4,780 research outputs found

    The Implementation Of Using Flash Card In Teaching Writing Recount Text At The Eighth Grade Students Of MTs An Nur Palangka Raya

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    The main purposes of the study are to improve the students’ ability in writing recount text by applying flash card media. The writer used Flash card as media in teaching learning process. The writer helped the students in writing, asked the students wrote about recount text consisted three paragraphs that told about their experiences. Each paragraph consisted of Orientation, Events, and Reorientation. Formulation of the problem are : ( 1 ) How does the writer implement flash card in teaching writing recount text at the eighth grade students of MTs An Nur Palangka Raya ? , ( 2 ) Does flash card improve the students’ability in writing ? , ( 3 ) How are the students’responses in the implementation of using flash card in teaching writing recount text ? In this research, the writer used mixed research. Qualitative approach by descriptive design to answer the problems and Quantitative method to collect the data. In this research, the writer used observation method, Questionnaire, and documentation to achieve data. The data obtained, then analyzed through data collection, data reduction, data display, data conclusion / verification. The result of the study, as follow : The qualitative data showed that the students were interested in the applying of flash card media. The conclusion is that the application of flash card in writing recount text improves the students’ ability in writing recount. Based on the result of students’writing showed the students were easy writing used flash cards. The result of questionnaire the students interested in learnt used flash card in the English class. Based on the result of questionnaire it was said that there was about 35% strongly agree the students felt happy to learn using flash card media in teaching writing. There was about 49% agree that flash cards media can help improving their writing ability. There was about 15% it was said netral toward impelented flash cards media in teaching learning process, and there was about 1% students said disagree toward implemented flash card media in teaching learning. It showed that the use of Flash cards could reduce students’ feeling of bored, and stimulate students who have low motivation Indonesia Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membantu meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam menulis bahasa Inggris. Dengan menggunakan media Flash card dalam proses belajar mengajar di kelas. Penulis membantu siswa dalam belajar menulis dengan menulis sebuah karangan terdiri dari tiga paragraph teks Recount yang menceritakan pengalaman pribadi mereka. Yang setiap paragraph terdiri atas Orientation, Events, dan Reorientation. Masalah dari penelitian ini adalah : ( 1 ) Bagaimana penulis menerapkan pengajaran menulis teks Recount dengan menggunakan media flash card pada siswa kelas delapan MTs An Nur Palangka Raya, ( 2 ) Apakah media flash card meningkatkan kemampuan menulis siswa ?, ( 3 ) Bagaimana respon siswa setelah diterapkan media flash card dalam mengajar menulis teks Recount. Penulis menggunakan metode gabungan. Pendekatan Kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Dan pendekatan kuantitatif untuk menghitung hasil data. Dalam mengumpulkan data, penulis menggunakan beberapa teknik, yaitu : ( 1 ) Observasi, ( 2 ) Kuesioner, ( 3 ) Dokumentasi. Dalam menganalisa data, penulis menggunakan beberapa teknik yaitu, (1) penyeleksian data ( 2 ) pemaparan data dan ( 3 ) penarikan kesimpulan atau verifikasi. Dari hasil data yang di peroleh, penulis menggambarkan proses belajar mengajar di kelas, penulis mengajar dengan menggunakan media flash card untuk membantu siswa menjadi lebih mudah mengarang. Dari hasil karangan siswa menunjukan jika media flash card memudahkan siswa dalam mengarang kalimat. Hasil kuesioner menunjukan siswa tertarik belajar di kelas dengan adanya sebuah media dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris. Berdasarkan hasil di dapat (35%) sangat setuju dan siswa merasa senang di terapkan media flash card di kelas, (49%) setuju jika flash card dapat membantu mengarang, (15%) siswa memilih netral dalam penerapan media flash card di proses belajar mengajar, dan (1%) siswa tidak setuju dengan di terapkannya media flash card di proses belajar mengajar. Ini menunjukan menggunakan media flash card dapat mengurangi rasa bosan siswa, dan mendorong semangat siswa yang mana kurang motivasi

    Narrative Analysis of Marketing Communication Y2K Music School and Studio on Social Media

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    This research was conducted to find out how the branding activity done by Y2K Music School and Studio through social media account Instagram @ y2kstudio. This research would like to examine more deeply related to marketing activity such as what applied Y2K Music School and Studio in building brand Y2K Music School and Studio as a music school through its official Instagram. There is also a method used in this research is a method of narrative analysis which is a method in the field of qualitative research. The data were collected using literature study on textbooks, online data tracking, and in-depth interviews on key informants related to the study. The results of this study states that the form of branding activities conducted by Y2K Music School and Studio through social media accounts Instagram @ y2kstudio is a marketing communication in the form of delivering information with positive ambiance related Y2K Music School and Studio and also in the form of information delivery activities related promotions which is currently running at Y2K Music School and Studio

    Scrabble Game: Boosting Vocabulary Mastery of English Foreign Language (EFL) Students

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    The background of this research is the lack of student participation and involvement in learning English in the classroom especially for vocabulary learning. This is caused by the lack of students’ motivation, laziness and less understanding of students in mastering vocabulary. The purpose of this research is to describe the students’ participation and the students’ improvement in vocabulary after applying scrabble games. The method used in this research was Classroom Action Research (CAR). The data collection technique of this research are observation, interview, and measurement. The tools of data collection technique are observation sheet, interview guideline, and test. The researchers applied Classroom Action Research (CAR) where the data divided into two kinds of descriptions; they were Qualitative and quantitative. The researchers obtained the data from cycle one and cycle two and then described it into qualitative and quantitative description. From data the analysis, it showed that there was a significant improvement in the students' participation and students vocabulary mastery. It can be seen from qualitative and quantitative data. From qualitative data, the students’ participations were increased from the first cycle into two cycle. Meanwhile, from quantitative data, the result of the test improved significantly from both cycles.  It could be concluded that the scrabble game technique improved students’ vocabulary mastery

    An Evaluation of the Use of Flashcard for Teaching Vocabulary at Kindergartens in Sintang

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    Vocabulary plays an important role in determining the students’ ability for speaking because it is basic before children can produce words. Therefore, the teacher needs media as a tool to introduce those words to their students in the classroom. Flashcards is one of the media usually used by teachers at kindergartens in the Sintang Regency for teaching vocabulary for young learners. This research aims to evaluate the effects of using flashcard media for teaching vocabulary and identify the teachers’ responses towards the use of flashcard media for teaching vocabulary at kindergartens in Sintang Regency, West Kalimantan. This descriptive research qualitative research as an evaluation study is designed to explore the effects of the media on the students and teachers’ perspective. The data in this research were gathered through questionnaires with fifty-one participants and a semi-structured interview with five participants in Sintang Regency. The data analysis techniques used scale Likert in order researchers know how the use of flashcards by the teachers. The study’s results revealed that teachers believe that using flashcards is essential for teaching vocabulary to young learners. Thus, the teachers have various flashcards that can be applied for teaching vocabulary to young learners, for using colourful flashcards with different sizes. It is expected that this research gives references and knowledge for the kindergarten teachers who teach young learners so they could use the same media but with different types of flashcards types.

    Daftar Istilah Pengetahuan Sosial

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    The main problem of this research is the researcher wants to analyze the students' errors in writing recount text. This research aims to find out the error made by students in writing recount text. The subject of this research is 22 students writing products in writing recount text. The method used in this research is a qualitative research approach, the technique of data collection only using documentation, the document is the student's test results in writing recount text. The qualitative data were analyzed through assembling the data, coding the data, comparing the data, building interpretations, and reporting the outcomes. Based on the research finding, the researcher found three types of errors made by students in writing recount text: error of omission  54,9%, error of misinformation  19,6%, error of misordering 25,5%. Based on the finding, the researcher found omission error was a dominant error made by eight grade students of SMP Negeri 02 Sepauk


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh kompensasi terhadap Turnover Intention serta peran komitmen organisasi sebagai variabel mediasi Karyawan di PT.Bestprofit Futures Malang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode sampling jenuh, dimana seluruh populasi digunakan sebagai sampel 60 responden Perusahaan Bestprofit Futures di Kota Malang. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer. Pengunpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menyebarkan dan mengumpulkan kuesioner menggunakan skala likert 5 poin. Teknik Sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Teknik sampling jenuh. Data diproses melalui Sowtwere Smart PLS (Partial Least Square). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa: (1) Kompensasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap turnover intention (2) Kompensasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Komitmen Organisasi (3) Komitmen Organisasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Turnover Intention (4) Komitmen organisasi memediasi pengaruh kompensasi terhadap Turnover Intentio


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    Di sekolah dasar, materi pembelajaran saling keterkaitan seperti pada mata pelajaran matematika materi jenis dan besar sudut dipelajari di kelas III SD sebagai dasar untuk memahami ciri-ciri dari bangun datar dan ruang di kelas selanjutnya. Materi jenis dan besar sudut biasanya ada pada soal Ujian Nasional (UN) SD dan soal olimpiade. Menurut guru kesulitan utamanya dalam penerapan konsep sudut, jenis, dan besar sudut kaena sajian dari setiap buku paket teks matematika itu berbeda sehingga ini manimbulkan kesulitan belajar (learning obstacle). Sehingga siswa kelas III SD belum diharuskan mampu mengukur dengan busur, namun cukup mengenal dan mampu menemukan jenis dan membandingkan besar sudut. Dalam penelitian ini menganalisis learning obstacle pada buku paket teks matematika kelas III SD di Kota Serang sehingga diketahuinya learning obstacle yang berkaitan dengan materi jenis dan besar sudut dan didapatkannya desain didaktis materi jenis dan besar sudut di kelas III SD. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan metodologi penelitian Disain Didaktis atau Didactical Design Research (DDR). Subjek penelitian ini berupa buku paket teks matematika kelas 3 SD se-Kota Serang, seorang siswa, dan seorang guru kelas III SDN Umbul Kapuk. Hasil dari analisis buku teks ditemukan dua tipe learning obstacle yaitu epistemological obstacle dan didactical obstacle, sedangkan dari hasil wawancara pada guru dan siswa memberikan gambaran terjadi Learning obstacle tipe didactical obstacle maka dibuat desain didaktis, siswa belajar menjadi pengamat dan akhirnya siswa diharapkan menemukan bahwa dari jam dapat membuat banyak jenis dan besar sudut. Sehingga jadilah desain ini untuk membantu siswa menghadapi learning obstacle dan proses berpikir menyeselaikan permasalahan sampai akhirnya menemukan cara dengan bahasanya sendiri dengan tidak terpaku dari buku teks


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