624 research outputs found

    Disability and Work: A Trade Union Guide to the Law and Good Practice

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    [Excerpt] This guide includes up-to-date case studies to show how the courts have interpreted the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA), and recommendations of good practice in some of the major areas of working life where experience has shown that disabled people face the worst problems

    1938 Primary Election Nonpartisan League Republican Ticket

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    Poster highlighting the Nonpartisan League Republican ticket for the June 1938 primary election. The bottom of the poster includes the traditional NPL motto: We\u27ll Stick -- We\u27ll Win.https://commons.und.edu/langer-papers/1046/thumbnail.jp

    Toledo Centennial Commission

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    Official Homecoming Invitation, Toledo Centennial Commission, Toledo, Ohio

    Trade unions and work-life balance: changing times in France and the UK?

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    The mixed empirical findings to date have indicated that some, but not all, unions in industrialized countries are actively involved in campaigning and bargaining around work–life balance (WLB) issues, as part of a modernization agenda linked to feminization and to ‘positive flexibility’. This article seeks to identify factors that might encourage or inhibit trade unions from involvement in WLB issues, within a cross-national comparative perspective focusing on two countries (France and the UK) that have contrasting working time regimes and approaches to WLB. It draws on original research carried out in two sectors — insurance and social work — in these two countries. The article links the emergence of union WLB programmes and bargaining agendas to genderequality concerns within the union and to the gender composition of the sector, as well as to the working time regime, including the mode of action, partnership being a significant corollary of WLB campaigning in the UK. We find support for the modernization thesis in the UK, particularly in the public sector, but within severe constraints defined by employer initiative

    Reference to the index of the Trustees & Management Committee minutes, Council minutes and Eight Hours Committee, Southern Tasmania, minutes of the Trades & Labour Council 1918-1944

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    Trades Hall Trustees & Management Committee minutes Sept. 1918 -Mar 1925 Trades Hall Council minutes Feb. 1929 -Aug. 1944 Eight Hours Committee, Southern Tasmania, minutes Aug. 1929 -Oct. 193

    User-centred design of a portable fire extinguisher

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    This case study documents the process followed to produce an alternative design of fire extinguisher. The work focuses on how informative data can be gathered for an ethically challenging product scenario through the use of a range of user-centred research methods, including: literature review; product evaluation; shadowing study; empathy study; expert interview; focus groups; and simulation equipment. Design improvements as a consequence of this process include: reductions in size and weight; refillable cartridges; single-handed operation; intuitive form; minimal clean up post-use; and better portability

    1986 WAGE Negotiations

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    The Liquor and Catering Trades Employees' Union have made big demands for higher wages and shorter working hours to the bosses of the hotels. This is because wages are far too low for hotel workers while working hours are very long. These demands will be discussed at the Industrial Council, where your union representatives will argue for big improvements in working conditions. But we can expect strong opposition from the bosses who have their own representatives on the Industrial Council. So the union campaign for higher wages will not be easy! But we must win it because workers and their families are suffering and the union campaign is our only hope. The fight will not be won at the Industrial Council, however - it will be won in the hotels. We have to build up the union's strength in each and every hotel so that the bosses see that we are determined to win our demands. This booklet will help you to build up the workers' organisation in your hotel. Use it to discuss the union campaign so that every worker knows what part he or she has to play

    Restructuring Out of Recession

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    SUMMARY At Manila, the Managing Director of the IMF described as paradoxical the fact that the industrialized countries, most of which are not using their production potential to the full, hesitate to increase their financial aid to poor countries. This is despite the fact that such aid could result in increased global demand and thus contribute to reactivating world trade in a recovery of production. He argued there is nothing in the present state of deflationary chain reactions in the industrialised world, stagnation feeding inflation, which would counsel against such an increase in financial aid. Richard Jolly urges that this impressive call for action be turned into a joint initiative combining some Keynesian stimulus to world demand with a restructuring in such key sectors as energy, agriculture, industry and some commodities. Both North and South could gain from such an initiative. By increasing employment, its implementation would remove some of the fears of and opposition to adjustment in other areas. RÉSUMÉ Un réaménagement pour sortir de la crise A Manille, l'administrateur délégué du FMI estimait paradoxal le fait que les pays industrialisés, dont la plupart n'utilisent pas à plein leur potentiel de production, hésitent à accroitre leur aide financière aux pays pauvres. Et ce, en dépit du fait que cette aide pourrait gonfler la demande globale et stimuler le commerce mondial, et partant, une reprise de la production. Il juge que rien dans l'état actuel des réactions déflationnistes en chaine, la stagnation alimentant l'inflation, ne s'oppose à une telle majoration de f'aide financière. Richard Jolly demande que cet appel impressionnant débouche sur une initiative conjointe combinant un stimulant keynesien de la demande mondiale et le réaménagement de certains secteurs?clés, telles l'énergie, l'agriculture, l'industrie et certaines matières premières. Le Nord et le Sud pourraient tous deux tirer profit d'une telle initiative. En accroissant l'emploi, sa mise en oeuvre calmerait les craintes et l'opposition suscitées par l'ajustement d'autres secteurs. RESUMEN La reestructuración de Sa recesión En Manila, el Director Gerente del Fondo Monetario Internacional describió como paradójico el hecho de que los países industrializados, muchos de los cuales no utilizan todas sus posibilidades de producción, vacilan en aumentar su ayuda financiera a los países pobres. Esto ocurre a pesar de que dicha ayuda podría resultar en una demanda global creciente y contribuir así a reactivar el comercio mundial para la recuperación de la producción. Rechazó toda justificación de la actual situación de reacciones deflacionarias en cadena en el mundo industrializado, puesto que el inmovilismo fomenta la inflación, lo cual podría desaconsejar dicho aumento en ayuda financiera. Richard Jolly recomienda encarecidamente que se convierta este impresionante llamamiento activista en una iniciativa conjunta que combine algunos estímulos Keynesianos en relación con la demanda mundial, mediante una reestructuración en sectores claves tales como la energía, la agricultura, la industria y algunas materias primas. Tanto el norte como el sur podrían beneficiarse con una iniciativa de esta índole. Aumentando el empleo, su aplicación eliminaría algunos de los temores y oposición a todo ajuste en otras zonas