82 research outputs found

    Segmentations for time-variable systems and their implementation

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    Tato práce se zabývá popisem stacionárních náhodných diskrétních signálů se zaměřením na hudební signály. Je zde popsána, kdy je signál stacionární nebo nestacionární. Dále je zde uvedena vhodná úprava signálu pro detekci lokálních stacionarit. Práce obsahuje matematický popis charakteristik náhodných diskrétních signálů, podle kterých se určuje stacionarita signálu. Následuje popis základních váhovacích oken, jejich rozdělení, popis vlastností a porovnání jednotlivých oken. V další části práce jsou popsány metody segmentace odstranění konstantně dlouhého přesahu s konstantní délkou segmentu, přičtení konstantně dlouhého přesahu s konstantní délkou segmentu, odstranění konstantně dlouhého přesahu s proměnnou délkou segmentu, přičtení konstantně dlouhého přesahu s proměnnou délkou segmentu a přičtení proměnně dlouhého přesahu s proměnnou délkou segmentu. Následovně jsou analyzovány okna používaná u segmentačních metod s proměnnou délkou segmentu. Jako další bod práce jsou přechodové jevy způsobené skokovou změnou koeficientů filtru při filtraci segmentů s proměnnou délkou. Nakonec je zkoumána vhodná metoda detekce nestacionarity signálu, jsou analyzovány segmenty vytvořené pomocí vhodné detekce. Práce obsahuje také ukázku segmentace hudebního signálu.This thesis is interested in describing stationary random discrete signals, especially) in music discrete signals. Here is described when is signal stationary and when is not stationary. It contains tip for preprocessing of signal for accurate recognition of local stationarity. Thesis contain mathematical definition of parameters of random digital signals, which are used for stationarity recognition. It is followed by description of basic windows, their categories, describing of their parameters and comparing of each. In next part of thesis are described mothods of segmentations with constant window constant overlap save, constant window constant ovelap add, variable window constant overlap save, variable window constant ovelap add and variable window variable overlap add. It is followed by analyzing of windows used in segmentations with variable lengths of segments. As next point of thesis are transients made by step changes of coefficients of filter in filtering of segments with variable lengths. At the end is investigated the best accurate method of signal stationarity detection. Segments made by accurate method of detection are analyzed. thesis contains exapmle of music signal segmentation.

    “There Will Be No Free Bohemia without Free Poland, No Free Poland without Free Bohemia”. Masaryk’s Vision of Independent States

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    The aim of the paper is to examine, using the comparative perspective, how politicians and historians perceived the ideas applied in the process of formation of the states of Poland and Czechoslovakia. The situation in the period of 1918–20 seemed to be open to various opportunities for constituting and cooperation of independent countries, but not all these opportunities were acceptable at that time. Although some of them had a stabilising potential, the official narrative became the foundation for national historiography. The traditional master narrative (roles of Masaryk, Dmowski, Piłsudski), interrupted by the caesura of the 1945/54–89 period, understandably affects the current understanding of a state and celebration of its anniversaries, which raises a need to find a paradigm of interpretation that deviates from the nation state. The author disputes the approach of historiography which considered military violence a defining element of the process of formation of a state. He regards choosing a perspective which explains the transfer of the traits of the founders to the states as social institutions (quasi-figures) to be beneficial. Using archival documents, he shows how Masaryk’s ideas of forming a New Europe were received in Poland and what image of the situation in Poland was presented to Masaryk. Criticism of the neighbouring state in the speeches of the members of the Sejm was instrumentalised with regard to the tensions in the home politics. That is why the author puts the dispute about the Seven-day War and the Polish-Ukrainian conflict into a broader perspective

    Analysis of the Current Situation in the Area of IPO on the Czech Capital Market

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    Funding the development of the company through the ‘Initial Public Offering’ has a high representation globally, the Czech Republic unlike, and belongs to traditional methods of raising funds necessary for the development of business in the developed capital markets. Under the conditions of the Czech capital market it is possible to identify only few companies, who attempted to fund through the IPO way at present. The objective of this paper is to analyze the current situation in the area of IPO on the Czech capital market and identify the causes of the low number of IPO s in the Czech Republic. The paper was written with the financial support of the Czech Science Foundation (Grant Agency of the Czech Republic), grant project No. 402/09/P134 ‘Decision Model of Company Financing via IPO ’

    Architecture of the First Half of the Twentieth Century in the Western Part of the Ústí Region

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    Koncept této práce krystalizoval pomalu, tak jak jsme si ujasňovali rozsah sledované problematiky. Od prvních náčrtů, příliš širokých na to, aby mohly být zpracovány do jednoho celku, po zúžení tématu na architekturu především první poloviny dvacátého století na území stávajícího Ústeckého kraje, a to určité jeho části. Tato problematika je, do jisté míry, osobní obsesí autora. Považujeme severočeský region za domovský. Z tohoto vědomí vyrůstal i určitý pocit odpovědnosti pro současnost, zároveň ale z tohoto vědomí rostla snaha poznat i jeho minulost. V následujících kapitolách bychom o těchto momentech hovořili podrobněji. První fascinací bylo to, že tato oblast prošla neskutečnou restrukturalizací. To je eufemismus pro mnohdy kruté události, které se zde odehrávaly a napětí, v němž dozrávaly. Vyvrcholením poměrně dlouhého procesu se stává druhá světová válka, v níž se vzájemné atavismy obou převažujících etnik německého a českého, nemluvě o židovském, vyhrotí a skončí tragicky. Tyto události mají ovšem své pokračování. Po vysídlení dvou a půl milionu Němců je tento kraj, nebo respektive celé české pohraničí, takřka prázdné. Tím pádem jej bylo třeba zalidnit. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)The paper "The Architecture of the First Half of the Twentieth Century in the Western Part of the Ústi Region" ( in the preparation of art pedagogy and its didactical use in the realm of electronic media) covers - as it is obvious from the title - not only the architecture and its pedagogical reflection. In the first part of the paper the author tries to touch a phenomenon of the relationship of the society to the area itself. This phenomenon is significant as it unveils the social relationships and forces which were decisive in not only forming the region, but also influencing the way of interpretating the history, especially the history of the first half of the twentieth century. The main part of the paper consists of a description of the architecture in the interim period between the two world wars, in the identification of its creators, in the discerning of its Czech and German origins. The focus on the Ústi region is not by chance, as it is the home region of the author. The region is defined, starting at Ústi nad Labem going as far as Chomutov. This part traces the architectural development of German creativity in the Czech area and compares it with the Czech product. In our paper we have to note the more conservative approach of the German architects, who combined the procedures of expressionism with...Katedra výtvarné výchovyFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult

    Speech signal processing in spectral domain

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    Hlavním cílem bakalářské práce je seznámení s formanty, metodami zpracování řečových signálů ve spektrální oblasti a vytvoření autonomního programu na určování formantů. V první části je pozornost věnována definici formantu, vztahu češtiny k formantům a uvedení a popsání použití formantů v praxi. Dále je zde představeno předzpracování signálu před samotnou analýzou. Práce obsahuje výčet nejpoužívanějších metod výpočtu spektra řečových signálů se zaměřením především na odhad spektra pomocí lineární predikce. Následující část obsahuje ověření nejpoužívanějších metod pro určení formantů, kterými jsou lineární predikční kódování a Fourierova transformace. Záměrem další části je popsání metod použitých ve vytvořeném programu, popis jeho funkcí a návod k použití. Závěrem je ověřena funkce programu a popsána určená databáze.The thesis is focused on getting acquainted with methods of adapting speech signals in spectrum domain and with formants. Fist part is dealing with definition of formant, the relation between Czech language and formants, performing formant features and describing the use of formants in practice. This part includes preprocessing of signals before analysis on its own. This work contains a list of the most common methods for counting speech signals spectrum focused on estimation of spectrum by linear prediction. Practical part contains a verification of the most common methods for specifying formants, which are linear prediction coding and Fourier transformation. Next part is dealing with the description of methods used in created program. It also contains the description of functions of this program and the manual for it. In the end of this work the function of created program is verified and specified database is described.

    Description of a new Eumenescolex species (Clitellata: Megadrili, Lumbricidae) with new data to the earthworm fauna of Corsica and Sardinia

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    Earthworm collectings on Corsica and Sardinia resulted in recording eight species belonging to the families Lumbricidae and Hormogastridae. Among them, Octodrilus transpadanus represents a new record for the fauna of Sardinia and Eumenescolex zoltani sp. nov. from Corsica is new to science

    River Basin Management in the Past and at Present and its Impact on Extreme Hydrological Events

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    River basin and small watercourse river basins should be seen as interdependent and interconnected elements and components. Activities within the river basin can affect water conditions in terms of quality and quantity. Nevertheless, river basin management has an impact on other areas, such as on the social or economic conditions

    Old views and new insights: taxonomic revision of the Bukovina blind mole rat, Spalax graecus (Rodentia: Spalacinae)

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    As a result of their rather uniform external appearance and gross cranial morphology, the systematics of blind mole rats has been hotly debated over the last century; however, the separation of the large-bodied and small-bodied blind mole rats at the genus level (Spalax and Nannospalax, respectively), suggested earlier on morphological grounds, is strongly supported by recent molecular biological evidence. The species of Spalax have so far been distinguished from each other by cranial traits only, especially the outline of sutures of the cranium, and the shape and relative size of the nasal and parietal bones. Based on mitochondrial DNA sequences (with the widest taxonomic and geographic coverage so far) and detailed anatomical comparisons of museum specimens, we herewith provide a revision of the taxonomic and phylogenetic status of the westernmost representative of the genus, Spalax graecus s.l. We clarify that antiquus and istricus – presently regarded as synonyms of graecus – are well-defined species, and they together form a separate clade within Spalax. The robustness of our conclusions is supported by the combined evidence of morphology, multilocus phylogeny, species distribution, and taxon history (species congruence with past tectonic and climate events)