98 research outputs found


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    In questo lavoro si è analizzato lo stato tensionale che nasce in sistemi epossidici DGEBA quando sono sottoposti ad invecchiamento idro-termico, tramite la tecnica fotoelastica a trasmissione, basata sul metodo a variazione di fase di Compensazione di Tardy. I provini, monitorati ad intervalli di tempo regolari durante i processi di assorbimento e desorbimento di acqua, sono stati osservati al polariscopio circolare. La tecnica ha permesso di analizzare, sia qualitativamente, sia quantitativamente, lo stato tensionale indotto dal non uniforme “swelling” durante l’intero processo di invecchiamento. Inoltre, lo studio ha analizzato anche provini criccati di tipo Single Edge Notched Bending; l’analisi fotoelastica ha evidenziato come all’apice della cricca si crea un sistema di frange fotoelastiche peculiari, influenzato dalla presenza della singolarit

    Water diffusion and swelling stresses in highly crosslinked epoxy matrices

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    The present work investigates the swelling induced stresses arising in two epoxy systems during water uptake. The analysed systems are two epoxy resin based on DGEBA monomer and DGEBF monomer respectively, both fully cured by DDS amine. The systems achieve different cross-link density degrees, and are characterised by high glass transition temperatures ranging between 200 and 230 °C. Both epoxies have been conditioned in deionized water baths at two different temperatures (50 °C and 80 °C). A desorption process at room temperature in a dry airborne environment was performed after saturation. Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Analysis, carried out at the various stages of hydrothermal conditioning, has allowed to characterise the modifications occurring in the network structures during aging. Photoelastic Stress Analysis is adopted to monitor the evolution of stresses on rectangular beam samples during absorption and desorption of water. Correlation of water uptake, dynamic mechanical behaviour and transitory stress fields, has allowed to make some assumptions about the influence of the epoxy network on the swelling behaviour

    La aplicación del modelo neoconstitucional, en la argumentación de los jueces penales año 2017 al 2019

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    La presente investigación hace referencia a aplicación del modelo neo constitucional por parte de los juzgados penales en diversas resoluciones, donde la casuística que nos muestra repetidamente la derrotabilidad de la norma legal ante los enunciados constitucionales que consagran derechos fundamentales expresos e implícitos nos dice que estamos ante un nuevo momento del constitucionalismo: el Neo constitucionalismo. Por ello, se formula la siguiente pregunta ¿qué beneficios genera la aplicación del modelo neo constitucional en la Sala Penal Nacional de la Corte Superior de Justicia de Lima?. En base a esta interrogante, nos planteamos como objetivo; determinar, los beneficios que generan la aplicación del modelo neo constitucional, en la Sala Penal Nacional de la Corte Superior de Justicia de Lima. En base a este problema considero, justificable el desarrollo de la presente investigación. Para ello, se ha utilizado el método de análisis deductivo e inductivo, de tipo descriptiva correlacional, de diseño no experimental. Asimismo, entre los resultados se encontró que las sentencias analizadas los jueces vienen aplicando correctamente el modelo neo constitucional, el cual se evidencia al utilizar como herramienta de argumentación para la restricción de derechos fundamentales, el Test de proporcionalidad

    A novel global postural alteration? Qualitative assessment of hallux valgus and swallowing disorder in human posture: A preliminary investigation on the incidence during age span for promoting psycho-physical and postural well-being

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    Hallux Valgus (HV) and Swallowing Disorder (SD) are two multifactorial postural and biomechanical alterations. It is very important to look for the incidence of these two conditions in order to promote psycho-physical and postural well-being. Our study aimed to clinically assess the presence of HV and SD in a large group with different ages spans. Fours skilled professionals performed the assessment following clinical criteria. A total of 61 volunteers subjects (163.5 ± 14.1 cm; 59.7 ± 15.7 kg; 22.9 ± 13.2 yrs.) were selected for the study. The 51% of the sample showed the HV alteration, 30% and 73% respectively for male and female. Regarding ages cluster, the HV was present in 44% under 20 yrs., in 53% between 21 and 40 yrs., in 75% over 40 yrs. The 46% of the sample showed a SD condition, 50% and 42% respectively for male and female. As for ages cluster, the incidence of SD was in 50% of subjects under 20 yrs., in 41% between 21 and 40 yrs., in 50% over 40 yrs. The 39% of subjects with HV showed a SD condition. On the other hand, the 43% of subjects with SD showed the HV deformity. HV and SD are postural disorders and most often occur together. In this framework, HV and SD should be interpreted as sign of global postural alteration and for this reason it is fundamental to assess them. Further research is needed on these two parameters in order to find out the optimal relationship between HV and SD

    Can tongue position and cervical ROM affect postural oscillations? A pilot and preliminary study

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    The tongue is considered an important part of the postural system, so it is fundamental to understand how it can interfere with the humans’ postural oscillations. The aim of this preliminary investigation is to understand the effects of different tongue position and cervical ROM on postural oscillations measured in a stabilometric test. Thirteen voluntary subjects were recruited (30.8 ± 9.7 yrs.; 173.6 ± 14.9 cm; 72.6 ± 15.6 kg) and tested in three different random tongue conditions: comfortable tongue position (CT), palatal spot position (ST) and low tongue position (LT). All tests were performed with open eyes. Stabilometric test were performed with a pressure platform. In addition, the cervical ROM was assessed in the CT condition to create a baseline measurement and to find out baseline relationship with cervical ROM and postural oscillations. Data analysis indicates no significant difference in CoP sway path length for CT / ST / LT (260.7 ± 106.5 mm / 236.9 ± 79.3 mm / 272.9 ± 89.3 mm, respectively). A moderate but significant correlation is present between postural oscillations and cervical rotation ROM (R = -0.59; p = .03), indicating that good postural oscillations are connected with a free ROM of the highest part of the body. The results of this preliminary investigation do not support the use of different tongue position during postural assessment to discriminate some postural interferences of the tongue. At the same time the results suggest the relationship between cervical ROM and stability. These results suggest the necessity to study more in deep this phenomenon with other specific class of subjects

    Students with special educational needs in the classroom, what could future teachers expect?

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    Actualmente, en el sistema educativo español la integración e inclusión educativa es un asunto que genera opiniones contrapuestas en los profesionales. Indagar en este ámbito resulta necesario para visibilizar el derecho a la educación igualitaria de las personas con diversidad funcional y para detectar necesidades de formación en los futuros profesionales. En este estudio empírico se analizaron las inquietudes de los futuros docentes en lo que respecta a la inclusión de alumnado con necesidades educativas especiales en las aulas ordinarias. Para este propósito se presentó una encuesta a 205 estudiantes del Grado en Educación Primaria de la Universidad de Sevilla con una escala que mostró buenos índices de fiabilidad y consistencia. Los resultados obtenidos indicaron que la escala empleada es fiable y válida, y se comprobó si algunas características personales de los universitarios influían en su percepción. Se observó que la presencia de alumnado con necesidades educativas especiales en las aulas genera poca inquietud en estos universitarios con independencia del género, curso en el que se encuentren, y las relaciones personales que hayan tenido con personas con diversidad funcional.In the current Spanish education system, the integration and inclusion of special needs students is a subject that generates conflicting opinions. This project is an empirical study that aims to analyze the concerns and attitudes of future teachers regarding the inclusion of students who exhibit some sort of disability in the classroom. Researching in this topic is necessary in order to make visible the right of equal education of people with functional diversity, and to detect training needs in future teacher. For this purpose, a survey was presented to 205 students of the undergraduate program in Primary Education of the University of Seville, using a Likert scale that showed good reliability and consistency rates. The results obtained indicated that this scale is reliable and valid. It was also verified if some personal characteristics of the university students influenced their perception. It was observed that the presence of students with special educational needs in the classrooms generates little concern in these university students regardless of gender, course in which they are, and the personal relationships they have had with people with functional diversity.Universidad Pablo de Olavid

    Ejecución presupuestaria del programa de desarrollo del liderazgo de compassion international basados en la gestión administrativa

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    La gestión administrativa como parte del desarrollo integral de las organizaciones, debe estar enmarcada al logro de los objetivos de la institución, pero muchas veces esta gestión no se realiza de la forma correcta impidiendo que la organización avance hacia los objetivos específicos. En diferentes ocasiones la gestión administrativa va de la mano con diferentes aspectos o áreas de la empresa, y es por ello que se debe analizar cómo influye esta gestión en estos aspectos; en este caso su influencia en el presupuesto de la organización. Esta investigación se basa en las diferentes problemáticas que se han evidenciado en la Organización Compassion International, sin fines de lucro, pero que no ha desempeñado una excelente gestión administrativa, afectando en el presupuesto, que es una de las bases para el funcionanamiento de la organización, en este caso enfocado a uno de sus programas como lo es LDP (Lidership Development Program). Es de gran importancia el análisis de estas problemáticas para conocer y desarrollar lasposibles correcciones a las desviaciones de la consecución de los objetivos, además, de series de complementos que se deben mantener en una institución pública, privada, como lo es la comunicación y presentación de los diferentes planes que se tengan para la organización y como se llevaran a cabo. La investigación desarrolla objetivos claros que son la finalidad del trabajo, en forma cognoscitiva, procedimental y actitudinal, se aplicando las técnicas de recolección de datos de los participantes

    Acciones de enfermería en la prevención de la desnutrición en niños menores de cinco años de edad

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    One of the main problems in public health is child malnutrition, which affects almost 80 percent of Ecuadorian families. The research presented will show that nursing professionals take as support the current public and regulatory policies for the nutrition of children in which they attend the Nicolás Infante Díaz health sub-center during the first half of 2018, in order to prevent health problems In the short and long term, such as obesity, diabetes, malnutrition, anemia, learning and behavior problems. The present study had to objective to determine the actions of nurses in the prevention of cases of malnutrition in children under five years old, through the actions carried out by mothers. The quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional methodology was applied, with a total sample of 43 children with malnutrition, their mothers, the intervention of nursing staff in the case of nutrition. The nutritional status of children forms the basis of sustainable development and poverty reduction, so that nursing professionals in the educational and assistance role promote strategies for strengthening the care and knowledge necessary to improve eating habits. Conclusions: The nursing intervention is immersed in the process of nutritional training of the mothers of children under five years old without the intervention of age, schooling, accessibility of families.Uno de los principales problemas en salud pública es la desnutrición infantil, que afecta casi al 80 por ciento de las familias ecuatorianas. La investigación presentada demuestra que los profesionales de enfermería toman como apoyo las políticas públicas y normativas vigentes, para la nutrición de niños y niñas que asistieron al Subcentro de Salud “Nicolás Infante Díaz”, durante el segundo semestre del 2019, con el fin de prevenir problemas de salud a corto y largo plazo, como la obesidad, diabetes, desnutrición, anemia, problemas de aprendizaje y de conducta. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo determinar las acciones del personal de enfermería en la prevención de los casos de desnutrición en niños menores de cinco años, a través de las acciones que realizan las madres. Se aplicó la metodología cuantitativa, descriptiva y transversal, con una muestra total de 43 niños con desnutrición, sus madres de familia y la intervención del personal de enfermería frente a los casos de nutrición. El estado nutricional de los niños constituye la base del desarrollo sostenible y la reducción de la pobreza, por lo cual los profesionales de enfermería en el rol educativo y asistencial promueven estrategias para el fortalecimiento de los cuidados y conocimientos necesarios para mejorar los hábitos alimenticios. La intervención de enfermería está inmersa en el proceso de capacitación nutricional de las madres de los niños menores de cinco años sin que intervenga la edad, la escolaridad, la accesibilidad de las familias

    Comparing the use of ERA5 reanalysis dataset and ground-based agrometeorological data under different climates and topography in Italy

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    Study region: The study region is represented by seven irrigation districts distributed under different climate and topography conditions in Italy. Study focus: This study explores the reliability and consistency of the global ERA5 single levels and ERA5-Land reanalysis datasets in predicting the main agrometeorological estimates commonly used for crop water requirements calculation. In particular, the reanalysis data was compared, variable-by-variable (e.g., solar radiation, R-s; air temperature, T-air; relative humidity, RH; wind speed, u(10); reference evapotranspiration, ET0), with in situ agrometeorological obser-vations obtained from 66 automatic weather stations (2008-2020). In addition, the presence of a climate-dependency on their accuracy was assessed at the different irrigation districts. New hydrological insights for the region: A general good agreement was obtained between observed and reanalysis agrometeorological variables at both daily and seasonal scales. The best perfor-mance was obtained for T-air, followed by RH, R-s, and u(10) for both reanalysis datasets, especially under temperate climate conditions. These performances were translated into slightly higher accuracy of ET0 estimates by ERA5-Land product, confirming the potential of using reanalysis datasets as an alternative data source for retrieving the ET0 and overcoming the unavailability of observed agrometeorological data