140 research outputs found

    Implantació d’Anglès Tècnic en Cicles Formatius de Grau Mig de la Família d’Instal·lació i Manteniment.

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    Donada la creixent necessitat d’un mercat laboral integrat a la Unió Europea (UE), la llengua anglesa esdevé fonamental per als alumnes dels cicles formatius, tant de grau mig com de grau superior. És important, per tant, l’adaptació dels currículums del cicles per tal d’integrar en els citats mòduls formatius la llengua anglesa. A partir del proper curs 2012-2013, tots els cicles formatius de grau mig tant d’Instal·lacions de Producció de Calor, com d’Instal·lacions Frigorífiques i de Climatització, han d’incorporar l’anglès tècnic com a mòdul professional. Per tant, sorgeix la necessitat d’establir la programació d’aquest nou mòdul professional dintre del cicle: Anglès Tècnic

    The First Festschrift Dedicated to Jules Verne

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    Sometimes chance leads us down paths that we did not intend to travel, or perhaps we did without realizing it. If, during the Second World War, a good protestant minister had not welcomed Bernard Frank, if later he had not invited him to give a lecture on Jules Verne in a Swiss village where Jean-Michel Margot lived, if Jean-Michel had not attended, perhaps he would not have bought a biography of Jules Verne and asked its author, Bernard Frank, to sign it for him. And what's next? Probably Jean-Michel would not have been so attracted to Verne and would not have started his incredible collection..

    n-Dimensional congruent lattices using necklaces

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    This work introduces the n-dimensional congruent lattices using necklaces, a general methodology to generate uniform distributions in multidimensional modular spaces. The formulation presented in this manuscript constitutes the mathematical foundation of the most used satellite constellation designs, including Walker Constellations, and Lattice and Necklace Flower Constellations. These constellation design models are based on Number Theory and allow to obtain distributions that have some interesting properties of uniformity and large number of symmetries. This work includes the complete formulation of the methodology, proofs for existence and uniqueness of the distribution definitions, and several theorems that focus on the counting possibilities of design for the most common cases of study

    Station-keeping for lattice-preserving Flower Constellations

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    2D-Lattice Flower Constellations present interesting dynamical features that al- low us to explore a wide range of potential applications. Their particular initial distribution (lattice) and their symmetries disappear when some perturbations are considered, such as the J2 effect. The new lattice-preserving Flower Constella- tions maintain over long periods of time the initial distribution and its symmetries under the J2 perturbation, which is known as relative station-keeping. This paper deals with the study of the required velocity change that must be applied to the satellites of the constellation to have an absolute station-keeping

    4D Lattice Flower Constellations

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    4D Lattice Flower Constellations is a new constellation design framework, based on the previous 2D and 3D Lattice theories of Flower Constellations, that focus on the generation of constellations whose satellites can have different semi-major axis and still present a constellation structure that is maintained during the dynamic of the system. This situation can arise when dealing with satellites with very different instruments, or when it is of interest to coordinate two different constellations. In that sense, 4D Lattice Flower Constellations constitutes the most general representation of the Flower Constellation formulation. In addition, the effects of the J2 perturbation are taken into account in order to generate distributions that maintain their initial design configuration under this perturbation for longer periods of time with a low fuel budget. Finally, examples of application are presented, showing the possibilities in satellite constellation design of this new approach

    Time distributions in satellite constellation design

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    The aim of the time distribution methodology presented in this paper is to generate constellations whose satellites share a set of relative trajectories in a given time, and maintain that property over time without orbit corrections. The model takes into account a series of orbital perturbations such as the gravitational potential of the Earth, the atmospheric drag, the Sun and the Moon as disturbing third bodies and the solar radiation pressure. These perturbations are included in the design process of the constellation. Moreover, the whole methodology allows to design constellations with multiple relative trajectories that can be distributed in a minimum number of inertial orbits

    2D Necklace Flower Constellations

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    The 2D Necklace Flower Constellation theory is a new design framework based on the 2D Lattice Flower Constellations that allows to expand the possibilities of design while maintaining the number of satellites in the configuration. The methodology presented is a generalization of the 2D Lattice design, where the concept of necklace is introduced in the formulation. This allows to assess the problem of building a constellation in orbit, or the study of the reconfiguration possibilities in a constellation. Moreover, this work includes three counting theorems that allow to know beforehand the number of possible configurations that the theory can provide. This new formulation is especially suited for design and optimization techniques

    Corrections on repeating ground-track orbits and their applications in satellite constellation design

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    The aim of the constellation design model shown in this paper is to generate constellations whose satellites share the same ground-track in a given time, making all the satellites pass over the same points of the Earth surface. The model takes into account a series of orbital perturbations such as the gravitational potential of the Earth, the atmospheric drag, the Sun and the Moon as disturbing third bodies or the solar radiation pressure. It also includes a new numerical method that improves the repeating ground-track property of any given satellite subjected to these perturbations. Moreover, the whole model allows to design constellations with multiple tracks that can be distributed in a minimum number of inertial orbits

    Design and implementation of cooperative multi-player game to foster social interaction

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    Nowadays, a high percentage of the population owns a personal device to connect with anyone at any time. Yet, these smartphones affect the face-to-face interaction, prompting individuals' attention to their devices instead. Besides, games have also shifted from tools to communicate through the use of competition and/or collaboration to complex systems with global interconnection, complicated artificial intelligence agents and high definition graphics. Nonetheless, smartphones give the opportunity to play games at any time and location, being the capabilities of personal devices merely explored in situations where people are collocated. The main objective of this thesis is to create an application for smartphones to encourage communication and socialization. Imaginary has been developed as a playful experience where players must overcome the lack of shared information to achieve a better outcome than other players or groups. The game shows a picture to one player that is unknown by the rest. Players can compete against each other or collaborate as a team to reproduce the picture as similar as possible. Asymmetry and lack of awareness hinder the player's task, making communication an essential tool to success. A user study was conducted to evaluate the impact of the application in the communication and to detect possible usability problems. It consisted of 6 sessions with 4-5 participants from different nationalities and levels of familiarity with others. The results have defined Imaginary as a relaxing, engaging and playful game that facilitates interaction and communication. Participants described the game as a new experience that can be used for team up, learning purposes or just for leisure
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