316 research outputs found

    Collective excitation frequencies of Bosons in a parabolic potential with interparticle harmonic interactions

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    The fact that the ground-state first-order density matrix for Bosons in a parabolic potential with interparticle harmonic interactions is known in exact form is here exploited to study collective excitations in the weak-coupling regime. Oscillations about the ground-state density are treated analytically by a linearized equation of motion which includes a kinetic energy contribution. We show that the dipole mode has the frequency of the bare trap, in accord with the Kohn theorem, and derive explicit expressions for the frequencies of the higher-multipole modes in terms of a frequency renormalized by the interactions.Comment: 6 pages, no figures, accepted for publication on Physics Letters

    Output from Bose condensates in tunnel arrays: the role of mean-field interactions and of transverse confinement

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    We present numerical studies of atomic transport in 3D and 1D models for a mode-locked, pulsed atom laser as realized by Anderson and Kasevich [Science 281 (1998) 1686] using an elongated Bose condensate of 87{}^{87}Rb atoms poured into a vertical optical lattice. From our 3D results we ascertain in a quantitative manner the role of mean-field interactions in determining the shape and the size of the pulses in the case of Gaussian transverse confinement. By comparison with 1D simulations we single out a best-performing 1D reduction of the mean-field interactions, which yields quantitatively useful predictions for all main features of the matter output.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Kinetic energy functional for Fermi vapors in spherical harmonic confinement

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    Two equations are constructed which reflect, for fermions moving independently in a spherical harmonic potential, a differential virial theorem and a relation between the turning points of kinetic energy and particle densities. These equations are used to derive a differential equation for the particle density and a non-local kinetic energy functional.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Self-consistent Overhauser model for the pair distribution function of an electron gas at finite temperature

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    We present calculations of the spin-averaged pair distribution function g(r)g(r) in a homogeneous gas of electrons moving in dimensionality D=3 or D=2 at finite temperature. The model involves the solution of a two-electron scattering problem via an effective potential which embodies many-body effects through a self-consistent Hartree approximation, leading to two-body wave functions to be averaged over a temperature-dependent distribution of relative momentum for electron pairs. We report illustrative numerical results for g(r)g(r) in an intermediate-coupling regime and interpret them in terms of changes of short-range order with increasing temperature.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Solid State Communication

    Collective dynamics of fermion clouds in cigar-shaped traps

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    The propagation of zero sound in a spin-polarized Fermi gas under harmonic confinement is studied as a function of the mean-field interactions with a second Fermi gas. A local-density treatment is compared with the numerical solution of the Vlasov-Landau equations for the propagation of density distortions in a trapped two-component Fermi gas at temperature T=0.2 Tf. The response of the gas to the sudden creation of a sharp hole at its centre is also studied numerically.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    High-momentum tail in the Tonks gas under harmonic confinement

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    We use boson-fermion mapping to show that the single-particle momentum distribution in a one-dimensional gas of hard point-like bosons (Tonks gas) inside a harmonic trap decays as p4p^{-4} at large momentum pp. The relevant integrals expressing the one-body density matrix are evaluated for small numbers of particles in a simple Monte Carlo approach to test the extent of the asymptotic law and to illustrate the slow decay of correlations between the matter-wave field at different points.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Lett.

    Matter-wave interferometry in periodic and quasi-periodic arrays

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    We calculate within a Bose-Hubbard tight-binding model the matter-wave flow driven by a constant force through a Bose-Einstein condensate of Rb 87 atoms in various types of quasi-onedimensional arrays of potential wells. Interference patterns are obtained when beam splitting is induced by creating energy minigaps either through period doubling or through quasi-periodicity governed by the Fibonacci series. The generation of such condensate modulations by means of optical-laser structures is also discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures. To appear in Opt. Com

    Dynamic correlations in a charged Bose gas

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    We evaluate the ground-state properties of a charged Bose gas at T=0 within the quantum version of the self-consistent field approximation of Singwi, Tosi, Land, and Sjölander. The dynamical nature of the local-field correction is retained to include dynamic correlation effects. The resulting static structure factor S(q) and the local-field factor G(q) exhibit properties not described by other mean-field theories

    Analytic theory of correlation energy and spin polarization in the 2D electron gas

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    We present an analytic theory of the pair distribution function and the ground-state energy in a two-dimensional (2D) electron gas with an arbitrary degree of spin polarization. Our approach involves the solution of a zero-energy scattering Schr\"odinger equation with an effective potential which includes a Fermi term from exchange and kinetic energy and a Bose-like term from Jastrow-Feenberg correlations. The form of the latter is assessed from an analysis of data on a 2D gas of charged bosons. We obtain excellent agreement with data from quantum Monte Carlo studies of the 2D electron gas. In particular, our results for the correlation energy show a quantum phase transition occurring at coupling strength rs24r_s\approx 24 from the paramagnetic to the fully spin-polarized fluid.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Spin-density functional approach to thermodynamic and structural consistence in the charge and spin response of an electron gas

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    We use spin-density functional theory to obtain novel expressions for the charge and spin local-field factors of an electron gas in terms of its electron-pair structure factors. These expressions (i) satisfy the compressibility and spin susceptibility sum rules; (ii) keep account of kinetic correlations by means of an integration over the coupling strength; and (iii) provide a practical self-consistent scheme for evaluating linear response and liquid structure. Numerical illustrations are given for the dielectric response of the paramagnetic electron gas in both three and two dimensions.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Solid State Commu