pedestrian movement facilities, bicycle lane planning, connected public transportations facilities, and the traffic management that are particularly applicable to local area planning and design in certain area of Surabaya especially with some objective to reduce environmental impacts such as traffic noise and air pollution. Designing the integrated plan of an environmental impact attenuation together with pedestrian lane such as buffer zone, planting vegetation and noise barriers can expected to minimizing those impacts


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    How continuation of kriya objects in present discourse with intellectual perpection (scientific) as according to requirement of modern society in global era? To answer it surely needed an understanding and perception about kekriyaan, especially to all young kriyawan, entrepreneur, market perpetrator, college student and craftsman to be able to give direction in development future kriya. More than anything, today develop debate discourse between practitioner and academician, about mttters result of kriya and development concept also education in artistic college. Kriya has high flexibilities, in the form of tendencies; it can be synthesis or depended on situation and also perception utilized by kriyawan or actor or designer. Understanding about kriya need to be assured and directional, so that proper in requirement that expanding and complex as current rime in society. Artistic development go to kriya specialization, is special knowledge discourse and to be exist independent kriya do not in under-standing of sculpture in general which is its understanding overlapping. Clear pecetion and understanding of kekriyaan is really required to be able to determine professional attitude for the man who elaborate kriya

    Change Management Approach In Enterprise Architecture Planning (EAP)

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    Enterprise Architecture Planning (EAP) is one of the methods used to build an information architecture. The most important thing in the EAP is a 'Planning'. EAP consists of four layers. Implementation plan on the EAP layer is the most important layer that aims to formulate and prepare a plan for implementation. Without the implementation plan will be architectural usually end up with only provide benefits that are not too meaningful to the business units. But unfortunately in the EAP layer implementation plan only highlight the technical factors and not too much to consider non-technical factors are also very important. Therefore need the additional consideration of non-technical factors using the concept of Change Management, which is a series of processes used to ensure that the significant changes made in a controlled and systematic. Keywords : component; EAP, implementation plan, change management


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    The purpose of this study are: 1). Analyzed the attitude of the farmers trust in choosing Hybrid and Non-Hybrid seeds on corn farming. 2). Knowing the superior attributes of corn seed hybrid and non-hybrid is an option for farmers. 3). Analyzed the economic feasibility of farming of corn hybrid and non hybrid. The research method used analysis of Fishbein Multiattribute attitude models to detect first and secondary objectiveness, while the third objective economic analysis of farming used by an analysis of cost and revenue balance (Return and Cost Ratio). The finding are show 1). Farmers who consider the most important attributes in selecting seed corn hybrid (P-21), (Bisi-2) is the Production, Growing Power, Brand, Efficiency uses Fertilizer, Seed Availability and Seed Price. In the other side Resistant toward drought attributes deemed most farmers less important than other attributes. The most important attributes of corn seed non-hybrid (Local) is Seed Price, Growing Power, Production, Brand, Resistant toward drought and Efficiency uses Fertilizer. While Seed Availability attributes deemed most farmers less important than other attributes. 2). Superior attributes selected by farmers on farms using corn seed hybrid (P-21), (Bisi-2) are production, While that use corn seed non hybrid (local) are seed price.. 3). Corn farming that use seed hybrid (P-21) and (Bisi-2), more efficient from seed non hybrid (local), and economical beneficial with feasible to carried on


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    Writing of this final project aims to build a prototype system that functions to control the process of opening and closing dam’s door automatically. Making these tools also to provide information on water levels in the dam. Automatic door dam prototype based microcontroller and atmega 16 is a tool that designed specifically to simulate automatically dam doors. This tool will work in accordance with the conditions of the water level. When the water level go up, the door dam will open automatically dam the door will close when the water level drops. The method used in constructing the dam door prototype based automated ATmega 16 using the method of design that consists of several stages: (1) identification of requirements, (2) Needs Analysis, (3) design of hardware and software, (4) tool-making, (5) Testing Tool and (6) Operational Equipment. The hardware consists of (1) The minimum ATmega16 as the main controller, (2) water level sensor (water level control) as the water level detector, (3) and infrared light sensor photodiode as a detector height of the dam doors, (4) DC motors as driver door dam and (4) LCD as the viewer height and the height of the dam door. Based on the results of testing that has been done, it can be concluded that a prototype tool based automatic door ATmega 16 dams can work well in accordance with the working principles designed. The performance of the tool is observed by looking at the condition of the sensor exposed to water. If the condition of the water in the dam go up to the maximum condition, then the motor will move "open" the door dam in stages according to water conditions in the tank. If the condition of the water in the dam down to the minimum, then the motor will move "close" the door dam in stages according to water conditions in the tank and the high information and high water doors will be displayed on the LCD. There is an average percentage error of 0.15%. Keywords: Door dam, water level sensor, LCD, ATmega1

    Alih Tehnologi Kegiatan Manajemen Konstruksi Menuju Persiapan Pembangunan Pltn Di Indonesia

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    TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES TOPREPARATION OF NPP DEVELOPMENT IN INDONESIA (An Experience Of Mul ti Propose Reactor 30 Devel opment at Serpong). Management and development of a nuclear installati on coul d not be separated from the role of Construction Management in the pl anning stages of the project start until the commissioni ng. On the construction of nuclear install tions MPR 30 Serpong, the rol e of human resource of Indonesia particularly Batan has recei ved a lot of knowl edge and experiences i n the development process, the ongoing process of transfer of technology from the foreign consultants (Bechtel -USA) to Batan has been conducted at theti me, and at l east we are abl e to absorb knowledge and prove i t hrough to completi on development incl udi ng commissioni ng activiti es. In the course of the time human resource chal lenges are requi red to have individual skil ls and expertise suffici ent to handle a mega project such as nuclear power plants. Constructi on Management is managi ng a maj or project stages from planning, construction, procurement, i nstall ation commissioni ng until handover to the owner. Based on the experience of the construction of the RSG-LP, it i s expected that human resources that meet to the standards requi red competencies for the preparation of NPP i n Indonesia are fulfill ed. PROSES ALIH TEHNOLOGI KEGIATAN MANAJEMEN KONSTRUKSI MENUJUPERSIAPAN PEMBANGUNAN PLTN DI INDONESIA (Pengalaman Pembangunan Reaktor Serba Guna Serpong).Pengelolaan pembangunan i nstalasi nukli r tidak lepas dari peran Manajemen Konstruksi dal am ahapan proyek mulai perencanaan sampai kommisioning. Pada pembangunan i nstal asi nuklir RSG-LP Serpong peran SDM Indonesi a khususnya Batan telah banyak menimba pengalaman dal am proses pembangunan, pada saat it u proses alih tehnologi sedang berlangsung dari pihak konsul tan asing ( Bechtel-USA ) kepada Batan, setidaknya kit a mampu menyerap ilmu dan membuktikannya sampai sel esai pembangunan termasuk kegi atan kommisioning. Dalam perjalanan waktu tantangan SDM dituntut untukmemiliki kemampuan indifidual dan keahl ian yang memadai dal am menangani suatu mega proyek seperti pembangki t tenaga nuklir. Manaj emen Konstruksi merupakan tahapanpengel ol aan suatu proyek besar dari perencanaan, konstruksi , pengadaan ,kommisioni ng hingga serah terima instalasi kepada pemilik. Berdasarkan pengalaman pembangunan RSGLP, di harapkan kebutuhan SDM yang memiliki persyaratan standar kopetensi dapat terpenuhi menyongsong persiapan pembangunan PLTN di Indonesi


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    This study aims to examine intangible asset voluntary disclosure practices in annual report telecommunication company in South East Asia and Australia. This research sample is 75 telecommunication company at year 2007, 2008 dan 2009. Intangible asset disclosure study consist of three categories; structural capital, relational capital and human capital, based on Oliveira et al. categories. This study using content analysis method in annual report sample companies with index developed by Oliveira et al. as dependent variable. Independent variable which are firm size, leverage, ownership concentration, EBITDA margin, legal system of home country and secrecy accounting value, are analysed as factors influencing intangible asset voluntary disclosure practices. A significant positive relationship was observed between intangible asset voluntary disclosure and firm size and secrecy accounting value. However, leverage, ownership concentration, EBITDA margin and legal system of home country did not influence intangible asset voluntary disclosure practices
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