1,485 research outputs found

    Electrostatically suspended and sensed micro-mechanical rate gyroscope

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    The goal of this work is development of fully electrostatically suspended and rebalancing angular rate sensing micro-gyroscope fabricated according to standard VLSI techniques. Fabrication of test structures is proceeding. Off chip electronics for the electrostatic sensing and driving circuits has been tested. The prototype device will be assembled in a hybrid construction including the FET input stages of the sensors

    How to prioritize bridge maintenance using a functional priority index

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    The progressive aging of civil infrastructures makes it essential to develop managerial tools and instrument for planning maintenance activities. As public entities, typically in charge of the management of infrastructures, have limited resources, it is crucial to define clear prioritization criteria. Addressing this need, this work introduces the usage of a functional priority index for ranking infrastructures on the basis of the impact of their closure. The impact is expressed in terms of induced travel delay for people due to path detour. To estimate this delay an analytical strategy is introduced and applied to assess the priority index on a sample of 290 bridges in Lombardy. Relevant information are gathered integrating two data sources providing information on the transportation network and on the travel demand, i.e. road network data and Origin Destination matrices. The results of this application show that the method enables the identification of the most critical infrastructures and the detection, for each bridge closure, of the most impacted areas of the region and the most impacted hours of the day


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    En este trabajo nos interesa indagar sobre el modo en que opera el control social gestionado a través de normas jurídicas, o expresado a través de la actividad estatal desplegada por sus fuerzas de seguridad. Nos interesan estos elementos cuando están encaminados a gestionar conflictos violentos y el modo en que tales prácticas y normas jurídicas son requeridas y aceptadas de manera diferencial en el seno de la sociedad. Intentaremos dar cuenta de la existencia de cambios operados en la sociedad civil respecto del tratamiento de la violencia, que emergen luego como una reacción frente a las instituciones del Estado y le reclaman a estas mayor intervención coercitiva a través de normas que intensifican el control punitivo. Nos interesa también conocer el grado de operatividad de las normas jurídicas para ser aceptadas como legítimas o por el contrario conocer la capacidad de algunos grupos que las resisten mientras articulan un tipo de relación especial con las agencias estatales de seguridad, para instituir nuevas reglas que de manera contradictoria operan en sus relaciones. La cuestión de la construcción de los sujetos peligrosos por medio de maniobras que fusionan la coerción y el consenso atraviesa este trabajo pues constituye otra de las preocupaciones de nuestro equipo de investigacion. Nos interesa preguntarnos cómo se manipula el consenso en la sociedad civil para profundizar el ejercicio de la violencia (legítima o ilegítima) cuando se debe mantener el estado de cosas existente

    Superconducting Rebalance Accelerometer

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    A multi-axis accelerometer which utilizes a magnetically-suspended, high-TC proof mass is under development. The design and performance of a single axis device which is stabilized actively in the axial direction but which utilizes ring magnets for passive radial stabilization is discussed. The design of a full six degree-of-freedom device version is also described

    Combined lymphocyte/monocyte count, D-dimer and iron status predict COVID-19 course and outcome in a long-term care facility

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    Background: The Sars-CoV-2 can cause severe pneumonia with multiorgan disease; thus, the identification of clinical and laboratory predictors of the progression towards severe and fatal forms of this illness is needed. Here, we retrospectively evaluated and integrated laboratory parameters of 45 elderly subjects from a long-term care facility with Sars-CoV-2 outbreak and spread, to identify potential common patterns of systemic response able to better stratify patients’ clinical course and outcome. Methods: Baseline white blood cells, granulocytes’, lymphocytes’, and platelets’ counts, hemoglobin, total iron, ferritin, D-dimer, and interleukin-6 concentration were used to generate a principal component analysis. Statistical analysis was performed by using R statistical package version 4.0. Results: We identified 3 laboratory patterns of response, renamed as low-risk, intermediate-risk, and high-risk, strongly associated with patients’ survival (p < 0.01). D-dimer, iron status, lymphocyte/monocyte count represented the main markers discriminating high- and low-risk groups. Patients belonging to the high-risk group presented a significantly longer time to ferritin decrease (p: 0.047). Iron-to-ferritin-ratio (IFR) significantly segregated recovered and dead patients in the intermediate-risk group (p: 0.012). Conclusions: Our data suggest that a combination of few laboratory parameters, i.e. iron status, D-dimer and lymphocyte/monocyte count at admission and during the hospital stay, can predict clinical progression in COVID-19

    CD4 cell count and the risk of AIDS or death in HIV-Infected adults on combination antiretroviral therapy with a suppressed viral load: a longitudinal cohort study from COHERE.

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    BACKGROUND: Most adults infected with HIV achieve viral suppression within a year of starting combination antiretroviral therapy (cART). It is important to understand the risk of AIDS events or death for patients with a suppressed viral load. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Using data from the Collaboration of Observational HIV Epidemiological Research Europe (2010 merger), we assessed the risk of a new AIDS-defining event or death in successfully treated patients. We accumulated episodes of viral suppression for each patient while on cART, each episode beginning with the second of two consecutive plasma viral load measurements 500 copies/µl, the first of two consecutive measurements between 50-500 copies/µl, cART interruption or administrative censoring. We used stratified multivariate Cox models to estimate the association between time updated CD4 cell count and a new AIDS event or death or death alone. 75,336 patients contributed 104,265 suppression episodes and were suppressed while on cART for a median 2.7 years. The mortality rate was 4.8 per 1,000 years of viral suppression. A higher CD4 cell count was always associated with a reduced risk of a new AIDS event or death; with a hazard ratio per 100 cells/µl (95% CI) of: 0.35 (0.30-0.40) for counts <200 cells/µl, 0.81 (0.71-0.92) for counts 200 to <350 cells/µl, 0.74 (0.66-0.83) for counts 350 to <500 cells/µl, and 0.96 (0.92-0.99) for counts ≥500 cells/µl. A higher CD4 cell count became even more beneficial over time for patients with CD4 cell counts <200 cells/µl. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the low mortality rate, the risk of a new AIDS event or death follows a CD4 cell count gradient in patients with viral suppression. A higher CD4 cell count was associated with the greatest benefit for patients with a CD4 cell count <200 cells/µl but still some slight benefit for those with a CD4 cell count ≥500 cells/µl

    Bi-allelic JAM2 Variants Lead to Early-Onset Recessive Primary Familial Brain Calcification.

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    Primary familial brain calcification (PFBC) is a rare neurodegenerative disorder characterized by a combination of neurological, psychiatric, and cognitive decline associated with calcium deposition on brain imaging. To date, mutations in five genes have been linked to PFBC. However, more than 50% of individuals affected by PFBC have no molecular diagnosis. We report four unrelated families presenting with initial learning difficulties and seizures and later psychiatric symptoms, cerebellar ataxia, extrapyramidal signs, and extensive calcifications on brain imaging. Through a combination of homozygosity mapping and exome sequencing, we mapped this phenotype to chromosome 21q21.3 and identified bi-allelic variants in JAM2. JAM2 encodes for the junctional-adhesion-molecule-2, a key tight-junction protein in blood-brain-barrier permeability. We show that JAM2 variants lead to reduction of JAM2 mRNA expression and absence of JAM2 protein in patient's fibroblasts, consistent with a loss-of-function mechanism. We show that the human phenotype is replicated in the jam2 complete knockout mouse (jam2 KO). Furthermore, neuropathology of jam2 KO mouse showed prominent vacuolation in the cerebral cortex, thalamus, and cerebellum and particularly widespread vacuolation in the midbrain with reactive astrogliosis and neuronal density reduction. The regions of the human brain affected on neuroimaging are similar to the affected brain areas in the myorg PFBC null mouse. Along with JAM3 and OCLN, JAM2 is the third tight-junction gene in which bi-allelic variants are associated with brain calcification, suggesting that defective cell-to-cell adhesion and dysfunction of the movement of solutes through the paracellular spaces in the neurovascular unit is a key mechanism in CNS calcification

    Search for anomalies in the {\nu}e appearance from a {\nu}{\mu} beam

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    We report an updated result from the ICARUS experiment on the search for {\nu}{\mu} ->{\nu}e anomalies with the CNGS beam, produced at CERN with an average energy of 20 GeV and travelling 730 km to the Gran Sasso Laboratory. The present analysis is based on a total sample of 1995 events of CNGS neutrino interactions, which corresponds to an almost doubled sample with respect to the previously published result. Four clear {\nu}e events have been visually identified over the full sample, compared with an expectation of 6.4 +- 0.9 events from conventional sources. The result is compatible with the absence of additional anomalous contributions. At 90% and 99% confidence levels the limits to possible oscillated events are 3.7 and 8.3 respectively. The corresponding limit to oscillation probability becomes consequently 3.4 x 10-3 and 7.6 x 10-3 respectively. The present result confirms, with an improved sensitivity, the early result already published by the ICARUS collaboration
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