42 research outputs found

    The implementation of sustainability practices in portuguese higher education institutions

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    The purpose of this work is to analyze the current state of implementation of sustainability development (SD) in Portuguese higher education institutions (HEIs). Design/methodology/approach A questionnaire was developed to measure the level of implementation of SD practices in HEIs as well as the number of rankings, certifications and declarations of these institutions. The questionnaire was sent by e-mail to all rectors, presidents, directors of faculties, departments and schools of Portuguese universities and polytechnics. A sample of 53 leaders was obtained. Findings Portuguese HEIs are mainly engaged in the social dimension of sustainability. The economic dimension emerges in second place and the institutional in third; the environmental dimension is the least developed. Except for a few specific topics (e.g. related to research on SD, and the offer of degree courses in SD), there are no significant differences between universities and polytechnics in the implementation of SD practices. Only 11 per cent of HEIs are innovators in the implementation of SD practices, and a majority of HEIs have implemented less than 34 per cent of the SD practices studied. Research limitations/implications This research has a national scope, and the results should be interpreted only in the Portuguese context. Future studies should include a larger range of institutional actors within the faculty. Practical implications This study provides valuable insights and theoretical and methodological guidance for future implementation processes supporting the transition to sustainability in HEIs. Originality/value This is the first study conducted in Portuguese HEIs with the aim of determining their efforts to implement and promote sustainability.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The mediation of environmental education facilities of the Atlantic Axis in the relation between community-diet and climate change

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    [Resumo] Os padrões de consumo alimentar infuenciam signifcativamente as Alterações Climáticas (AC), as quais têm vindo a “mediterranizar” o norte da Península Ibérica. Sendo a mudança de comportamento a componente mais crítica e a dieta um dos aspectos cujas decisões pessoais mais podem infuenciar essa mudança, é importante que os equipamentos para a educação ambiental (EqEA) atuem a nível comunitário. O projeto visa promover os EqEA como mediadores entre AC-padrões alimentares e as comunidades locais, na Euroregião do Eixo Atlântico (Galiza e Norte de Portugal). Através da investigação-ação e de três níveis de EqEA - um EqEA piloto, um conjunto restrito de EqEA, um conjunto não limitado - haverá uma intervenção socio-pedagógica. Os dois primeiros níveis participarão em grupos de I-A e em ações de formação, e todos os níveis receberão formação. Esperase que este projeto contribua para a tomada de consciência da relação entre a dieta e as AC, assim como para uma mudança de comportamentos alimentares nos cidadãos e comunidades envolvidas relativamente às AC.[Abstract] Current patterns of food consume have high infuence on Climate Change (CC), which has an ongoing “Mediterranization” pattern in the north of Iberian Peninsula. Since the change of behavior is the most critical component in this matter and being diet patterns one of the aspects in which personal decisions most can infuence this change, it is important that resources such as the Environmental Education Facilities (EEF) act at a community level. This project aims to promote the EEF as mediators between CC-food patterns and the local communities, within the Euro Region of Eixo Atlântico (Galicia, Spain and the Northern Portugal). Throughout a methodology of investigation-action (I-A) and using three levels of EEF – a pilot EEF, a restrict set of EEF, and a wider set of EEF – it will be developed a sociopedagogical intervention. The frst two levels will participate in groups of I-A and all the levels will have training courses. It is expected that this projects leads to an efective change of behavior among citizens and communities concerning CC

    UN decade of education for sustainable development:perceptions of portuguese’s higher education institutions

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    This poster shows partial results of a cross-sectional research project investigating the perceptions of stakeholders of four Portuguese Higher Education Institutions about the importance of integration Sustainable Development (SD) in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs).N/

    Conceptualizations of sustainability in Portuguese higher education:roles, barriers and challenges toward sustainability

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    Although sustainability in HEI has been studied for over twenty years, relatively little is known about the status of its implementation in the Portuguese HEIs. Few studies have investigated higher education for sustainable development (HESD) in Portugal and none have addressed how sustainability is interpreted and implemented in Portuguese HEIs, the role of HESD, and the related challenges and obstacles they face.N/


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    This study shared the fishers’ local ecological knowledge (LEK) from the two fishing villages (Peniche, Portugal, and Arraial do Cabo, Brazil), based on answers to the following key question: What are the main target species for fishing in Peniche/Arraial do Cabo? A total of 221 semi-structured interviews were conducted in the Atlantic fishing villages during 2016. Fisher´s interviews reported 42 species of marine animals from Peniche fishing community, and 40 species in Arraial do Cabo. The fisheries resources cited by fishers were assessed for vulnerability, according to the issue’s conservation based in IUCN and Brazilian Red List. We have identified the main target species for artisanal fishing in both fishing villages. The species with some degree of vulnerability included in the list of fishers in Peniche were: T. trachurus and P. glauca. In Arraial do Cabo fishing village this list is formed by nine species: P. saltatrix, E. marginatus, M. bonaci, P. glauca, M. canis, H. flavolimbatus, H. niveatus, G. galeus and P. americanus - Brazilian Subpopulation. These data acquired through the artisanal fishers of these communities can be an essential starting point for the design of future additional research on the conservation of local biological resources. Monitoring the artisanal fisheries through the informal data shared in this study can contribute to more appropriate and integrated management of the marine resources.

    Campus Decarbonization: Students’ Perceptions for Reducing Meat Consumption in a Portuguese University

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    This study is focused on perceptions regarding meat consumption, targeting university students. This is a timely topic in a context of climate change (CC), sustainability in agri-food systems and in universities. Recently, some universities adopted food-related CC mitigation measures, by removing some types of meat from their canteens. This research intended to find trends, at a Portuguese university, on consumption habits and on willingness to reduce meat. The methodology follows a quantitative and descriptive approach. The universe is the students’ community from the University of Aveiro, with a random sample of 876 valid questionnaires. Although results show that meat is a substantial part of students’ diet, most of them are willing to reduce this product, and mainly for environmental reasons. Undergraduate students have higher level of awareness in this matter, namely from Natural Sciences. Female students are more receptive to diet changes. Further studies and educational actions on Diet-CC should be promoted in all levels of Academy, especially in PhD, Social Sciences and with gender differentiation. Such results may support an effectively participatory discussion to better decide on decarbonization of the Campus through the dietThanks are due for the financial support to CESAM (UID/AMB/50017/2019), to FCT/MCTES through national funds, and the co-funding by the FEDER, within the PT2020 Partnership Agreement and Compete 2020. This work was also supported by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia under pos-doc Grant SFRH/BPD/116379/2016S

    Como descarbonizar a nossa dieta? Investigação-ação-participativa em equipamentos para a educação ambiental no binómio Dieta-Alterações Climáticas

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    Aunque una alta proporción de gases de efecto invernadero se origina en los sistemas agroalimentarios dominantes, incluído el consumo de alimentos, el binomio Dieta-Cambio Climático (BDAC) aún no recibe la atención suficiente por parte de los Medios y del área de Educación. Considerando los equipamentos para la educación ambiental (EqEA) como agentes de gobernanza ambiental, se concibe un proyecto de investigación-acción participativa en seis EqEA del Eje Atlántico (Noroeste de la Península Ibérica). El objetivo principal es explorar las respuestas educativas a la emergencia climática (REEC), en esta red de equipamentos, a través de estrategias pedagógicas ajustadas a los subtemas del binomio Dieta-Cambio Climático (tipos de alimentos, estado de los alimentos, presentación, origen, tipos de produción, desperdicio de alimentos, conexión sanitaria). La inclusión por parte de los EqEA del subtema de salud sirvió para integrar actividades significativas del binomio Dieta-Cambio Climático. El tema asociado al consumo excesivo de carne (tipos de alimentos) no fue, a la vez, facilmente aceptado ni trabajado por los EqEA. La diferenciación de actividades de unos equipos a otros fomentó la motivación de los directores y educadores de cada EqEA, así como la conexión con el lugar y el impacto en los usuarios. No obstante, la inestabilidad de los equipos educativos que los dirigen se identifíca como el principal condicionante de las posibles estrategias y respuestas educativas ante la emergencia climática.Aínda que unha alta proporción de gases de efecto invernadoiro se orixina nos sistemas agroalimentarios dominantes, incluído o consumo de alimentos, o binomio Dieta-Cambio Climático (BDAC) aínda non recibe a atención suficiente por parte dos Medios e da área de Educación. Considerando os equipamentos para a educación ambiental (EqEA) como axentes de gobernanza ambiental, concibiuse un proxecto de investigación-acción participativo en seis EqEA do Eixo Atlántico (Noroeste da Península Ibérica). O obxectivo principal é explorar as respostas educativas á emerxencia climática (REEC), nesta rede de equipamentos, a través de estratexias pedagóxicas axustadas aos subtemas do binomio Dieta-Cambio Climático (tipos de alimentos, estado dos alimentos, presentación, orixe, tipos). de produción, desperdicio de alimentos, conexión sanitaria). A inclusión por parte de EqEA do subtema de saúde serviu para integrar actividades significativas do binomio Dieta-Cambio Climático. O tema asociado ao consumo excesivo de carne (tipos de alimentos) non foi, á súa vez, facilmente aceptado nin traballado pola EqEA. A diferenciación de actividades duns equipos a outros fomentou a motivación dos directores e educadores de cada EqEA, así como a conexión co lugar e o impacto nos usuarios. Non obstante, a inestabilidade dos equipos educativos que as dirixen identifícase como o principal condicionante das posibles estratexias e respostas educativas ante a emerxencia climática.Embora uma alta proporção de gases de efeito estufa tenha origem nos sistemas agroalimentares dominantes, incluindo o consumo de alimentos, o binómio Dieta-Alterações Climáticas (BDAC) ainda não recebe atenção suficiente dos Media e da área da Educação. Considerando os equipamentos para a educação ambiental (EqEA) como agentes da governança ambiental, foi concebido um projeto de investigação-ação-participativa em seis EqEA do Eixo Atlântico (Noroeste da Península Ibérica). O principal objetivo é explorar respostas educativas à emergência climática (REEC), nesta rede de equipamentos, através de estratégias pedagógicas ajustadas a subtemas do binómio Dieta-Alterações Climáticas (tipos de alimentos, estado dos alimentos, apresentação, origem, tipos de produção, desperdício de alimentos, conexão com a saúde). A inclusão pelos EqEA do subtópico saúde serviu para integrar atividades significativas do binómio Dieta-Alterações Climáticas. O tema associado ao consumo excessivo de carne (tipos de alimentos) não foi, por seu turno, facilmente aceite nem trabalhado pelos EqEA. A diferenciação das atividades de um equipamento para outro fomentou a motivação dos diretores e educadores de cada EqEA, bem como a ligação com o local e o impacto nos utilizadores. No entanto, a instabilidade das equipas educativas que os dinamizam é apontada como o principal fator condicionante para possíveis estratégias e respostas educativas à emergência climática

    Control estacional, lunar y mareal de la dinámica del ictioplancton en la interfaz entre un estuario templado y las aguas costeras adyacentes (oeste de Portugal)

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    Influence of season, lunar-tide cycle and tide on ichthyoplankton at the interface between Mondego estuary and the adjacent coast and on up-estuary transport was evaluated. Seasonal samples were collected at a fixed station at the mouth of the estuary during diel cycles, at neap and spring tides. Additionally, four sampling stations along the estuary were assessed. Pomatoschistus spp. was the main estuarine taxon, while Sardina pilchardus and Parablennius pilicornis were the most important marine species. Ichthyoplankton entrance and transport along the estuary presented a seasonal pattern with higher densities during summer. Lunar-tide cycle also represented an important influence, structuring communities that reach the estuary and their subsequent distribution. Solea senegalensis and Sardina pilchardus seemed to take advantage of spring tides to enter the estuary. S. pilchardus appear to be using tides to move upstream of the estuary. Ichthyoplankton entrance in the estuary seemed related to species spawning period, while its distribution within the estuary depends on in situ spawning and on the capacity of species to counteract currents and river flow. The present study provides a better understanding of ichthyoplankton dynamics at the interface of two coastal systems, reinforcing knowledge of the lunar-tide cycle influence on ichthyoplankton communities.Se estudió la influencia de la estación, ciclo lunar y mareas entre el estuario del Mondego y las aguas costeras adyacentes sobre el ictioplancton y el transporte de las larvas hasta el estuario. En cada estación del año, el ictioplancton fue muestreado en una estación fija situada en la desembocadura del estuario, realizandose ciclos diarios en mareas muertas y vivas. Además, fueron muestreadas otras cuatro estaciones en el estuario. Pomatoschistus spp. fue la principal especie estuarina mientras que Sardina pilchardus y Parablennius pilicornis fueron las especies marinas más importantes. La entrada de ictioplancton y transporte a lo largo del estuario presentaron un patrón estacional con mayores abundancias en verano. El ciclo lunar tuvo una importante influencia en la estructuración de las comunidades que llegan al estuario y su posterior distribución. Solea senegalensis y Sardina pilchardus parecen tomar ventaja de las mareas vivas para entrar en el estuario. S. pilchardus parece aprovechar las mareas para moverse hacia la parte alta del estuario. La entrada del ictioplancton en el estuario parece estar relacionada con el periodo de desove mientras que su distribución en el estuario depende del desove in situ así como de la capacidad de las especies de contrarrestar las corrientes y el caudal del río. Este estudio proporciona un mejor entendimiento de la dinámica del ictio- plancton en la interfaz de dos sistemas costeros y refuerza el conocimiento de la influencia del ciclo lunar de la marea en las comunidades ictioplanctónicas

    Zooplankton distribution in a marine protected area: the Berlengas Natural Reserve (Western Coast of Portugal)

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    Zooplankton distribution in the Berlengas Natural Reserve (Portugal) was studied over a period of one year (February 2006 to February 2007). Monthly sampling was performed at 6 stations, differentiated according to depth and distance to the coastline. The aim of this study was to investigate the overall zooplankton variability through its different dimensions (space vs. time). The Partial Triadic Analysis (PTA) was used to study the spatial variability of the zooplankton community and its dynamics in time and the dynamic trajectories of the zooplankton species for each site. It was possible to distinguish a neritic-ocean gradient of the zooplankton composition and a temporal variability. Four distinct periods can be highlighted considering the distribution of the dates and the arrangement of the species: (i) the first one comprised August to November, (ii) the second one was related to June and July, (iii) the third one associated with spring (April and May) and, (iv) the latest one was related to winter (February, March and December 2006 and January and February 2007). The PTA method showed the similarities between the successive data tables and proved to be useful for investigating biotic structures and detecting spatial-temporal patterns in zooplankton distribution.publishe

    Zooplankton distribution in a marine protected area: The Berlengas Natural Reserve, Western Coast of Portugal

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    Zooplankton distribution in the Berlengas Natural Reserve (Portugal) was studied over a period of one year (February 2006 to February 2007). Monthly sampling was performed at 6 stations, differentiated according to depth and distance to the coastline. The aim of this study was to investigate the overall zooplankton variability through its different dimensions (space vs. time). The Partial Triadic Analysis (PTA) was used to study the spatial variability of the zooplankton community and its dynamics in time and the dynamic trajectories of the zooplankton species for each site. It was possible to distinguish a neritic-ocean gradient of the zooplankton composition and a temporal variability. Four distinct periods can be highlighted considering the distribution of the dates and the arrangement of the species: (i) the first one comprised August to November, (ii) the second one was related to June and July, (iii) the third one associated with spring (April and May) and, (iv) the latest one was related to winter (February, March and December 2006 and January and February 2007). The PTA method showed the similarities between the successive data tables and proved to be useful for investigating biotic structures and detecting spatial-temporal patterns in zooplankton distribution.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio