3,666 research outputs found

    Particle identification with the ATLAS electromagnetic calorimeter

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    The design constraints and the target performances of the ATLAS electromagnetic calorimeter are reviewed. The construction and installation status is summarized. Some test-beam results, covering a large part of the final detector, are summarized. Some recent updates concerning the use of the electromagnetic calorimeter for particle identification (Îł/π0\gamma/\pi^0, e/πe/\pi and jet/π\pi separation) are summarized

    Acculturation Orientations towards ‘Valued’ and ‘Devalued’ Immigrants in South Korea

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    This study, based on the Interactive Acculturation Model, investigates the acculturation orientations of undergraduates (n=279) in South Korea. Results show that Korean respondents considered South-East Asian immigrants to be less valued than Western immigrants. They were more welcoming towards ‘valued’ Western immigrants than they were towards ‘devalued’ South-East Asian immigrants. As in the case of undergraduates in North America & Europe, Korean undergraduates mainly endorsed integration and individualism towards both Western and South-East Asian immigrants, but they also strongly endorsed the segregationist orientations towards both ‘valued’ and ‘devalued’ immigrants reflecting the still contentious view of Korea as an immigration country

    Analysis of the molecular basis underlying signal-regulated splicing via the RNA-binding protein Sam68

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    Review of Rare and Forbidden τ\tau Decays

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    This is a review of rare and forbidden decays of the τ\tau lepton. For the rare decays, this includes new results on the chiral anomaly decay \taupietapio, new upper limits on the second-class-current decay \taupieta, and the observations of the Cabibbo-suppressed decay \tauketa and the internal conversion decay \taueee. For the forbidden decays, there are new upper limits on the radiative decays \tauegamma and \taumugamma. Some forbidden decays which have not been previously searched for are also suggested

    Biodiversité et génie végétal : réponse taxonomique et fonctionnelle de la flore vasculaire riveraine à la stabilisation de berge

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    Le gĂ©nie vĂ©gĂ©tal est reconnu comme une approche efficace pour stabiliser une berge dĂ©gradĂ©e tout en apportant une plus-value Ă©cologique Ă  l'ouvrage. Toutefois, la contribution de ces ouvrages de stabilisation de berge Ă  la diversitĂ© vĂ©gĂ©tale riveraine ainsi que les mĂ©canismes sous-jacents sont encore mal connus. L'objectif de cette thĂšse de doctorat est d'Ă©valuer la rĂ©ponse des communautĂ©s vĂ©gĂ©tales Ă  la stabilisation de berge, et de dĂ©terminer les processus structurant la vĂ©gĂ©tation. La flore vasculaire riveraine a Ă©tĂ© inventoriĂ©e dans 124 sites du QuĂ©bec, principalement dans les Basses terres du Saint-Laurent. La diversitĂ© vĂ©gĂ©tale de berges stabilisĂ©es et naturelles a d'abord Ă©tĂ© caractĂ©risĂ©e, pour mettre en lumiĂšre la contribution du gĂ©nie vĂ©gĂ©tal au maintien d’une vĂ©gĂ©tation diversifiĂ©e sur les berges, par comparaison avec les berges naturelles et les enrochements. Une chronosĂ©quence a ensuite permis de documenter la capacitĂ© du gĂ©nie vĂ©gĂ©tal Ă  initier une succession de la vĂ©gĂ©tation vers des stades post-pionniers. Finalement, les mĂ©canismes Ă©cologiques structurant les communautĂ©s vĂ©gĂ©tales riveraines ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©s sur les berges de gĂ©nie vĂ©gĂ©tal et sur les berges naturelles. J'ai pu dĂ©montrer le retour d'une diversitĂ© alpha importante sur les berges de gĂ©nie vĂ©gĂ©tal, accompagnĂ© d'une grande richesse en d'espĂšces indigĂšnes et hydrochores. En revanche, la composition des communautĂ©s sur les berges de gĂ©nie vĂ©gĂ©tal semblait plus homogĂšne que celle des enrochements ou des berges naturelles, et dĂ©pendait de l'ordre de Strahler du cours d'eau (position du site dans le bassin hydrographique). Les techniques de gĂ©nie vĂ©gĂ©tal induisaient un changement temporel dans la composition des communautĂ©s suivant le schĂ©ma classique de succession vĂ©gĂ©tale, aboutissant avec le temps Ă  un retour d'espĂšces post-pionniĂšres ligneuses, compĂ©titrices et tolĂ©rantes au stress et Ă  l'ombre. Les communautĂ©s de berges stabilisĂ©es avec du gĂ©nie vĂ©gĂ©tal semblaient principalement structurĂ©es par les mĂ©canismes de colonisation de l'habitat riverain, liĂ©s Ă  la dispersion des graines et aux processus agissant Ă  l'Ă©chelle du paysage. En somme, ces travaux permettent une meilleure comprĂ©hension des effets de la stabilisation de berge sur la flore riveraine, et proposent des pistes de recherche pour amĂ©liorer les pratiques de restauration de la vĂ©gĂ©tation riveraine en contexte de stabilisation de berge.Bioengineering is an alternative approach to hard civil engineering to stabilize unstable or eroding riverbanks while promoting a high ecological value. However, the contribution to bioengineered riverbanks to riparian plant diversity and the underlying processes at play are still largely unknown. This thesis aims to assess the response of riparian plant communities to riverbank stabilization, and to determine the processes structuring the vegetation. Vascular plant species of riparian habitats have been inventoried at 124 sites in QuĂ©bec, mainly in the Saint Lawrence lowlands. First, the plant diversity of stabilized and natural riverbanks was characterized to shed light on the contribution of bioengineering to the recovery of a biodiverse riparian vegetation, compared to riprapped and natural sites. Second, a chronosequence was used to investigate the potential of bioengineering techniques to initiate vegetation succession toward post-pioneer stages. Finally, ecological mechanisms shaping riparian plant communities were evaluated on bioengineered and natural riverbanks. I demonstrated that bioengineering promoted a highly diverse vegetation, associated with great richness in native and hydrochorous species. Yet, community composition of bioengineered riverbanks was more homogeneous, compared to those of riprap or natural sites, and were dependent on the stream order (localization in the watershed). Bioengineering started a temporal shift of the vegetation following the classic vegetation succession scheme, with the recovery of ligneous post-pioneer species, competitive, stress- and shade-tolerant. Plant communities of bioengineeredriverbanks was structured by mechanisms related to habitat colonization, linked to the dispersal vector and landscape-scale processes. Altogether, this thesis gives a deeper understanding of riverbank stabilization effects on riparian flora, and suggest promising future research to diagnose the restoration success of a stabilization operation involving bioengineering

    Folklore et superstition en GrÚce classique : Lamia torturée ?

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    Domaine public et biens communs de la connaissance

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    MĂ©moire de fin d\u27Ă©tude du diplĂŽme de conservateur, promotion 22 portant sur la remise en cause de l\u27Ă©conomie traditionnelle du savoir par le collectif SavoirsCom1

    Blue-emission tuning of perovskite light-emitting diodes with a simple TPBi surface treatment

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    We demonstrate a simple approach for blue-emission tuning of quasi-2D perovskite light-emitting diodes through a surface treatment of 2,2â€Č,2″-(1,3,5-benzinetriyl)tris(1-phenyl-1H-benzimidazole) (TPBi). By increasing the TPBi concentration, we achieved tunable electroluminescence of the perovskite layer with wavelength shifted from the blue-green (506 nm) to blue (481 nm) regions of the visible spectrum. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and UV–Vis absorption spectroscopy were conducted to study the morphological and optoelectronic properties of the films. Our results suggest that the TPBi molecules accumulated on the surface and grain boundaries of the perovskite layer changed the perovskite electronic structure causing the observed blue shifts

    Numériser et mettre en ligne des archives personnelles dans un établissement public (aspects juridiques)

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    La Fiche explore les aspects juridiques liĂ©s Ă  la numĂ©risation et la mise en ligne des archives personnelles pour un Ă©tablissement public. Cela implique les prĂ©cautions Ă  prendre dans le cadre d’une opĂ©ration de numĂ©risation, ainsi que les conditions de rĂ©utilisation des documents numĂ©riques
