168 research outputs found

    Adaptación de la madera de Eucalyptus globulus a la normativa europea de durabilidad natural

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    La madera de Eucalyptus globulus en algunos países como Australia es recomendada para situaciones de riesgo de ataque de organismos xilófagos por su elevada durabilidad. En Galicia esta madera ha sido utilizada desde hace muchas décadas en estructuras y carpinterías, que aún hoy perduran. Sin embargo, la norma europea EN-350-2 encuadra la especie E. globulus en la peor categoría de durabilidad natural, situación que no se corresponde con la realidad. El objetivo de este proyecto es constatar la durabilidad de esta especie frente a hongos de pudrición e insectos xilófagos y modificar en consecuencia la clase de durabilidad asignada en la norma europea. Con este fin se están realizando los correspondientes ensayos frente a hongos e insectos xilófagos, tanto en laboratorio como en campo. Los resultados que se han obtenido con los hongos de pudrición fibrosa y pudrición blanda indican que, efectivamente, el duramen es durable (clase 2), mientras que la albura no es durable (clase 4) y la madera juvenil es medianamente durable (clase 3). De este modo, se confirma la elevada durabilidad del duramen de eucalipto, a la espera de finalizar los ensayos en curso y obtener los resultados finales.__________________________In some countries as Australia the wood of Eucalyptus globulus is recommended for its high durability in risk situations where attack by organisms is likely to occur. In Galicia this species has been utilised since many decades for timber structures, which are still in service. But the European Standard EN-350-2 qualifies Eucalyptus globulus with the worst category of natural durability, situation that does not correspond with the reality. The objetive of this project is to determine the durability of the species against wood decay fungi and wood boring insects and to accordingly classify E. globulus in the mentioned standard. To achieve this objective laboratory and field tests against fungi and insect attack are carried out. The preliminary results of the laboratory tests with white and soft rot indicate that the heartwood is durable (class 2), sapwood is not durable (class 4) and juvenil wood is moderately durable (class 3). These results confirm the high durability of the heartwood of this species, pending the end of the remaining tests

    Durabilidad natural del carrizo (Phragmites australis) frente a organismos xilófagos: relación con otras especies forestales

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    This work presents the research carried out to determine the natural durability of reed (Phragmites communis) from the Fertö region of Hungary against wood decay organisms, with the objective of obtaininig information to be used as a constituent element in outdoor use, and in particular, in a viable and sustainable motorway noise barrier. Phragmites communis is a large perennial grass of considerable size which grows in temperate and tropical wetland zones throughout the world. Its growth is expansive and it frequently invades wetlands where it competes with the native species and therefore requires regular removal so that an excess of organic material is not produced in the habitat. In addition, the invasion by this plant of polluted waters also appears to have a beneficial effect, so it can be used as a natural water purifier and thus has a potential use as a purification method for wetlands contaminated by agricultural practices. Due to the need for its periodic extraction, its possible use as a construction material, although in a secondary role, gives it an added value for which further scientific study is required. In the absence of a reference Standard and being reed a lignocellulose material, the study of its natural durability has been based on the existing Standards for wood. The tests show that Hungarian reed has a high level of durability against some fungi and other wood decay organisms. Key words: Reed, sustainable noise barrier, durability, wood decay organisms.Este trabajo presenta las investigaciones llevadas a cabo para determinar la durabilidad natural de Phragmites communis procedente de la región de Fertö, Hungría, frente a organismos xilófagos, con el objetivo de ser utilizado en el exterior, y en particular, como parte fundamental de una barrera acústica sostenible para carretera. Phragmites communis es una gramínea de gran tamaño que se desarrolla en humedales de zonas templadas y tropicales de todo el mundo. Suele utilizarse como herramienta natural para la depuración de aguas, y es especialmente relevante su uso potencial como depurador de humedales contaminados por las prácticas agrícolas. Debido a la necesidad de extraerlo periódicamente, las investigaciones que se realicen para su posible uso como material de construcción ofrecerían un valorañadido. Dada la ausencia de una normativa de referencia, y dado que el carrizo es un material lignocelulósico, el estudio de su durabilidad natural se ha enfocado a partir de las normas existentes para madera. Los ensayos demuestran que la durabilidad del carrizo húngaro es alta frente a algunos hongos y organismos xilófagos

    Hábitos y conocimientos sobre fotoprotección y factores de riesgo para quemadura solar en corredores de maratones de montaña

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    Background and objectives: The incidence of skin cancer in our society is growing at an alarming rate due to overexposure to solar UV radiation in recreational and occupational settings. The aim of this study was to evaluate sun exposure and protection attitudes, behaviors, and knowledge among mountain ultramarathon runners and to assess risk factors for sunburn in this population. Material and methods: Cross-sectional survey of runners who participated in the «Gran Trail Aneto-Posets» race in Aragon, Spain. Using a validated questionnaire, we collected data on sociodemographic characteristics, running experience, sunburn in the previous summer, and sun exposure and protection behaviors. We calculated descriptive statistics and performed bivariate and multivariate analyses of associations using history of sunburn as the primary outcome. Statistical significance was set at a p level of less than 0.05. Results: We surveyed 657 runners (72.1% men) with a mean age of 39.71 years; 45.1% reported sunburn in the past year. The most common protective measures used were sunglasses (74.7%), sunscreen (sun protection factor = 15) (61.9%), a hat (52.2%), and other protective clothing (7.4%). Risk factors for sunburn were younger age, low Fitzpatrick skin type (I and II), running for three or more hours a day, and staying in the shade as a protective measure. By contrast, protective factors were use of sunscreen and seeking shade rather than sun at midday (p < 0.001). Conclusions: Sunburn is common among long-distance mountain runners, despite what appears to be adequate sun protection knowledge and behaviors. Targeted strategies are needed to improve sun protection behaviors among mountain runners

    Termotratamiento en madera de álamo como alternativa de mejora de su resistencia al biodeterioro

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    El interés por el uso del termotratamiento como técnica de mejora de las propiedades físicas, mecánicas y de durabilidad de la madera, data desde hace varias décadas y actualmente ha cobrado interés debido principalmente a la escasez de maderas resistentes al biodeterioro y con características tecnológicas (físico-mecánicas) apropiadas, como así también a la demanda de procedimientos alternativos y amigables con el medio ambiente para la mejora de dichas propiedades. Esto además, sumado a la creciente demanda de materiales constructivos sostenibles en general. Objetivo del trabajo: aplicar tratamientos de termo-modificación a la madera de Populus x canadensis ‘I-214’ como alternativa menos nociva para mejorar su resistencia al ataque de agentes bióticos de deterioro. Se trabajó con probetas dimensionadas según lo establecido en la norma UNE 56528:1978. Los ensayos de biodeterioro fueron realizados atendiendo a los procedimientos indicados en las normas CEN/TS 15083-1:2005 (durabilidad frente a hongos xilófagos) y EN 117:2012 (durabilidad frente a termitas). De acuerdo con ello, fue evaluada la resistencia del material expuesto a la cepas de pudrición castaña: Coniophora puteana; pudrición blanca: Trametes versicolor y a la acción de termitas: Reticulitermes grassei. Para la realización del termotratamiento se trabajó con 4 temperaturas (80, 120, 160 y 200°C) combinadas con 4 tiempos (45, 90, 135 y 180 minutos); paralelamente se trabajó con madera sin termotratar como material testigo. Resultados obtenidos: frente a hongos de pudrición castaña, la madera experimentó un porcentaje de pérdida de peso, Pp (%), descendente con el aumento de la temperatura. En cuanto al tiempo de exposición, las Pp (%) fueron estadísticamente inferiores cuando el material estuvo expuesto durante 135 minutos. Frente a hongos de pudrición blanca y de termitas, el único factor influyente en la bioresistencia fue la temperatura. Asimismo, para los hongos de pudrición blanca no pudo evidenciarse un comportamiento homogéneo en la evolución de las Pp (%) con los rangos de temperaturas empleados, mientras que para termitas, a 80°C se evidenció una tasa de supervivencia TS (%) superior con respecto a las otras temperaturas. En términos generales estos comportamientos podrían estar vinculados a la degradación de la lignina en el caso de los hongos de pudrición blanca, a la menor concentración de grupos hidroxilos con capacidad de absorber agua en el caso de los hongos de pudrición castaña y a la mayor disponibilidad de humedad que presenta la madera a bajas temperaturas, para la supervivencia de las termitas.Laboratorio de Investigaciones en Mader

    Hábitos, actitudes y conocimientos sobre la exposición solar de corredores de fondo en la Costa del Sol

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    A nivel dermatológico, la elevada exposición solar a radiación ultravioleta asociada a la práctica de actividades deportivas al aire libre, máxime en actividades recreativas de larga duración como son los corredores de fondo, aumenta el fotoenvejecimiento de la piel y la incidencia de cáncer de piel. El propósito del estudio fue evaluar los hábitos, actitudes y conocimientos sobre la exposición solar de corredores de fondo de nuestra comunidad. Se realizó un estudio transversal descriptivo mediante encuesta con un muestreo de conveniencia entre aquellos participantes de las medias maratones populares de Fuengirola y Marbella celebradas en el mes de septiembre del año 2016. En la muestra evaluada se ha hallado una intensa exposición solar realizando actividades al aire libre, asociado ello a una prevalencia de quemaduras solares elevada (uno de cada 2 corredores). Exposure to UV radiation during the practice of sports in the open air is especially high in sustained recreational activities such as long-distance running. UV exposure increases skin photoaging and the incidence of skin cancer. This study aimed to describe habits and attitudes related to sun exposure among long-distance runners in our area of southern Spain as well as to evaluate the runners’ knowledge of exposure. A cross-sectional descriptive study was designed to survey a convenience sample of participants in half marathons in Fuengirola and Marbella in September 2016. We found a high level of sun exposure among participants in this outdoor activity. The prevalence of sunburn was also high, experienced by half of the runners surveyed

    A formal framework to prove the correctness of model driven engineering composition operators

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    International audienceCurrent trends in system engineering combine modeling, composition and verification technologies in order to harness their ever growing complexity. Each composition operator dedicated to a different modeling concern should be proven to be property preserving at assembly time. These proofs are usually burdensome with repetitive aspects. Our work targets the factorisation of these aspects relying on primitive generic composition operators used to express more sophisticated language specific ones. These operators are defined for languages expressed with OMG MOF metamodeling technologies. The proof are done with the Coq proof assistant relying on the Coq4MDE framework defined previously. These basic operators, Union and Substitution, are illustrated using the MOF Package Merge as composition operator and the preservation of model conformance as verified property

    Sensitivity to change of the Beach Questionnaire to behaviour, attitudes and knowledge related to sun exposure: quasi-experimental before-after study

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    Background: Health questionnaires must present accredited measurement properties such as validity, reliability and sensitivity to change, the latter being essential for interventions to be planned and for evaluating their effectiveness. The aim of this study was to evaluate the sensitivity to change of a Beach Questionnaire.Methods: Quasi-experimental before-after study carried out in 2011, for a study population of adolescents attending schools in the Costa del Sol. First, the questionnaire was administered to the adolescents, after which a multicomponent educational intervention was carried out; finally, three months later, the same questionnaire was re-administered to the same adolescents. Changes were assessed in the categories of each item, using the McNemar test, and the changes in the scores, standardised to a range of 0–100, using the Student t test for paired samples, and including the mean of the differences and the 95% confidence interval. The level of statistical significance was set at p < 0.05.Results: 228 adolescents, aged 14–17 years, and 55.3% were girls. Statistically significant changes were observed in sunburn experiences, exposure to the sun at mid-day and attitudes to sun exposure and suncreams. For the seven items related to knowledge about sun exposure, a higher rate of correct answers was observed. The analysis of changes, within the standardised range, revealed a significant improvement in the scores for sun exposure habits (MD 4.33; CI 95% 2.2-6.5), attitudes to sun exposure (MD 2.22; CI 95% 1.2-3.2) and knowledge (MD 9.10; CI 95% 7.1-11.1), but not in those for sun-protection practices (MD 0.23; CI 95% -1.2-1.7).Conclusions: The Beach Questionnaire on behaviour, attitudes and knowledge related to sun exposure is the first such instrument in Spanish language to provide sufficient sensitivity to change. It constitutes a useful tool for epidemiologic research into photoprotection and for skin cancer prevention programmes.The authors would like to acknowledge support from the Research Department of the Costa del Sol Hospital

    The future for Mediterranean wetlands: 50 key issues and 50 important conservation research questions

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    Wetlands are critically important for biodiversity and human wellbeing, but face a range of challenges. This is especially true in the Mediterranean region, where wetlands support endemic and threatened species and remain integral to human societies, but have been severely degraded in recent decades. Here, in order to raise awareness of future challenges and opportunities for Mediterranean wetlands, and to inform proactive research and management, we identified (a) 50 key issues that might affect Mediterranean wetlands between 2020 and 2050, and (b) 50 important research questions that, if answered, would have the greatest impact on the conservation of Mediterranean wetlands between 2020 and 2050. We gathered ideas through an online survey and review of recent literature. A diverse assessment panel prioritised ideas through an iterative, anonymised, Delphi-like process of scoring, voting and discussion. The prioritised issues included some that are already well known but likely to have a large impact on Mediterranean wetlands in the next 30 years (e.g. the accumulation of dams and reservoirs, plastic pollution and weak governance), and some that are currently overlooked in the context of Mediterranean wetlands (e.g. increasing desalination capacity and development of antimicrobial resistance). Questions largely focused on how best to carry out conservation interventions, or understanding the impacts of threats to inform conservation decision-making. This analysis will support research, policy and practice related to environmental conservation and sustainable development in the Mediterranean, and provides a model for similar analyses elsewhere in the world

    Androgens modulate autophagy and cell death via regulation of the endoplasmic reticulum chaperone glucose-regulated protein 78/BiP in prostate cancer cells

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    Pro-survival signalling mediated by the androgen receptor (AR) is implicated as a key contributor to prostate carcinogenesis. As prostate tumours are characterized by nutrient-poor, hypoxic and acidified microenvironments, one mechanism whereby AR signalling may contribute to survival is by promoting adaptation to cellular stress. Here we have identified a novel role for AR in the inhibition of autophagy induced by serum withdrawal. This blockade is attributed to AR-mediated upregulation of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) chaperone glucose-regulated protein 78/BiP (Grp78/BiP), and occurs independently of ER stress response pathway activation. Interestingly, AR activation did not affect serum starvation-induced mammalian target of rapamycin inhibition, illustrating that the adaptive role for androgens lies not in the ability to modulate nutrient sensing, but in the promotion of ER stability. Finally, we show that the adaptive advantage conferred by AR-mediated Grp78/BiP upregulation is temporary, as upon chronic serum starvation, AR activation delayed but did not suppress the onset of autophagy and cell death. This study reveals a novel mechanism whereby maintained AR signalling promotes temporary adaptation to cellular stress and in turn may contribute to the evasion of prostate tumour cell death
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