9 research outputs found

    The image biomarker standardization initiative: Standardized convolutional filters for reproducible radiomics and enhanced clinical insights

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    Standardizing convolutional filters that enhance specific structures and patterns in medical imaging enables reproducible radiomics analyses, improving consistency and reliability for enhanced clinical insights. Filters are commonly used to enhance specific structures and patterns in images, such as vessels or peritumoral regions, to enable clinical insights beyond the visible image using radiomics. However, their lack of standardization restricts reproducibility and clinical translation of radiomics decision support tools. In this special report, teams of researchers who developed radiomics software participated in a three-phase study (September 2020 to December 2022) to establish a standardized set of filters. The first two phases focused on finding reference filtered images and reference feature values for commonly used convolutional filters: mean, Laplacian of Gaussian, Laws and Gabor kernels, separable and nonseparable wavelets (including decomposed forms), and Riesz transformations. In the first phase, 15 teams used digital phantoms to establish 33 reference filtered images of 36 filter configurations. In phase 2, 11 teams used a chest CT image to derive reference values for 323 of 396 features computed from filtered images using 22 filter and image processing configurations. Reference filtered images and feature values for Riesz transformations were not established. Reproducibility of standardized convolutional filters was validated on a public data set of multimodal imaging (CT, fluorodeoxyglucose PET, and T1-weighted MRI) in 51 patients with soft-tissue sarcoma. At validation, reproducibility of 486 features computed from filtered images using nine configurations × three imaging modalities was assessed using the lower bounds of 95% CIs of intraclass correlation coefficients. Out of 486 features, 458 were found to be reproducible across nine teams with lower bounds of 95% CIs of intraclass correlation coefficients greater than 0.75. In conclusion, eight filter types were standardized with reference filtered images and reference feature values for verifying and calibrating radiomics software packages. A web-based tool is available for compliance checking

    Radiomique multimodale en neuro-oncologie

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    Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is a WHO grade IV tumor that represents 49% of ail brain tumours. Despite aggressive treatment modalities (radiotherapy, chemotherapy and surgical resections) the prognosis is poor, as médian overall survival (OS) is 12-14 months. GBM’s neuroimaging (non-invasive) features can provide opportunities for subclassification, prognostication, and the development of targeted therapies that could advance the clinical practice. This thesis focuses on developing a prognostic model based on multimodal MRI-derived (Tl pre- and post-contrast, T2 and FLAIR) radiomics in GBM. The proposed methodological framework consists in i) registering the available 3D multimodal MR images andsegmenting the tumor volume, ii) extracting radiomics iii) building and validating a prognostic model using machine learning algorithms applied to multicentric clinical cohorts of patients. The core component of the framework rely on extracting radiomics (including intensity, shape and textural metrics) and building prognostic models using two different machine learning algorithms (Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Random Forest (RF)) that were compared by selecting, ranking and combining optimal features. The potential benefits and respective impact of several MRI pre-processing steps (spatial resampling of the voxels, intensities quantization and normalization, segmentation) for reliable extraction of radiomics was thoroughly assessed. Moreover, the standardization of the radiomics features among methodological teams was done by contributing to “Multicentre Initiative for Standardisation of Radiomics”. The accuracy obtained on the independent test dataset using SVM and RF reached upto 83%- 77% when combining ail available features and upto 87%-77% when using only reliable features previously identified as robust, depending on number of features and modality. In this thesis, I developed a framework for developing a compréhensive prognostic model for patients with GBM from multimodal MRI-derived “radiomics and machine learning”. The future work will consists in building a unified prognostic model exploiting other contextual data such as genomics. In case of new algorithm development we look forward to develop the Ensemble models and deep learning-based techniques.Le glioblastome multiforme (GBM) est une tumeur de grade IV représentant 49% de toutes les tumeurs cérébrales. Malgré des modalités de traitement agressives (radiothérapie, chimiothérapie et résection chirurgicale), le pronostic est mauvais avec une survie globale médiane de 12 à 14 mois. Les aractéristiques issues de la neuro imagerie des GBM peuvent fournir de nouvelles opportunités pour la classification, le pronostic et le développement de nouvelles thérapies ciblées pour faire progresser la pratique clinique. Cette thèse se concentre sur le développement de modèles pronostiques exploitant des caractéristiques de radiomique extraites des images multimodales IRM (T1 pré- et post-contraste, T2 et FLAIR). Le contexte méthodologique proposé consiste à i) recaler tous les volumes multimodaux IRM disponibles et en segmenter un volume tumoral unique, ii) extraire des caractéristiques radiomiques et iii) construire et valider les modèles pronostiques par l’utilisation d’algorithmes d’apprentissage automatique exploitant des cohortes cliniques multicentriques de patients. Le coeur des méthodes développées est fondé sur l’extraction de radiomiques (incluant des paramètres d’intensité, de forme et de textures) pour construire des modèles pronostiques à l’aide de deux algorithmes d’apprentissage, les machines à vecteurs de support (support vector machines, SVM) et les forêts aléatoires (random forest, RF), comparées dans leur capacité à sélectionner et combiner les caractéristiques optimales. Les bénéfices et l’impact de plusieurs étapes de pré-traitement des images IRM (re-échantillonnage spatial des voxels, normalisation, segmentation et discrétisation des intensités) pour une extraction de métriques fiables ont été évalués. De plus les caractéristiques radiomiques ont été standardisées en participant à l’initiative internationale de standardisation multicentrique des radiomiques. La précision obtenue sur le jeu de test indépendant avec les deux algorithmes d’apprentissage SVM et RF, en fonction des modalités utilisées et du nombre de caractéristiques combinées atteignait 77 à 83% en exploitant toutes les radiomiques disponibles sans prendre en compte leur fiabilité intrinsèque, et 77 à 87% en n’utilisant que les métriques identifiées comme fiables.Dans cette thèse, un contexte méthodologique a été proposé, développé et validé, qui permet la construction de modèles pronostiques dans le cadre des GBM et de l’imagerie multimodale IRM exploitée par des algorithmes d’apprentissage automatique. Les travaux futurs pourront s’intéresser à l’ajout à ces modèles des informations contextuelles et génétiques. D’un point de vue algorithmique, l’exploitation de nouvelles techniques d’apprentissage profond est aussi prometteuse

    A framework for multimodal imaging-based prognostic model building: Preliminary study on multimodal MRI in Glioblastoma Multiforme

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    International audienceIn Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) image-derived features (“radiomics”) could help in individualizing patient management. Simple geometric features of tumors (necrosis, edema, active tumor) and first-order statistics in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) are used in clinical practice. However, these features provide limited characterization power because they do not incorporate spatial information and thus cannot differentiate patterns. The aim of this work is to develop and evaluate a methodological framework dedicated to building a prognostic model based on heterogeneity textural features of multimodal MRI sequences (T1, T1-contrast, T2 and FLAIR) in GBM. The proposed workflow consists in i) registering the available 3D multimodal MR images and segmenting the tumor volume, ii) extracting image features such as heterogeneity metrics and iii) building a prognostic model by selecting, ranking and combining optimal features through machine learning (Support Vector Machine). This framework was applied to 40 histologically proven GBM patients with the endpoint being overall survival (OS) classified as above or below the median survival (15 months). The models combining features from a maximum of two modalities were evaluated using leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV). A classification accuracy of 90% (sensitivity 85%, specificity 95%) was obtained by combining features from T1 pre-contrast and T1 post-contrast sequences. Our results suggest that several textural features in each MR sequence have prognostic value in GBM

    Comparison and Fusion of Machine Learning Algorithms for Prospective Validation of PET/CT Radiomic Features Prognostic Value in Stage II-III Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

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    Machine learning (ML) algorithms for selecting and combining radiomic features into multiparametric prediction models have become popular; however, it has been shown that large variations in performance can be obtained by relying on different approaches. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the potential benefit of combining different algorithms into an improved consensus for the final prediction, as it has been shown in other fields. Methods: The evaluation was carried out in the context of the use of radiomics from 18F-FDG PET/CT images for predicting outcome in stage II-III Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. A cohort of 138 patients was exploited for the present analysis. Eighty-seven patients had been previously recruited retrospectively for another study and were used here for training and internal validation. We also used data from prospectively recruited patients (n = 51) for testing. Three different machine learning pipelines relying on embedded feature selection were trained to predict overall survival (OS) as a binary classification: Support Vector machines (SVMs), Random Forests (RFs), and Logistic Regression (LR). Two different clinical endpoints were investigated: median OS or OS shorter than 6 months. The fusion of the three approaches was implemented using two different strategies: majority voting on the binary outputs or averaging of the output probabilities. Results: Our results confirm previous findings, highlighting that different ML pipelines select different sets of features and reach different classification performances (accuracy in the testing set ranging between 63% and 67% for median OS, and between 75% and 80% for OS < 6 months). Generating a consensus improved the performance for both endpoints; with the probabilities averaging strategy outperforming the majority voting (accuracy of 78% vs. 71% for median OS and 89 vs. 84% for OS < 6 months). Overall, the performance of these radiomic-based models outperformed the standard clinical staging in both endpoints (accuracy of 58% and 53% accuracy in the testing set for each endpoint). Conclusion: Although obtained in a small cohort of patients, our results suggest that a consensus of machine learning algorithms can improve performance in the context of radiomics. The resulting prognostic stratification in the prospective testing cohort is higher than when relying on the clinical stage. This could be of interest for clinical practice as it could help to identify patients with higher risk amongst stage II and III patients, who could benefit from intensified treatment and/or more frequent follow-up after treatment

    An Artificial Intelligence framework integrating longitudinal Electronic Health Records with real-world data enables continuous pan-cancer prognositication

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    Despite widespread adoption of Electronic Health Records (EHRs), most hospitals are not ready to implement data science research in the clinical pipelines. Here we develop MEDomics, a continuously learning infrastructure through which multimodal health data are systematically organized and data quality is assessed with the goal of applying artificial intelligence for patient prognosis. Using this framework, currently comprised of thousands of cancer patients and millions of data points over a decade of data recording, we demonstrate prognostic utility of this framework in oncology. As proof-of-concept we report an analysis using this infrastructure which identified the Framingham risk score to be robustly associated with mortality among both early-stage and advanced- stage cancer patients, a potentially actionable finding from a real-world cohort of oncology patients. Finally, we show how natural language processing of medical notes could be used to continuously update estimates of prognosis as a given patient’s disease course unfolds

    Non-invasive imaging prediction of tumor hypoxia: A novel developed and externally validated CT and FDG-PET-based radiomic signatures.

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    BACKGROUND: Tumor hypoxia increases resistance to radiotherapy and systemic therapy. Our aim was to develop and validate a disease-agnostic and disease-specific CT (+FDG-PET) based radiomics hypoxia classification signature. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A total of 808 patients with imaging data were included: N = 100 training/N = 183 external validation cases for a disease-agnostic CT hypoxia classification signature, N = 76 training/N = 39 validation cases for the H&N CT signature and N = 62 training/N = 36 validation cases for the Lung CT signature. The primary gross tumor volumes (GTV) were manually defined by experts on CT. In order to dichotomize between hypoxic/well-oxygenated tumors a threshold of 20% was used for the [18F]-HX4-derived hypoxic fractions (HF). A random forest (RF)-based machine-learning classifier/regressor was trained to classify patients as hypoxia-positive/ negative based on radiomic features. RESULTS: A 11 feature "disease-agnostic CT model" reached AUC's of respectively 0.78 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.62-0.94), 0.82 (95% CI, 0.67-0.96) and 0.78 (95% CI, 0.67-0.89) in three external validation datasets. A "disease-agnostic FDG-PET model" reached an AUC of 0.73 (0.95% CI, 0.49-0.97) in validation by combining 5 features. The highest "lung-specific CT model" reached an AUC of 0.80 (0.95% CI, 0.65-0.95) in validation with 4 CT features, while the "H&N-specific CT model" reached an AUC of 0.84 (0.95% CI, 0.64-1.00) in validation with 15 CT features. A tumor volume-alone model was unable to significantly classify patients as hypoxia-positive/ negative. A significant survival split (P = 0.037) was found between CT-classified hypoxia strata in an external H&N cohort (n = 517), while 117 significant hypoxia gene-CT signature feature associations were found in an external lung cohort (n = 80). CONCLUSION: The disease-specific radiomics signatures perform better than the disease agnostic ones. By identifying hypoxic patients our signatures have the potential to enrich interventional hypoxia-targeting trials

    The Image Biomarker Standardization Initiative: Standardized Convolutional Filters for Reproducible Radiomics and Enhanced Clinical Insights

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    Filters are commonly used to enhance specific structures and patterns in images, such as vessels or peritumoral regions, to enable clinical insights beyond the visible image using radiomics. However, their lack of standardization restricts reproducibility and clinical translation of radiomics decision support tools. In this special report, teams of researchers who developed radiomics software participated in a three-phase study (September 2020 to December 2022) to establish a standardized set of filters. The first two phases focused on finding reference filtered images and reference feature values for commonly used convolutional filters: mean, Laplacian of Gaussian, Laws and Gabor kernels, separable and nonseparable wavelets (including decomposed forms), and Riesz transformations. In the first phase, 15 teams used digital phantoms to establish 33 reference filtered images of 36 filter configurations. In phase 2, 11 teams used a chest CT image to derive reference values for 323 of 396 features computed from filtered images using 22 filter and image processing configurations. Reference filtered images and feature values for Riesz transformations were not established. Reproducibility of standardized convolutional filters was validated on a public data set of multimodal imaging (CT, fluorodeoxyglucose PET, and T1-weighted MRI) in 51 patients with soft-tissue sarcoma. At validation, reproducibility of 486 features computed from filtered images using nine configurations × three imaging modalities was assessed using the lower bounds of 95% CIs of intraclass correlation coefficients. Out of 486 features, 458 were found to be reproducible across nine teams with lower bounds of 95% CIs of intraclass correlation coefficients greater than 0.75. In conclusion, eight filter types were standardized with reference filtered images and reference feature values for verifying and calibrating radiomics software packages. A web-based tool is available for compliance checking

    The Image Biomarker Standardization Initiative: Standardized Quantitative Radiomics for High-Throughput Image-based Phenotyping

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    International audienceBackground Radiomic features may quantify characteristics present in medical imaging. However, the lack of standardized definitions and validated reference values have hampered clinical use. Purpose To standardize a set of 174 radiomic features. Materials and Methods Radiomic features were assessed in three phases. In phase I, 487 features were derived from the basic set of 174 features. Twenty-five research teams with unique radiomics software implementations computed feature values directly from a digital phantom, without any additional image processing. In phase II, 15 teams computed values for 1347 derived features using a CT image of a patient with lung cancer and predefined image processing configurations. In both phases, consensus among the teams on the validity of tentative reference values was measured through the frequency of the modal value and classified as follows: less than three matches, weak; three to five matches, moderate; six to nine matches, strong; 10 or more matches, very strong. In the final phase (phase III), a public data set of multimodality images (CT, fluorine 18 fluorodeoxyglucose PET, and T1-weighted MRI) from 51 patients with soft-tissue sarcoma was used to prospectively assess reproducibility of standardized features. Results Consensus on reference values was initially weak for 232 of 302 features (76.8%) at phase I and 703 of 1075 features (65.4%) at phase II. At the final iteration, weak consensus remained for only two of 487 features (0.4%) at phase I and 19 of 1347 features (1.4%) at phase II. Strong or better consensus was achieved for 463 of 487 features (95.1%) at phase I and 1220 of 1347 features (90.6%) at phase II. Overall, 169 of 174 features were standardized in the first two phases. In the final validation phase (phase III), most of the 169 standardized features could be excellently reproduced (166 with CT; 164 with PET; and 164 with MRI). Conclusion A set of 169 radiomics features was standardized, which enabled verification and calibration of different radiomics software. © RSNA, 2020 Online supplemental material is available for this article. See also the editorial by Kuhl and Truhn in this issue