678 research outputs found

    Crystal Structure of Imaginal Disc Growth Factor-2

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    Imaginal disc growth factor-2 (IDGF-2) is a member of a recently described family of Drosophila melanogaster-soluble polypeptide growth factors that promote cell proliferation in imaginal discs. Although their precise mode of action has not been established, IDGFs cooperate with insulin in stimulating the growth of imaginal disc cells. We report the crystal structure of IDGF-2 at 1.3-A resolution. The structure shows the classical (betaalpha)(8) barrel-fold of family 18 glycosyl hydrolases, with an insertion of an alpha + beta domain similar to that of Serratia marcescens chitinases A and B. However, amino acid substitutions in the consensus catalytic sequence of chitinases give IDGF-2 a less negatively charged environment in its putative ligand-binding site and preclude the nucleophilic attack mechanism of chitin hydrolysis. Particularly important is the replacement of Glu by Gln at position 132, which has been shown to abolish enzymatic activity in chitinases. Nevertheless, a modest conservation of residues that participate in oligosaccharide recognition suggests that IDGF-2 could bind carbohydrates, assuming several conformational changes to open the partially occluded binding site. Thus, IDGFs may have evolved from chitinases to acquire new functions as growth factors, interacting with cell surface glycoproteins implicated in growth-promoting processes, such as the Drosophila insulin receptor.Fil: Varela, Paloma F.. University of Maryland; Estados UnidosFil: Llera, Andrea Sabina. University of Maryland; Estados Unidos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires. Fundación Instituto Leloir. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Mariuzza, Roy A.. University of Maryland; Estados UnidosFil: Tormo, José. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; Españ

    Contribución a la palinología de Echinops L. (Compositae) en la Península Ibérica

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    En el presente trabajo se e>tudran o ~10, MEB ¡· ME r 1rcs de las cuatro especies de Ethinops L. (Composirae) represt.:nladas en la J>cllfnsula lbéric3. Se destacan los peculiare..~ caraeleres polinicos <le este género frente a los del resto de la tribu Cardueae Ca.c.s. Re~altan, en1re otros C."'racteres las grandes dimr.:.n sionr:s de P, que sobrep.-tsan en ulgunos casos las 100 )lm; et peculiar sistema apertura!, pro\'isto de 11n:. cciO.'\pcr tura con una constricción central, ornamentación cquinado·pcrforada, oon espina.§ de alrededor de l }Jm de altura, obtus•ts y muy csparci3das; cThrec of the four spocics of t:chi11ops L. (Compo.<irac) living in rhe lbcrian Península are studicd by LM, SEM and TEM. Thc pollen peculiaritic.< of this gcnus h:rvc been pointed out in rel:uion lo the otbcr mcmbcrs of tAc uibe Carducac <.:ass. Thc more sig· llificant characters are.: P, in sorne cases more than 100 pm; lhc ch;mtctcristic apertur-a! S}'S· lcm, iD '11ih.K:b the :ctooperture has a central consuictMm; cchinalc-pcrror;.ttc ornamcnlation, .,;th spiocs about t pm hig.h. obtuse and \'Cry spte34.l; eUne ...,;th an inrrutcctum of thick columclli, ~ry ra.mified inawing in lhe nleSOCOipium and near ~e ccuatori;.tl planc; and leC· lum wilb an intrieatc panero or .anastornosed columelli. Tilt.Sc peculi;u charadcrs togcth~r witb otbc.r vcgela tivc ones, tike capituJa '"'ith 1 nowcr, supporl tl1e segrcga1ion uf this g~nus in an inuepcndent subtribe

    Palinología de Carduus L. y Cirsium Miller (Compositae) en la Península Ibérica

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    Se han eorudiado a MO 61 mueSiras correspondientes a 4-1 ráxoncs de los géneros Cord11u1 L (29 muesrras de 21ráxon<s) y Cimwn Millcr (32 mucsrras de 23 ráxoncs) de la Penlnsula lbfrica, >rompañandosc oc observaciones a MEU y MET. Los d"ros Cllalitali~s mucscran que ambO$ géneros pr·esentan el mismo tipo polfnico, cscncin!mcntc: granos equin¡,¡do·pcrforados, con delgadas clev;1ciones del tcctum unienc.lo las espinas, cxina con ínfratectum de oolumclas ramificadas, pooo mmlGrOS35, fund:uncntalrncnte bajo bs e.spinas y led:um difer(nciado ce ucs cstrat().\, aunque se puede :.preci:u lln gradiente en la promiDencia de las clet.Jacioll(S del tcc:tum que unen bs espinas y en la densKI:\d d61 so mples bolonging lo 44 raxa or úudtms L (29 ~1m pies or 21 laxa) an<.l Cir· sium Miller (32 samples of 23 taxa) from the lberian Pcni nsula h:wc bccn ~tudicd by LM, SEM and TEM ooservarions. The qualirarivc characrers !how rbar both genera have 1he same polleo pauern, e.ssentially: echiDOpcrforatc grainS¡ with thin ribs bctwee.n the spines. cxiDc v.ith ao i.nfratectum of simple or ramilicd columcl~ rcw in number, gcnerally under the spines acd ccaurn with three 13}U. HoWC.YCr, a gradltnt in thc rib prominence joining the .spiDes and in tbe rnfratedal columeli dcnsity may be apprc:ciatcd. Qunnlit:uivc. data rrom thc measuremcnl of 12 cha.racteu bave been subrnitled toa Prim:ipul Componcnts Analysis. Thc results shuw 11 ccrtain separ.a.tion in the two grou¡)S whi(h corrcspond 10 both gcnc rt~ , :.1· though lherc are somc taxa in an intermediare siruntÍOil. The most significan! characters are rhe PiE ratio (higher in CardJrtu) and rhe apoeoipium si<lc (higher in Cirri11m )

    Política cultural en València: Patrimonio, recursos y participación ciudadana

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    En el ámbito de las políticas culturales, el campo de intervención sobre la preservación del patrimonio se ha convertido en una de las áreas de mayor consenso. Y esta circunstancia se ha mantenido prácticamente desde el inicio de las políticas culturales contemporáneas. Lo cierto es que desde diversos posicionamientos ideológicos, la protección del patrimonio aporta a las distintas opciones argumentos distintos que legitiman, y en última instancia, justifican la intervención por parte de las administraciones públicas.Publicaciones Econcult: Área de Investigación en Economía de la Cultura y Turismo. Universitat de València

    Contribución al estudio palinológico del género Senecio L.

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    Se estudian palinologicamente 46 muestr as de 7 espec i es del género Sencio L. de Andalucía y pertenecientes a cuatr o secciones : S . linifolius L. , S. jacobea L. , S. minut us (Cav . ) DC ., S. gall icus Chaix. in Vill. , S. sylvaticus L. , S. l i vidus L. y S. vulgari s L. Se defi ne un único tipo poli ni ce para todos ellos y se comentan los coef icientes de semejanza y correlación.In thi s paper 46 samples from 7 s pec i es in 4 sections of andalusian Sencio L. are studied paly nologically, namely S. l inifol ius L. , S . jacobea L., S. minutus (Cav. ) OC . , S. gallicus Chai x. in Vil l ., S. sylvaticus L., S. lividus L. and S. vulgaris L. Only one pollen type fo i" these seven species is de fined and t he cor relation and similarity coe f f i c i e nts are calculate

    Educating Engineers for the Public Good Through International Internships: Evidence from a Case Study at Universitat Politècnica de València

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    [EN] At Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Meridies, an internship programme that places engineering students in countries of Latin America, is one of the few opportunities the students have to explore the implications of being a professional in society in a different cultural and social context. This programme was analyzed using the capabilities approach as a frame of reference for examining the effects of the programme on eight student participants. The eight pro-public-good capabilities proposed by Melanie Walker were investigated through semi-structured interviews. The internship is an environment in which students can put into practice the knowledge they have acquired in undergraduate studies and to find practical relevance in what they studied. Occasionally, this also entails a critical questioning of what they have learned, a greater awareness of the limits of the contents of their studies and of the way things were taught, and interest in less explored issues that are closely linked to social justice. However, tensions can arise between the pro-public-good oriented perspectives of this programme, and a more instrumental vision. One way to overcome these tensions is to foster consideration of reflexivity, that is, the dynamic relationship between technology and society. To do so, the programme must create space before and during the internship, and upon the return of the students, to discuss and collectively reflect upon their lived experience. Additionally, it ought to engage supervisors in this educational journey, both at the university and in the host institutions, and also involve socially committed organisations in this task.We are grateful to all the participants in this research, which includes students and the staff in charge of the Meridies programme, especially Llanos Gomez and Alvaro Fernandez-Baldor. Also, we would like to thank the editors of this special issue and the anonymous reviewers for their valuable suggestions. Finally, we would like to thank James Hunt, who made an accurate translation from Spanish into English.Boni Aristizábal, A.; Sastre Aparisi, JJ.; Calabuig Tormo, C. (2019). Educating Engineers for the Public Good Through International Internships: Evidence from a Case Study at Universitat Politècnica de València. Science and Engineering Ethics. 25(6):1799-1815. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11948-015-9728-zS17991815256Baillie, C., & Levine, M. (2013). Engineering ethics from a justice perspective: A critical repositioning of what it means to be an engineer. International Journal of Engineering, Social Justice and Peace,2(1), 10–20.Boni, A., & Gasper, D. (2011). La Universidad como debiera ser. Propuestas desde el desarrollo humano para repensar la calidad de la Universidad. [The university as it might be. Contributions of a human development approach to rethinking quality of universities]. Sistema,220, 99–115.Boni, A., & Gasper, D. (2012). Rethinking the quality of universities—How can human development thinking contribute? Journal of Human Development and Capabilities,13(3), 451–470.Boni, A., MacDonald, P., & Peris, J. (2012). Cultivating engineers’ humanity: Fostering cosmopolitanism in a Technical University. International Journal of Educational Development,32(1), 179–186.Boni, A., & Walker, M. (Eds.). (2013). Universities and human development. A new imaginary for the university of the XXI century. London: Routledge.Bourn, D., & Neal, I. (2008). The global engineer: Incorporating global skills within UK higher education of engineers. London: Engineers Against Poverty and IOE.Crosbie, V. (2013). Capabilities and a pedagogy for global identities. In A. Boni & M. Walker (Eds.), Universities and human development. A new imaginary for the university of the XXI century (pp. 178–191). London: Routledge.Cruickshank, H., & Fenner, R. A. (2007). The evolving role of engineers: Toward sustainable development of the built environment. Journal of International Development,19(1), 111–121.Gasper, D., & George, S. (2010). Cultivating humanity? Education and capabilities for a “Global Great Transition”. Working Paper 503. The Hague: Institute of Social Studies.Greenwood, D., & Levin, M. (2007). Introduction to action research. Social research for social change. Thousand Oaks, CA, London: Sage.Harris, C. E., Jr. (2008). The good engineer: Giving virtue its due in engineering ethics. Science and Engineering Ethics,14(2), 153–164.Kabo, J. (2013). Editor’s introduction. International Journal of Engineering, Social Justice and Peace,2(1), 1–2.Mitcham, C., & Englehardt, E. (2015). Ethics across the curriculum: Prospects for broader (and deeper) teaching and learning in research and engineering ethics. Science and Engineering Ethics, 22 (this issue).Moskal, B. M., Skokan, C., Munoz, D., & Gosink, J. (2008). Humanitarian engineering: Global impacts and sustainability of a curricular effort. International Journal of Engineering Education,24(1), 162–174.Nussbaum, M. (1997). Cultivating humanity: A classical defense of reform in liberal education. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press.Nussbaum, M. (2000). Women and human development: The capabilities approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Nussbaum, M. (2006). Education and democratic citizenship: Capabilities and quality education. Journal of Human Development,7(3), 385–395.Passino, K. M. (2009). Educating the Humanitarian Engineer. Science and Engineering Ethics,15(4), 577–600.Penz, P., Drydyk, J., & Bose, P. (2010). Displacement by development. Ethics, rights and responsibilities. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Rawls, J. (1971). A theory of justice. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.Robbins, P. T. (2007). The reflexive engineer: Perceptions of integrated development. Journal of International Development,19(1), 99–110.Sen, A. (1999). Development as freedom. New York: Knopf.Sheppard, S. D., Macatangay, K., Colby, A., & Sullivan, W. M. (2008). Educating engineers. Designing for the future of the field. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass and The Carnegie Foundation.United Nations Development Programme. (2014). Human development report. New York: United Nations Development Programme.Walker, M. (2006). Higher education pedagogies. Berkshire, NY: Society for Research into Higher Education and Open University Press.Walker, M., & McLean, M. (2013). The global engineer professional education, capabilities and the public good. London: Routledge

    Cuantificación y análisis del nivel de riesgo asumido en el saque de voleibol en competición femenina de alto nivel = Quantification and analysis of the level of risk assumed in volleyball service in female high-level competition

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    261 p.La tesis se centra en el desarrollo de una metodología que pueda ser usada en la cuantificación y valoración del riesgo que asumen las jugadoras de voleibol de alto nivel al utilizar el saque como primera acción de ataque del equipo. A una muestra de 2296 acciones de servicio registradas en 26 partidos de las ligas española e italiana, recogida atendiendo a una metodología observacional, se le aplican técnicas de estadística descriptiva y análisis secuencial. Los resultados confirman que el servicio en salto flotante es el que mejor resultado muestra en términos de eficacia y que la metodología propuesta es una herramienta de análisis que puede ser empleada para evaluar el nivel de riesgo durante el transcurso de toda la competició

    Mapas conceptuales como instrumento de coordinación docente en estudios de posgrado

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    [ES] Con el actual Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, el trabajo en equipo y la coordinación son estrategias esenciales para mejorar la calidad de la enseñanza, implicando tomar conciencia de la importancia de entender la docencia como una responsabilidad compartida en la que participarán tanto docentes como estudiantes. Para ello es importante establecer mecanismos y recursos para procurar una óptima coordinación (intra-materia e inter-materias). La Coordinación Académica, entre otras tareas, persigue que no existan solapamientos de contenidos entre las distintas asignaturas, garantizando que se cubra el abanico de competencias propias del título. En elcontexto del Máster Universitario en Entrenamiento y Rendimiento Deportivo dela Universidad de León, se ha visto la necesidad de optimizar la coordinación inter e intra-asignatura, para evitar solapamiento de contenidos detectados en el programa de Plan de Acción Tutorial en el que participan los estudiantes. Con este fin, se está llevando a cabo un proyecto de innovación docente para introducir un instrumento de coordinación basado en mapas conceptuales, que permitiese de manera visual, controlar y ubicar los contenidos de cada materia. Los responsables de cada materia han participado en una jornada de familiarización con el instrumento que se mostrará a los estudiantes en la primera sesión presencial y en cada uno de los bloques de contenidos, contextualizando tanto la materia como los contenidos. Este instrumento será valorado tanto por el profesorado como por los estudiantes mediante un cuestionario on-line(Googleforms),con el quese obtendrá un Feedback que permitiráajustaryvalorarsu utilidad paracursos posteriores y en otras titulaciones. Este trabajo se ha desarrollado dentro del Plan de apoyo a la innovación docente de la Universidad de León (PAID 2019), bajo el título “Aplicación de mapas conceptuales como instrumento de coordinación docente en estudios de posgrado”N

    Mapas conceptuales como instrumento de coordinación docente en estudios de posgrado

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    In the current European Higher Education Area, teamwork and coordination are essential strategies to improve the quality of teaching, involving awareness of the importance of understanding teaching as a shared responsibility in which teachers and students alike will participate. It is important to establish mechanisms and resources to ensure optimal coordination (intra and inter-material). The Academic Coordination, among other tasks, seeks to ensure that there is no overlap in content between the different subjects, guaranteeing that the range of skills of the degree is covered. In the context of the University Master’s Degree in Training and Sports Performance of the University of León, it has been necessary to optimize the inter- and intra- subject coordination, to avoid overlapping of contents detected in the Tutorial Action Program, in which students participate. To this end, a teaching innovation project is being carried out to introduce a coordination instrument based on concept maps, which would make it possible to visually control and locate the contents of each subject. Professors of each subject have participated in a familiarization session with the instrument that will be shown to students in the first presential session of each subject, contextualizing both the subject and the contents. This instrument will be evaluated by the teaching staff and the students by means of an on-line questionnaire (Google forms), with which feedback will be obtained that will allow the adjustment and evaluation of its usefulness for later courses and other degrees. This study has been developed within the Plan of support for teaching innovation of the University of León (PAID 2019), under the title “ Application of concept maps as an instrument of teaching coordination”Con el actual Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, el trabajo en equipo y la coordinación son estrategias esenciales para mejorar la calidad de la enseñanza, implicando tomar conciencia de la importancia de entender la docencia como una responsabilidad compartida en la que participarán tanto docentes como estudiantes. Para ello es importante establecer mecanismos y recursos para procurar una óptima coordinación (intra-materia e inter-materias). La Coordinación Académica, entre otras tareas, persigue que no existan solapamientos de contenidos entre las distintas asignaturas, garantizando que se cubra el abanico de competencias propias del título. En elcontexto del Máster Universitario en Entrenamiento y Rendimiento Deportivo dela Universidad de León, se ha visto la necesidad de optimizar la coordinación inter e intra-asignatura, para evitar solapamiento de contenidos detectados en el programa de Plan de Acción Tutorial en el que participan los estudiantes. Con este fin, se está llevando a cabo un proyecto de innovación docente para introducir un instrumento de coordinación basado en mapas conceptuales, que permitiese de manera visual, controlar y ubicar los contenidos de cada materia. Los responsables de cada materia han participado en una jornada de familiarización con el instrumento que se mostrará a los estudiantes en la primera sesión presencial y en cada uno de los bloques de contenidos, contextualizando tanto la materia como los contenidos. Este instrumento será valorado tanto por el profesorado como por los estudiantes mediante un cuestionario on-line(Googleforms),con el quese obtendrá un Feedback que permitiráajustaryvalorarsu utilidad paracursos posteriores y en otras titulaciones. Este trabajo se ha desarrollado dentro del Plan de apoyo a la innovación docente de la Universidad de León (PAID 2019), bajo el título “Aplicación de mapas conceptuales como instrumento de coordinación docente en estudios de posgrado

    Desarrollo de salsas con microalgas

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    [EN] Sauces are one of the food consume products that have undergone further development in the last years regarding the type of formats and flavours available. This is a very competitive market that is always looking for new flavours and colours that make them attractive. In the other hand there is a preference to use natural ingredients that provide high value-added features to the product. Microalgae are one of those ingredients because of their content in polyunsaturated fatty acids, protein profile and colour. In this thesis "Development sauces microalgae" he has worked on the development of mayonnaise-type sauces with microalgae. In the first stage we proceeded to study physicochemical parameters of a commercial mayonnaise, in order to make mayonnaise as similar to that existing in the market. In the next steep we proceeded to the formulation, preparation and subsequent assessment of physicochemical and sensory characteristics of a mayonnaise with two varieties of microalgae Spirulina maxima and Tetraselmis chuii. It is made two formulations: one mayonnaise with Spirulina maxima and the other one with Tetraselmis chuii. Getting two mayonnaises with natural colours from microalgae, it depends on its rate in the formulation gives them different intensity of colour making green the mayonnaise with Tetraselmis and blue the mayonnaise with Spirulina, besides increasing the mayonnaise nutritional content and also giving a characteristic smell and taste of sea bigger in the Tetraselmis Chuii. Finally aspects related with marketing such as product prices were addressed.[ES] El proyecto a desarrollar tiene por objetivo el desarrollo de nuevas salsas tipo mayonesa a partir de la utilización de microalgas (tetraselmis y espirulina) en su formulación. Se evaluarán las propiedades reológicas, funcionales y sensoriales de las mismas con el objetivo de la obtención de un producto que pueda ser comercializado.Tormo Llopis, JE. (2015). Desarrollo de salsas con microalgas. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/54287.TFG