JETL (Journal Of Education, Teaching and Learning)
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    363 research outputs found

    Development of Muara Takus Temple Augmented Reality as a History Learning Media to Improve Reading Skills in Historical Sources

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    This research aims to develop learning media based on Augmented Reality (AR) which helps students improve their reading skills in historical sources. This research uses the 4D research and development (R&D) method which consists of four stages, namely define, design, develop and disseminate. The sample of research subjects consisted of 3 material, media and language validator experts, 2 teachers, 60 and 120 class X students who assessed the practicality and effectiveness of the product being developed. Data was collected through expert validation, interviews with teachers, teacher and student response tests, and tests on students. while the N-Gain test is to evaluate media effectiveness. Expert validation results show that the criteria are very valid with an average score of 3.78. The teacher and student response test showed an average score of 3.90, which shows that AR media is practically used for learning history. The N-Gain Test score of 75% shows that students' ability to read historical sources is increasing. Therefore, using AR to develop historical source reading skills is feasible, practical, and useful

    Development of research-based teaching materials to increase independent learning for students majoring in Indonesian language and literature

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    This research aims to develop research-based teaching materials to increase independent learning for students majoring in Indonesian language and literature. In this research, the development model used as a reference is using the 4D model. The 4D model is a learning device development model and an abbreviation for Define, Design, Development and Disseminate developed by Thiagarajan (1974). Based on the results of the feasibility test assessment that was carried out on research-based teaching materials, an assessment of the feasibility of the material was 88.98%, the feasibility of the media was 85.46%, and the student response test was 90.5%. The three of them got an average score of 88.31%. So, based on the percentage obtained by the three, the research-based teaching materials developed have met the requirements and received the status of appropriate teaching materials to be used as teaching materials for courses in writing scientific articles and publications in the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program. An assessment of the student article writing component was obtained with an overall average score of 81.17 in the "very good" assessment category. This proves the success of research-based teaching materials in supporting independent learners for students majoring in Indonesian language and literature

    Lirmasetad Learning Media (Linktree Regional Dance Arts Materials) In Primary School SBdP Lesson Content

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    Elementary School Purwoyoso 04 is experiencing problems regarding the lack of use of digital-based learning media and less than optimal learning outcomes in art lesson content. The problem formulation in the research describes how to develop, test the feasibility, and test the effectiveness of LIRMASETAD Learning media. This research procedure uses ten stages of sugiono development. Development was done using Canva web design, which was then integrated into Linktree. This development research aims to determine the application of learning media and the feasibility and effectiveness of LIRMASETAD learning media. The research results show that LIRMASETAD Learning is suitable for understanding with a presentation feasibility percentage by media experts of 88% and the feasibility of teaching components by material experts of 90.6%. The effectiveness of the media is demonstrated through normality test results. Based on calculations, a sig value of 0.165 is obtained, assuming that if the sig value is >0.05, the data is normally distributed. Based on the results of the n-gain test, the cognitive n-gain score was 0.63, with an average difference of 33.2. So, the n-gain value on cognitive pretest and posttest learning outcomes in large group use trials is in the high category, with an effectiveness level of 63,557, which is quite effective. The increase in average shows that learning using LIRMASETAD media is effective as a learning medium. Suggestions for further research include applying media to more diverse material to be used in other learning processes

    Leading Teacher Collaboration in Elementary School Through School Leader Adaptive Skills: A PLS-SEM Approach

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between school leader’s adaptive leadership skills and teacher collaboration in schools and explore the implementation of adaptive leadership skills determine on teacher collaboration. The study was conducted using a cross-sectional survey with a sample of 384 teachers in elementary school teachers from 65 public elementary schools in Bogor district West Java Indonesia. The data were collected through Adaptive Leadership Skills scale and the Teacher collaboration Survey. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with partial least square was used to estimate relationships among the variables. The study findings indicate that adaptive leadership skills (emotional intelligence, organizational culture, character, and development) were significantly and positively related to teacher collaboration in schools. The findings are discussed according to the related literatures

    Developing an English Grammar Online Discussion Forum with Students as Contributors Using ADDIE Model

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    This Research and Development (R&D) study addresses the issue of grammar proficiency among English Education students at Universitas Negeri Medan. The solution proposed is the development of a learning media in the form of a web-based English Grammar forum. The development involved the application of the Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation (ADDIE) model. This systematic framework led to the development of an innovative online discussion forum. In this forum, students take on the role of contributors, where they educate their peers on English grammar concepts, aligning with the "Learning by Teaching" method. In the evaluation stage, contributors' experiences were assessed, revealing that rigorous questions and an active community fostered an engaging and motivating learning environment. Users reported improved language skills and a deeper grasp of grammar concepts. The development of an English Grammar Online Discussion Forum, following the ADDIE model, showcases its potential as a learning media that is able to improve the grammar learning experience of the students

    Development Of Historical Map Using Padlet To Improve Students' Chronological Thinking Skills

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    This research aims to develop Historical Map media to improve students' chronological thinking skills. This research uses an R&D method which consists of four stages, namely. The research subjects consisted offrom 6 experts, 2 teachers, and 150 class students XI provided an assessment related to the media being developed. The collected data was analyzed through validity, reliability, T test and N-Gain tests. The research results show that the Historical Map media obtained a validation score of 3.65. Meanwhile, the practicality score for the Historical Map media obtained a score of 4.01, which indicates that the media developed can be easily implemented in history learning. The T test obtained a score of 0.000, which shows that there is an influence of using Historical Map media on students' chronological thinking skills. The results of the N-Gain Test indicate that the influence of using Historical Map media on students' chronological thinking skills increased by around 69%. Therefore, it can be concluded that the development of Historical Map media to improve students' chronological thinking skills has proven to be valid, reliable, practical and effective

    Evaluation Of Islamic Religious Education Materials In Higher Education: An Overview Of State Universities In North Sumatra

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    Islamic religious education (PAI) is very important for students and lecturers because it can form people who are devout and obedient to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala, in carrying out their worship by emphasizing the development of the Muslim personality, namely the development of akhlaqul karimah. This research was conducted with the aim of evaluating the content of Islamic religious education (PAI) material at state universities in North Sumatra. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative method, with data collection techniques involving observation, Focus Group Discussion (FGD), interviews and questionnaires. Data analysis was carried out through reduction stages, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The research results show several main findings: First, validity analysis shows that PAI material at state universities in North Sumatra can be considered good for PAI learning. Second, from the practicality analysis based on student responses, it was found that PAI material had a good level of practicality. Overall, this research highlights the potential to improve the quality of PAI learning materials at state universities in North Sumatra. Recommendations for improvement include updating the curriculum, adjusting the amount of material, and increasing the attractiveness and relevance of the material to students' daily lives

    Enhancing Speaking Proficiency Through Interactive Video Media: Material Development

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    The purpose of this study is to assess the needs of students and teachers for improving speaking abilities and to validate the usage of interactive video in the classroom. The ADDIE model's research and development (R&D) methodology was employed in this study: analysis, design, development, implementation, and assessment. As a result, it validated the teacher's material requirements while also analyzing the students' demands. Three English teachers and 18 secondary school students from MTS Miftahul Ulum Lumajang participated in this study. Data for this study were gathered through class observation, interviews, and questionnaires. An interview, however, revealed that the teacher frequently experienced difficulties developing English material for the junior high school class, notably for the eighth grade, due to students' questions and opinions. A questionnaire survey found that the majority of teachers (66.7%) had trouble improving pupils' speaking abilities by asking and providing opinions. According to this survey's findings, most students (72.2%) struggle to improve their speaking skills through questioning and replying. As a result, interactive video must be used. This study has given the majority of teachers a favorable impression of the efficiency of interactive movies in improving speaking proficiency

    Effectiveness Of PJBL And PBL Models On Numerative Literacy Based On Local Wisdom In Elementary Schools

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    The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of the PjBL (Project Based Learning) and PBL (Problem Based Learning) models on literacy and numeracy abilities based on local knowledge in elementary schools. In this work, a quantitative method and a quasi-experimental design are used. Students in fifth grade at SD Muhammadiyah 08 Cilacap made up the study population, and two classes—fifth grade students in class A using the PjBL model and fifth grade students in class B using the PBL model—made up the research sample. The tool being utilized is a test tool. Prior to usage, the instruments, which included multiple-choice and essay questions, underwent validity and reliability testing. Before managing and after administering therapy, the instrument was utilized for a posttest and pretest. This study aims to retest Nirmala's research (2023), which claims that Problem Based Learning has a greater average score of 82.68 for participant literacy and an average score of 81.00 for students' numerization. This finding appears to be in conflict with Ariyani and Prasetyo's research (2021), which reports a Particle eta Squared of 0.161 with a significance value of 0.079, indicating that the impact of Problem Based Learning and Problem Sol The usefulness of the PjBL model with the PBL model on locally based numeracy and literacy skills in elementary schools is examined in this study. The independent sample t-test and the paired sample t-test were used to test hypotheses. Before using the PjBL learning paradigm with PBL based on local wisdom, the typical daily test score for classes 5A and 5B was 55.95 and 59.7, respectively. The average score after managing the implementation of the PBL model is 77.7 in class 5A and 91.8 in class 5B, compared to 62, 15, and 66.6 after handling the implementation of the PjBL model in class 5A. The findings indicated that the PBL model was superior than the PjBL model in terms of improving reading and numeracy abilities based on local wisdom in elementary schools

    Evaluating Teacher Performance Based On Gender Using The Charlotte Danielson Evaluation Model

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    The objective of this research is to assess teacher performance in public senior high schools in the Maluku Barat Daya (MBD) district, with a focus on gender as a variable. Four primary components were utilized to evaluate teacher performance, which include lesson planning and preparation, class management, lesson implementation, and professional responsibility. Data were gathered from a total of twelve teachers, comprising six females and six males, employing the Charlotte Danielson Evaluation Model. The research employed a mixed-methods approach, initially utilizing qualitative methods such as interviews, observations, and document analysis, followed by quantitative analysis using the Charlotte Danielson model performance assessment rubric questionnaire. The outcomes indicated that both female and male teachers exhibited strong skills in lesson planning and design. In terms of class management, female teachers demonstrated excellent performance, whereas male teachers exhibited good performance. In the aspect of lesson implementation, female teachers displayed excellent performance, while male teachers were rated as good. Professional responsibility was assessed as good for both gender groups. The conclusion drawn is that gender does have an impact on teacher performance in terms of class management and lesson implementation


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