146 research outputs found

    Isolation of bis(copper) key intermediates in Cu-catalyzed azide-alkyne "click reaction".

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    The copper-catalyzed 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of an azide to a terminal alkyne (CuAAC) is one of the most popular chemical transformations, with applications ranging from material to life sciences. However, despite many mechanistic studies, direct observation of key components of the catalytic cycle is still missing. Initially, mononuclear species were thought to be the active catalysts, but later on, dinuclear complexes came to the front. We report the isolation of both a previously postulated π,σ-bis(copper) acetylide and a hitherto never-mentioned bis(metallated) triazole complex. We also demonstrate that although mono- and bis-copper complexes promote the CuAAC reaction, the dinuclear species are involved in the kinetically favored pathway

    Branding de la marca “FIGO” y la percepción de sus clientes, Los Olivos – Lima, 2023

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    La investigación realizada tiene como objetivo general determinar la relación entre branding de la marca “FIGO” y la percepción de sus clientes, Los Olivos – Lima, 2023. Se utilizó un enfoque cuantitativo de tipo aplicada, con un nivel correlacional y un diseño no experimental. Para la recolección de datos, se aplicó una encuesta que constaba de 10 preguntas dirigidas a los clientes de la agencia FIGO. La población total era de 150 clientes, pero se encuestó a 108 de ellos. Los resultados obtenidos fueron sometidos a un análisis estadístico, donde se evaluó la confiabilidad mediante el coeficiente alfa de Cronbach, obteniendo un valor de 0.903. En la prueba de normalidad, se encontró un resultado anormal, por lo que se utilizó el coeficiente de correlación de Spearman en el análisis. Se encontró una correlación positiva alta y un nivel de significancia de 0.000, lo cual es menor a 0.05. En consecuencia, se aceptó la hipótesis de la investigación, llegando a la conclusión de que existe una relación entre el branding de la marca "FIGO" y la percepción de sus clientes

    Influencia de la formación ambiental en los valores y creencias ambientales en estudiantes de pre-grado de la Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú, 2017

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    El desarrollo de la educación ambiental en las universidades tiene por objetivo la formación de valores y creencias ambientales como actitudes favorables en favor del ambiente, base de una conciencia ambiental que busca alternativas de solución a la crisis ambiental. En cumplimiento a ello, la Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú (UNCP) incorporó asignaturas ambientales en sus planes de estudio con el fin de fortalecer la conciencia ambiental de sus estudiantes y futuros profesionales; sin embargo, se desconoce la efectividad de esta acción. Por ello, la presente tesis de investigación tiene por objetivo evaluar si la inclusión de asignaturas ambientales se relaciona con las creencias y valores ambientales. Para ello se cuantifica el número de asignaturas y se mide las creencias (Escala de Nuevo Paradigma Ecológico) y valores (Escala Cuestionario retrato de valores) ambientales en estudiantes de pre-grado del I y X semestre de las Facultades de Economía, Sociología y Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente. Se emplean distintas técnicas de análisis multivariados para la validación y correlación de los datos. Los resultados de correlación en la Facultad de Economía (r = 0.04; p > 0.05) y Facultad de Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente (r = 0.3; p > 0.05) indican que no existe una relación significativa de la cantidad de asignaturas ambientales con los creencias y valores ambientales de los estudiantes; por otro lado, en la Facultad de Sociología (r = 0.4; p < 0.05) si se observa una relación significativa. Se concluye que el número de asignaturas ambientales no se relaciona con las creencias y valores ambientales, sino es la perspectiva y acciones complementarias las que fortalecen estos aspectos.Tesi

    Primer registro de Acanthoscelides obtectus (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Bruchinae) en Senna multiglandulosa (Fabaceae) de la región andina central del Perú

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    Acanthoscelides obtectus (Say, 1831) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) is a beetle of cosmopolitan distribution that causes serious damages to diverse species of the Fabaceae family. This is the first report of its infestation on bushes of Senna multiglandulosa (Jacq.) H.S. Irwin &amp; Barneby, 1982 (Fabaceae) in the central Andean region of Peru. The morphology of the biological stages of A. obtectus and the perforations they made on infested legumes collected in three places of Mantaro Valley from January to December 2018 are described. The total length (L) and width (W) of eggs, larvae, pupae and adults of A. obtectus, and the diameter (D) of the perforations on the pods and seeds of S. multiglandulosa were measured. The results showed significant differences in the size of each one of the stages (p &lt; 0.001) and their perforations on legumes (p &lt; 0.001), affecting specially the seeds of S. multiglandulosa, constituting a severe pest of the studied plant.Acanthoscelides obtectus (Say, 1831) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Bruchinae) es unescarabajo de distribución cosmopolita que ocasiona graves daños a diversas especies de la familia Fabaceae. Este trabajo es el primer reporte de su infestación en arbustos de Senna multiglandulosa (Jacq.) H.S. Irwin &amp; Barneby, 1982 (Fabaceae) en la zona andina central del Perú. Se describe la morfología de los estados biológicos de A. obtectus y las perforaciones que realizaron en legumbres infestadas colectadas en tres lugares del Valle del Mantaro de enero a diciembre 2018. Se midió la longitud total (L) y ancho (A) de los huevos, larvas, pupas y adultos de A. obtectus, así como el diámetro (D) de las perforaciones en vainas y semilla de S. multiglandulosa. Los resultados mostraron diferencias significativas en los tamaños de cada uno de los estadios (p &lt; 0,001) y sus perforaciones en las legumbres (p &lt; 0,001), afectan especialmente las semillas de S. multiglandulosa, por lo cual se constituye en un problema sanitario muy severo en la planta estudiada. Acanthoscelides obtectus (Say, 1831) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Bruchinae) is a beetle with a cosmopolitan distribution that causes severe damages to diverse species of the Fabaceae family. This is the first report of its infestation on Senna multiglandulosa (Jacq.) H.S. Irwin &amp; Barneby, 1982 (Fabaceae) bushes in the central Andean region of Peru. The morphology of the biological stages of A. obtectus and the perforations they made on infested legumes collected in three sites of Mantaro Valley from January to December 2018 are described. The total length (L) and width (W) of eggs, larvae, pupae, and adults of A. obtectus and the diameter (D) of the perforations on the pods and seeds of S. multiglandulosa were measured. The results showed significant differences in the size of each stage (p &lt; 0.001) and their perforations on legumes (p &lt; 0.001), affecting mainly the seeds of S. multiglandulosa, constituting a severe health problem for the studied plant

    Reductive Elimination at Carbon under Steric Control

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    It has been previously demonstrated that stable singlet electrophilic carbenes can behave as metal surrogates in the activation of strong E-H bonds (E = H, B, N, Si, P), but it was believed that these activations only proceed through an irreversible activation barrier. Herein we show that, as is the case with transition metals, the steric environment can be used to promote reductive elimination at carbon centers

    Evaluation of halitosis and sialometry in patients submitted to head and neck radiotherapy

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the parameters of halitosis and sialometry in patients who had undergone head and neck radiotherapy, correlating oral concentration of volatile sulfur compounds (VSC) with the presence of tongue coating, salivary flow rate and BANA test. Material and Methods: 35 patients allocated in two groups were examined: group I (control) - patients with systemic and oral health; group II - patients submitted to head and neck radiotherapy. All volunteers were submitted to halitosis measurements through a sulphide monitor, evaluation of tongue coating weight, non-stimulated sialometry and BANA test. Results: The results were analyzed through analysis of variance, Pearson?s correlation and Student?s t-test, showing that there was statistically significant difference in halimetry between the groups, where the irradiated patients showed halitosis. There was a relation between the presence of tongue coating and the levels of VSCs in both groups and it was also noted that the irradiated patients showed a decreased salivary flow rate compared to healthy patients. Conclusion: On the conditions of the present research, it was concluded that halitosis can be considered an adverse effect of radiotherapy, connected to hiposalivation and poor oral health

    As diferentes tipologias que descrevem o interesse dos jovens brasileiros pelas ciências

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    It is essential understanding students’ interests to help improving the teaching-learning process. Therefore, investigations aimed at understanding how young people think and feel about Science and Technology have emerged. One of these initiatives lies on the project called Barômetro Brasil, which is a 4-point Likert scale questionnaire comprising 96 questions that investigate the interest of young people in Science and Technology, among other things. The current study used data generated through the application of Barômetro Brasil to 2,404 students in the age group 15 years in 2014; thus, these students were used as a representative sample of the Brazilian young population in this age group. Four (4) different typologies of Brazilian students were found based on the k-means clustering method: Reluctant, Enthusiast, Unselective Undecided,  Selective Undecided. Furthermore , the interest of each typology was analyzed based on six different topics such as Health, Mystery, Scientific innovations, Agriculture, Science and Scientists, and Technology, which were determined based on the hierarchical clustering method. It was possible concluding that topics such as Mystery and Scientific innovations presented the greatest potential to boost students’ intrinsic motivation, since they were the ones recording above average interest rates in all four typologies.Conhecer os interesses dos estudantes é parte fundamental para facilitar o processo de ensino aprendizagem. Nesse sentido, surgem as investigações que se propõem a compreender como os jovens pensam e se posicionam frente às ciências e tecnologia. Uma destas iniciativas é o projeto Barômetro Brasil, um questionário composto por 96 questões, na escala de Likert de 4 pontos, que investiga, entre outras coisas, o interesse dos jovens frente às ciências e tecnologia. No presente estudo, utilizamos os dados produzidos com a aplicação do Barômetro Brasil, no ano de 2014, oportunidade onde esse instrumento foi aplicado a 2404 estudantes, na faixa dos 15 anos, sendo essa uma amostra representativa da população dos jovens brasileiros, nessa faixa etária. Utilizando o método k-means, para análise de clusters, encontramos 4 tipologias para os estudantes brasileiros: Relutantes, Entusiastas, Indecisos Seletivos, Indecisos Não Seletivos. Além disso, observamos o interesse de cada tipologia em relação a seis temas distintos: Saúde; Mistérios; Inovações Científicas; Agricultura; Ciência e Cientistas; Tecnologia. Esses temas foram determinados utilizando a análise de clusters pelo método hierárquico. A partir deste estudo, concluímos que os temas Mistérios e Inovações Científicas são os que apresentam maior potencial para fomentar a motivação intrínseca dos estudantes, uma vez que são os temas que manifestam interesse acima da média, em todas as quatro tipologias

    Cost of hematopoietic stem cell's allogeneic transplantation: an integrative review

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    Objective: Identifying what has been produced on cost analysis of allogeneic transplantation of hematopoietic stem cell. Method: It consists of an integrative review, where was done a search of studies on cost analysis in allogeneic transplantation. Results: There were found 265 articles, which, after application of inclusion and exclusion criteria, 13 articles, with twelve in English and two in Portuguese were selected. Eleven of these articles have made partial cost analysis, a study done systematic review of cost-effectiveness; one made economic evaluation of cost-effectiveness and cost evaluation study made about coverage for curative catheter in transplantation. Conclusion: There is a gap in the area of economic evaluation studies and the nurse should occupy this space, not only as a care manager, but also of cost