737 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mewujudkan pengelolaan sumber daya perikanan yang bertanggungjawab dan penanggulangan Illegal, Unreport and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing di Wilayah Pengelolaan Perikanan Negara Republik Indonesia (WPP-NRI), maka perlu menghentikan kegiatan alih muatan (transshipment) di laut.  Dengan diterbitkannya Peraturan Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Republik Indonesia Nomor 57 Tahun 2004 dan dipertegas dengan kebijakan yang dikeluarkan oleh Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Republik Indonesia Nomor 58/PERMEN-KP/2014 Tentang Disiplin Pegawai Aparatur Sipil Negara di Lingkungan Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan dalam pelaksanaan kebijakan penghentian sementara (Moratorium) perizinan Usaha Perikanan Tangkap, alih Muatan (Transhipment ) di laut, dan penggunaan nahkoda dan Anak Buah Kapal (ABK) Asing sangat berdampak pada Sektor Perikanan terutama di Kota Bitung.  Penelitian ini menggunakan tipe penelitian hukum normative. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pelayanan di Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Bitung menjadi terhambat dengan dikeluarkan kebijakan Peraturan Menteri Kelautan Dan Perikanan Republik Indonesia Nomor 58/PERMEN-KP/2014 sehingga dari pihak Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera tidak bisa mengeluarkan Surat Izin Berlayar (SIB) bagi kapal Perikanan dengan menggunakan tenaga kerja asing. Sehingga banyak kapal yang tidak bisa melaut. Adanya moratorium ini kemudian mulai mengungkap praktek penangkapan ikan khususnya dan industri perikanan di daerah ini. Kondisi ini setidaknya menguak adanya praktek-praktek ilegal fishing bahkan cenderung mafia perikanan yang sudah terjadi sekian lama dan tidak pernah tersentuh. Segelintir orang menikmati situasi ini selama bertahun-tahun. Kata Kunci : Kebijakan,  Transhipment, dan Moratoriu

    Emotion Detection Research: A Systematic Review Focuses on Data Type, Classifier Algorithm, and Experimental Methods

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    There is a lot of research being done on detecting human emotions. Emotion detection models are developed based on physiological data. With the development of low-cost wearable devices that measure human physiological data such as brain activity, heart rate, and skin conductivity, this research can be conducted in developing countries like Southeast Asia. However, as far as the author's research is concerned, a literature review has yet to be found on how this research on emotion detection was carried out in Southeast Asia. Therefore, this study aimed to conduct a systematic review of emotion detection research in Southeast Asia, focusing on the selection of physiological data, classification methods, and how the experiment was conducted according to the number of participants and duration. Using PRISMA guidelines, 22 SCOPUS-indexed journal articles and proceedings were reviewed. The review found that physiological data were dominated by brain activity data with the Muse Headband, followed by heart rate and skin conductivity collected with various wristbands, from around 5-31 participants, for 8 minutes to 7 weeks. Classification analysis applies machine learning, deep learning, and traditional statistics. The experiments were conducted primarily in sitting and standing positions, conditioned environments (for developing research), and unconditioned environments (applied research). This review concluded that future research opportunities exist regarding other data types, data labeling methods, and broader applications. These reviews will contribute to the enrichment of ideas and the development of emotion recognition research in Southeast Asian countries in the future

    Evaluasi Kemitraan Asosiasi Aspakusa Makmur dengan Petani Boyolali Jawa Tengah Menggunakan Pendekatan Metode CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product)

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    : Aims of the research were to evaluate the implementation of Aspakusa Makmur partnership with Boyolali farmers seen of components: (1) context, (2) input, (3) process, and (4) product. The basic method of research was used descriptive method with proportional and purposive sampling technique. Research was located in Boyolali with 40 respondents. Data collection techniques were interviews, observation, recording, study documents and archives. Methods of data analysis was used frequency tabulation analysis, grouped into three skor criteria, that were score 3 (high), score 2 (moderate), score of 1 (low), measured the level of achievement by 5 criteria percentage : highly effective, effective, fairly effective, less effective , and ineffective. The research concluded: aspects of input, process, and product had very effective percentage. While context aspects had an effective percentage. The result showed that the partnership of Aspakusa Makmur with farmers at Boyolali was very feasible to be developed and horticulture as one of the leading sub sectors at Boyolali, so it takes the expansion of its partnership with vegetable farmers at Boyolali and surrounding areas, and partnerships with supermarkets. The most important thing to be noticed by Aspakusa Makmur had a partnership document archiving that can be used as a periodic evaluation to determine the level of effectiveness of the partnership that had been implemented

    Representasi Terorisme dalam Dua Adegan Film Dilan 1990 dengan Analisis Semiotika John Fiske

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    Dilan 1990 merupakan film yang diangkat dari novel bertajuk Dilan: Dia adalah Dilanku 1990. Film tersebut bergenre romantis yang menjadi salah satu film fenomenal tahun 2018. Di balik kepopuleran film Dilan 1990, ternyata hal ini memunculkan polemik pada warga terkait adegan kekerasan dalam film. Salah satu wujud kekerasan yang ditampilkan adalah dalam bentuk aksi teror yang dilakukan oleh geng motor. Riset ini bertujuan untuk mengenali bagaimana bentuk-bentuk aksi teror yang ada dalam film Dilan 1990 dan hubungannya dengan definisi terorisme yang ada. Guna menggapai tujuan riset ini, penulis memakai pendekatan kualitatif dengan analisis semiotika John Fiske bersumber pada tiga tingkatan, yakni tingkatan realitas, tingkatan representasi, dan tingkatan ideologi. Hasil riset menampilkan bahwa ada dua adegan dalam film Dilan 1990 yang dikategorikan sebagai adegan teror. Ciri pada tataran realitas ditunjukkan lewat kode penampilan, kostum, lingkungan, perilaku, cara berbicara, dan ekspresi. Pada tataran representasi ditunjukkan melalui kode kamera, musik, revisi, suara, narasi, kepribadian, aksi, dan konflik. Sementara itu, pada tataran ideologis, adegan teror dalam film Dilan 1990 merepresentasikan terorisme. Dilan 1990 is a film based on a novel titled Dilan: Dia adalah Dilanku 1990.  The genre of the film is romantic and it became one of the phenomenal films in 2018. Behind the popularity of Dilan 1990 film, there was a polemic in the community regarding the violence scenes in the film.  One of violence scenes is an act of terror by a motorcycle gang.  This research aims to identify how the forms of the terror act in the film Dilan 1990 are related to the existing definition of terrorism. To achieve the objectives of this research, a qualitative approach was used along with John Fiske's semiotic analysis based on three levels, namely the level of reality, the level of representation, and the level of ideology. The results of the research showed that there are two scenes in the Dilan 1990 film which are categorized as terror scenes. Characteristics at the level of reality are shown through the code of appearance, costume, environment, behavior, way of speaking, and expression. At the representation level, it is shown through camera code, music, revision, sound, narration, personality, action, and conflict. While at  the ideological level, the terror scene in the 1990 film Dilan represents terrorism

    National Parks

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    Bibliography and photographs of a display of government documents from the University of Minnesota.https://cornerstone.lib.mnsu.edu/lib-services-govdoc-display-travel/1006/thumbnail.jp


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    Tujuan penelitian kualitatif ini adalah untuk mengetahui strategi komunikasi Radio Artha 103,7 FM Bengkulu dalam melakukan penyusunan strategi program dan pemilihan media agar tetap eksis dikalangan pendengar dan kliennya di era digital ini. Untuk melihat bagaimana strategi komunikasi Radio Artha 103,7 FM Bengkulu dalam mempertahankan eksistensi di era digital peneliti dengan menggunakan metode studi kasus instrumental menurut konsep Stake. Berdasarkan hasil dari penelitian ini Radio Artha 103,7 FM Bengkulu melakukan strategi penyusunan pesan siaran yang dilakukan Radio Artha dengan cara menentukan terlebih dahulu aspek penyiarannya lalu memprodukusi program acara yang mengusung tema kearifan lokal. Website, radio streaming, dan media sosial digunakan oleh Radio Artha sebagai media komunikasi tambahan selain siaran konvensional untuk mempertahankan eksistensinya di era digital, dengan menggunakan strategi tersebut dihasilkan peningkatan jumlah pendengar dan pengiklan. Kata Kunci : Strategi komumikasi, strategi program, pemilihan media komunikasi, eksistens

    University of Minnesota to Offer College Level Work at Morris

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    Census 2000 University of Minnesota

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    Bibliography and photographs of a display of government documents from the University of Minnesota.https://cornerstone.lib.mnsu.edu/lib-services-govdoc-display-census/1005/thumbnail.jp

    Video Promotion Prehistoric Sites Archaeology Museum Sangiran

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    This design aims to promote the World Prehistoric Archaeological Museum Sangiran to Indonesian and foreign people through audio-visual media is videography, contains information about Sangiran as National Heritage and included in the World Heritage Site which has been initiated by UNESCO. Besides, as an instrument for the Preservation Hall Ancient Man Sangiran site that can be used directly for educational purposes. Object of this study is the people of Indonesia and Abroad. Methods of data collection are done through literature review, observation, interviews, and questionnaires. Based on the research results, there are still many Indonesian people who do not know about the existence of Sangiran, even people who come from Central Java. This is of course influenced by several factors, one of which is the absence of instruments that functioned to promote to the public Sangiran with audio and visual media.With creative design and innovative video in terms of the concept and the content of a video that is an embodiment of the instrument can be a multimedia audiovisual media campaign appealing to the public

    Perkembangan Tradisi Keagamaan Munggahan Kota Bandung Jawa Barat Tahun 1990-2020

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    Indonesia is a country with a lot of cultural diversity and is known for its differences. As with the existing traditions in Indonesia, it must have a different diversity in each region. Munggahan tradition is one of the traditions that is still actively carried out by people from the city of Bandung. For them, the Munggahan tradition does not only contain Islamic teachings symbolically, but also contains strong human values so that it can show universal relationships between humans. This article discusses the development of the Munggahan tradition from year to year to the public's perception of the Munggahan tradition itself. Researchers take several ways to convey clearly the perception of the community regarding the Munggahan tradition in Bandung. Researchers conducted interviews with people who already live in Bandung to local community leaders and ustadzah in the area. The munggahan tradition is a tradition that is familiar to our ears when we are in the month of Sya'ban with a reminder that the month of Ramadan will soon be entering.Keyword : Tradisi, Munggahan, Bandun