125 research outputs found

    New analysis in the field of open cluster Collinder 223

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    The present study of the open cluster Collinder 223 (Cr 223) has been mainly depended on the photoelectric data of Claria & Lapasset (1991; hereafter CL91). This data of CL91 has been used with the cluster's image of AAO-DSS in order to re-investigate and improve the main parameters of Cr 223. Stellar count has been achieved to determine the stellar density, the cluster's center and the cluster's diameter. In addition, the luminosity function, mass function, and the total mass of the cluster have been estimated.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Galactic Extinction from Colors and Counts of Field Galaxies in WFPC2 Frames: An Application to GRB 970228

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    We develop the ``simulated extinction method'' to measure average foreground Galactic extinction from field galaxy number-counts and colors. The method comprises simulating extinction in suitable reference fields by changing the isophotal detection limit. This procedure takes into account selection effects, in particular, the change in isophotal detection limit (and hence in isophotal magnitude completeness limit) with extinction, and the galaxy color--magnitude relation. We present a first application of the method to the HST WFPC2 images of the gamma-ray burster GRB 970228. Four different WFPC2 high-latitude fields, including the HDF, are used as reference to measure the average extinction towards the GRB in the F606W passband. From the counts, we derive an average extinction of A_V = 0.5 mag, but the dispersion of 0.4 mag between the estimates from the different reference fields is significantly larger than can be accounted by Poisson plus clustering uncertainties. Although the counts differ, the average colors of the field galaxies agree well. The extinction implied by the average color difference between the GRB field and the reference galaxies is A_V = 0.6 mag, with a dispersion in the estimated extinction from the four reference fields of only 0.1 mag. All our estimates are in good agreement with the value of 0.81\pm0.27 mag obtained by Burstein & Heiles, and with the extinction of 0.78\pm0.12 measured by Schlegel et al. from maps of dust IR emission. However, the discrepancy between the widely varying counts and the very stable colors in these high-latitude fields is worth investigating.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures; submitted to the Astrophysical Journa

    Trumpler 20 - an old and rich open cluster

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    We show that the open cluster Trumpler 20, contrary to the earlier findings, is actually an old Galactic open cluster. New CCD photometry and high-resolution spectroscopy are used to derive the main parameters of this cluster. At [Fe/H]=-0.11 for a single red giant star, the metallicity is slightly subsolar. The best fit to the color-magnitude diagrams is achieved using a 1.3 Gyr isochrone with convective overshoot. The cluster appears to have a significant reddening at E(B-V)=0.46 (for B0 spectral type), although for red giants this high reddening yields the color temperature exceeding the spectroscopic T_eff by about 200 K. Trumpler 20 is a very rich open cluster, containing at least 700 members brighter than M_V=+4. It may extend over the field-of-view available in our study at 20'x20'.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures; accepted for publication in MNRA

    The Globular Cluster Population of NGC 7457: Clues to the Evolution of Field S0 Galaxies

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    In this paper we present the results of a wide-field imaging study of the globular cluster (GC) system of the field S0 galaxy NGC 7457. To derive the global properties of the GC system, we obtained deep BVR images with the WIYN 3.5 m telescope and Minimosaic Imager and studied the GC population of NGC 7457 to a projected radius of approximately 30 kpc. Our ground-based data were combined with archival and published Hubble Space Telescope data to probe the properties of the GC system close to the galaxy center and reduce contamination in the GC candidate sample from foreground stars and background galaxies. We performed surface photometry of NGC 7457 and compared the galaxy's surface brightness profile with the surface density profile of the GC system. The profiles have similar shapes in the inner 1 arcminute (3.9 kpc), but the GC system profile appears to flatten relative to the galaxy light at larger radii. The GC system of NGC 7457 is noticeably elliptical in our images; we measure an ellipticity of 0.66 +/- 0.14 for the GC distribution, which is consistent with our measured ellipticity of the galaxy light. We integrated the radial surface density profile of the GC system to derive a total number of GCs N_GC = 210 +/- 30. The GC specific frequency normalized by the galaxy luminosity and mass are S_N = 3.1 +/- 0.7 and T = 4.8 +/- 1.1, respectively. Comparing the derived GC system properties and other empirical data for NGC 7457 to S0 formation scenarios suggests that this field S0 galaxy may have formed in an unequal-mass merger.Comment: 40 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Lifting the Dusty Veil With Near- and Mid-Infrared Photometry: III. Two-Dimensional Extinction Maps of the Galactic Midplane Using the Rayleigh-Jeans Color Excess Method

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    We provide new, high-resolution A(Ks) extinction maps of the heavily reddened Galactic midplane based on the Rayleigh-Jeans Color Excess ("RJCE") method. RJCE determines star-by-star reddening based on a combination of near- and mid-infrared photometry. The new RJCE-generated maps have 2 x 2 arcmin pixels and span some of the most severely extinguished regions of the Galaxy -- those covered with Spitzer+IRAC imaging by the GLIMPSE-I, -II, -3D, and Vela-Carina surveys, from 256<l<65 deg and, in general, for |b| <= 1-1.5 deg (extending up to |b|<=4 deg in the bulge). Using RJCE extinction measurements, we generate dereddened color-magnitude diagrams and, in turn, create maps based on main sequence, red clump, and red giant star tracers, each probing different distances and thereby providing coarse three-dimensional information on the relative placement of dust cloud structures. The maps generated from red giant stars, which reach to ~18-20 kpc, probe beyond most of the Milky Way extinction in most directions and provide close to a "total Galactic extinction" map -- at minimum they provide high angular resolution maps of lower limits on A(Ks). Because these maps are generated directly from measurements of reddening by the very dust being mapped, rather than inferred on the basis of some less direct means, they are likely the most accurate to date for charting in detail the highly patchy differential extinction in the Galactic midplane. We provide downloadable FITS files and an IDL tool for retrieving extinction values for any line of sight within our mapped regions.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

    Chandra X-ray Sources in M101

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    A deep (98.2 ks) Chandra Cycle-1 observation has revealed a wealth of discrete X-ray sources as well as diffuse emission in the nearby face-on spiral galaxy M101. From this rich dataset we have created a catalog of the 110 sources from the S3 chip detected with a significance of >3 sigma, corresponding to a flux of ~1.0E-16 ergs/cm/cm/s and a luminosity of 1.0E36 ergs/s for a distance to M101 of 7.2 Mpc. The sources display a distinct correlation with the spiral arms and include a variety of X-ray binaries, supersoft sources, supernova remnants, and other objects of which only ~27 are likely to be background sources. There are only a few sources in the interarm regions, and most of these have X-ray colors consistent with that of background AGNs. The derived log N-log S relation for the sources in M101 (background subtracted) has a slope of -0.80+/-0.05 over the range of 1.0E36 - 1.0E38 ergs/s. The nucleus is resolved into 2 nearly identical X-ray sources, each with a 0.5-2.0 keV flux of 4.0E37 ergs/s. One of these sources coincides with the optical nucleus, and the other coincides with a cluster of stars 110 pc to the south.Comment: 39 pages including 13 figures and 4 tables; ApJ, in pres

    The Solar Neighborhood. XXVI. AP Col: The Closest (8.4 pc) Pre-Main-Sequence Star

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    We present the results of a multi-technique investigation of the M4.5Ve flare star AP Col, which we discover to be the nearest pre-main-sequence star. These include astrometric data from the CTIO 0.9m, from which we derive a proper motion of 342.0+/-0.5 mas yr^-1, a trigonometric parallax of 119.21+/-0.98 mas (8.39+/-0.07 pc), and photometry and photometric variability at optical wavelengths. We also provide spectroscopic data, including radial velocity (22.4+/-0.3 km s^-1), lithium Equivalent Width (EW) (0.28+/-0.02 A), H-alpha EW (-6.0 to -35 A), {\it vsini} (11+/-1 km s^-1), and gravity indicators from the Siding Spring 2.3-m WiFeS, Lick 3-m Hamilton echelle, and Keck-I HIRES echelle spectrographs. The combined observations demonstrate that AP Col is the closer of only two known systems within 10 pc of the Sun younger than 100 Myr. Given its space motion and apparent age of 12-50 Myr, AP Col is likely a member of the recently proposed ~40 Myr old Argus/IC 2391 association.Comment: 31 pages, 11 figure

    The Mass and Structure of the Pleiades Star Cluster from 2MASS

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    We present the results of a large scale search for new members of the Pleiades star cluster using 2MASS near-infrared photometry and proper motions derived from POSS plates digitized by the USNO PMM program. The search extends to a 10 degree radius around the cluster, well beyond the presumed tidal radius, to a limiting magnitude of R ~ 20, corresponding to ~ 0.07 M_sun at the distance and age of the Pleiades. Multi-object spectroscopy for 528 candidates verifies that the search was extremely effective at detecting cluster stars in the 1 - 0.1 M_sun mass range using the distribution of H_alpha emission strengths as an estimate of sample contamination by field stars. When combined with previously identified, higher mass stars, this search provides a sensitive measurement of the stellar mass function and dynamical structure of the Pleiades. The degree of tidal elongation of the halo agrees well with current N body simulation results. Tidal truncation affects masses below ~ 1 M_sun. The cluster contains a total mass ~ 800 M_sun. Evidence for a flatter mass function in the core than in the halo indicates the depletion of stars in the core with mass less than ~ 0.5 M_sun, relative to stars with mass \~1 - 0.5 M_sun, and implies a preference for very low mass objects to populate the halo or escape. The overall mass function is best fitted with a lognormal form that becomes flat at ~ 0.1 M_sun. Whether sufficient dynamical evaporation has occurred to detectably flatten the initial mass function, via preferential escape of very low mass stars and brown dwarfs, is undetermined, pending better membership information for stars at large radial distances.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figures, 2 tables, accepted by AJ, to appear April 200

    Lifting the Dusty Veil With Near- and Mid-Infrared Photometry: I. Description and Applications of the Rayleigh-Jeans Color Excess Method

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    The Milky Way (MW) remains a primary laboratory for understanding the structure and evolution of spiral galaxies, but typically we are denied clear views of MW stellar populations at low Galactic latitudes because of extinction by interstellar dust. However, the combination of 2MASS near-infrared (NIR) and Spitzer-IRAC mid-infrared (MIR) photometry enables a powerful method for determining the line of sight reddening to any star: the sampled wavelengths lie in the Rayleigh-Jeans part of the spectral energy distribution of most stars, where, to first order, all stars have essentially the same intrinsic color. Thus, changes in stellar NIR-MIR colors due to interstellar reddening are readily apparent, and (under an assumed extinction law) the observed colors and magnitudes of stars can be easily and accurately restored to their intrinsic values, greatly increasing their usefulness for Galactic structure studies. In this paper we explore this "Rayleigh-Jeans Color Excess" (RJCE) method and demonstrate that use of even a simple variant of the RJCE method based on a single reference color, (H-[4.5um]), can rather accurately remove dust effects from previously uninterpretable 2MASS color-magnitude diagrams of stars in fields along the heavily reddened Galactic mid-plane, with results far superior to those derived from application of other dereddening methods. We also show that "total" Galactic midplane extinction looks rather different from that predicted using 100um emission maps from the IRAS/ISSA and COBE/DIRBE instruments as presented by Schlegel et al. Instead, the Galactic mid-plane extinction strongly resembles the distribution of 13-CO (J=1->0) emission. Future papers will focus on refining the RJCE method and applying the technique to understand better not only dust and its distribution, but the distribution of stars intermixed with the dust in the low-latitude Galaxy.Comment: Accepted to ApJ; 21 pages, 17 figure

    The OSACA Database and a Kinematic Analysis of Stars in the Solar Neighborhood

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    We transformed radial velocities compiled from more than 1400 published sources, including the Geneva--Copenhagen survey of the solar neighborhood (CORAVEL-CfA), into a uniform system based on the radial velocities of 854 standard stars in our list. This enabled us to calculate the average weighted radial velocities for more than 25~000 HIPPARCOS stars located in the local Galactic spiral arm (Orion arm) with a median error of +-1 km/s. We use these radial velocities together with the stars' coordinates, parallaxes, and proper motions to determine their Galactic coordinates and space velocities. These quantities, along with other parameters of the stars, are available from the continuously updated Orion Spiral Arm CAtalogue (OSACA) and the associated database. We perform a kinematic analysis of the stars by applying an Ogorodnikov-Milne model to the OSACA data. The kinematics of the nearest single and multiple main-sequence stars differ substantially. We used distant (r\approx 0.2 kpc) stars of mixed spectral composition to estimate the angular velocity of the Galactic rotation -25.7+-1.2 km/s/kpc, and the vertex deviation,l=13+-2 degrees, and detect a negative K effect. This negative K effect is most conspicuous in the motion of A0-A5 giants, and is equal to K=-13.1+-2.0 km/s/kpc.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure
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