146 research outputs found

    Triple (and quadruple) soft-gluon radiation in QCD hard scattering

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    We consider the radiation of three soft gluons in a generic process for multiparton hard scattering in QCD. In the soft limit the corresponding scattering amplitude has a singular behaviour that is factorized and controlled by a colorful soft current. We compute the tree-level current for triple soft-gluon emission from both massless and massive hard partons. The three-gluon current is expressed in terms of maximally non-abelian irreducible correlations. We compute the soft behaviour of squared amplitudes and the colour correlations produced by the squared current. The radiation of one and two soft gluons leads to colour dipole correlations. Triple soft-gluon radiation produces in addition colour quadrupole correlations between the hard partons. We examine the soft and collinear singularities of the squared current in various energy ordered and angular ordered regions. We discuss some features of soft radiation to all-loop orders for processes with two and three hard partons. Considering triple soft-gluon radiation from three hard partons, colour quadrupole interactions break the Casimir scaling symmetry between quarks and gluons. We also present some results on the radiation of four soft gluons from two hard partons, and we discuss the colour monster contribution and its relation with the violation (and generalization) of Casimir scaling. We also compute the first correction of O(1/Nc2){\cal O}(1/N_c^2) to the eikonal formula for multiple soft-gluon radiation with strong energy ordering from two hard gluons.Comment: 60 pages, 2 figures (extended discussions, added one appendix, typo corrected at line 3 of Eq.(C.9)

    Reusable components of semantic specifications

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    Artificial dielectric optical structures: A challenge for nanofabrication

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    Diffractive optical components can be made using multiple level kinoforms or single level artificial dielectric structures. The latter require the fabrication of pillars of equal depth but differing width and spacing. As a demonstration device, the diffractive optic equivalent of a wedge has been made in GaAs for use at 1.15 μm. The need for all pillars to have the same height was met by using a selective etch and a very thin etch-stop layer on AlGaAs. The experimental diffraction efficiency was 87.8%, among the best ever obtained and close to the theoretical maximum of 97.6%. © 1998 American Vacuum Society

    Vulcanization degree influence on the mechanical properties of Fiber Reinforced Elastomeric Isolators made with reactivated EPDM

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    Rubber is well known as the basic material for some structural devices, such as seaport fenders and seismic isolators. In practice, to seismically isolate a structure it is necessary to interpose between the foundation and the superstructure a rubber device that increases the period of the superstructure, a feature that allows the structure to be “transparent” to the seismic excitation. A seismic isolator is constituted typically by a package of several rubber pads 1–2 cm thick vertically interspersed with either steel laminas or FRP dry textiles suitably treated. In this latter case the isolator is called FREI (Fiber Reinforced Elastomeric Isolator). FREIs exhibit light weight, easy installation and low cost. In this study, recycled rubber in the form of reactivated EPDM has been used to produce very low cost FREIs, combined with glass fiber reinforcement. To be ready for structural application, the rubber used must be vulcanized correctly to properly create the polymer crosslinking. However, all rubber mechanical properties are strongly affected by curing temperature and curing time. Here, the mechanical properties of a typology of FREI conceived and produced by the authors in prototypes are evaluated through a series of experimental tests and numerical computations, taking into account the different levels of vulcanization degree. Shore A hardness test, uniaxial tensile test, and relaxation test have been conducted and verified through Finite Element (FE) modeling. All collected data allow to precisely determine the curing time and temperature to use in the industrial production to obtain optimal output mechanical properties for FREIs

    Resource-Bound Quantification for Graph Transformation

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    Graph transformation has been used to model concurrent systems in software engineering, as well as in biochemistry and life sciences. The application of a transformation rule can be characterised algebraically as construction of a double-pushout (DPO) diagram in the category of graphs. We show how intuitionistic linear logic can be extended with resource-bound quantification, allowing for an implicit handling of the DPO conditions, and how resource logic can be used to reason about graph transformation systems

    Towards an embedding of Graph Transformation in Intuitionistic Linear Logic

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    Linear logics have been shown to be able to embed both rewriting-based approaches and process calculi in a single, declarative framework. In this paper we are exploring the embedding of double-pushout graph transformations into quantified linear logic, leading to a Curry-Howard style isomorphism between graphs and transformations on one hand, formulas and proof terms on the other. With linear implication representing rules and reachability of graphs, and the tensor modelling parallel composition of graphs and transformations, we obtain a language able to encode graph transformation systems and their computations as well as reason about their properties

    A modular structural operational semantics for delimited continuations

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    It has been an open question as to whether the Modular Structural Operational Semantics framework can express the dynamic semantics of call/cc. This paper shows that it can, and furthermore, demonstrates that it can express the more general delimited control operators control and shift

    Oscheius tipulae in Italy: Evidence of an Alien Isolate in the Integral Natural Reserve of Montecristo Island (Tuscany)

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    Montecristo Island is an integral natural reserve of the Tuscan Archipelago National Park (Central Italy), characterized by a peculiar assemblage of flora and fauna, with several endemic taxa, and also with a high number of alien species. During a soil survey, we found an alien Oscheius tipulae Lam & Webster, 1971 isolate, phylogenetically close to others from South America. In this article, we examined the possible pathways of introduction of this nematode. Because of the high number of alien plants in this protected area and the low desiccation survival ability of O. tipulae, we hypothesized that the presence of this alien nematode isolate may be related to the soil of introduced plants, although historical association with plant-associated invertebrates is also possible. Further studies with more populations and marker molecules are necessary to investigate the distribution of O. tipulae and the possible impact on this natural reserve

    Activation of LXRβ inhibits tumor respiration and is synthetically lethal with Bcl-xL inhibition

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    Liver-X-receptor (LXR) agonists are known to bear anti-tumor activity. However, their efficacy is limited and additional insights regarding the underlying mechanism are necessary. By performing transcriptome analysis coupled with global polar metabolite screening, we show that LXR agonists, LXR623 and GW3965, enhance synergistically the anti-proliferative effect of BH3 mimetics in solid tumor malignancies, which is predominantly mediated by cell death with features of apoptosis and is rescued by exogenous cholesterol. Extracellular flux analysis and carbon tracing experiments (U-13C-glucose and U-13C-glutamine) reveal that within 5 h, activation of LXRβ results in reprogramming of tumor cell metabolism, leading to suppression of mitochondrial respiration, a phenomenon not observed in normal human astrocytes. LXR activation elicits a suppression of respiratory complexes at the protein level by reducing their stability. In turn, energy starvation drives an integrated stress response (ISR) that up-regulates pro-apoptotic Noxa in an ATF4-dependent manner. Cholesterol and nucleotides rescue from the ISR elicited by LXR agonists and from cell death induced by LXR agonists and BH3 mimetics. In conventional and patient-derived xenograft models of colon carcinoma, melanoma, and glioblastoma, the combination treatment of ABT263 and LXR agonists reduces tumor sizes significantly stronger than single treatments. Therefore, the combination treatment of LXR agonists and BH3 mimetics might be a viable efficacious treatment approach for solid malignancies
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