325 research outputs found

    Discrete element modelling of granular column collapse tests with industrial applications

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    The effect of particle size distribution on dry granular flows of spherical particles has been numerically investigated. A quasi-two-dimensional granular column collapse set-up has been modelled using the Discrete Element Method (DEM). Systems formed by monodisperse particles of radius R = 0.01 m and polydisperse particles of the same average radius and coefficient of uniformity Cu = 1.9 have been studied for initial granular columns aspect ratios of 1.1 and 2.2. The results using monodisperse and narrow particle size distributions show similar evolution of the run-out profiles, the final run-out distance being reached in less than one second in every configuration. Averaged velocity fields have been obtained, from which peak values of longitudinal and vertical components of velocity have been found

    1-[2-(4-methyl-7-coumarinyloxy)ethyl]-4-(5-{1-[2-(4-methyl-7-coumarinyloxy)ethyl]-1h-1, 2, 3-triazol-4-yl}pentyl)-1h-1, 2, 3-triazole

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    Nature often produces compounds with a high degree of symmetry to reduce structural information and complexity. Synthesis of identical twin drugs, through the linkage of two identical pharmacophoric entities, is a classical strategy to produce more potent and/or selective drugs. Herein, two units of the privileged core of the coumarin hymecromone were linked together using “click chemistry”. Synthesis of 1-[2-(4-Methyl-7-coumarinyloxy)ethyl]-4-(5-{1-[2-(4-methyl- 7-coumarinyloxy)ethyl]-1H-1, 2, 3-triazol-4-yl}pentyl)-1H-1, 2, 3-triazole was achieved by coupling of two identical units of an azido coumarin with a symmetrical alkine using copper(I)-catalyzed alkyne-azide cycloaddition reaction, in good yields and with complete regioselectivity. © 2016 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.2016

    Migration, TB control and elimination: Whom to screen and treat

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    Tuberculosis (TB) in migrants represents an important clinical and public health threat, particularly in low TB incidence countries. The current review is aimed to assess issues related to screening and treatment of migrants with latent TB infection or TB disease. Keywords: TB migrants, TB elimination, TB control screenin

    Non-linear Liouville and Shr\"odinger equations in phase space

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    Unitary representations of the Galilei group are studied in phase space, in order to describe classical and quantum systems. Conditions to write in general form the generator of time translation and Lagrangians in phase space are then established. In the classical case, Galilean invariance provides conditions for writing the Liouville operator and Lagrangian for non-linear systems. We analyze, as an example, a generalized kinetic equation where the collision term is local and non-linear. The quantum counter-part of such unitary representations are developed by using the Moyal (or star) product. Then a non-linear Schr\"odinger equation in phase space is derived and analyzed. In this case, an association with the Wigner formalism is established, which provides a physical interpretation for the formalism

    Plantio direto, adubação verde e suplementação com esterco de aves na produção orgânica de berinjela.

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    Sob manejo orgânico, foram avaliados, em Seropédica, RJ, os sistemas de plantio direto da berinjela(Solanum melongena) nas palhadas de Crotalaria juncea (crotalária), Pennisetum glaucum (milheto, cv. BRS 1501)e vegetação espontânea (pousio), em comparação com o plantio convencional (aração e gradagem ou enxada rotativa). Simultaneamente, foram avaliados três tipos de cultivo: berinjela em monocultura, em consórcio com crotalária e em consórcio com caupi (Vigna unguiculata, cv. Mauá). Não houve diferença entre os sistemas de plantio direto e convencional quanto à produção comercial da berinjela. A palhada da crotalária foi mais eficiente que a do milheto e do pousio para cobertura morta do solo e conseqüentemente o controle de plantas espontâneas foi maior. O cultivo simultâneo com as leguminosas não acarretou redução da produtividade da berinjela.Em um segundo estudo, foram comparados plantio direto (palhadas de crotalária e da vegetação espontânea) e plantio convencional, combinados com doses crescentes de cama de aviário (0, 100, 200 e 400 kg ha-1 de N)aplicada em cobertura. Em termos de aporte de biomassa, a crotalária foi novamente superior à vegetação espontânea.A berinjela respondeu à adubação orgânica, com produtividade máxima de 50,6 t ha-1 , correspondendo à maior dose empregada, contra 36,9 t ha-1 referentes ao controle

    Breeding for resistance to gastrointestinal nematodes - the potential in low-input/output small ruminant production systems

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    AbstractThe control of gastrointestinal nematodes (GIN) is mainly based on the use of drugs, grazing management, use of copper oxide wire particles and bioactive forages. Resistance to anthelmintic drugs in small ruminants is documented worldwide. Host genetic resistance to parasites, has been increasingly used as a complementary control strategy, along with the conventional intervention methods mentioned above. Genetic diversity in resistance to GIN has been well studied in experimental and commercial flocks in temperate climates and more developed economies. However, there are very few report outputs from the more extensive low-input/output smallholder systems in developing and emerging countries. Furthermore, results on quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with nematode resistance from various studies have not always been consistent, mainly due to the different nematodes studied, different host breeds, ages, climates, natural infections versus artificial challenges, infection level at sampling periods, among others. The increasing use of genetic markers (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms, SNPs) in GWAS or the use of whole genome sequence data and a plethora of analytic methods offer the potential to identify loci or regions associated nematode resistance. Genomic selection as a genome-wide level method overcomes the need to identify candidate genes. Benefits in genomic selection are now being realised in dairy cattle and sheep under commercial settings in the more advanced countries. However, despite the commercial benefits of using these tools, there are practical problems associated with incorporating the use of marker-assisted selection or genomic selection in low-input/output smallholder farming systems breeding schemes. Unlike anthelmintic resistance, there is no empirical evidence suggesting that nematodes will evolve rapidly in response to resistant hosts. The strategy of nematode control has evolved to a more practical manipulation of host-parasite equilibrium in grazing systems by implementation of various strategies, in which improvement of genetic resistance of small ruminant should be included. Therefore, selection for resistant hosts can be considered as one of the sustainable control strategy, although it will be most effective when used to complement other control strategies such as grazing management and improving efficiency of anthelmintics currently