7 research outputs found

    Model systems for regeneration: Hydra

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    The freshwater polyp Hydra provides a potent model system for investigating the conditions that promote wound healing, reactivation of a developmental process and, ultimately, regeneration of an amputated body part. Hydra polyps can also be dissociated to the single cell level and can regenerate a complete body axis from aggregates, behaving as natural organoids. In recent years, the ability to exploit Hydra has been expanded with the advent of new live-imaging approaches, genetic manipulations that include stable transgenesis, gene silencing and genome editing, and the accumulation of high-throughput omics data. In this Primer, we provide an overview of Hydra as a model system for studying regeneration, highlighting recent results that question the classical self-enhancement and long-range inhibition model supposed to drive Hydra regeneration. We underscore the need for integrative explanations incorporating biochemical as well as mechanical signalling

    Three homologous subunits form a high affinity peptide-gated ion channel in Hydra

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    Recently, three ion channel subunits of the degenerin (DEG)/epithelial Na(+) channel (ENaC) gene family have been cloned from the freshwater polyp Hydra magnipapillata, the Hydra Na(+) channels (HyNaCs) 2–4. Two of them, HyNaC2 and HyNaC3, co-assemble to form an ion channel that is gated by the neuropeptides Hydra-RFamides I and II. The HyNaC2/3 channel is so far the only cloned ionotropic receptor from cnidarians and, together with the related ionotropic receptor FMRFamide-activated Na(+) channel (FaNaC) from snails, the only known peptide-gated ionotropic receptor. The HyNaC2/3 channel has pore properties, like a low Na(+) selectivity and a low amiloride affinity, that are different from other channels of the DEG/ENaC gene family, suggesting that a component of the native Hydra channel might still be lacking. Here, we report the cloning of a new ion channel subunit from Hydra, HyNaC5. The new subunit is closely related to HyNaC2 and -3 and co-localizes with HyNaC2 and -3 to the base of the tentacles. Coexpression in Xenopus oocytes of HyNaC5 with HyNaC2 and -3 largely increases current amplitude after peptide stimulation and affinity of the channel to Hydra-RFamides I and II. Moreover, the HyNaC2/3/5 channel has altered pore properties and amiloride affinity, more similarly to other DEG/ENaC channels. Collectively, our results suggest that the three homologous subunits HyNaC2, -3, and -5 form a peptide-gated ion channel in Hydra that could contribute to fast synaptic transmission

    The transcription factor Zic4 promotes tentacle formation and prevents epithelial transdifferentiation in Hydra

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    The molecular mechanisms that maintain cellular identities and prevent dedifferentiation or transdifferentiation remain mysterious. However, both processes are transiently used during animal regeneration. Therefore, organisms that regenerate their organs, appendages, or even their whole body offer a fruitful paradigm to investigate the regulation of cell fate stability. Here, we used Hydra as a model system and show that Zic4, whose expression is controlled by Wnt3/β-catenin signaling and the Sp5 transcription factor, plays a key role in tentacle formation and tentacle maintenance. Reducing Zic4 expression suffices to induce transdifferentiation of tentacle epithelial cells into foot epithelial cells. This switch requires the reentry of tentacle battery cells into the cell cycle without cell division and is accompanied by degeneration of nematocytes embedded in these cells. These results indicate that maintenance of cell fate by a Wnt-controlled mechanism is a key process both during homeostasis and during regeneration. </p