28 research outputs found

    O mercado acionário e o desempenho dos ativos financeiros no Brasil com emprego da análise técnica

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    This study aims to investigate the performance of technical analysis model used in the management of a portfolio, created from the shareholding with greater participation in the theoretical portfolio of IBOVESPA. It also evaluates the performance and the available return of shareholding portfolio comparing to other strategies and Brazilian financial assets. The period chosen to the analysis was from January 02, 2007 until August 29, 2008 and the twelve stockholdings, in order of participation in the IBOVESPA theoretical portfolio on December 28, 2006 that were Petrobras PN, Vale R. Doce PNA-N1, Bradesco PN-N1, Usiminas PNA, Telemar PN, Itaubanco PN-N1, Vale R. Doce ON-N1, Gerdau PN-N1, Siderurgica National ON, Net PNN2, VIVO PN and Petrobras ON. The evidences had pointed out that the management of stockholdings portfolio by moving averages from technical analysis model yielded 69.27% from January 02, 2007 up to August 29, 2008. Therefore, this result was higher than it was reached by the strategy of buy & hold from the same portfolio of 44,61%. Also this yield was greater than any other financial asset like investment fund or other indicator based on stockholding prices as IBOVESPA.Key words: technique analysis, stockholdings, Ibovespa, theoretical portfolio, mobile averages,capital market.Este estudo objetiva investigar o desempenho do modelo de análise técnica empregado na gestãode uma carteira criada a partir das ações com maior participação na carteira teórica do Ibovespa. Também visa avaliar o resultado e o retorno da carteira de ações comparados com outras estratégias e ativos disponíveis no mercado financeiro. O período escolhido para a análise do resultado da carteira foi de 2/1/2007 até 29/8/2008, e as doze ações, por ordem de participação na carteira teórica do Ibovespa em 28/12/2006, foram as da Petrobras PN, Vale R. Doce PNA-N1, Bradesco PN-N1, Usiminas PNA, Telemar PN, Itaubanco PN-N1, Vale R. Doce ON-N1, GerdauPN-N1, Siderúrgica Nacional ON, Net PN-N2, Vivo PN e Petrobras ON. As evidências encontradas indicaram que o gerenciamento da carteira de ações, mediante o modelo das Médias Móveis da análise técnica, apresentou um rendimento de 69,27%. Portanto, tal desempenho foi muito superior ao rendimento alcançado pela estratégia comprar e esperar (buy & hold) da mesma carteira de ações de 44,61% e ao de quaisquer outras aplicações no mercado financeiro como os próprios fundos de investimentos ou indicadores com base em preços de ações como o Ibovespa.Palavras-chave: análise técnica, ações, Ibovespa, carteira teórica, médias móveis, mercado decapitais

    Correction of Flexural Deformity of the Metacarpophalangeal Joint in a Calf

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    Background: The congenital flexural deformity is common in cattle, often affecting the metacarpophalangeal joint of the thoracic limbs. The deformity may be mild, moderate, or severe, and the therapy depends on the limb's degree of flexion and the affected joint. In severe deformities, tenotomy of the flexor tendons and desmotomy of the suspensor ligament is recommended. However, this surgical technique may not be sufficient to promote limb extension, and other interventions may be necessary. Thus, the purpose of this report is to describe a technique to correct severe flexural deformities of the metacarpophalangeal joint in calves.Case: A three-month-old, female, Dutch-bred calf weighing 46 kg was referred for treatment of congenital flexural deformity. On attendance, the patient presented severe deformity in the right thoracic limb and mild in the left thoracic limb both at the height of the metacarpophalangeal joints. During palpation it was possible to notice that the flexor tendons were contracted in both limbs. Radiographic exams were performed to rule out the presence of other diseases, confirming the diagnosis of flexural deformity. The patient was referred to surgery to correct the anatomical anomaly. The animal was submitted to general anesthesia and placed in right lateral decubitus. In the left thoracic limb, an incision was made in the medial region of the metacarpal bone, the tissues were divulsioned until the superficial digital and deep digital flexor tendons were exposed; these structures were sectioned with a scalpel, and the limb was extended, returning to the standard anatomical position. In the right thoracic limb, the same procedure was performed, but during the limb extension test, we observed that the limb remained flexed, we then followed with a second incision and section of the deep digital flexor tendon in the palmar region at the middle phalanx of the lateral and medial digits, with this procedure, the limb extended further. Nevertheless, the procedure was not enough to solve the problem in the right thoracic limb, and the patient needed a second surgical intervention, in which we performed again tenotomy of the flexor tendons and desmotomy of the digital annular, crossed sesamoid, and interdigital phalangiosamoid ligaments, associated to the capsule opening of the capsule from the affected right metacarpophalangeal joint. After this surgery, the patient recovered to the normal anatomical position of the right thoracic limb. The procedures were efficient in achieving the normality of both affected limbs, and the patient recovered without postoperative complications.Discussion: In severe flexural deformities of the metacarpophalangeal joint in bovines, the fetlock's flexor tendons and suspensory ligament are implicated in the limb contracture. For these cases the chosen treatment is surgery with sequential sectioning of the flexor tendons and the suspensory ligament until the extension of the flexed limb occurs. Although there are reports that confirm the efficacy of this technique, there are cases in which other anatomic structures are involved in the limb contracture. In addition, the desmotomy and tenotomy techniques are not enough to achieve the normality of the affected joint, with the limb remaining flexed, leading to euthanasia of the patient in some cases. In cattle, few reports demonstrate possible techniques for severe contractures of the metacarpophalangeal joint, requiring further studies and new techniques to achieve recovery of these patients. Keywords: bovine, congenital, anatomical anomaly, contracture, tendon, fetlock.Descritores: bovinos, congênita, anomalia anatômica, contratura, tendão, boleto.Título: Correção de deformidade flexural da articulação metacarpofalangeana em  uma bezerr

    Pyometra Treatment by Histeropexy with Toggles Aplication in Mini Horse

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    Background: Brazil is an important horse breeder that creates about three million jobs and movements about R$16,15billions per year. Although, it is important to the horse breeding industry success that the animals reproductive performance be kept. The mare pregnancy loss causes abundant forfeitures to horse breeders, furthermore, the chronic pyometra is one of that causes. The chronic pyometra is an uncommon mare condition, clinical treatments are often ineffective, under those circumstances the hysterectomy, ovariohysterectomy and uteropexy are recommended. This report proposes to describe the chronic pyometra surgical treatments with the uteropexy technique in mini horses that do not respond to the clinical treatment. Case: A 14-year-old mini breed horse mare weighing 117 kg was sent to Veterinarian Hospital (HV) of the Paraná Federal University (UFPR), presenting dystocia background and intrauterine purulent secretion. The clinical treatment had been conducted, but not well succeeded. An hysteroscopy was conducted with a cervix rupture monitoring, uterine mucosa edematiated and crispy, presenting liquid and a high amount of purulent secretion in the uterus horn and body. The biopsy identified uteropexy. The post-surgical complications were minimums and 30 days after the procedure the laparoscopy was repeated with uterine healing monitoring, without adherences and the uterus were at horizontal position. The hysteroscopy was conducted where a small amount of purulent secretion was perceived. Ten days after the second laparoscopy the patient was discharged. Two years after the procedure, the animal responsible informed that there was not a relapse. Discussion: the mare pyometra occurrence is uncommon and emerges by nature protection false mechanisms. Any change or flaw in one of these protection mechanics barriers, may result in a reproductive change due to uterine infection, resulting in reduction of mare reproductive capacity. Probably this reports patients developed pyometra due to the cervix lesion it's presented made easier the uterus external microorganisms entrance, that predisposes an chronic uterine infection. As many authors report, the chronic pyometra clinical treatment is not always successful, also observed in the case reported, indicating then surgical treatment. There are many pyometra surgical treatments indications as: Wedge resection technique in case of cervix adherence, uteropexy technique, ovary-hysterectomy technique or hysterectomy. The ovary-hysterectomy and the hysterectomy was not conducted for being considered highly invasive. This case choice procedure was the uteropexy, which corresponds to fixing the broad ligament of the uterus to the abdominal wall, repositioning it horizontally, to obtain a better drainage and motility, since this is your anatomic position. In the report, the surgical technique was conducted satisfactorily, certifying the uterine elevation by laparoscopy in the postoperative and also by the responsible report, that the animal does not relapse in two years. The postoperative complications were not alarming, considering that it ceased 24h after the procedure. The conclusions present in this treatment show that the hysteropexy conducted by videosurgery with toggles application developed the necessary uterine elevation to the liquid drainage, that allows the mare to execute the uterine cleaning by the physiological form.Keywords: uterus, endometritis, uteropexy, uterine elevation.Histeropexia com aplicação de “toggles” para tratamentode piometra em mini horseDescritores: útero, edometrite, uteropexia, elevação uterina

    Megaesophagus in Mule

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    Background: Megaesophagus is a chronic dilation of the esophagus rarely found in horses. It’s a non-specific disease that is associated with several causes, and esophageal hypomotility is the dysfunction that most commonly results in organ dilation. In the literature, there are few reports of megaesophagus in horses and, to date, no cases in mule have been reported. The objective of this work is to describe a case of a donkey with thoracic megaesophagus.Case: A 16 year-old donkey, castrated male, mixed breed weighing 195 kg, was referred for clinical care with a history of 5 days of anorexia. On physical examination, apathy, cachexia, 8% dehydration, moderate enophthalmos, ptialism, bilateral nasal discharge, dry and bristling hair were observed. Due to the poor general condition, a nasogastric tube was chosen to perform enteral nutrition, however, it was not possible to progress the tube to the stomach. In order to confirm the suspicion of a possible esophageal obstruction, gastroscopy was performed, where it was possible to observe an esophageal dilation filled with bulky food located in the thoracic portion of the esophagus. In an attempt to stimulate esophageal motility, in order to promote the progression of the material present in the region of dilation, intramuscular metoclopramide was administered (two applications every 6 h), however the treatment had no effect. Due to the unfavorable prognosis and financial limitations of the owner, euthanasia was performed, which was followed by autopsy and histopathological examination. At necropsy, a marked dilation of the esophagus was observed in the thoracic portion, which was filled with approximately 500 grams of bulky food (grass). In the mucosa of this area, multiple ulcers were observed that occasionally coalesce, covered by a moderate amount of friable and yellowish-white material.Discussion: Megaesophagus is characterized by organ dilatation and enlargement, absence of peristalsis, presence of tertiary contractions and non-total or partial relaxation of the lower sphincter. Its origin can be congenital or secondary (acquired). In the congenital form, which corresponds to the hypomotility and generalized dilation of the esophagus, the main consequence is the underdevelopment of the foal after weaning. The acquired form occurs due to motor changes in the esophagus or gastroesophageal sphincter, causing passive dilation of the organ. Lupus erythematosus, polymyositis, polyneuritis, degenerative neuropathies, hypoadrenocorticism, hypothyroidism, thiamine deficiency, heavy metal poisoning (Lead and Thallium), tumors (mainly thymoma) and cervical injuries are among the main causes of secondary megaesophagus. Animals with esophageal paralysis or some type of esophageal obstruction, usually present nasal and oral reflux of saliva and may develop aspiration pneumonia, accompanied by nutritional deficiencies, weight loss, changes in normal development and the presence of esophageal ulcers. With the exception of pneumonia, the animal in the present report had all these signs. The prognosis of animals affected by megaesophagus is unfavorable. One of the ways to alleviate this disease is surgical treatment, however, complications such as dehiscence are common after esophageal surgery, mainly due to the fact that this organ does not have a serous layer, resulting in delayed healing. For this reason, euthanasia is considered in most cases. Megaesophagus is a non-specific and multifactorial disease that affects horses, and there are no reports in the literature in mules. In this case, endoscopy allowed the diagnosis to be made while still alive, however it was not possible to determine the primary cause of the disease

    Preparation, Characterization and Biological Studies of B-TCP and B-TCP/Al2O3 Scaffolds Obtained by Gel-Casting of Foams

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    Replacement tissues for tissue engineering can be produced by seeding human cells onto scaffolds. In order to guarantee adequate bio-compatibility, porosity and mechanical resistance for promoting cellular growth, proliferation and differentiation within scaffold structures, it is necessary to investigate and improve materials and processing routes. beta-tricalcium phosphate can be considered a very suitable bio-ceramic material for bone therapy because of its biocompatibility, osteo-conductivity and neo-vascularization potential. Alumina is commonly used as a sintering additive. In this study, beta-TCP and beta-TCP/Al2O3 scaffolds were obtained by gel-casting method. The scaffolds showed high porosity (8688%) and pore sizes ranging from 200 to 500 mu m. Even though alumina did not promote improvement in beta-TCP/Al2O3 scaffolds in terms of mechanical performance, they showed great cytocompatibility as there was no cytotoxic and genotoxic effect. Therefore, beta-TCP and beta-TCP/Al2O3 scaffolds are good candidates for application in tissue engineering.Sao Paulo Research Foundation - FAPESPNational Council for Scientific and Technological DevelopmentNational Council for Scientific and Technological DevelopmentUniv Fed Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Sci & Technol Inst ICT, Bioceram Lab BIOCERAM, 330 Talim St, BR-12231280 Sao Jose Dos Campos, SP, BrazilCNPEM, Brazilian Nanotechnol Natl Lab LNNANO, POB 6192, BR-13083970 Campinas, SP, BrazilUniv Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho UN, Sch Dent, Dept Biosci & Oral Diag, 777 Engenheiro Francisco Jose Longo Ave, BR-12245000 Sao Jose Dos Campos, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Sci & Technol Inst ICT, Bioceram Lab BIOCERAM, 330 Talim St, BR-12231280 Sao Jose Dos Campos, SP, BrazilFAPESP: 2010/00863-0National Council for Scientific and Technological Development: 456461/2014-0]CNPq/PIBITI/UNIFESPWeb of Scienc

    Clitoridectomy and Urethrostomy in a Pseudohermaphrodite Dog

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    Background: Hermaphroditism is a rare congenital disease that causes ambiguous sexual features. True hermaphrodites have testicular and ovarian tissue, whereas pseudohermaphrodites have only one type of gonadal tissue, genitalia, but secondary characteristics of the opposite sex. Pseudohermaphrodites are classified as male or female according to their gonads. Treatment of pseudohermaphroditism consists of surgical removal of the gonads including reconstruction of abnormal genitalia, especially if the urethra is involved. Therefore, the objective of this report is to describe a case of a male pseudohermaphrodite in a dog treated with clitoridectomy with urethrostomy.Case: A 7-month-old, mixed-breed dog was referred due to the presence of a flaccid structure similar to a small penis, containing an os clitoris, bulbourethral glands, and urethra protruding from the vulva. Physical examination, complete blood count and serum biochemistry were within normal ranges. Hormonal levels of estradiol, testosterone, and progesterone were 56.39 pg/mL, 127.9 ng/mL, and 0.892 ng/mL, respectively. The abdominal ultrasound and posteriorly the exploratory celiotomy found a normal size prostate and two round organs resembling testicles connected to a uterus-like tubular structure. The patient underwent surgical abdominal exploration that confirmed the ultrasonographic findings and led to gonadohysterectomy. Also, clitoridectomy and urethrostomy were performed to excise the protruded structure and maintain normal urethral patency. The histopathological examination of the clitoris and penis confirmed it was a male genital organ, however, the abdominal structures were compatible with the testicles, epididymis, uterus, and even a broad ligament. These organs are normally found in cases of male pseudohermaphroditism. The testicles were histologically composed of regular seminiferous tubules, single layer Sertoli cells but there were no spermatogenic cells. After ten months of follow-up, the patient was alive, without urination impairment or any other clinical signs.Discussion: The animal presented the protrusion of the penile structure as the sole clinical sign. The reproductive system had a female origin, been possible its masculinization due to high testosterone concentration that induced the development of Wolff ducts, resulting in the formation of the epididymis, deferent ducts, and seminal vesicles. In these cases, it led to an enlarged clitoris. The patient described had hormonal levels compatible with a neutered male/female or a female in anestrus. The clinical signs become evident as the clitoris gets hypertrophied increasing the sensibility, resulting in constant licking of the mucosa, chronic inflammation, and mucopurulent discharge. This patient was diagnosed with male pseudohermaphroditism as it had cryptorchid male gonads along with the uterus and external genitalia of a female dog but containing traces of male genitals such as the os clitoris. Surgery is indicated when there are clinical signs or when the clitoris had an os clitoris or urethra due to an intersex abnormality. The surgical resection of the external male genitalia associated with the excision of the internal reproductive tract treated while preserving the urethra in this animal. Clitorectomy is a simple technique and creates a normal female anatomy ending the clinical signs of the exposed clitoris and improving the quality of life.Clitoridectomy and Urethrostomy in a Pseudohermaphrodite Do


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    A persistência do duto arterioso é a anormalidade cardiovascular congênita mais comum em cães, ocorre quando o ducto não se fecha após a vida fetal e há desvio do fluxo da aorta para artéria pulmonar. A correção aumenta a expectativa de vida, porém as sequelas podem não se resolver completamente, por isso a cirurgia deve ocorrer na maior brevidade. A técnica para a correção mais tradicional é a ligadura cirúrgica por toracotomia. No entanto, procedimentos minimamente invasivos, como o transvascular e por toracoscopia têm sido descritos (SAUNDERS et al. 2014). A hemorragia, complicação mais comum do procedimento por ligadura, pode ocorrer em mais de 6% dos casos e, quando presente, é fatal em 79% dos casos. Também tem sido observada parada cardíaca durante a oclusão ou após a indução anestésica. Imediatamente após a correção pode ser observada diminuição da frequência cardíaca e aumento da pressão arterial diastólica, fenômeno denominado reflexo ou sinal de Branham (HUNT et al. 2001; SAUNDERS et al. 2014). A literatura sobre o manejo da anestesia nesses pacientes é escassa, por isso este trabalho procurou descrever a analgesia e anestesia, além das complicações e seu tratamento, pela avaliação retrospectiva dos últimos cinco anos em que 10 cães foram submetidos a correção de PDA por toracotomia videoassistida no HV – UFPR. Nove fêmeas e um macho, classificados segundo o American Society of Anesthesiologists como 3 (2 – 4), com idade média de 11,7 ± 10,5 meses (2 – 36) e com peso médio de 4,4 ± 4,7 kg (0,8 – 16,6), das raças Yorkshire terrier, Spitz alemão, Pinscher, Poodle ou sem raça definida. Todos os cães receberam anestesia locorregional, três o bloqueio do plano serrátil superficial (SSPB) guiado por ultrassom e o restante o bloqueio anestésico intercostal. O opioide sufentanil e midazolam foram administrados em seis animais (0,2 - 0,5 µg/kg e 0,3 mg/kg, respectivamente) na medicação pré-anestésica e etomidato associado a midazolam na indução (1 - 4 mg/kg e 0,2 - 0,3 mg/kg, respectivamente). Dois animais necessitaram da associação com o propofol (2 - 3 mg/kg) para facilitar a indução anestésica. Para manutenção da anestesia foi utilizada a anestesia intravenosa total (propofol-remifentanil) em quatro cães, anestesia parcial intravenosa em quatro cães (isofluorano-propofol-remifentanil ou isofluorano-remifentanil) e dos animais receberam exclusivamente isofluorano. A infusão de remifentanil foi administrada em 60% dos cães. Apenas um caso de hemorragia ocorreu, sendo rapidamente revertida com a autotransfusão. Esse mesmo paciente também foi o único a apresentar o sinal de Branham, sendo necessária a infusão de nitroprussiato de sódio durante as primeiras duas horas de pós-operatório. A metade dos cães apresentou hipotensão com normalização após ajuste do plano anestésico, dobutamina ou desafio volêmico. A hipotermia ocorreu em 40% e em 10% houve bradicardia responsiva à atropina. Até o momento nenhum óbito foi registrado durante os procedimentos anestésicos. Todas as complicações foram resolvidas com sucesso e a aplicação do SSPB mostrou também fornecer analgesia pós-operatória nas primeiras horas, sugerindo ser uma nova opção de anestesia loco regional guiado por ultrassom nestas cirurgias


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    Os organofosforados são antiparasitários utilizados em animais domésticos, dentre os princípios ativos, encontra-se o triclorfon. Estes agentes têm ação anticolinesterásica, e podem causar intoxicação e óbito de forma aguda horas após sua administração. Estes fármacos geram hiperestimulação do sistema parassimpático, e os sinais clínicos manifestados são sialorreia, bradicardia, lacrimejamento, diarréia, fraqueza e tremores musculares (LOPES et al.,2014). Possuem alta toxicidade, existindo relatos de intoxicação por estes agentes na espécie humana e ruminantes, porém não há relatos em equinos.Um equino da raça Brasileiro de Hipismo, macho castrado, 5 anos, 447 kg, deu entrada no Hospital Veterinário com suspeita de intoxicação por organofosforado. O animal recebeu vermífugo oral a base de mebendazol e triclorfon, seguindo a dose recomendada, e horas após a ingestão do medicamento apresentou diarréia, dor abdominal moderada e apatia. Outros cavalos que receberam o antiparasitário demonstraram os mesmos sinais clínicos incluindo sialorréia, e grande parte destes animais vieram a óbito.Ao exame físico inicial o animal apresentou mucosa oral levemente ictérica, freqüência cardíaca (FC) de 36 bpm, freqüência respiratória (FR) 20mpm, temperatura retal de 37,8°C, tempo de preenchimento capilar (TPC) de 2,5 segundos, e hipomotilidade intestinal nos quadrantes superior e inferior direito; exibiu hiporexia, dor abdominal leve a moderada, e apatia. Durante o internamento a motilidade intestinal inicialmente ficou diminuída, tendo episódios de hipermotilidade e cólica. Nos picos de dor o animal apresentava FC acima de 40 bpm, fezes diarréicas, refluxo e febre, com pico de 38,9°C. A mucosa se tornou congesta, o animal apresentou miose, desidratação moderada e sialorréia, havendo melhora gradual com o tratamento.O animal foi submetido à terapia de suporte intensiva, sendo administrado flunixim meglumine 1,1mg/kg/24h, endovenoso (EV) para alívio da dor abdominal por 3 dias; metronidazol EV na dose de 15mg/kg e oral na dose de 25mg/kg  por 11 dias e transfaunação a cada 12 horas por 3 dias para resolução da diarreia; gentamicina 6,6mg/kg/24h EV; metoclopramida intramuscular (IM) a cada 4h como procinético usando dose de 10mg para cada 70kg de peso por dois dias; ranitidina endovenosa 1mg/kg/8h por seis dias, omeprazol oral 4m/kg/24h por 21 dias e sucralfato 20mg/kg/12h por cinco dias para tratamento de gastrite possivelmente causada pela hiporexia, estresse pela condição enferma, e pelo tratamento clínico. Para reversão da ação anticolinesterásica e melhora dos sinais clínicos, foi administrado atropina na dose de 0,017mg/kg, sendo aplicado 5ml EV e 10ml subcutâneo (SC) uma vez ao dia por dois dias. As soluções de glicose 5% e ringer com lactato foram escolhidas para fluidoterapia, neste caso, a solução glicosada foi utilizada devido a hiporexia e ao fato de a glicose ser necessária para eliminação de tóxicos pela via hepática.Com a terapia o animal teve recuperação gradativa, recebendo alta após 11 dias de internamento, voltando a atividade física após um mês de repouso, com bom desempenho. Neste caso o tratamento instituído foi capaz de gerar melhora e recuperação clínica total do animal, que posteriormente pôde voltar a suas atividades atléticas


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    RESUMO A redução do tamanho e da vascularização do aparelho reprodutor feminino pode auxiliar no tratamento de aves de estimação que sofrem com postura crônica e outras complicações reprodutivas e facilitar a salpingohisterectomia. Usando como modelo a codorna-japonesa (Coturnix coturnix japonica), os objetivos do presente estudo foram a obtenção de um método eficaz para realizar a mensuração ovariana por videolaparoscopia de aves em postura e avaliar qual a redução proporcionada pela restrição luminosa por um período 24 dias. Foram realizadas videolaparoscopias em 18 codornas para a mensuração ovariana por meio das imagens obtidas utilizando uma régua milimétrica especialmente confeccionada e o software ImageJ. Após, receberem oito horas diárias de luz durante 24 dias, as aves foram submetidas à eutanásia e necropsia para nova mensuração ovariana. Dezesseis codornas apresentaram folículos ovarianos excedendo o campo visual do endoscópio. A régua milimétrica e o software ImageJ foram considerados eficazes para realizar a mensuração ovariana por videolaparoscopia quando os ovários não excedem o tamanho do campo visual, porém a técnica não é indicada para a mensuração de estruturas grandes como o ovário com pleno desenvolvimento folicular. Para utilizar a técnica descrita, é necessário desenvolver um acesso cirúrgico que permita a visualização do ovário em um único campo visual em todas as fases reprodutivas