71 research outputs found

    Prepare of Juggling Festival Using Techniques of Project Management

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    Obsahem této práce je rozbor praktického využití metod projektového řízení při organizování projektu žonglérsko-hudebního festivalu. Festival bude probíhat začátkem záři roku 2012 ve městě Třebíč pod záštitou produkční agentury Halus a Klubu žonglování Magnis. Jeho název bude Flaming Nights, neboli planoucí noci. Při řízení projektu je mimo samotných metod projektového managementu použito také několik dalších informatických technologií jako například Visual Basic.The content of this work is to analyze the practical use of methods of project management in organizing juggling-music festival. The festival will take place in early September 2012, in Trebic under the auspices of the production agency Halus and juggling club Magnis. The name of the festival will Flaming Nights. In the project management is used in several IT technologies such as Visual Basic.

    Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in ADHD

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    Although there are very effective treatment approaches for ADHD available, the clinical management has its limits and a search for new treatment modalities is useful. rTMS found its use in neurology and is widely applied in psychiatric research and although its effect seems mild, it can be specific to some extend. The text reviews current knowledge on the neurobiology of ADHD symptoms with regard to a possible rTMS treatment. The basics of the rTMS method are described. The use of rTMS is summarized both generally in psychiatric disorders and specifically in ADHD. The safety issues are discussed both in adults and children. The text also brings a case study where rTMS was applied in an adult patient with ADHD

    Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Schizophrenia

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    Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a method that can be used in neurophysiological research of schizophrenia and in the treatment of some symptoms or syndromes of this mental disorder. The most important indications for TMS (or repetitive TMS—rTMS) are the negative symptoms of schizophrenia and auditory hallucinations. Other less proven indications include cognitive deficit, especially working memory. This text summarizes general knowledge about (r)TMS and its use in schizophrenia. According to recent experiences, TMS is a very promising experimental and therapeutic method, but it needs further research for its optimized use

    Performance loss of proton exchange membrane fuel cell due to hydrophobicity loss in gas diffusion layer: Analysis by multiscale approach combining pore network and performance modelling

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    Loss of hydrophobicity in the gas diffusion layers (GDL) is sometimes suggested as a potential mechanism to explain in part the performance loss of PEMFC. The present study proposes a numerical methodology to analyse this effect by combining pore network modelling (PNM) and performance modelling (PM): the PNM/PM approach. PNM allows simulating the decrease of through-plane gas diffusion coefficient in the GDL as a function of the hydrophobicity loss, which is taken into account through the increase in the fraction of hydrophilic pores in GDL. Then PM based on Darcy equations allows simulating performance loss of PEMFC as a function of gas diffusion decay. This coupling shows that the loss of hydrophobic treatment increases flooding, decreases performance, and increases current density heterogeneities between inlet and outlet of the cell. Interestingly, this degradation is found to be highly non-linear, mainly because of the non-linear influence of the fraction of hydrophilic pores on gas diffusion (this is due to the existence of a percolation threshold associated with the hydrophilic pore sub-network) as well as the non-linear behaviour of electrochemistry with gas diffusion. This study also shows that the loss of hydrophobicity in a GDL is a very suitable candidate to explain performance loss rates that are classically observed during long-term tests. The proposed methodology may also help linking other local properties of components to fuel cell global performance

    Rationale and study design of a trial to assess rTMS add-on value for the amelioration of negative symptoms of schizophrenia (RADOVAN)

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    Background Schizophrenia is a severe and often difficult to treat psychiatric illness. In many patients, negative symptoms dominate the clinical picture. Meta-analysis has suggested moderate, but significant effects of high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (HF-rTMS) on these symptoms. For treatment of depression a much shorter protocol - intermittent theta burst stimulation (iTBS) - has shown to be non-inferior to conventional high-frequency rTMS. This randomized, sham-controlled, rater-blinded clinical trial assesses the effects of conventional HF-rTMS as well as of iTBS of the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in comparison with sham. Methods The study will be conducted at two psychiatric university hospitals in Germany and at two in the Czech Republic. Assuming an effect size of 0.64 to be detected with a power of 80%, the calculated sample size is 90 patients. Primary outcome will be the difference in the Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms (SANS) score between each active arm and the sham arm at end of treatment. In addition, the trial investigates effects on depressive symptoms, cognitive performance and cigarette smoking. Recording magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and electroencephalography (EEG) data will serve to assess whether treatment success can be predicted by neural markers and is related to specific neurobiological changes. Discussion This is a clinical trial directly comparing 10 Hz-rTMS and iTBS in a sham-controlled manner in treating negative symptoms of schizophrenia. If successful, this would present an interesting treatment option for a chronic and severe condition that can be applied at most psychiatric hospitals and only takes up a few minutes per day. Trial registration number This trial has been registered at clinicaltrials.gov , Identifier: NCT04318977. Data dissemination Results from the trial shall be published in peer-reviewed journals and presented at meetings and conferences

    Strategic Analysis of Destination

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    Import 01/09/2009Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá strategickou analýzou města Havířova a skládá se ze sedmi kapitol, z nichž první dvě, které následující po úvodu, se zabývají teoretickými možnostmi strategické analýzy a zbývající čtyři, mimo závěr, jsou zaměřeny na věcnou stránku analýzy města Havířova. Přesně řečeno to znamená, že v druhé kapitole specifikuji metodiku zpracování a cíl práce, kde se blíže věnuji strategické analýze měst a obcí se zaměřením na PEST analýzu, SWOT analýzu a v neposlední řadě analýzu komparativních výhod včetně Benchmarkingu. V třetí kapitole nazvané Teoretická východiska, která stále spadá do teoretické části, se soustřeďuji na různé směry a názory tvorby území. Zmiňuji zde také regionální politiku a územní plánování. Další, a to čtvrtá kapitola se již soustředí na praktickou část práce, a to na popis lokality, v našem případě Statutárního města Havířova. Součástí této kapitoly je popis historie města, demografické charakteristiky, zástavby a osídlení. Dále pak je také součástí kapitoly popis infrastruktury města, ať už dopravní, technické nebo sociálně kulturní. Rovněž zde popisuji trh práce, životní prostředí a velmi důležité hospodaření města. Následující částí práce je kapitola číslo pět interpretující výsledky vlastního výzkumu, především pomocí SWOT analýzy zaměřující se na silné a slabé stránky Havířova. Součástí této kapitoly je také vymezení případných příležitostí nebo naopak stanovení případných hrozeb. V šesté, a to poslední části mé bakalářské práce se věnuji závěrečným doporučením, které by město Havířov nemělo opomenout při strategickém plánování jeho příštího rozvoje. Především se jedná o využití dotací z EU, přilákání investorů a také zatraktivnění města pro mladší obyvatele.This bachelor thesis deals with strategic analysis of the city Havířov and it consists of seven parts, where first two parts, which follow after the introduction, deal with theoretical possibilities of strategic analysis and the other four, except conclusion, are focused on material side in analysis of the city Havířov. Exactly it means, that in the second part I specify methodology for processing and the aim of the thesis, where I more follow up strategic analysis of cities and townships with focusing on PEST analysis, SWOT analysis and last but not least analysis of comparative advantages including Benchmarking. In the third part called Theoretical way-outs, which still falls within the theoretical part I am focusing on different directions and views the creation of the territory. I mention here regional politics and regional planning too. The other, fourth part is focused on the practical part of the thesis, specifically on the description of locality, in our case on Statutory city Havířov. The element of this part is a description of the history of the city, of demografic charackteristics, of buildings and of population. Then it is also an element of the part the description of city infrastructure, whether transport, technical or socio-cultural infrastructure. I describe here a labor market, environment and a very important city management. In the next section of this thesis, there is part number five intrepreting results of own research, especially using SWOT analysis focusing on strenghts and weaknesses of city Havířov. The element of this part is the definition of possible opportunities or conversely determination of potential threats. In the sixth and last part of my bachelor thesis I follow up final recommendations, which the city Havířov should not forget in strategic planning and its next development. Especially it is the using of subsidies from the EU, attracting of investors and also making the city more attractive for younger people.Prezenční115 - Katedra managementuvelmi dobř