77 research outputs found

    Personality and media multitasking in the college classroom: Context-dependent implications of conscientiousness and agreeableness

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    Both personality and contexts may account for media multitasking in the college classroom. As this area of research was lacking, the present study examined which personality traits would be associated with in-class media multitasking in different contexts of text messaging. Undergraduate students (83 males and 65 females; average age: 20.0 [SD = 4.3]) completed a questionnaire on demographic characteristics, general text-messaging behavior, and Big Five personality traits as well as a delay-discounting task. This task had two hypothetical scenarios in which participants received either an urgent text message from their significant other (Significant Other condition) or a non-urgent message from a casual friend (Casual Friend condition), and they rated their likelihood of immediately replying to the message during the class versus waiting to reply until the class was over. For each of the conditions, hierarchical regression analyses were conducted to examine whether personality traits predicted the likelihood of waiting, after controlling for demographic characteristics and general text-messaging behavior. Whereas only conscientiousness independently predicted the likelihood of waiting in the Significant Other condition (β = .20, p = .033), only agreeableness independently predicted the likelihood in the Casual Friend condition (β = .27, p = .002). These findings contribute to the sparse literature on links of personality traits and in-class media multitasking by highlighting the possible context-dependent aspects of these links. The findings also indicate potential directions of future research including exploring approaches to reducing media multitasking in the college classroom while taking both personality and specific contexts into consideration

    Links of personality traits to media multitasking: Conscientiousness predicts mobile phone use in the college classroom

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    The present study investigated the relation among mobile phone use in the college classroom and Big Five personality traits, which had not been addressed in previous research. Undergraduate students (83 males and 92 females) whose average age was 20 (SD = 5.1) completed questionnaires on demographic characteristics, mobile phone use, impulse control, and Big Five personality traits. Hierarchical regression analyses were conducted to examine whether each personality trait made a unique contribution in predicting mobile phone use in the classroom after taking into consideration the contribution of impulse control in this prediction. The results show that impulse control and conscientiousness are significant, independent predictors of in-class mobile phone use over and above each other after controlling for demographic characteristics and general mobile phone use. These results suggest that some aspects of conscientiousness unexplained by impulse control may also be related to media multitasking in the college classroom, and the present study sheds light on the importance of continued research on the relation between conscientiousness and in-class media multitasking

    Torsades de pointes induced by garenoxacin in association with pacing failure in an elderly woman with VDD pacemaker

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    SummaryAn 86-year-old woman was admitted to the hospital for syncope and convulsion 4 days after starting antibiotic therapy for pneumonia with oral garenoxacin 400mg/day. She had a VDD pacemaker for complete atrioventricular (AV) block. Her electrocardiogram showed marked QT prolongation and during pacemaker interrogation pacing failure probably due to battery depletion induced torsades de pointes. After cessation of garenoxacin, QTc returned to normal range subsequently and a new pacemaker was implanted. In patients with risks of QT prolongation, garenoxacin should be used cautiously with QT interval monitoring

    Cell Ingression and Apical Shape Oscillations during Dorsal Closure in Drosophila

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    AbstractProgrammed patterns of gene expression, cell-cell signaling, and cellular forces cause morphogenic movements during dorsal closure. We investigated the apical cell-shape changes that characterize amnioserosa cells during dorsal closure in Drosophila embryos with in vivo imaging of green-fluorescent-protein-labeled DE-cadherin. Time-lapsed, confocal images were assessed with a novel segmentation algorithm, Fourier analysis, and kinematic and dynamical modeling. We found two generic processes, reversible oscillations in apical cross-sectional area and cell ingression characterized by persistent loss of apical area. We quantified a time-dependent, spatially-averaged sum of intracellular and intercellular forces acting on each cell's apical belt of DE-cadherin. We observed that a substantial fraction of amnioserosa cells ingress near the leading edges of lateral epidermis, consistent with the view that ingression can be regulated by leading-edge cells. This is in addition to previously observed ingression processes associated with zipping and apoptosis. Although there is cell-to-cell variability in the maximum rate for decreasing apical area (0.3–9.5 μm2/min), the rate for completing ingression is remarkably constant (0.83 cells/min, r2 > 0.99). We propose that this constant ingression rate contributes to the spatiotemporal regularity of mechanical stress exerted by the amnioserosa on each leading edge during closure

    Deglycosylation and label-free quantitative LC-MALDI MS applied to efficient serum biomarker discovery of lung cancer

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Serum is an ideal source of biomarker discovery and proteomic profiling studies are continuously pursued on serum samples. However, serum is featured by high level of protein glycosylations that often cause ionization suppression and confound accurate quantification analysis by mass spectrometry. Here we investigated the effect of N-glycan and sialic acid removal from serum proteins on the performance of label-free quantification results.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Serum tryptic digests with or without deglycosylation treatment were analyzed by LC-MALDI MS and quantitatively compared on the Expressionist Refiner MS module. As a result, 345 out of 2,984 peaks (11.6%) showed the specific detection or the significantly improved intensities in deglycosylated serum samples (<it>P </it>< 0.01). We then applied this deglycosylation-based sample preparation to the identification of lung cancer biomarkers. In comparison between 10 healthy controls and 20 lung cancer patients, 40 peptides were identified to be differentially presented (<it>P </it>< 0.01). Their quantitative accuracies were further verified by multiple reaction monitoring. The result showed that deglycosylation was needed for the identification of some unique candidates, including previously unreported O-linked glycopeptide of complement component C9.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We demonstrated here that sample deglycosylation improves the quantitative performance of shotgun proteomics, which can be effectively applied to any samples with high glycoprotein contents.</p

    Mechanics of epithelial closure over non-adherent environments

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    International audienceThe closure of gaps within epithelia is crucial to maintain its integrity during biological processes such as wound healing and gastrulation. Depending on the distribution of extracellular matrix, gap closure occurs through assembly of multicellular actin-based contractile cables or protrusive activity of border cells into the gap. Here we show that the supracellular actomyosin contractility of cells near the gap edge exerts sufficient tension on the surrounding tissue to promote closure of non-adherent gaps. Using traction force microscopy, we observe that cell-generated forces on the substrate at the gap edge first point away from the centre of the gap and then increase in the radial direction pointing into the gap as closure proceeds. Combining with numerical simulations, we show that the increase in force relies less on localized purse-string contractility and more on large-scale remodelling of the suspended tissue around the gap. Our results provide a framework for understanding the assembly and the mechanics of cellular contractility at the tissue level

    Alpha-CaMKII deficiency causes immature dentate gyrus, a novel candidate endophenotype of psychiatric disorders

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    Elucidating the neural and genetic factors underlying psychiatric illness is hampered by current methods of clinical diagnosis. The identification and investigation of clinical endophenotypes may be one solution, but represents a considerable challenge in human subjects. Here we report that mice heterozygous for a null mutation of the alpha-isoform of calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (alpha-CaMKII+/-) have profoundly dysregulated behaviours and impaired neuronal development in the dentate gyrus (DG). The behavioral abnormalities include a severe working memory deficit and an exaggerated infradian rhythm, which are similar to symptoms seen in schizophrenia, bipolar mood disorder and other psychiatric disorders. Transcriptome analysis of the hippocampus of these mutants revealed that the expression levels of more than 2000 genes were significantly changed. Strikingly, among the 20 most downregulated genes, 5 had highly selective expression in the DG. Whereas BrdU incorporated cells in the mutant mouse DG was increased by more than 50 percent, the number of mature neurons in the DG was dramatically decreased. Morphological and physiological features of the DG neurons in the mutants were strikingly similar to those of immature DG neurons in normal rodents. Moreover, c-Fos expression in the DG after electric footshock was almost completely and selectively abolished in the mutants. Statistical clustering of human post-mortem brains using 10 genes differentially-expressed in the mutant mice were used to classify individuals into two clusters, one of which contained 16 of 18 schizophrenic patients. Nearly half of the differentially-expressed probes in the schizophrenia-enriched cluster encoded genes that are involved in neurogenesis or in neuronal migration/maturation, including calbindin, a marker for mature DG neurons. Based on these results, we propose that an "immature DG" in adulthood might induce alterations in behavior and serve as a promising candidate endophenotype of schizophrenia and other human psychiatric disorders

    Differentiation of murine B cells induced by chondroitin sulfate B

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    A two-step culture system was used to investigate the role of chondroitin sulfate (CS) B, which is mitogenic to B cells, in differentiation of B cells. Mouse spleen B cells were incubated for 3 days with CSB in the presence of interleukin (IL)-4 and IL-5. After washing, the cells were replated at 10(5) viable cells/well and recultured without CSB in the presence of IL-4 and IL-5. CSB dose-dependently increased IgM production, the greatest enhancement being 450%. Dextran sulfate had a similar effect, whereas other glycosaminoglycans, CSA, CSC, heparin and hyaluronic acid, were marginally effective. Treatment of B cells with CSB resulted in increases in the number of IgM-secreting cells and numbers of CD138-positive cells and CD45R/B220-negative cells. CSB-induced IgM production was inhibited by the protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor GF109203X but not by the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (P13K) inhibitor wortmannin. These results demonstrated that CSB promoted differentiation of B cells in the presence of IL-4 and IL-5 and suggested that PKC but not P13K is crucial for CSB-induced IgM production.</p

    Mechanics of epithelial closure over non-adherent environments

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    The closure of gaps within epithelia is crucial to maintain its integrity during biological processes such as wound healing and gastrulation. Depending on the distribution of extracellular matrix, gap closure occurs through assembly of multicellular actin-based contractile cables or protrusive activity of border cells into the gap. Here we show that the supracellular actomyosin contractility of cells near the gap edge exerts sufficient tension on the surrounding tissue to promote closure of non-adherent gaps. Using traction force microscopy, we observe that cell-generated forces on the substrate at the gap edge first point away from the centre of the gap and then increase in the radial direction pointing into the gap as closure proceeds. Combining with numerical simulations, we show that the increase in force relies less on localized purse-string contractility and more on large-scale remodelling of the suspended tissue around the gap. Our results provide a framework for understanding the assembly and the mechanics of cellular contractility at the tissue level

    Plastin increases cortical connectivity to facilitate robust polarization and timely cytokinesis.

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    The cell cortex is essential to maintain animal cell shape, and contractile forces generated within it by nonmuscle myosin II (NMY-2) drive cellular morphogenetic processes such as cytokinesis. The role of actin cross-linking proteins in cortical dynamics is still incompletely understood. Here, we show that the evolutionarily conserved actin bundling/cross-linking protein plastin is instrumental for the generation of potent cortical actomyosin contractility in the Caenorhabditis elegans zygote. PLST-1 was enriched in contractile structures and was required for effective coalescence of NMY-2 filaments into large contractile foci and for long-range coordinated contractility in the cortex. In the absence of PLST-1, polarization was compromised, cytokinesis was delayed or failed, and 50% of embryos died during development. Moreover, mathematical modeling showed that an optimal amount of bundling agents enhanced the ability of a network to contract. We propose that by increasing the connectivity of the F-actin meshwork, plastin enables the cortex to generate stronger and more coordinated forces to accomplish cellular morphogenesis