106 research outputs found

    Le azioni umane per un ritorno alla selvaticità del paesaggio montano, modelli innovativi di pascolo

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    Lo scopo di questo progetto di dottorato è quello di ritrovare un equilibrio tra l'essere umano e l'ambiente, basato su pratiche tradizionali che rompono il paradigma secondo cui l'impatto umano sull'ambiente si traduce sempre in una corruzione e contaminazione degli ambienti naturali, con una depressione della biodiversità. Il lavoro mette in luce le conoscenze e le esperienze di chi ha vissuto di chi vive ancora il profondo legame con il territorio montano e ancora pratica la pastorizia transumante, cercando di trovare un punto d'incontro tra ecologia, biologia, filosofia e storia. Il pascolo, la transumanza e le tradizioni legate a queste attività sono state raccontate e analizzate sia da un punto di vista antropologico che ecologico, soffermandosi su come le comunità dell'entroterra dell'Appennino rappresentino, al tempo stesso, gli artefici e i custodi della attuale fisionomia dell'ambiente mediterraneo. L'utilizzo di descrittori biologici hanno confermato le ipotesi formulate sulla valenza ecologica di questo tipo di interazione uomo-natura, dimostrando come le praterie d'altura siano habitat caratterizzati da una biodiversità elevata e maggiore rispetto agli habitat circostanti, come il margine o il bosco, sia dal punto di vista faunistico che floristico. Inoltre, un esperimento di esclusione ha dimostrato come l'assenza di animali pascolatori abbia come effetto immediato l'abbassamento dei livelli di diversità dei pascoli, con comunità biologiche meno uniformi ed equilibrate rispetto ad aree regolarmente sottoposte ad azione pascolativa. Infine, analisi di immagini storiche hanno permesso la ricostruzione delle dinamiche paesaggistiche che hanno interessato un'area dell'Appennino Meridionale, dimostrando, attraverso indici paesaggistici, come l'abbandono della pastorizia si traduca in un fenomeno di avanzamento e compattazione del bosco, con conseguente abbassamento della diversità che questi ambienti possono ospitare. Questo progetto può rappresentare un tassello aggiuntivo importante nella letteratura che si sta sviluppando a proposito dell'impatto antropico e del rispristino ecologico, sulla base di modelli sintetici sia su studi locali, che a livello globale

    Plant dispersal characteristics shape the relationship of diversity with area and isolation

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    Aim The relation of plant dispersal syndromes with insular species richness patters remains one of the challenges in island biogeography, especially as people have affected species distribution patterns. This study disentangles how dispersal syndromes influence the relationship of richness with area and isolation while also accounting for the human impact on island biodiversity. It builds on the potential of islands at the mesoscale and of similar origin to contribute to the ongoing discussion in island biogeography on what determines species richness and filtering. Location Denmark, 54 islands in the North and Baltic Sea. Taxon Vascular plants, including pteridophytes. Methods Generalized linear models (GLMs) and linear regressions are used to analyse how dispersal syndromes influence the relationships of species numbers with island area and isolation, as well as island inhabitation and human density, respectively. Results Species numbers, seed mass and the proportion of zoochore and anemochore species are positively related to island area while the share of water-dispersed species decreases with increasing area. Isolation is weakly related to mean seed mass but has no explaining power for species numbers and the presence of specific dispersal syndrome on the target islands. Species richness and seed mass were positively related to human presence. Main conclusions Human impact for centuries has not overwritten the strong relationship of species richness with area on the Danish Islands but is affecting the shape of this relationship. Island area constitutes a strong filter for different dispersal syndromes and leads to the assumption that heavier and animal-dispersed seeds are positively related to area due to the presence of more bird and mammal species. Human-induced loss of isolation caused by ongoing traffic and the connection of landmasses by bridges and ferries may be a reason for the overall low explanatory power of island isolation.publishedVersio

    La articulación de saberes en la trayectoria de formación docente en Teatro

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    El presente trabajo propone una mirada analítica desde la asignatura Didáctica General y Especial del Juego Dramático hacia las Prácticas de la Enseñanza en distintos contextos educativos Se pretende reflexionar acerca de la provisión de criterios para la toma de decisiones en los espacios de práctica situados en la diversidad de contextos educativos. La asignatura Prácticas de la Enseñanza se nutre, de manera especial, de los aportes teóricos y metodológicos de la Didáctica. El reto que implica dicha articulación remite la mirada al interior del proyecto curricular del profesorado e invita a revisar las contribuciones de dichas asignaturas en pos de las decisiones didácticas de los futuros profesores de teatro

    Evaluation of maternal perception of children's weight and Body Mass Index in Tuscany, Italy

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    Background: The prevention of overweight is a high-priority public health task. The perception that parents have of their children’s nutritional status is a well recognized risk factor for obesity in children, so the aim of our study was to evaluate mothers’ perceptions of their children’s nutritional status. Methods: We conducted, in 2016, a cross-sectional study enrolling1710 children (third grade of all primary schools ) in Tuscany, as well as their mothers. Mothers’ information were collected through a self-administered questionnaire, while children (weighed and measured) filled a questionnaire under the supervision of qualified personnel. Results: 1449 children completed the questionnaire. 74.12% of mothers were able to correctly identify children BMI. The non correct classification tends to significantly decrease in presence of a high educational level compared to low educational level. Mothers’ BMI seems to not be associated with misclassification. The non correct classification was significantly associated with mothers’ opinion about their children’s eating habit. Conclusion: Our data confirmed that, in Tuscany, a limited percentage of mothers tend to misclassify the nutritional state of their children, but in order to maintain these encouraging results, further efforts should be done in order to make all mothers able to correctly evaluate their children. Statements:Authors declare no conflict of interest. The study was conducted according to the criteria set by the declaration of Helsinki and each subject signed an informed consent before participating to the study. Approval of the protocol was obtained from the institutional review board of the National Institute of Health, including the use of opt-out consent; that is, parents could refuse participation but the lack of a returned form was taken to imply consent to their child’s participation

    Plant dispersal characteristics shape the relationship of diversity with area and isolation

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    Aim This study disentangles how plant dispersal syndromes influence the relationship of species richness with area and isolation while also accounting for the human impact on island biodiversity. It builds on the potential of islands at the mesoscale and of similar origin to contribute to the ongoing discussion in island biogeography on what determines species richness and filtering. Location Denmark, 54 saltwater and brackish water islands in the North and Baltic Sea Taxon Vascular plants, including pteridophytes (ferns, clubmosses and horsetails) Methods Generalized linear models (GLMs) and linear regressions are used to analyse how dispersal syndromes influence the relationships of species numbers with island area and isolation, as well as island inhabitation and human density, respectively. Results Species numbers, as well as mean seed mass and the proportion of zoochore and anemochore species, are positively related to island area while the share of water-dispersed species decreases with increasing area. The slope of the regression line representing the species-area relationship (SAR) was 0.34 and lies within the common range for this relationship. Isolation is weakly related to mean seed mass but has no explaining power for species numbers and the presence of specific dispersal syndrome on the target islands. Species richness and seed mass was positively related to human presence. Main conclusions Human impact for centuries has not overwritten the strong relationship of species richness with area on the Danish Islands but is affecting the shape of this relationship. Island area constitutes a strong filter for different dispersal syndromes and leads to the assumption that heavier and animal-dispersed seeds are positively related to island area due to the presence of more bird and mammal species. Human-induced loss of isolation caused by ongoing traffic and the connection of landmasses by bridges and ferries may be a reason for the overall low explanatory power of island isolation. Higher species richness on inhabited islands may further be linked to higher habitat diversity in human modified landscapes.The data file (.xlsx file) can be opened in Excel or Libre Office. It might be easiest to access the data file in R as it can then be used in combination with the provided R code.The dataset consists of three parts: (I) Environmental data listing the 54 studied Danish Islands including island characteristics, (II) plant species occurrence data (presence/absence data) on these islands, and (III) trait data of vascular plants that form part of the study. Environmental data For all target islands, information on isolation to continental land masses, island area, and the number of island inhabitants were gathered. The exact geographic position and precise boundaries of the 54 target islands were determined in GIS. This allowed us to calculate isolation as the shortest distance to the nearest mainland (species pool; considering the largest islands Saelland, Vendsyssel-Thyto, and Fyn to be part of continental Denmark), and surface area of the individual islands. To account for human alterations we identified inhabited and uninhabited islands and calculated human density (number of island inhabitants per ha). The number of island inhabitants was compiled from Danmarks Statistik (2021) and for smaller islands, we used Google Earth images (© Google Earth 2021) to verify that no houses were present on the island (human density = 0). Danmarks Statistik (2021). www.statbank.dk/BEF4 (last accessed on 25.10.2021). Species occurrence data Species occurrence data was extracted from a comprehensive data set compiled by Erik Wessberg and co-workers since 1979. It became available in 2011 on the homepage of the Danish Botanical Society as a series of commented species lists, one for each of the islands or cluster of islands surveyed in total (Wessberg et al. 2011). Wessberg, E. et al. (2011). Homepage of the Danish Botanical Society, accessed 10 June 2012, https://botaniskforening.dk/botanik/ofloraer/. Trait data Trait information on seed mass (mg) and dispersal syndromes (zoochory, hydrochory, anemochory, and autochory) were gathered for the 1201 species found on 54 Danish islands from a set of databases: mainly Royal Botanic Gardens Kew (2016), LEDA database (Kleyer et al., 2008) and additionally Ecological Flora of The British Isles (Fitter & Peat, 1994), BiolFlor (Klotz, et al., 2002), BROT trait database for plant species of the Mediterranean Basin (Paula et al., 2009), and D³, The Dispersal and Diaspore Database (Hintze, et al. 2013). Gaps in the data (roughly 100 species) were filled, when possible, by interpolation based on the traits of other species of the same genus, and ferns and clubmosses were assigned the smallest seed mass value in the dataset. Fitter, A. H. & Peat, H. J. 1994. The Ecological Flora Database. Journal of Ecology 82, 415-425. Hintze, C., Heydel F, Hoppe C, Cunze S, König A & Tackenberg O. (2013). D³: The Dispersal and Diaspore Database - Baseline data and statistics on seed dispersal. – Perspectives in Plant Ecology and Evolutionary Syst., 15, 180-192. Kleyer, M., Bekker, R., Knevel, I., Bakker, J., Thompson, K., Sonnenschein, M., … Peco, B. (2008). The LEDA Traitbase: A database of life-history traits of Northwest European flora. Journal of Ecology, 96, 1266-1274 Klotz, S., Kühne, I., & Walter, D. S. (2002). BIOLFLOR - Eine Datenbank zu biologisch-ökologischen Merkmalen der Gefäßpflanzen in Deutschland. – Schriftenreihe für Vegetationskunde 38. Bonn: Bundesamt für Naturschutz. Paula, S., Arianoutsou, M., Kazanis, D., Tavsanoglu, Ç., Lloret, F., Buhk, C., Ojeda, F., Luna, B., Moreno, J. M., Rodrigo, A., Espelta, J. M., Palacio, S., Fernández-Santos, B., Fernandes, P. M., & Pausas, J.G. (2009). Fire-related traits for plant species of the Mediterranean Basin. Ecology, 90, 1420 Royal Botanic Gardens Kew. (2016). Seed Information Database (SID). Version 7.1. Available from: http://data.kew.org/sid/ (June 2016)

    El uso de tecnologías en la producción artística de estudiantes de escuelas secundarias del Partido de Tandil

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    Se presentan resultados parciales de las investigaciones realizadas en elmarco del proyecto de investigación “Producción cultural juvenilmediada: una aproximación a las dinámicas de apropiación, elaboraciónde discursos y prácticas de sociabilidad en jóvenes”, dirigido por la Dra.María Cristina Dimatteo y radicado en el grupo de investigación TECC(Teatro, Educación y Consumos culturales). El proyecto, iniciado en elaño 2011, se propuso indagar sobre el modo en que los jóvenes seapropian de formas elaboradas, cómo producen formas o productos deresistencia y de producción cultural propia original, heterogénea,contradictoria, intercultural, a escala local

    El uso de las tecnologías en la producción artística de estudiantes de escuela secundaria del Partido de Tandil

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    Se presentan resultados parciales de las investigaciones realizadas en el marco del proyecto de investigación “Producción cultural juvenil mediada: una aproximación a las dinámicas de apropiación, elaboración de discursos y prácticas de sociabilidad en jóvenes”, dirigido por la Dra. María Cristina Dimatteo y radicado en el grupo de investigación TECC (Teatro, Educación y Consumos culturales). El proyecto, iniciado en el año 2011, se propuso indagar sobre el modo en que los jóvenes se apropian de formas elaboradas, cómo producen formas o productos de resistencia y de producción cultural propia original, heterogénea, contradictoria, intercultural, a escala local.

    Population development and landscape preference of reintroduced wild ungulates: successful rewilding in Southern Italy

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    Background: In the past decades, the abandonment of traditional land use practices has determined landscape changes inducing reforestation dynamics. This phenomenon can be contrasted with rewilding practices, i.e., the reintroduction of animals that may promote the recovery of landscape diversity. In this study, we explore the dynamics of expansion of two reintroduced populations of wild ungulates, Italian roe deer (Capreolus capreolus italicus) and red deer (Cervus elaphus), assessing their contribution in the recovery of landscape diversity. Methods: By using direct and indirect information on the two species, collected by nocturnal and diurnal surveys and camera trapping, we modelled a habitat suitability map, and estimated the density and distribution of the populations. We also performed a land use changes analysis, combining the presence of wild ungulates and livestock. Results and discussion: We demonstrated that deer dispersed gradually from their release location, increasing in population size, and this occurred in the entire study area. Moreover, we show that areas with lower grazing density are significantly affected by forest encroachment. A possible interpretation of this result could be that wild grazers (roe deer and red deer) prefer semi-open areas surrounded by the forest. This, in association with other factors, such as domestic grazing, could be one of the main responsible in maintaining landscape mosaic typical of the Apennine mountain, confirming the value of grazers as a landscape management tool. Moreover, we show the possibility to conserve through reintroduction the vulnerable C.c. italicus

    Uso de y acceso a las nuevas tecnologías en la producción artística en escuelas secundarias del partido de Tandil

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    En esta comunicación desarrollaremos algunos avances de la investigación iniciada en el año 2011 en el marco del proyecto “Producción cultural juvenil mediada: una aproximación a las dinámicas de apropiación, elaboración de discursos y prácticas de sociabilidad en jóvenes”, dirigido por la Mag. María Cristina Dimatteo y radicado en el grupo de investigación TECC (Teatro, educación y consumos culturales). El proyecto propone avanzar sobre el modo en que los jóvenes se apropian de formas elaboradas, cómo producen formas o productos de resistencia y de producción cultural propia original, heterogénea, contradictoria, intercultural, a escala local.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació