593 research outputs found

    Quality-Aware Tooling

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    Programming is a fascinating activity that can yield results capable of changing people lives by automating daily tasks or even completely reimagining how we perform certain activities. Such a great power comes with a handful of challenges, with software maintainability being one of them. Maintainability cannot be validated by executing the program but has to be assessed by analyzing the codebase. This tedious task can be also automated by the means of software development. Programs called static analyzers can process source code and try to detect suspicious patterns. While these programs were proven to be useful, there is also an evidence that they are not used in practice. In this dissertation we discuss the concept of quality-aware tooling —- an approach that seeks a promotion of static analysis by seamlessly integrating it into development tools. We describe our experience of applying quality-aware tooling on a core distribution of a development environment. Our main focus is to provide live quality feedback in the code editor, but we also integrate static analysis into other tools based on our code quality model. We analyzed the attitude of the developers towards the integrated static analysis and assessed the impact of the integration on the development ecosystem. As a result 90% of software developers find the live feedback useful, quality rules received an overhaul to better match the contemporary development practices, and some developers even experimented with a custom analysis implementations. We discovered that live feedback helped developers to avoid dangerous mistakes, saved time, and taught valuable concepts. But most importantly we changed the developers' attitude towards static analysis from viewing it as just another tool to seeing it as an integral part of their toolset

    Interim-Manager als Aushilfsstellung für gualifizierte Lösung des Problems

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    Methods of Implementation of the Principle of Political Correctness in the Social Life of the USA

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    У статті проаналізовано механізми реалізації принципів політичної коректності, а також визначено відповідні технологічні прийоми й сфери їх застосування в суспільному житті Сполучених Штатів Америки. The article focused on the mechanisms of realization the principles of political correctness. Corresponding technological methods and spheres of their application in the social life of the United States of America are also investigated in the article

    Ludic coinages in modern mediatext

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    The article is devoted to the study of cognitive and semantic potential of language play, in particular, peculiarities of the ludic coinages in the English language mass media texts

    Substrates based on composted sewage sludge for land recultivation

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    Increasing a large amounts of sewage sludge in Ukraine is an urgent environmental problem that requires the selection of an effective strategy for their disposal. The usage of sludge composting technology leads to the restoration of sludge as a resource and is cost-effective and environmentally sustainable compared to the method of landfilling. The purpose of this research is to carry out bioindication tests of growth substrates based on composted sewage sludge with the subsequent possibility of their usage in the technology of recultivation of landfills for municipal solid waste. The experiment was performed on four types of compost with different modifications of the natural sorbent - zeolite. During the experiment the average percentage of germination of polygamous ryegrass plants (Lolium perenne L.) was determined in the investigated substrates. The mass and length of the aboveground part of the plant and roots were also measured. The results showed that the addition of natural sorbent to substrates has a positive effect on growth and development of plants. This investigation was conducted in accordance with the current norms of national standards of Ukraine: DSTU 7369 (2013), "Wastewater. Requirements for wastewater and its sediments for irrigation and fertilization"; DSTU ISO 11269-1 (2004), "Soil quality. Determination of the effect of pollutants on soil flora. Part 1: Method for determining the inhibitory effect on a root growth"; DSTU ISO 11269-2 (2002), "Soil quality. Determination of the effect of pollutants on soil flora. Part 2: Effects of Chemicals on Germination and Growth of Higher Plants". The experiment was conducted on four types of compost with different modifications of the natural sorbent - zeolite in percentage amounts: 0; 2.5; 5; 7.5, dark-grey gilded soil was used as a control element. In the experiment, the average percentage of germination of polygamous ryegrass plants (Lolium perenne L.) on the studied substrates was determined. The mass and length of the aboveground part of the plant and roots were also measured. The first sprouts of ryegrass began to appear on the 7th day of the experiment. The highest average value on the seventh day of germination was 90% in the control sample with 5% of sorbent content and in K2 substrate in the sample with 7.5% sorbent content. However, the germination of plants in substrates K3 and K4 occurred later compared with substrates K1, K2, and control. For substrate K1 in the sample with a sorbent content of 5%, plant germination was the highest and was 100%. The highest average value of ryegrass stem length is observed in variant K4 in the sample with 0% zeolite content and in variant K1 in the sample without zeolite content the lowest average value of stem length was observed. The K3 and K4 variants have a more developed root system compared to other variants. Based on the obtained data it can be assumed that the most optimal universal component for creating a growth substrate is variant K3 (mixture of "newly picked" and "old" SS) which has not so developed aboveground part but has very branched root system that allows to adapt to various environmental factors and in combination with a small proportion of natural sorbents can be effective for the recultivation of MSW landfills, which in its turn minimizes the need to use a fertile soil layer

    Determination Methods of Food Fibers Characteristics in Milk Mixtures with the Modified Fat Composition

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    The article presents main determination methods of technological parameters of food fibers in milk mixtures of the modified fat composition.The methods of studying the ability of food fibers to water and fat-absorption are offered. The values that characterize swelling parameters of vegetable ingredients in experimental mixtures are obtained.The effectiveness of the method of IR-spectroscopy for indentifying and comparing water-binding forms in mixtures of food fibers with water and butterdish is proved.The indices of thermal stability and degree of liquid fat outflow for mixtures with the modified fat composition with the maximal replacement of cream butter by 25 % of oil are obtained. The research results indicate objective possibilities for the effective use of food fibers Vicetal for stabilizing the structure and preventing consistence defects of products with the modified fat composition

    Ecological and economic efficiency of growing on dark gray soils of bean-cereal grasses

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    Saabunud / Received 02.05.2022 ; Aktsepteeritud / Accepted 14.07.2022 ; Avaldatud veebis / Published online 14.07.2022 ; Vastutav autor / Corresponding author: Yevheniia Butenko ; [email protected] efficiency of growing leguminous and cereal agrophytocenoses (Trifolium pratense and Medicago sativa sown with the addition of Bromus inermis, Lolium multiflorum, Festuca rubra), highlighted their economic and energy advantages over cereal grasses. The article presents the results of the study of the influence of grass mixtures on the main indicators of the efficiency of growing sowing phytocenoses during haymaking in the Carpathians on dark grey soil. Growing agrophytocenoses without mineral fertilizers ensures the maintenance of 370–520 € ha–1 of net profit, with the profitability of 151–187%, the cost of 1 ton of feed units – 56.7–66.7 €, bioenergy coefficient – 2.5–2.9, energy efficiency ratio – 5.8–6.5 and energy consumption per 1 ton of feed units – 4.0–4.7 GJ. The cultivation of alfalfa-cereal grasses is ensured on dark-wet soil with three years of use of the best indicators of economic and energy efficiency. It was found that on both experimental bean–cereal grasses the highest efficiency is maintained when P60K60 is applied in combination with inoculation of seeds of bean strains of nodule bacteria

    Використання семантико-стилістичного прийому словесної гри як засіб підвищення виразності художнього тексту

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    У статті на матеріалі української мови розглядаються деякі аспекти каламбурного осмислення та обігравання різних типів семантико-структурних відношень фонетичного та лексичного мовних рівнів, а також їх використання з метою підвищення виразності художнього тексту. (The article deals with some aspects of punning interpretation of diverse types of semantic-and-structural units of phonetical and lexical levels of the Ukrainian language. Their role in increasing expressive abilities of fiction texts is also being investigated in the article.

    Silicon strip sensor layout for the CBM Silicon Tracking System

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    Effect of mineral fertilizer encapsulated with zeolite and polyethylene terephthalate on the soil microbiota, pH and plant germination

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    Environmental risks caused by the use of traditional mineral fertilizers require new agro-technical solutions, which are encapsulated long-acting fertilizers. The use of the capsule allows to reduce the concentration of mineral compounds in the fertilizer and to minimize the adverse effects of the chemical compounds contained in it on the environment. Encapsulated fertilizers provide more efficient absorption of mineral nutrition by plants, allowing to synchronize the release of elements in accordance with the needs of the plant. The use of natural materials as fertilizer shells is faced with the problem of their low solubility and cost, and the use of synthetic coatings with the problems of their biodegradation in the environment. The development of new environmentally friendly materials for long-acting fertilizer capsules is a challenge for modern society. In this context, a universal mineral fertilizer coated with a coating of natural zeolite sorbent and diethylene glycol (DEG) modified polyethyl terephthalate (PET) is promising. We analyzed the influence of fertilizer on the kinetics of soil pH change, the dynamics of the total microbial count and the increase in the number of microorganisms and the germination of Hordeum sativum and Lolium perenne. The application of fertilizer for 28 days of the experiment led to decrease in soil pH by 0.3. In the presence of encapsulated fertilizer the germination of ryegrass seeds was 3.51 times higher, and ones of barley 4.14 times higher than without fertilizer. The fertilizer provided a prolonged release of minerals, which had a positive effect on the germination of barley and ryegrass plants, stimulated plant growth and increased the total number of microorganisms in the soil as an important indicator of the efficiency of agricultural technology