834 research outputs found

    Der gesellschaftliche Aspekt von Lenz in seinen Kurzgeschichten

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    Short stories of Siegfried Lenz, one of the most recognized Germanwriting authors of the post-war and contemporary literature, are the primary subject of the scientific article titled “The social aspect of Lenz in his short stories”. In this context, an attempt is made to analyze characters with the purpose of revealing the modern world whereby he handles the problems of modern world and modern human. In his short stories, Lenz presents a social world where certain behavioral and mental patterns are formed. In other words, the objective of this scientific article should be to conduct a thematic discussion in respect of the content of the short stories of Lenz. From this perspective, the central questions asked by the above mentioned scientific article may be formulated as follows: Could the short stories of Lenz be structured by adding one on the top of other, or are these short stories any expressions or presentations of different aspects of social life which cannot be combined with each other

    Üstadın arkasından:İsmail Habib

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 154-İsmail Habib Sevü

    Zsa Zsa, Atatürk sırrını birlikte götürecek

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 140-Murat Belge, Burhan Belgeİstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı (TR10/14/YEN/0033) İstanbul Development Agency (TR10/14/YEN/0033

    Parametric Representation of Tactile Numerosity in Working Memory

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    Estimated numerosity perception is processed in an approximate number system (ANS) that resembles the perception of a continuous magnitude. The ANS consists of a right lateralized frontoparietal network comprising the lateral prefrontal cortex (LPFC) and the intraparietal sulcus. Although the ANS has been extensively investigated, only a few studies have focused on the mental representation of retained numerosity estimates. Specifically, the underlying mechanisms of estimated numerosity working memory (WM) is unclear. Besides numerosities, as another form of abstract quantity, vibrotactile WM studies provide initial evidence that the right LPFC takes a central role in maintaining magnitudes. In the present fMRI multivariate pattern analysis study, we designed a delayed match-to-numerosity paradigm to test what brain regions retain approximate numerosity memoranda. In line with parametric WM results, our study found numerosity-specific WM representations in the right LPFC as well as in the supplementary motor area and the left premotor cortex extending into the superior frontal gyrus, thus bridging the gap in abstract quantity WM literature

    Molibden kofaktör eksikliği ile pilor stenozu arasında bir bağlantı olabilir mi?

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    Molibden kofaktör eksikliği tipik olarak doğumdan hemen sonra nöbetler, anormal kas tonusu, gelişme geriliği ve beslenme güçlüğü ile kendini gösteren bir nörometabolik hastalıktır. Pilor stenozu ise hayatın ilk birkaç ayında ciddi kusmalara neden olan bir durumdur. Her iki hastalığında patogenezi bilinmemektedir. Bu yazıda molibden kofaktör eksikliği ve pilor stenozu olan bir kız süt çocuğu sunulmaktadır. Her ne kadar bu durumun bir koinsidans mı yoksa molibden kofaktor eksikliğinin bir sonucumu olduğu bilinmese de, nöronal toksisite ortak bir etiyoloji düşündürmektedir. Molybdenum cofactor deficiency is a neurometabolic disorder that typically presents shortly after birth with seizures, abnormal muscle tone, developmental delay and poor feeding. Pyloric stenosis is a condition that causes severe vomiting in the first few months of life. The pathogenesis of both diseases remains unknown.We report a female infant with molybdenum cofactor deficiency and pyloric stenosis. Whether this is a coincidence or molybdenum cofactor deficiency may predispose to pyloric stenosis is not known, but neuronal toxicity suggests a common etiology

    A comparative analysis of user insights for e-health development challenges in Turkey, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Egypt and United Arab Emirates

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    Implementation of e-health is expected to affect the outcomes of medical services positively, by contributing to the effectiveness and efficiency of overall healthcare ecosystem. This becomes more crucial in developing countries where access, finance, resources and competent professionals in healthcare are limited. This field study assesses healthcare professionals’ insights, for the major challenges of ehealth development with a distinctive model and comparative analysis in four emerging countries; Turkey, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Egypt. The research is conducted by user questionnaires and face to face interviews of healthcare professionals. Results indicate that information communication technology infrastructure, regulations, cultural and clinical adaptation of users, financing, supply chain management are some major challenges. Specially trust to e-business in healthcare, compliant use of big data in digital health and patient privacy play a key role for faster development of e-health.Publisher's Versio

    Comparison of certain microbial counting methods which are currently commonly used in the soaking process

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    This study examines the interrelation of the test methods which are commonly applied in the leather industry for hide or skin soaking. For this purpose, five different bactericides were given during the soaking processes and after the presoaking process. The processes were measured at the first 20th min, 24th and 48th h. For this purpose, two different ATP test kits, dip slide and agar pour plate method were used in order to determine the microorganism load as RLU (Relative Light Units) or CFU (Colony Forming Units)/ml. The values with all methods were identified as highly different from each other, while the statistical analyses indicated positive Pearson correlation coefficients especially between the 24th and 48th h measurements. The appearance of a positive correlation between the different methodsunder constant conditions implied the effectiveness of the bactericides to the customer at the factory environment. The ATP test method and dip slide methods that are commonly used in the market are correct and convenient methods offered by some companies

    Cross-Cultural Transference in Translation: Translator Preferences in Translating Cultural Elements from Turkish to English in Madonna in a Fur Coat By Sabahattin Ali

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    This study aims at examining the translation process of culture specific items (CSI) in Sabahattin Ali’s Kürk Mantolu Madonna (1943) and English translation entitled Madonna in a Fur Coat (2016) in a descriptive manner. To achieve this primary aim, the researchers have classified the cultural elements in the source text according to Aixelá’s (1996) ‘Categorization of Culture-specific Items’ and analyzed the samples according to the taxonomies proposed by Franco Aixelá's (1996) for the translation of culture-specific items. In order to set a general framework, the analysis has focused upon the answers of the questions that; which procedures and strategies are used by the translators in the process of transferring the culture-specific items from the source language into the target language; which translation procedures of Javier Aixelá’s are used more or less frequently by the translators; and which one of the translation strategies suggested by Venuti is generally referred to by these strategies; either domestication or foreignization. Besides, to what extent the otherness of Turkish culture has been recreated in the English translation of Kürk Mantolu Madonna according to the dominance of either of these strategies has also been clarified. Consequently, the general approach of the translators who have transferred the novella into the target language will be detected by the researchers. Likewise, a number of translation strategies necessary to deal with the translation of CSIs have also been illustrated; and also some categorization types of those CSIs to be employed during the classification process of cultural elements in the literary texts have been presented

    Kınalızâde Ali Efendi’s views on the soul

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    MakaleXIV. yüzyıldan itibaren genel İslam düşüncesinin ve özelde Türk/Osmanlı düşüncesinin karakteristiği farklı ve kimi zaman zıt felsefî ekolleri kaynaştırması ve tek bir sistem haline getirmesidir. Meşşâîlik, onu eleştiren Gazalîcilik, Meşşâîliğe alternatif olarak zuhur eden İşrâkîlik ve İbn Arabî’nin vahdet-i vücûdu bu yüzyıldan itibaren artık bağımsız ve muhalif felsefî-fikrî ekoller olmaktan çıkıp tek bir sistem içinde terkip edilmiştir. XVI. yüzyılda yaşamış önemli bir Türk-Osmanlı bilgini, düşünürü ve ahlakçısı olan Kınalızâde Ali Efendi (ö. 1572) de Ahlâk-ı Alâî’sinin nefsin mahiyetini ve kuvvelerini tartıştığı mukaddime bölümünde çağının fikrî/felsefî ruhunu yansıtmıştır. Şöyle ki o, mukaddimesinde Nasîruddîn Tûsî’nin (ö. 1274) Ahlâk-ı Nâsırî’sini temel almış, ancak nefsin basitliğinin ve gayr-cismanîliğinin ispatı ve uhrevî hayatın mahiyeti hususunda Tûsî’den ve İbn Sînâ’dan ayrılarak Gazâlî’ye (ö. 1111) yaklaşmış, idealar nazariyesi ve misal alemi meselelerinde Sühreverdî’nin İşrâkî bakış açısını benimsemiş, hayal alemi ile ilgili olarak da İbn Arabî’ye (ö. 1240) ve dolayısıyla sufilere uymuştur. Çalışmamızda, Kınalızâde’nin nefis hakkındaki görüşlerini adı zikredilen filozofların ve düşünürlerin konu hakkındaki görüşleriyle karşılaştırmalı olarak ele almaya çalışacağız.From the 14th century onward, Islamic thought in general and Turkish/Ottoman thought in particular have been characterized by the incorporation of different and sometimes opposite philosophical trends into one single system of thought. In other terms, the Mashshāiyya as the Islamic Neo-Platonist Aristotelianism, Ghazalism as its critic, the Ishraqiyya rising as alternative to the Mashshāiyya, and Ibn ‘Arabi’s doctrine of the Oneness of Being, from the 14th century onward, have been merged into one system, remaining no longer independent and most of the times adversary philosophical/intellectual trends and schools. Kınalızâde Ali Efendi (d. 1572), a distinguished Turkish/Ottoman scholar, thinker and moralist who lived in the 16th century, reflects the very intellectual/philosophical spirit of his age in his moral epistle Akhlaq-i Ala‘i, being his most famous work, especially in its introduction, in which he discusses the nature and faculties of the soul. In this work and particularly in its introduction, he relied on Akhlaqi Nasiri by Nasiruddin Tusi (d. 1274), a follower of Ibn Sina (d. 1037), but he diverged from Tusi and his teacher Ibn Sina to converge with the position of Ghazali on such issues as the demonstration of the soul’s simplicity and incorporeality as well as the nature of the afterlife, adopting Shihab al-Din Suhrawardi’s (d. 1191) point of view, mentioning him by name, on the Platonic Forms and the World of Image, following Ibn ‘Arabi (d. 1240) and thus the Sufis as regards the imaginal world. I shall address Kınalızâde’s views on the soul in comparison with those of the philosophers and thinkers above mentioned as far as the limits of an article allow