194 research outputs found

    Large Tensor Non-Gaussianity from Axion-Gauge Fields Dynamics

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    We show that an inflation model in which a spectator axion field is coupled to an SU(2) gauge field produces a large three-point function (bispectrum) of primordial gravitational waves, BhB_{h}, on the scales relevant to the cosmic microwave background experiments. The amplitude of the bispectrum at the equilateral configuration is characterized by Bh/Ph2=O(10)×ΩA1B_{h}/P_h^2=\mathcal{O}(10)\times \Omega_A^{-1}, where ΩA\Omega_A is a fraction of the energy density in the gauge field and PhP_h is the power spectrum of gravitational waves produced by the gauge field.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures; matches version accepted by PR

    Finding the chiral gravitational wave background of an axion-SU(2) inflationary model using CMB observations and laser interferometers

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    A detection of B-mode polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) anisotropies would confirm the presence of a primordial gravitational wave background (GWB). In the inflation paradigm this would be an unprecedented probe of the energy scale of inflation as it is directly proportional to the power spectrum of the GWB. However, similar tensor perturbations can be produced by the matter fields present during inflation, breaking this simple relationship. It is therefore important to be able to distinguish between different generation mechanisms of the GWB. In this paper, we analyse the detectability of a new axion-SU(2) gauge field model using its chiral, scale-dependent tensor spectrum. We forecast the detectability of the resulting CMB TB and EB cross-correlations by the LiteBIRD satellite, considering the effects of residual foregrounds, gravitational lensing, and for the first time assess the ability of such an experiment to jointly detect primordial TB and EB spectra and self-calibrate its polarimeter. We find that LiteBIRD will be able to detect the chiral signal for r>0.03r_*>0.03 with rr_* denoting the tensor-to-scalar ratio at the peak scale, and that the maximum signal-to-noise for r<0.07r_*<0.07 is 2\sim 2. We go on to consider an advanced stage of a LISA-like mission, and find that such experiments would complement CMB observations by providing sensitivity to GWB chirality on scales inaccessible to the CMB. We conclude that in order to use the CMB to distinguish this model from a conventional vacuum fluctuation model two-point statistics provide some power, but to achieve high statistical significance we would require higher order statistics which take advantage of the model's non-Gaussianity. On the other hand, in the case of a spectrum peaked at very small scales, inaccessible to the CMB, a highly significant detection could be made using space-based laser interferometers.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figures, accepted by PhysRev

    Tensor Non-Gaussianity from Axion-Gauge-Fields Dynamics : Parameter Search

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    We calculate the bispectrum of scale-invariant tensor modes sourced by spectator SU(2) gauge fields during inflation in a model containing a scalar inflaton, a pseudoscalar axion and SU(2) gauge fields. A large bispectrum is generated in this model at tree-level as the gauge fields contain a tensor degree of freedom, and its production is dominated by self-coupling of the gauge fields. This is a unique feature of non-Abelian gauge theory. The shape of the tensor bispectrum is approximately an equilateral shape for 3mQ43\lesssim m_Q\lesssim 4, where mQm_Q is an effective dimensionless mass of the SU(2) field normalised by the Hubble expansion rate during inflation. The amplitude of non-Gaussianity of the tensor modes, characterised by the ratio Bh/Ph2B_h/P^2_h, is inversely proportional to the energy density fraction of the gauge field. This ratio can be much greater than unity, whereas the ratio from the vacuum fluctuation of the metric is of order unity. The bispectrum is effective at constraining large mQm_Q regions of the parameter space, whereas the power spectrum constrains small mQm_Q regions.Comment: 34 pages, 15 figures; comments welcome; extended range of parameter values for cosine, matches version accepted by JCA

    Metabolic Responses to Energy-Depleted Conditions

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    Dietary intervention is one of the most important approaches for the treatment of metabolic diseases such as diabetes mellitus. Fasting and caloric restriction have profound effects on systemic metabolism. The energy source-producing organs, such as the liver, and peripheral tissues rewire their metabolism to meet the energy demands of the whole body. Glycogenolysis, fatty acid oxidation, and ketone body production are characteristic metabolic changes that occur during fasting and caloric restriction. These metabolic changes are regulated by various signaling cascades including PPARα and FGF21. Moderate fasting and caloric restriction have also been implicated in extending the lifespan in a variety of organisms from nematodes to vertebrates. Intensive research has unveiled several regulatory mechanisms of longevity including metabolic regulators such as mTOR and sirtuins. The epigenome has been attracting attention as a mechanism underlying metabolic diseases and longevity. The epigenome is the concept that involves covalent modifications of DNA, histones, and RNA, which are mediated by the action of epigenetic enzymes. The activity of these enzymes is regulated by energy states, i.e. metabolites including ketone bodies and intermediates of various metabolic pathways. Thus, energy states are recorded in cells as an epigenetic memory, which may cause future onset of metabolic diseases and affect lifespan

    Estimation of articulated angle in six-wheeled dump trucks using multiple GNSS receivers for autonomous driving

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    Due to the declining birthrate and aging population, the shortage of labor in the construction industry has become a serious problem, and increasing attention has been paid to automation of construction equipment. We focus on the automatic operation of articulated six-wheel dump trucks at construction sites. For the automatic operation of the dump trucks, it is important to estimate the position and the articulated angle of the dump trucks with high accuracy. In this study, we propose a method for estimating the state of a dump truck by using four global navigation satellite systems (GNSSs) installed on an articulated dump truck and a graph optimization method that utilizes the redundancy of multiple GNSSs. By adding real-time kinematic (RTK)-GNSS constraints and geometric constraints between the four antennas, the proposed method can robustly estimate the position and articulation angle even in environments where GNSS satellites are partially blocked. As a result of evaluating the accuracy of the proposed method through field tests, it was confirmed that the articulated angle could be estimated with an accuracy of 0.1^\circ in an open-sky environment and 0.7^\circ in a mountainous area simulating an elevation angle of 45^\circ where GNSS satellites are blocked.Comment: This is an electronic version of an article published in ADVANCED ROBOTICS, 35:23, 1376-1387, 2021. ADVANCED ROBOTICS is available online at: www.tandfonline.com/Article DOI; 10.1080/01691864.2019.161962

    Induction of Excess Centrosomes in Neural Progenitor Cells during the Development of Radiation-Induced Microcephaly

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    The embryonic brain is one of the tissues most vulnerable to ionizing radiation. In this study, we showed that ionizing radiation induces apoptosis in the neural progenitors of the mouse cerebral cortex, and that the surviving progenitor cells subsequently develop a considerable amount of supernumerary centrosomes. When mouse embryos at Day 13.5 were exposed to γ-rays, brains sizes were reduced markedly in a dose-dependent manner, and these size reductions persisted until birth. Immunostaining with caspase-3 antibodies showed that apoptosis occurred in 35% and 40% of neural progenitor cells at 4 h after exposure to 1 and 2 Gy, respectively, and this was accompanied by a disruption of the apical layer in which mitotic spindles were positioned in unirradiated mice. At 24 h after 1 Gy irradiation, the apoptotic cells were completely eliminated and proliferation was restored to a level similar to that of unirradiated cells, but numerous spindles were localized outside the apical layer. Similarly, abnormal cytokinesis, which included multipolar division and centrosome clustering, was observed in 19% and 24% of the surviving neural progenitor cells at 48 h after irradiation with 1 and 2 Gy, respectively. Because these cytokinesis aberrations derived from excess centrosomes result in growth delay and mitotic catastrophe-mediated cell elimination, our findings suggest that, in addition to apoptosis at an early stage of radiation exposure, radiation-induced centrosome overduplication could contribute to the depletion of neural progenitors and thereby lead to microcephaly

    応急仮設住宅居住者の集まる場と環境要素の関係性に関する研究 ‐福島県いわき市を事例として‐

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    Assuming that a major disaster will take place in the future, the purpose of this research is to gain design insights by considering the environment of emergency temporary housing, which provides a phase in people’s recovery in the aftermath of a major disaster. For this study, interviews of residents of temporary housing in Iwaki City, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan were conducted. Focus was especially placed on venues where communication occurred. Relationships between the characteristics of behaviors in those areas and environmental elements were analyzed and discussed

    Direct Detection of Electroweak-Interacting Dark Matter

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    Assuming that the lightest neutral component in an SU(2)L gauge multiplet is the main ingredient of dark matter in the universe, we calculate the elastic scattering cross section of the dark matter with nucleon, which is an important quantity for the direct detection experiments. When the dark matter is a real scalar or a Majorana fermion which has only electroweak gauge interactions, the scattering with quarks and gluon are induced through one- and two-loop quantum processes, respectively, and both of them give rise to comparable contributions to the elastic scattering cross section. We evaluate all of the contributions at the leading order and find that there is an accidental cancellation among them. As a result, the spin-independent cross section is found to be O(10^-(46-48)) cm^2, which is far below the current experimental bounds.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, published versio

    Factors explaining the yearly changes in minimum bottom dissolved oxygen concentrations in Lake Biwa, a warm monomictic lake

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    Vertical profiles of dissolved oxygen (DO) and water temperature (WT) measured bi-monthly for 36 years (1980–2015) near the deepest part of a warm monomictic lake were analyzed with special reference to yearly minimum DO at bottom (DOmin). DOmin changed yearly (3.0 ± 1.2 mg l−1) and significant differences in DOmin were not observed between Period I (1980–1993; cooler and worse in water quality) and Period II (1994–2015; warmer and better in water quality). This unclear trend in DOmin was probably due to the offsetting influences between warming induced by global warming and oligotrophication attempted by local governments etc. for the study period. DOmin was positively correlated with disturbance time (timing of last cold water intrusion observed from Mar to Aug), which could be related to the start of DO depletion at bottom. Thus, the linear model using this parameter could predict yearly DOmin fairly well for the entire study period (r2 = 0.60). In addition, DOmin and time of disturbance were correlated negatively with water density at bottom in Jan and positively with water density equilibrated to air temperature (AT) in Mar. Higher lake water density after full depth mixing advances the disturbance time. In contrast, lower AT in Mar and/or higher density of influent water after Mar delays the time likely due to the larger amount of snowfall in the watershed. Further, DOmin was positively correlated with maximum wind velocity in Sep which probably induced the recovery of DO. Multiple-regression models to predict DOmin using these meteorological and water quality parameters were developed (r2 ≥ 0.38, worse performances than the model using disturbance time) to forecast future trends of DOmin through global warming and/or climate change. Significant influences of water or sediment oxygen demands on DOmin were not detected. We also discuss the applicability of the proposed models

    WIMP dark matter in gauge-mediated SUSY breaking models and its phenomenology

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    We propose an extended version of the gauge-mediated SUSY breaking models where extra SU(2)LSU(2)_L doublets and singlet field are introduced. These fields are assumed to be parity-odd under an additional matter parity. In this model, the lightest parity-odd particle among them would be dark matter in the Universe. In this paper, we discuss direct detection of the dark matter and the collider signatures of the modelComment: 17 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Physics Letters