National and University Library of the Republic of Srpska: DOI Srspka / DOI Српска
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    5135 research outputs found

    Influence of coffee blends and roasting process on the antioxidant activity of coffee

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    The aim of this paper is to develop specification for the production of roasted coffeewith improved nutritional quality. In this respect, the influence of different coffeeblends and temperatures of roasting on the antioxidant activity of coffee was examined.Also, the composition of some bioactive components in the analyzed sampleswas determined. Two Arabica coffees of different quality and Robusta coffee wereused for the preparation of coffee blends. Experimentally determined green coffeeblends B1, B2 and B3 were roasted at 167◦C, 171◦C and 175◦C for 25 minutes inorder to establish the effect of roasting temperature on the antioxidant activity andthe content of bioactive components in blends. Based on the results of DPPH andABTS test, coffee blends B3 and B2, roasted at 171◦C, had the highest (P<0.05)antioxidant activity. Those coffee blends had higher content of Robusta coffee thancoffee blend B1. Results of this research can provide opportunities for the developmentof roasted ground coffee with improved nutritive quality, which could ensurecompetitiveness of producers in the target market

    Digitalni urođenici i njihovo učenje stranog jezika u svetlu Digitalne mudrosti i homosapiensa

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    Digitalna pismenost i kompetencije u sveprisutnojdigitalnoj epohi, neizostavne su veštine koje današnji homosapiensmora da poseduje, kako u privatnom, tako i u poslovnom životu.Koristeći različita znanja, iskustva i informacije, čovek može dapostane ‘digitalno mudar’ tako što će na pravilan način pristupatialatima digitalnog doba. Neophodno je dosegnuti kompetentnostprilikom odabira relevantnih informacija, alata i medija, koje namsvet tehnologije i interneta nudi. Od naročite je važnosti da sedigitalne generacije adekvatno usmere ka produbljivanju svogznanja i mišljenja. Neverovatna lakoća pristupa preobiljuinformacija, velikom broju aplikacija i programa, doveli su i dorevolucije u samom učenju digitalne generacije. Posebno se ističesticanje jezičkih veština stranog jezika putem digitalnih alatki, napotpuno inovativan i zanimljiv način. U radu su predstavljenekompetencije koje bi trebalo svako od nas da poseduje, kao i načinipomoću kojih možemo dosegnuti ‘digitalnu mudrost’. Rad,takođe, nudi uvid u svet generacije digitalnih urođenika, kao iuticaj digitalne ere na njihovo obrazovanje i razvoj ličnosti. Uzaključku su date preporuke i putokazi kako iskoristiti sveprednosti digitalnog doba u dostizanju digitalne mudrosti, anaročito kod digitalnih urođenika

    Obrazovanje 4.0: U korak sa industrijskom revolucijom

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    U Bosni i Hercegovini, kao i u ostalim državama nastalim na teritoriji bivše Jugoslavije i danas je dominantan model sistema obrazovanja sa kraja XIX i početka XX veka, proistekao iz druge industrijske revolucije čija je osnovna karakteristika bila masovna proizvodnja. Brzi tempo industrijalizacije poljoprivrednog društva, organizacija proizvodnje po sistemu montažne trake uz standardizaciju i eliminaciju ručnog rada su stvorili potrebu za velikim brojem radnika sa ograničenim setom radnih veština. Da bi se zadovoljile potrebe za radnom snagom, obrazovanje je takođe prilagođeno masovnoj proizvodnji kroz sistem osnovnih, srednjih, stručnih i visokih škola, koji je proizvodio kadrove prosečnog kvaliteta i sa ograničenim setom radnih veština. U poslednjih 50 godina, napredak informaciono-komunikacionih tehnologija (IKT), sveopšta digitalizacija i automatizacija proizvodnje, pojava Interneta i međusobno umrežavanje fabričkih postrojenja su eliminisali potrebu za nespecijalizovanom radnom snagom. Nasuprot tome, tempo razvoja novih tehnologija od radnika sa specijalizovanim veštinama zahteva permanentno usavršavanje i usvajanje novih znanja. Nažalost, postojeći obrazovni sistem u državama bivše Jugoslavije nije u stanju da prati tempo koji diktira pojava novih IKT, niti industriji da obezbedi u značajnim količinama radnu snagu koja bi svojim kvalitetom mogla da parira modernim izazovima. Kako IK tehnologije proistekle iz četvrte industrijske revolucije mogu da pomognu da se ovaj problem reši

    Reduction of Ict Security Risks Using Level Based Approach

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    Security controls are certainly one of the most preferred ways of controlling the environment in which our system is “alive”. But although they are heavily represented and used in practice, security controls tend to become the same and not change after they are introduced. To try to make the most of the opportunities that this approach provides, this paper will explain the importance of implementing ICT security controls and propose a new approach by adding emergency ICT control. This approach gives us the ability to integrate the entire organization into the development of control by providing a better, more accurate and faster basis for managing the security risks of ICT technology

    The Importance of the Nurse as Part of a Multidisciplinary Team in Care of Children With Disabilities

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    Previously, the general opinion was that the nurse was only in charge of patient care, but research to date has shown that the scope of work of a nurse is extremely complex and therefore, it occupies an important place in the treatment and care of them.Multidisciplinary teamwork has contributed to more effective treatment, better disease outcomes, shorter hospital stay, prevention of complications and a better quality of life. This way of working, besides the child itself, emphasizes the whole family, which makes it possible active involvement of parents through all stages of treatment, rehabilitation, professional therapy and support. Through this research, parents and caregivers of children with disabilities have acknowledged the involvement of the nurse as an important role, that she is an integral part of the care team for atypical children, that the scope of her work responsibilities and daily activities contribute to improving the quality of care, communication and social care as well as integration. The survey instrument was an anonymous questionnaire, and the obtained data were compared using Fisher’s exact test and Chi-square tests to examine whether there was statistical significance.The results change the awareness of the work, roles and importance of the work of the nurse with children with disabilities and emphasize active participation in all spheres of life of atypical children

    Obrazovanje u funkciji razvoja preduzetništva

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    Svaka napredna nacionalna ekonomija temelji se na preduzimljivimljudima i preduzetničkoj aktivnosti. Isto tako, osnovni ciljsavremenih obrazovnih sistema je razvoj kompetentnih stručnjaka ipreduzetnika čije su ideje, inovacije i znanje osnovni pokretačprivrednog i društvenog razvoja. Osim toga, posedovanje adekvatnihznanja i sposobnosti osnov su za uspešno poslovanje privrednihsubjekata koji deluju u okruženju stalnih promjena u svim oblastimaživota i rada.Preduzetništvo je važan element ekonomskog razvoja ikonkurentnosti privrede, gde je Republika Srpska tipičan primerzemlje u tranzicji. Stoga, preduzetničkom učenju treba dati značajnijemesto u obrazovnom sistemu zbog stvaranja pokretačke snage zarazvoj privrede i društva. Potrebno je učiniti da preduzetničko učenjebude dostupno svakom pojedincu, a „tradicionalno obrazovanje“mora uvesti izmene koje će ga učiniti operativnijim i fleksibilnijim uskladu sa budućim trendovima. Pored obrazovanja u redovnomškolovanju, posebno značajno za razvoj preduzetništva jeobrazovanje odraslih, kao i permanentna obuka i treninzi.U radu se želi ukazati na značaj svih vidova obrazovanja ipreduzetničkog učenja, koji su od presudne važnosti za opstanak irazvoj preduzetništva. Poseban osvrt pružen je na značajpreduzetničkog učenja u Republici Srpskoj

    Elite Athletes’ Assessment of Mental State for Competition in Individual and Team Sports / Procena mentalnog stanja za takmičenje vrhunskih sportista u individualnom i kolektivnom sportu

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    Pre-competition mental state is an important component of a sports outcome. In terms of the type of sport, the results of pre-competition state research differ depending on the methodology used. The aim of this paper was to determine mental states for elite sports competitions in one individual (shooting) and one team sport (handball). The research involved 41 elite athletes of both genders (11 males and 30 females) aged 16 to 34, who were members of the senior national shooting (N1=24) and senior national handball (N2=17) teams of Serbia. The applied instruments included the CSAI-2 and the CA test. Data processing involved descriptive statistics and variance analysis. The results indicate significant differences between athletes in individual and team sport, in favour of team sport athletes. Elite shooters show more cognitive anxiety, they are more prone to mental perception of pain, fear, and reliance on habits and automatism in competitions. Elite handball players showed significantly higher values on scales of desirable mental state for training and competition

    Analysis of Contents of Calcium, Magnesium and Total Hardness in Water for Pharmaceutical Use

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    Water is one of the most frequently used raw materials in pharmaceutical industry. Water for pharmaceutical purposes includes the two primary water types: purified water and water for injection. Drinking water used for obtaining purified water is not official in pharmacopoeia. Depending on quality prescribed for a certain product preparation, various water types and procedures have been used to prepare pharmaceutical industry water. Possible ways to obtain water for pharmaceutical purposes are: reverse osmosis, demineralization, electrodeionization, ultrafiltration, distillation. Reasons for the widespread use of water lie in the facts that it is capable of dissolving a great number of therapeutic substances, compatible with a large number of substances, appropriate to be used from a physiological aspect given that it is an integral part of the cell and the major component of body fluids and whenever the drug is administered in the form of an aqueous solution, reabsorption is rapid and complete, it also has suitable physical-chemical properties. In this study, analysis results of 15 samples of water were obtained using pharmacopoeial methods for pharmaceutical purposes. Results showed that 86.6% of water samples were accurate and 13.3% did not have appropriate calcium content, magnesium content and total hardness values


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    U radu smo predstavili reakcijuzaposlenosti, plata, cijena, industrijske proizvodnje,domaće valute i plata u Bosni i Hercegovini na šokod jedne standardne devijacije koji su izazvaledirektne strane investicije. Koristili smo modelvektorske autoregresije sa znakovnim restrikcijamasprovedenim kroz Uligovu penalizirajuću funkciju.Rezultati pokazuju da posmatrani agregati imajuočekivanu reakciju. Investicije, s obzirom na njihovuprirodu, imaju makroekonomski logične učinke.Potrošnja se nameće kao očigledan kanal preko kogase ostvaruje pozitivna reakcija zaposlenosti, odnosnoplata, koje mogu uslovno da se dovedu u vezu sproduktivnošću rada

    Hydrolysis of sunflower seed meal lignocellulosic fraction by free and immobilized cellulases

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    Lignocellulosic biomass is widely abundant in nature and recognized aspotential renewable energy source. Its efficient transformation into bio-basedfuels is enabled only after adequate pretreatment, followed by enzymaticsacharification and microbial fermentation. Hereby we present application of twocellulase preparations – from Aspergillus niger and Trichoderma reesei (Celluclast®)in treating sunflower seed meal lignocellulosic fraction (SSMLF). Temperature andpH optimums of two enzymes were determined – 52 °C and pH4.8 for A. nigercellulase and 55 °C and pH4.5 for Celluclast®. At optimized conditions, milledSSMLF was hydrolyzed by both biocatalysts. With A. niger cellulase higher initialreaction rates were accomplished and yield of 70 mM glucose equivalent wasobtained with 6 % (w/v) of enzyme after 6 hours. On the other hand, applicationof Celluclast® led to lower initial reaction rates and yielded 25 mM of glucoseequivalent with 10 % (v/v) of enzyme. To ensure cost-effective application ofA. niger cellulase, the possibility of its immobilization on different supports wasinvestigated. By using porous methacrylate-based carrier with C6 spacer arm andprimary amino groups – LifetechTM ECR8409, preparation with highest activity wasproduced. This preparation was successfully applied in saccharification of SSMLFand showed unchanged catalytic efficiency comparing to free enzyme


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    National and University Library of the Republic of Srpska: DOI Srspka / DOI Српска is based in Bosnia & Herzegovina
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