159 research outputs found

    Health warnings, cannabis marketing and perceptions among youth and young adults in Canada.

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    Background An increasing number of jurisdictions are legalizing nonmedical cannabis, including Canada in October 2018. One of the primary goals under the Cannabis Act is to adequately inform Canadians about nonmedical cannabis and risks related to its use. There is a need for evidence to inform regulatory measures that are implemented as part of the legal market. Purpose The current study had four specific objectives: 1) to examine current health beliefs and perceptions among young Canadian nonmedical cannabis users and non-users, 2) to examine differences in perceived effectiveness of text and pictorial health warning labels, 3) to investigate effective approaches for labelling cannabis product constituents and dose, and 4) to examine the effect of different branding elements and descriptors on product perception among young Canadians. Methods An online cross-sectional survey was conducted from October 10th to October 24th, 2017. The sample (N=870) was restricted to individuals aged 16 to 30 years of age with a Canadian IP address, and included cannabis users and non-users. The survey assessed sociodemographic characteristics, cannabis use behaviours, health knowledge, as well as attitudes and beliefs around cannabis use. Study 1 examined young Canadians’ awareness of negative health effects, as well as perceptions of risk and harm. The survey also contained three sets of between-group experiments. In Study 2, respondents were randomized to view health warnings according to one of two experimental conditions: text-only warnings, and pictorial warnings accompanied by text. Study 2 examined the effectiveness of health warnings for cannabis products and levels of support among youth. In Study 3, between-group experiments were conducted to assess comprehension of cannabis-related information, including communication of dose and strength of a particular product. Finally, Study 4 investigated perceptions of brand imagery on cannabis packaging. In this experimental set, respondents were randomized to view and evaluate cannabis product mock-ups in terms of appeal, and different perceptions of the intended target consumer. Results Study 1 Most respondents were aware of a cannabis-related physical health effect (78.0%). Approximately one-third reported having been exposed to public health messaging about cannabis; digital media was reported most frequently. Compared to never users, ever users were less likely to report that they perceive cannabis as addictive (p<0.001), and to perceive harm to mental health (p<0.001). Approximately one-quarter of past 3-month cannabis users reported they were at least ‘a little’ addicted. Respondents who reported using a particular form of cannabis self-administration (e.g., edibles, smokables, etc.) were less likely to perceive harm from that form compared to non-users (p<0.001). Study 2 Pictorial health warnings for cannabis products were perceived as more effective and believable than text-only warnings (p<0.001). Pictorial warnings were rated as more effective than text-only warnings for THC dose (p=0.039), co-morbid drug use (p=0.006), and pregnancy (p<0.001). Pictorial warnings were also rated as more believable than text-only warnings (p=0.048). Overall, 87.7% respondents supported health warnings on cannabis products and 84.0% supported the inclusion of calls to action such as quit-lines on cannabis products. Study 3 Labelling the number of doses per package was associated with the greatest proportion of correct responses (54.1%) when respondents had to determine a recommended serving compared with the no-label control condition (RR=7.28, 95%CI 4.81-11.04) and THC mg condition (RR=4.05, 95%CI 2.96-5.54). When product was labelled using a traffic light system, participants were more likely to identify THC level: low THC (RR=43.43 95%, CI 16.43-114.79) or high THC (RR=16.71, 95%CI 9.61-29.07) than the control condition. Study 4 When cannabis product branding was present, respondents were more likely (p=0.027) to report greater appeal than when branding was absent. When a pictorial health warning was present, respondents were less likely (p=0.010) to report greater appeal than when absent. The presence of a celebrity sponsor (p<0.001), music references (p<0.001), or party references (p<0.001) increased the likelihood that respondents would perceive the product to be targeted at someone younger and one that was likely to go out and party (p<0.001). Differences by cannabis use status were seen across experimental tasks; those that had ever used were more likely to find the presence of branding elements appealing. Conclusions Young Canadians report a wide range of beliefs about the health effects of cannabis use. Substantial proportions underestimated and overestimated cannabis’ health effects. The findings also suggest that cannabis users may be demonstrating a form of ‘optimism’ bias: worry about health effects and perceptions of addiction appeared to be lower when they were personalized to users rather than asked in the general form. The current study provided the first empirical test of cannabis health warnings. Pictorial health warnings for cannabis products were perceived as more effective and believable than text-only warnings. Labelling cannabis package content in terms of doses per package and using symbols or other graphics to denote potency were considerably more effective than the use of THC percentages or milligrams in making decisions about cannabis products’ recommended use amounts and potency. Finally, the findings demonstrate that brand imagery on cannabis packaging can promote lifestyle associations and influence the appeal of cannabis products among young people. There is an urgent need for additional research on regulatory approaches and strategizing public health communications campaigns to ensure that consumers have adequate information to make responsible decisions about their nonmedical cannabis use


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    La estrecha interacción entre las Telecomunicaciones y las Redes Cableadas de Datos han generado que las WLAN, gracias a su fácil despliegue, movilidad, disponibilidad y versatilidad se conviertan en un generador de soluciones especialmente a nivel empresarial, en diversos mercados verticales. El propósito de este artículo sera diseñar una guía de trabajo para implementar redes inalámbricas basados en unos conceptos teóricos y prácticos que permitan proponer un marco de referencia, con la ayuda del simulador Opnet se evaluará el comportamiento de varios escenarios de una red empresarial y con los resultados obtenidos en las simulaciones se probará que las mejoras estimadas en teoría para la red del cliente, serán útiles en la práctica para suplir sus necesidades actuales y de crecimiento.The close interaction between Telecommunications and Wired Networks Data have enabled WLANs, thanks to its easy deployment, mobility, availability and versatility become a generator of solutions especially at enterprise level in various vertical markets. The propose of this article is design a working guide for implementing wireless networks based on theoretical and practical concepts that allows to propose a framework, with the help of the simulator Opnet evaluate the behavior of various scenarios of an enterprise network and the results obtained in simulations prove that the estimated theoretically to the customer network, improvements will be useful in practice to meet their current needs and growth

    Diseño y simulación de una trilladora de quinua de hasta 350 kg/h para el proceso de pos cosecha del sector agrícola

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    The purpose of this project is to design and simulate a quinoa threser, for the process of post-harvest agricultural sector. At first the study of the state of threser quinoa that allows to know this type of equipment manufactured. By analysis of its characteristics and elements of trite. It is proposed design alternatives, which it is determined as the best option thresher quinoa tubular type comprising a threshing cylinder and concave grain separation plant, a cleaning system through a sieve with longitudinal movement, the corresponding calculation of each thresher elements quinoa in effect the choice of standardized elements is performed. Through simulation in Autodesk Inventor static and dynamic analysis is performed and dynamically stress. The finite element method was used to simulate elements where Von Misses is obtained. Displacement and safety factor information it is performed a comparison with theoretically calculated and simulated data. The cost benefit study carried out for the future implementation of the thresher Quinoa is of great importance by letting know whether the proposed project is viable for implementation giving favorable results.El propósito de este proyecto es diseñar y simular una trilladora de quinua, para el proceso de pos cosecha del sector agrícola. Al principio se realiza el estudio del estado de trilladoras de quinua que permite conocer este tipo de equipos hasta el momento fabricadas, mediante un análisis de sus características y elementos de trillado. Se plantea alternativas de diseño donde se determina como la mejor opción la trilladora de quinua tipo tubular compuesta por un cilindro trillador y un cóncavo que separa el grano de la planta. Un sistema de limpieza mediante una zaranda con movimiento longitudinal, se realiza el cálculo correspondiente de cada uno de los elementos de la trilladora de quinua y en efecto la elección de los elementos estandarizados. Mediante la simulación en Autodesk Inventor se realiza un análisis de esfuerzos estáticos y dinámicos. Se utiliza el método de elementos finitos para los elementos simulados donde se obtiene esfuerzos de Von Mises, desplazamiento y factor de seguridad. Se realiza una comparación con datos calculados teóricamente y los simulados. El estudio del costo beneficio realizado para la implementación futura de la trilladora de quinua es de gran importancia, donde se obtuvo que el proyecto planteado es viable dando resultados favorables para su implementación

    La Imagen y la Narrativa como Herramientas para el Abordaje Psicosocial en Escenarios de Violencia en las Regiones Departamentos de Antioquia y Caldas

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    El presente informe está relacionado con la narrativa y la Imagen como herramientas de expresión en escenarios de violencia. mediante la narración de los hechos se pueden relatar las experiencias, cómo superaron las dificultades y los procesos para conseguirlo, esto sirve como referente a otras personas para que no se repita la misma historia. La imagen puede ser utilizada como medio para capturar los eventos, guardar en la memoria histórica las imágenes representativas de lo que sucedió y a su vez, estas pueden ser utilizadas como testigos de una realidad social en nuestro país. Podemos evidenciar el ejercicio realizado mediante el análisis de las narrativas de dos actores, que, aunque desconocidos, uno del otro, padecieron las atrocidades de las guerras, cada uno desde diferentes contextos, pero que, gracias a su forma de ver la vida, de gestionar sus problemáticas, la toma de decisiones acertadas y oportunas lograron salir de su conflicto. Teniendo en cuenta que la violencia causada por el conflicto interno armado en Colombia ha dejado a miles de personas, familias y comunidades desterradas de sus lugares de orígenes, por si fuera poco, la mayoría de las víctimas de estos conflictos son personas inocentes que poco o nada tenían que ver con la problemática que giraba alrededor de sus territorios. En este informe analítico reflexivo contamos con dos casos de personas de diferentes lugares de Colombia quienes fueron víctimas, pero a la vez sobrevivientes de situaciones de violencia y del conflicto armado. Como metodología de trabajo se realizaron preguntas de tipo estratégicas, circulares y reflexivas, aplicadas por medio de la entrevista al protagonista de la historia. En la segunda actividad realiza una propuesta abordaje psicosocial con las personas afectadas por los ataques del Ejército, el destierro y la estigmatización. La actividad se desarrolló por medio de la Narración de los hechos por cada uno de los actores, que con voluntad y ganas de salir adelante pudieron iniciar una nueva vida. Igualmente, en este trabajo contamos con las herramientas como la Fotovoz, la narrativa y la imagen, instrumentos importantes de expresión; se evidencia el cómo por medio de una buena narrativa, se pude expresar las vivencias de nuestros participantes, las diferentes situaciones por las que tuvieron que pasar ellos y sus familias, finalmente el cómo lograron superarlas. Por medio de la imagen y la narrativa pudimos lograr realizar ejercicios que implicaban la comprensión de conceptos teóricos, pero a su vez nos impulsaba a realizar un ejercicio visual en nuestros territorios y a la vez interpretar cada una de las imágenes captadas, dándoles un significado propio y representativo para si mismos y para quienes pasaron por situaciones similares.This report is related to Narrative and Image as tools of expression in scenarios of violence. Through the Narration of the facts can tell their experiences, how they oversteer the difficulties and processes of achieving it, which serves as a reference to others so that the same story is not repeated. The image can be used as means to capture events, to keep in historical memory the representative images of what happened and in turn these can be used as witnesses to a social reality in our country. We can show the exercise carried out by analyzing the narratives of two actors, who, although unknown to each other, suffered the atrocities of wars, each from different contexts, but who, thanks to their way of seeing life, manage their problems and make wise and timely decisions managed to get out of their conflict. Considering that the violence caused by the internal armed conflict in Colombia has left thousands of people, families and communities banished from their places of origin, on the other hand the majority of the victims of these conflicts are innocent people who had little or nothing to do with the problem that re around their territories. This is a thoughtful analytical report we have two cases of people from different parts of Colombia who were victims, but at the same time survivors of situations of violence and armed conflict. As a working methodology, strategic, circular and reflective questions were asked applied through the interview with the protagonist of the story. In the second activity he carries out a psychosocial approach proposal with people affected by Army attacks, banishment and stigmatization. The activity was developed through the narration of the facts by each of the actors, who with will and desire to succeed were able to start a new life. Likewise, in this work we have the Fotovoz tools, the narrative and the important instrument image of expression, it is evident how through a good narrative, we can express the experiences of our participants, the different situations that they and their families had to go through and finally how they managed to overcome them. Through image and narrative we were able to achieve exercises that involved the understanding of theoretical concepts, but in turn it impeled us to perform a visual exercise in our territories and at the same time interpret each of the images captured, giving them their own and representative meaning for themselves and for those who went through similar situations

    Arteriolopatía calcificante urémica, reporte de un caso tratado con tiosulfato de sodio

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    We describe a case of calcific uremic arteriolopathyinitially associated with skin lesions within the context of a patient with chronic kidney disease on automated peritoneal dialysis therapy. Among the most relevant findings, the patient hadhyperphosphatemia, normocalcemia and severe hyperparathyroidism without nodular hyperplasia. Clinical improvement with multimodal management of enhancement in dialysis therapy and intravenous sodium thiosulfate is highlighted. Calciphylaxis is a disorder that has a high morbidity and mortality, secondary to sepsis. It occurs more frequently in patients with chronic renal failure who are on hemodialysis. It is characterized by systemic medial calcification of the arterioles, triggering ischemia and subcutaneous necrosis of skin and soft tissues. Histopathological evaluation helps to confirm the diagnosis.Describimos un caso de arteriolopatía calcificante urémica asociada,  inicialmente, a lesiones cutáneas,en unpaciente con insuficiencia renal crónica, en terapia de diálisis peritoneal automatizada, como hallazgos másrelevantes presentaba hiperfosfatemia, normocalcemia e hiperparatiroidismo severo sin hiperplasia nodular.Se destaca la mejoría clínica con manejo multimodal de intensificación en la terapia dialítica y tiosulfato desodio intravenoso.La calcifilaxis es un trastorno que debuta con alta morbilidad ymortalidad, secundaria a sepsis, ocurre con mayor frecuencia en pacientes con insuficiencia renal crónica que se encuentran en hemodiálisis. Se caracteriza por calcificación sistémica en la media de las arteriolas, desencadenándose isquemia y necrosis subcutánea de piel y tejidos blandos. La evaluación histopatológica ayuda a confirmar el diagnóstico

    Personalized Genetic Diagnosis of Congenital Heart Defects in Newborns

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    Congenital heart disease is a group of pathologies characterized by structural malformations of the heart or great vessels. These alterations occur during the embryonic period and are the most frequently observed severe congenital malformations, the main cause of neonatal mortality due to malformation, and the second most frequent congenital malformations overall after malformations of the central nervous system. The severity of different types of congenital heart disease varies depending on the combination of associated anatomical defects. The causes of these malformations are usually considered multifactorial, but genetic variants play a key role. Currently, use of high-throughput genetic technologies allows identification of pathogenic aneuploidies, deletions/duplications of large segments, as well as rare single nucleotide variants. The high incidence of congenital heart disease as well as the associated complications makes it necessary to establish a diagnosis as early as possible to adopt the most appropriate measures in a personalized approach. In this review, we provide an exhaustive update of the genetic bases of the most frequent congenital heart diseases as well as other syndromes associated with congenital heart defects, and how genetic data can be translated to clinical practice in a personalized approach.This work was supported by Obra Social "La Caixa Foundation" (LCF/PR/GN16/50290001, and LCF/PR/GN19/50320002). Funders had no role in study design, data collection, data analysis, interpretation, or writing of the report

    Una experiencia sobre evaluación de la gestión ambiental a través de la auditoria regular al municipio de Armenia

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     La necesidad de formular y ejecutar procesos sistémicos de gestión y política ambiental, adquiere cada día mayor relevancia desde el momento en que se comprenda que es fundamental la intervención del Estado y sus entes de control, en la generación y orientación de acciones para mitigar el deterioro y la destrucción del entorno provocada por los estilo de vida y desarrollo. Es por ello que actualmente la vigilancia del cumplimiento de las funciones de las administraciones municipales y los bienes públicos que tengan a su cargo, la realiza la Contraloría en cumplimiento de sus funciones como ente de control. Como caso de estudio, en la ciudad de Armenia se aplicaron los métodos designados por la Contraloría General de la República Guía de Auditoría Territorial, en la búsqueda de identificar las acciones que se encuentran en contravención de lo establecido en las leyes y las funciones de las entidades públicas de la Administración Municipal. Como valoración del proceso se encontraron gestiones poco eficientes y algunas falencias relacionadas con la inversión de los recursos y del cumplimiento de planes, programas y proyectos. Por tanto, emerge como crítica reflexiva y propositiva la generación de una cultura que permita la apropiación de compromisos y responsabilidades en los manejos e inversiones económicas para la protección de recursos naturales desde el ámbito administrativo e institucional, que responda a la sostenibilidad pensando en las generaciones presentes y futuras

    Analysis of Quality based on the life of bearings mounted on an accelerated life test module

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    Los rodamientos son elementos ampliamente usados en las industrias, cuyo fallo implica un gran impacto en&nbsp; la producción de toda la empresa de manufactura. Su funcionamiento es vital para equipos electromecánicos con elementos rotativos, ya sea en ejes o en las chumaceras de máquinas industriales. El presente estudio plantea la implementación de un control de calidad mediante un diagrama tipo np a los rodamientos SKF 6204-2RSH, los cuales serán sometidos a elevadas cargas en un módulo de prueba de vida acelerada reduciendo significativamente la vida útil de los mismos y&nbsp; tomar muestras de cantidades determinadas de rodamientos determinando la cantidad de defectuosos por lote analizado, con el objetico de conocer si es posible determinar el control de calidad de estos elementos por el número de defectos. Los resultados conseguidos mostraron una reducción significativamente en la vida útil de los rodamientos, mostrando defectos que pudieron ser cuantificados y registrados en las tablas por atributos np, para posteriormente ser analizados en la gráfica característica de control de calidad. Después de realizar el análisis de la gráfica de&nbsp; control se observó un desgaste prudente de los 10 lotes analizados a excepción del número 7, que se muestra un desfase de la línea central y un excedente de los rangos, determinados por la línea inferior y superior respectivamente, conduciendo el estudio a suponer que los rodamientos parte de este lote pudiesen se rechazados antes de su operación en el caso hipotético de ingresar a producción y manufactura.&nbsp; Cabe señalar que en el presente análisis hubieron factores de lubricación que no fueron considerados y que puede ser objeto para futuras investigaciones enfocadas en los cambios que pueden surgir bajo cambios en las condiciones del lubricante aplicado a los rodamientosThe bearings are elements used in the industries, whose failure implies a great impact on the production of the entire manufacturing company. Its operation is vital for electromechanical equipment with rotating elements, either on shafts or in the bearings of industrial machines. The present study proposes the implementation of a quality control by means of an np-type diagram to SKF 6204-2RSH bearings, which will sometimes be elevated to high loads in an accelerated life test module reducing their useful life and taking samples of determined quantities of bearings determining the amount of defects per lot analyzed, with the aim of knowing if it is possible to determine the quality control of these elements by the number of defects. The results achieved with reduced frequency in the useful life of the bearings, showing the defects that can be quantified and recorded in the np tables, to later be analyzed in the characteristic quality control chart. After carrying out the analysis of the control graph, prudent wear of the 10 lots analyzed was observed with the exception of the number 7, which shows a lag of the central line and a surplus of the ranges, accessories along the lower line and exceeded respectively , leading the study to suppose that the bearings part of this lot could be rejected before its operation in the hypothetical case of entering production and manufacturing. It should be noted that in the present analysis there were lubrication factors that were not selected and that may be subject to future research focused on changes that may be surgical under changes in the conditions of the lubricant applied to the bearings

    El juego simbólico para el fortalecimiento de la autoestima en niños de transición, de la I.E.D. Marco tulio Fernández, sede B, jornada mañana, de Bogotá

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    Proyecto pedagógico presentado en noveno semestre, titulado: El juego simbólico para el fortalecimiento de la autoestima en niños de transición, de la I.E.D. Marco tulio Fernández, sede B, jornada mañana, de Bogotá, realizado en Bogotá entre septiembre de 2014 y el año 2015. Teniendo en cuenta la función de humanización la cual busca la escuela, y encontrando tantos vacíos afectivos en la sociedad como la intolerancia, respeto por las normas y percepción frente al otro, se hace pertinente la realización de este ejercicio investigativo con el fin de elevar los niveles de autoestima en los niños. Con la Educación Fisica como medio y el juego como herramienta didáctica se pretende contribuir, primero con el conocimiento de sí mismo y posteriormente hacia los demás. Por medio de la propuesta didáctica y enfatizando en las áreas de la autoestima y con ayuda del juego simbólico se reforzara la parte social, académica, física y la autoestima global para generar confianza en este grupo de niños y posteriormente elevar los niveles de autoestima en el grupo

    Propuesta de emprendimiento social Choco es un Jardín

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    Choco es un jardín está dirigido a la población del Carmen de Atrato Choco, con el fin de promover el cuidado del medio ambiente y el aprovechamiento de residuos sólidos, transformándolos en masetas y otros elementos para el embellecimiento del entorno, contribuyendo a demás a mejorar la calidad de vida de 25 familias de estrato 1.Choco is a garden is aimed at the population of Carmen de Atrato Choco, in order to promote the care of the environment and the use of solid waste, transforming them into pots and other elements for the beautification of the environment, helping others to improve the quality of life of 25 families from stratum 1