186 research outputs found

    Development of a modelling for openings in the underground mines

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    Приликом израде подземних просторија у стјенској маси долази до нарушавања природне равнотеже напонских стања стијенског масива који су владали прије израде тих просторија, при чему долази до појаве прертасподјеле напона и његове концентрације у појединим правцима и тачкама, односно долази до појаве пластичних деформација које су праћене ломљењем стијенске масе и кретањима материјала према откопаном простору...During the construction of the underground stopes in the rock mass, comes to disrupting the natural balance of rock mass stress states that existed prior these facilities in and leads to the redistribution of stress and its concentration in certain directions and points, and comes to the appearance of plastic deformation, that are monitoring hydraulic fracturing rock mass and movements of materials to the excavated area. The main task of this thesis is to develop a model of rock massif around opening. The applicability of the model will be displayed for the model constuction of the opening for bauxite ore deposit "Podbracan" Milici, in order to estimate stress and deformation of the rock mass around the openings. According to the basis of rock mass behavior around the stope it is necessary to ensure the selection of adequate support of openings for short periods and ensuring that openings for a longer period in order to prevent their caving. The model will be presented in this thesis greatly helps to the decision on the basis of the defined criteria and interpretation of stress conditions, for support elements for underground openings in an unstable work environment and thus provide capital for the period rooms of the mine life of the mine . In order to select the optimal premises opening for a given work environment and the choice of supporting construction in order to improve the safety of underground stopes and facilities and people, the problem is solved through the explanations of all parameters which have influence, the specific methodologies for the calculation and interpretation of data applied model. The results will serve as a basis for the formulation of mathematical algorithms depending on the certain parameters and comparative analysis of the impact of stress conditions for a concrete underground opening in the ore deposit "Podbracan", Republic of Srpska

    Physiological and biochemical aspects of propagation in endemic species Micromeria pulegium (Rochel) Benth. and Micromeria croatica (Pers.) Schoot in vitro

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    aromatičnih biljaka koje se koriste u tradicionalnoj medicini, hortikulturi, hemijskoj, prehrambenoj i kozmetičkoj industriji. Retke, endemične i/ili ugrožene vrste familije Lamiaceae predstavljaju poseban izazov za proučavanje, prevashodno u cilju očuvanja specijskog diverziteta i njihovih populacija u prirodi, ali i zato što su izvor važnih bioaktivnih molekula raznovrsnog dejstva (antimikrobna, antvirusna, fungicidna, antioksidantna, citotoksična, alelohemijska, insekticidna aktivnost, itd.) i potencijalno široke primene. Usled izrazite heterogenosti, predstavnici roda Micromeria su bili često predmet taksonomskih diskusija. Pripadnike sekcije Pseudomelissa gde spada i М. pulegium, nakon molekularno genetičkih analiza hloroplastne DNK, Brauchler (2005) premešta u rod Clinopodium. Ipak, u ovoj tezi je primenjen tradicionalni taksonomski koncept, predložen od strane Harley-a i sar. (2004), koji podržava homogenost roda Micromeria, pri čemu je sect. Pseudomelissa njegova sastavna jedinica. U skladu sa primenjenim sistemom dve istraživane vrste su klasifikovane u idividualne sekcije roda: Micromeria sect. Micromeria (M. croatica), odnosno Micromeria sect. Pseudomelissa (M. pulegium). Micromeria pulegium predstavlja endemičnu vrstu Južnih Karpata u Rumuniji, sa enklavom u istočnoj Srbiji, a Micromeria croatica balkansku endemičnu vrstu čiji se areal vezuje pre svega za planinski venac Dinarida. Njihove prirodne populacije imaju mali broj jedinki i nastanjuju staništa koja su pod negativnim uticajem antropogenih faktora. Imajući u vidu značaj roda Micromeria, kao i činjenicu da su pomenute vrste retke i ugrožene, javila se potreba da se one gaje zarad očuvanja i istraživanja bez pritiska na prirodne populacije i bez remećenja prirodnog genofonda. Iz pomenutih razloga obe vrste roda Micromeria uvedene su kulturu biljnih tkiva in vitro. U ovoj disertaciji vršeno je ispitivanje efekata regulatora rastenja na morfogenezu i produkciju etarskih ulja endemičnih vrsta M. pulegium i M. croatica in vitro...Plants from Lamiaceae family are prominent representatives of the edible, medicinal or aromatic herbs used in traditional medicine, horticulture, chemical, cosmetic and food industry. The rare, endemic and/or threatened species from family Lamiaceae pose a special challenge for studying, primarily in order to preserve species diversity and their populations in the wild, but also as they are source material for important bioactive molecules with diverse activity (antimicrobial, antiviral, fungicidal, antioxidant, cytotoxic, allelochemical, insecticidal and other types of activity) and potential broad spectrum of use. Due to the pronounced heterogeneity, representatives of genus Micromeria used to be a common topic of taxonomic discussions. After the molecular-genetic analyses of chloroplast DNA, Brauchler (2005) has transferred the representatives of section Pseudomelissa, which includes М. pulegium, into the genus Clinopodium. However, this thesis is using the traditional taxonomic concept suggested by Harley et al. (2004), supporting the homogeneity of genus Micromeria, where sect. Pseudomelissa remains its integral unit. According to this system the two studied species were classified within the individual sections of the genus: Micromeria sect. Micromeria (M. croatica) and Micromeria sect. Pseudomelissa (M. pulegium). Micromeria pulegium represents an endemic species of Southern Carpathians in Romania, with an enclave in Eastern Serbia, while Micromeria croatica is an endemic Balkan species primarily connected with the mountain chain of Dinarides. Their natural populations are characterized by a small number of individuals inhabiting habitats under the negative influence of anthropogenic factors. Due to the importance of genus Micromeria and the fact that these two species are rare and threatened, a need arose to grow them in captivity so they may be preserved and studied without additional pressure on natural populations and without disturbance of the natural gene pool. For these reasons both species of genus Micromeria were introduced in plant tissue culture in vitro..

    Risk assessment of non-native fishes in the Balkans Region using FISK, the invasiveness screening tool for non-native freshwater fishes

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    A high level of freshwater fish endemism in the Balkans Region emphasizes the need for non-native species risk assessments to inform management and control measures, with pre-screening tools, such as the Fish Invasiveness Screening Kit (FISK) providing a useful first step. Applied to 43 non-native and translocated freshwater fishes in four Balkan countries, FISK reliably discriminated between invasive and non-invasive species, with a calibration threshold value of 9.5 distinguishing between species of medium and high risk sensu lato of becoming invasive. Twelve of the 43 species were assessed by scientists from two or more Balkan countries, and the remaining 31 species by a single assessor. Using the 9.5 threshold, three species were classed as low risk, 10 as medium risk, and 30 as high risk, with the latter category comprised of 26 moderately high risk, three high risk, and one very high risk species. Confidence levels in the assessments were relatively constant for all species, indicating concordance amongst assessors

    On some new pre-orders defined by weighted Drazin inverses

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    In this paper, we investigate new binary relations defined on the set of rectangular complex matrices based on the weighted Drazin inverse and give some characterizations of them. These relations become pre-orders and improve the results found by the authors in Hernandez et al. (2013) as well as extend those known for square matrices. On the other hand, some new weighted partial orders are also defined and characterized. The advantages of these new relations compared to the ones considered in the mentioned paper are also pointed out.N. Thome was partially supported by Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad of Spain (Grant DGI MTM2013-43678-P and Red de Excelencia MTM2015-68805-REDT).Hernández, AE.; Lattanzi, MB.; Thome Coppo, NJ. (2016). On some new pre-orders defined by weighted Drazin inverses. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 282:108-116. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.amc.2016.01.055S10811628

    SATURN D6.5 - Final Report

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    The objective of the SATURN (Strategic Allocation of Traffic Using Redistribution in the Network) project is to make novel and credible use of market-based demand-management mechanisms to redistribute air traffic in the European airspace. This reduces congestion and saves the airspace users operational costs. The project is motivated by frequent demand and capacity imbalances in the European airspace network, which are forecast to continue in the near future. The present and foreseen ways of dealing with such imbalances mainly concern strategic and tactical capacity-side interventions, such as resectorisation and opening of more sectors to deal with excess demand. These are followed by tactical demand management measures, if needed. As a result, not only do substantial costs arise, but airspace users are also typically left with no choice but to comply with imposed air traffic flow management measures. The project shows how economic signals could be given to airspace users and air navigation service providers (ANSPs) to improve capacity-demand balancing, airspace design and usage, and what the benefits would be of a centralised planner compared with those of decentralised maximisation of self interests (by the ANSPs and/or airspace users)

    Genetic characterization of GSD I in Serbian population revealed unexpectedly high incidence of GSD Ib and 3 novel SLC37A4 variants

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    Glycogen storage disease (GSD) type I is inborn metabolic disease characterized by accumulation of glycogen in multiple organs. We analyzed 38 patients with clinical suspicion of GSD I using Sanger and next-generation sequencing (NGS). We identified 28 GSD Ib and 5 GSD Ia patients. In 5 patients, GSD III, VI, IX, cholesteryl-ester storage disease and Shwachman-Diamond syndrome diagnoses were set using NGS. Incidences for GSD Ia and GSD Ib were estimated at 1:172746 and 1:60461 live-births, respectively. Two variants were identified in G6PC gene: c.247C gt T (p.Arg83Cys) and c.518T gt C (p.Leu173Pro). In SLC37A4 gene, 6 variants were detected. Three previously reported variants c.81T gt A (p.Asn27Lys), c.162C gt A (p.Ser54Arg) and c.1042_1043delCT (p.Leu348Valfs*53) accounted for 87% of all analyzed alleles. Computational, transcription studies and/or clinical presentation in patients confirmed pathogenic effect of 3 novel variants: c.248G gt A (p.Gly83Glu), c.404G gt A (p.Gly135Asp) and c.785G gt A (p.Ser263Glyfs*33 or p.Gly262Asp). In the cohort, hepatomegaly, hypoglycemia and failure to thrive were the most frequent presenting signs of GSD Ia, while hepatomegaly and recurrent bacterial infections were clinical hallmarks of GSD Ib. All GSD Ib patients developed neutropenia while 20.6% developed inflammatory bowel disease. Our study revealed the highest worldwide incidence of GSD Ib. Furthermore, description of 3 novel variants will facilitate medical genetic practice.This is the peer reviewed version of the paper: Skakic, A., Djordjevic, M., Sarajlija, A., Klaassen, K., Tosic, N., Kecman, B., Ugrin, M., Spasovski, V., Pavlovic, S., & Stojiljkovic, M. (2018). Genetic characterization of GSD I in Serbian population revealed unexpectedly high incidence of GSD Ib and 3 novel SLC37A4 variants. Clinical Genetics, 93(2), 350–355. [https://doi.org/10.1111/cge.13093

    Characterizing the diffuse continuum excitations in the classical spin liquid hh-YMnO3_3

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    We extend previous inelastic neutron scattering results on the geometrically frustrated antiferromagnet hexagonal-YMnO3_3, which has been suggested to belong to the class of classical spin liquids. We extend the energy transfer coverage of the diffuse signal up to 6.9 meV within a wide temperature range around the ordering temperature, TNT_\mathrm{N}. The two distinct diffuse signals in the a-b plane, the signal localized at Γ\Gamma' and the scattering intensity connecting Γ\Gamma' points over the M', are shown to be only weakly energy dependent. In addition, an external magnetic field of up to 10.5 T applied along c is shown to have no effect on the diffuse signal. In the orthogonal scattering plane, the signals are shown to be dependent on l only through the magnetic form factor, showing that the correlations are purely two-dimensional, and supporting its origin to be the frustrated Mn3+^{3+} triangles. This result is corroborated by atomistic spin dynamics simulations showing similar scattering vector and temperature behaviours. Lastly, data for the spin wave scattering in the (h, 0, l) plane allow for a discussion of the magnetic ground state where better agreement is found between the data and an ordered structure of the Γ1\Gamma_1 or Γ3\Gamma_3 symmetry, albeit crystal electric field arguments dismisses the Γ1\Gamma_1 as possibility


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    Oral vaccination of the red fox against rabies using baits revealed very efficientfor eliminating rabies in many European countries. The “Program for control anderadication of rabies via oral vaccination of foxes” elaborated by the VeterinaryOffice plans to perform aerial vaccine bait distribution in Spring and Autumn until2015 at least. Campaigns have already been carried out in autumn 2011, spring &autumn 2012 over all the territory of BIH, including Public Awareness Campaigns.The role of Doctors of Veterinary Medicine is of paramount importance foreducating the public regarding rabies and re-enforcing the epidemio-surveillanceof the disease

    PVDF-HFP/NKBT composite dielectrics: Perovskite particles induce the appearance of an additional dielectric relaxation process in ferroelectric polymer matrix

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    Na0.25K0.25Bi0.5TiO3 (NKBT) perovskite particles are synthesized by solid-state method and used as a filler for polyvinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene (PVDF-HFP) co-polymer. X-ray diffraction analysis of NKBT powders shows that the particles have a rhombohedral perovskite crystal structure (R3c symmetry). Raman spectroscopy reveals that the co-polymer crystallizes predominantly into the mixture of polar beta- and gamma-crystals, while there is also a contribution of the non-polar a-crystal phase. The introduction of the NKBT into the PVDF-HFP results with an increase in effective dielectric permittivity and this effect depends on the inorganic content in the composite. The most interesting result of the present study is that the introduction of NKBT particles induces the appearance of an additional transition peak in the dielectric spectra of the co-polymer matrix. At the fixed frequency of similar to 2 kHz, the observed process appears at similar to 10 degrees C (about 45 degrees above the glass transition temperature) and its magnitude strongly depends on the amount of the NKBT in the composite. Dielectric spectroscopy measurements of the composites are carried out in the wide range of frequencies (from 0.1 Hz to 1 MHz) and temperatures (from -100 to 100 degrees C). They reveal that the novel process can be clearly distinguished in the frequency range between 160 Hz and similar to 50 kHz


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    The samples of fruits of the grapevine (Vitis vinifera, cultivar Tamjanika) and the peach tree (Prunus persica L. Batech) from the Bor region were analyzed using an ICP-OES to determine the content of iron (Fe). This was done in order to assess possible health risks related to this essential element; the region of Bor’s municipality is known as one of the most polluted areas in Serbia. The content of Fe in unwashed grapes seems not to be affected by the mining/metallurgical activities, as it was either in the normal concentration range or was at even lower than critical deficiency concentration in plants (21.8-98 mg/kg). The level of Fe in the samples of peaches ranged from 62.4 to 1418 mg/kg, which is much higher than that in grape samples and in one case, even higher than the phytotoxic threshold. The values of the enrichment factor (EF) were lower than 2 in the case of grape samples, while for peach samples, these values ranged from rather low (0.99) to extremely high (22.66). Based on the herein obtained results, in the region of Bor, it seems that the cultivation of grapevine should be favored over the cultivation of peach trees.SADRŽAJ GVOŽĐA U PLODOVIMA VINOVe LOZe I BRESKVE KOJE RASTU U BLIZINI RUDARSKO-TOPIONIČARSKOG KOMPLEKSA BOR, ISTOČNA SRBIJAUzorci plodova vinove loze (Vitis vinifera, sorta Tamjanika) i vinogradarske breskve (Prunus persica L. Batech) iz regiona Bora su analizirani metodom ICP-OES, kako bi se odredio sadržaj gvožđa (Fe). Analize su vršene da bi se procenio mogući zdravstveni rizik povezan sa ovim esencijalnim elementom; poznato je da je region Borske opštine jedan od najzagađenijih predela u Srbiji. Čini se da rudarsko-metalurške aktivnosti ne utiču na sadržaj Fe kod vinove loze, jer je isti bio ili u okviru koncentracija normalnih za većinu biljaka ili čak niži od kritične koncentracije deficijencije (21.8-98 mg/kg). Koncentracija Fe u uzorcima breskve je bila u opsegu od 62.4-1418 mg/kg, što je mnogo više nego u uzorcima grožđa i u jednom slučaju čak iznad granice fitotoksičnosti. Vrednosti faktora obogaćenja bile su manje od 2 u slučaju uzoraka grožđa, dok su se kod uzoraka breskve ove vrednosti kretale od niskih (0,99) do ekstremno visokih (22,66). Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, u borskom regionu, čini se da bi se trebalo forsirati uzgoj grožđa u odnosu na uzgoj breskve. HIGHLIGHTS Iron (Fe) represents one of the key constituents of particulate matter originating from the copper smelter plant in Bor.The influence of anthropogenic activities on the Fe content in the investigated fruits was more obvious and more considerable in the case of peach samples.The concentration of Fe in peach samples was much higher than in grapes, and in one case even higher than the phytotoxic threshold.The content of Fe in grapes was in the range of normal concentrations in plants or, in many cases, lower than the critical deficiency concentration