128 research outputs found


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    Implementasi ACFTA di Indonesia membawa keprihatinan atas dampak negatif yang timbul dari perdagangan karena berbahaya bagi industri. Sektor yang paling merasakan dampak langsung arus perdagangan bebas dengan Cina adalah industri tekstil, karena industri inilah yang juga mendominasi di negara tersebut. Penelitian ini fokus pada industri batik di daerah Tanjung Bumi Bangkalan. Peneliti melihat pertumbuhan batik di daerah tersebut tidak terlalu signifikan, masih kalah terkenal / populer dari batik jawa tengah terutama batik Jogja, Solo, dan Pekalongan. Oleh sebab itu, peneliti ingin memperkenalkan kepada khalayak luas bahwa batik tidak hanya dari Jawa Tengah. Keanekaragaman suku dan budaya di Indonesia menyimpan banyak kekayaan lokal yang masih belum dieksplorasi, salah satunya batik Tanjung Bumi yang sekarang diproyeksikan menjadi produk unggulan daerah. Terkait dengan kendala mengembangkan potensi batik di Tanjung Bumi, Dinas Koperasi UMKM Bangkalan mengalami kesulitan dalam hal promosi produk khususnya di tingkat internasional. Beberapa permasalahan ini antara lain mengenai minimnya anggaran biaya dan sarana yang memadai demi berlangsungnya penyelenggaraan exbition di luar negeri, sehingga berdampak pada pertumbuhan pasar internasional cenderung stagnant. Pada tahun 2010 sampai 2012 penjualan batik di Tanjung Bumi mengalami penurunan. Frekuensi konsumen terhadap batik tidak stabil dan fluktuatif, meskipun diminati konsumen, penjualan dan pemasaran batik kurang efektif. Di Tanjung Bumi sendiri, mayoritas designer-nya rata-rata otodidak, jadi hasil karyanya juga cenderung monoton ( membosankan ). Kurangnya sarana pelatihan untuk mengikuti perkembangan tren fashion kontemporer adalah permasalahan yang perlu diperhatikan oleh pemerintah setempat. Kata kunci : ACFTA, Strategi Pemasaran, Batik Tanjung Bumi


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    Artikel ini mempelajari tentang struktur aljabar subgrup multi anti fuzzy dan beberapa sifat terkait. Tujuannya adalah  menerapakan  teori himpunan fuzzy dan teori grup pada subgrup multi anti fuzzy Kata Kunci : grup, subgrup, Subgrup multi anti fuzzy


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    Korosi ialah kerusakan material logam yg ditimbulkan oleh reaksi antara logam menggunakan lingkungan yang menghasilkan oksida logam, sulfida logam atau akibat reaksi lainnya yg kebih dikenal sebagai pengkaratan. Penelitian ini memakai metode eksperimen. Objek penelitian memakai plat baja menengah st60 dan plat baja rendah st 42 dengan ukuran spesimen 40 mm x 20 mm x 4mm. perendaman spesimen dalam waktu 10 hari dalam wadah dengan volume 40 ml dari setiap wadah uji. Hasil dari perbandingan media fluida aloevera, bromus dan air PDAM terhadap laju korosi pada baja ST 60 dan ST 42 yaitu, didapatkannya nilai laju korosi terendah pada media fluida aloevera sebesar 0,00005114 mpy, pada media bromus mengalami laju korosi terendah sebesar  0,00001142 mpy, sedangkan pada media air PDAM mengalami laju korosi terendah sebesar 0,00001062 mpy. Pada media fluida aloevera memiliki kenaikan laju korosi tertinggi dengan laju korosi 0,00005168 mpy, pada media bromus mengalami laju korosi tertinggi sebesar  0,00001166 mpy, sedangkan pada media air PDAM mengalami laju korosi tertinggi sebesar 0,00001282 mpy

    An analysis of figurative language used in the Great Gatsby movie

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    The Great Gatsby is one of amovie by Buchnan tells about tragic story.This study focuses on types of figurative language found in Buchnan’s The Great Gatsby, and the functions of figurative language found in the Great Gatsby’s Movie by using Kennedy’s theory. The aim of this study is to describe the types and the function of figurative language in Buchnan’s The Great Gatsby. This study uses descriptive qualitative method to describe and analyze types of figurative language in this movie. Next this study also describes about the functions of figurative language used in The Great Gatsby movie. The result of this study istypes of figurative language, there are five data that contain personification, three data of metaphor, ten data contain simile. There are three data that contain Hyperbole, two data of Litotes and one data of paradox. Then, there are two data contains ellipsis, one data of symbol, one data in metonymy and also seven data contain climax and anti-climax.Then, the function of the figurative language, those are to make a beautiful sentence in writing style and as a poetic, then to make ommit the same word and meaning to make a good beautiful sentence in writing a text of literary work and to know the issue of the story in climax and anti-climax used


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    Abstract The teaching can be effective if the students will be easy in learning something usefull such as : skill, new experience, score, and how to live compatibally with others. Because of it, the teacher have to know any kind of teaching methods. This research, is applied one of teaching methods that give a signiticant effect to the learning produce, that is teaching methods with give warming modification to the studenst. This research have a purpose to know the effects of warming modification gifts to the effectiveness of volley ball’s under passing teaching to the students of SMP Negeri 40 Surabaya. This research, include in research experment that use Randomized control Group Pretest – Postest research of design. Populate that use in this research is the students of VIII grade SMP Negeri 40 Surabaya which is consists by 8 classes with 291 students. Sample that use in this research is the students of VIII C as a control class who has 37 students, the taking of sample by cluster sampling technique. The effects of volley ball’s under passing teaching with warming modification, proven by the increasing test score of under passing to the wall which is bigger in pretest, posttes in experiment class is 22,19% compare with control class is 12,51%. The conclution is a gift of warming modification have the effects to the volley ball’s teaching effetiveness to the students of VIII grade of SMP Negeri 40 Surabaya. Keywords : teaching effectiveness, warming modification, junior high scoll student, volley ball under passing


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    Health Information Systems (HIS) are one of the six essential and interrelated building blocks of a health system. A well-functioning HIS no doubt enhances accurate, timely and reliable information on health status and health care determinants required for and efficient and effective clinical and managerial decision making. In developing countries Application of HIS and e-health is in the increase. The analysis of Health Information systems in developing countries highlights areas of Challenges and areas needing Improvement

    Peningkatan Kapasitas Pesan Tersembunyi dengan Tetap Menjaga Kualitas Gambar Menggunakan 4 Pixel Value Differencing (4 PVD) pada Citra Grayscale

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    Steganografi merupakan sebuah teknik penyisipan pesan ke dalam media, dimana media yang sering digunakan dalam penyisipan pesan yaitu citra digital, video dan audio. Dalam perkembangannya teknik Steganografi yang banyak digunakan dan dikembangkan untuk ruang lingkup pesan rahasia, metode yang sering digunakan dalam penyisipan pesan diantaranya Pixel Value Differencing (PVD) dan Last Significant Bit (LSB). Pada penelitian sebelumnya hanya berfokus pada peningkatan kapasitas atau hanya berfokus pada peningkatan kualitas citra, sedangkan pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengembangan dari peneliti sebelumnya dengan menggunakan metode 4 Pixel Value Differencing (4 PVD), metode yang diusulkan oleh peneliti merupakan pengembangan dari metodePerbedaan Nilai Piksel (PVD). Dengan menggunakan 4 PVD selain dapat meningkatkan kapasitas penyisipan juga tetap memperhatikan kualitas citra dari media yang disisipkan. Penelitian ini menggunakan citra digital sebagai media penyisipan, citra yang digunakan dalam menyisipkan pesan berupa citra grayscale , alasan yang dipilihnya citra grayscale oleh peneliti dalam penyisipan sebuah pesan karena citra grayscale dalam perubahan nilai RGB turut berubah sehingga perubahan terhadap citra tersebut tidak terlalu mencolok. Dalam proses penggunaan metode 4 Pixel Value Differencing menggunakan 5 piksel, piksel pertama digunakan sebagai patokan dari metode piksel lainnya ini untuk pengujiannya menggunakan PSNR dan Kapasitas.Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa metode 4 PVD memiliki citra tersembunyi yang lebih besar dari metode PVD dengan peningkatan angka 602,24% - 873,66%, namun kualitas metode 4 PVD lebih rendah jika dibandingkan dengan metode PVD dengan penurunan angka 5,32% - 10, 5%. Kata Kunci— Steganografi, 4 PVD, Kapasitas Pesan,  Kualitas Citra, Citra Grayscale

    The Impact of Safety Climate on Safety Performance in a Gold Mining Company in Ghana

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    The study investigated the influence of safety climate on safety performance among employees in a multi-national gold mining company in Ghana. Safety climate was conceptualized and measured in terms of employee perceptions of management value for safety, supervisor safety practices, safety communication, safety training and safety system. Safety performance was conceptualized and measured in terms of employee safety compliance and safety participation, that is, how they make suggestions to improve safety in the mining environment. Using a cross-sectional survey design, 235 workers in the mines completed questionnaires on safety climate and safety performance. Pearson correlations and multiple regression analysis of the data indicated positive relationship between safety climate and safety performance as predicted. Safety systems predicted both safety compliance and participation. Safety communication and supervisory practices predicted safety compliance and safety participation respectively. The results are discussed in the framework of the theories of reasoned action and planned behaviour

    An analysis of English and Sundanese polite utterances : Descriptive study to Sundanese students of 4th semester of English Department

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    English as International language is the important one in academic world, not only in facing global defiance but also in requirement foreign exchange. Basa Sunda is local language used by a group of people in west java. Both of them have culture namely politeness. Then, sometimes the way to convey the utterance of both languages is going to be different, because Sundanese students which use Basa Sunda as first language should speak English as foreign language. There is curiosity to analyze Sundanese students’ politeness of using Basa Sunda and English as a case study of 4th semester of English Department. In this case the researcher specialize his analysis on Sundanese students’ ability in using politeness. The researcher formulated this study into 4 questions (How is students’ ability in revealing the utterances of both languages? What are students’ impressions in receiving the utterances of both languages? How is students’ action by responding the utterances of both languages? What factors which can influence on the students in using politeness of both languages?). Then, to analyze this study, the researcher uses some theories which are related to the case. They are Locutionary act, Illocutionary act, and Perlocutionary act. The three of theories above will be applied by researcher in analyzing the data. In addition, the researcher also uses supporting theory to make this study easier. Furthermore, in analyzing this study, the researcher decided to use Descriptive qualitative method. It is used to get the data that are needed directly from the field. Then, in analyzing the data, the researcher organizes, categorizes and then summarized the collected data. The researcher decided to describe Sundanese students’ ability in using Basa Sunda and English. Based on analyzed data, it shows how Sundanese students use politeness of both languages. Then, at the last the researcher concludes that Sundanese students’ ability of using politeness shows unbalance result. Students can utter Sundanese utterances more polite than English. They can utter offering utterances, inviting utterances, refusing utterances, apologizing utterances, and thanking utterances. Then, there are three factors which can influence on students in uttering the utterances; they are Education, Motivation, and Environment. By reading this thesis, it is expected that at least students can utter and convey Basa Sunda and English politely
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