257 research outputs found

    Dmitri Shalin Interview with Edward Tiryakian about Erving Goffman entitled Parsons Was About 5\u276 or 5\u275 but When He Started to Speak, He Got to Be Six Feet Five

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    This interview with Edward Tiryakian, Professor Emeritus of Sociology at Duke University, was recorded on August 23, 2011, at the Mediterranean Café in Las Vegas. Dmitri Shalin transcribed the interview, after which Dr. Tiryakian edited the transcript and approved posting the present version in the Goffman Archives. Breaks in the conversation flow are indicated by ellipses. Supplementary information and additional materials inserted during the editing process appear in square brackets. Undecipherable words and unclear passages are identified in the text as “[?]” The interviewer’s questions are shortened in places

    White women in darkest Africa: marginals as observers in no-woman's land

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    La littérature concernant l'histoire coloniale de l'Afrique est abondante et comprend bons nombres d'analyses sociologiques dont celle relative à la « situation coloniale », initiée par Balandier. Cependant, l'image et le rôle de la femme dans la construction et l'évolution de l'Afrique coloniale moderne a peu retenu l'attention pour diverses raisons d'ordre culturel et social. Au travers des écrits de Mary Kingsley, Raymonde Bonnetain et Helen Caddick, qui toutes trois ont parcouru l'Afrique à la fin du siècle précédent, on se rend compte de ce que leur perception de la situation coloniale était des plus pénétrantes. L'analyse des récits de ces femmes fournit un matériel exceptionnel et souvent unique concernant la situation coloniale. Ces femmes qui ont abordé l'Afrique au cours du 19e siècle n'avait pas pour motivation de soutenir le colonialisme. Considérées comme des marginales par la société européenne, elles étaient dans une situation exceptionnelle pour observer et comprendre les traits caractéristiques de cette société coloniale – aussi bien mythiques que réels – que l'on ne trouve pas dans d'autres types de récits. Ce regard particulier sur l'Afrique coloniale permet donc de mieux comprendre à la fois les fondements de ces sociétés et l'image de la femme occidentale au sein de celles-ci

    Les formes élémentaires de la vie religieuse: passado, presente e futuro

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    More than one hundred years ago, on the eve of World War I in the still new 20th Century, Emile Durkheim may be said to have grappled with  a problematic question  of modernity:Is there still a place for religion in the modern world, and if so, what form is appropriate for the modern social order

    "An Army of Civil Servants": Max Weber and Émile Durkheim on socialism

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    This paper is a comparison of the views of Max Weber and Émile Durkheim on socialism; these two have yet to be compared on this topic. They offered shared critiques of socialism, but differed in assessment of its overall worth, with Durkheim being more welcoming. After considering possible explanations for this divergence I argue it reflects the contrasting methodologies adopted by both. Whilst Weber places questions of the ‘value’ of socialism solely in the conscious of the individual, and therefore beyond sociology, Durkheim sees this as a social question and therefore part of the practical concerns of sociologists

    A Reporting Framework for Describing and a Typology for Categorizing and Analyzing the Designs of Health Care Pay for Performance Schemes

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    Table S1. Search strategy output for Cochrane database. This table details the search strategy employed to identify relevant studies and reviews used in the manuscript. This includes the database searched, years covered, and number of citations. Table S2. Summary of identified reviews. This table outlines the relevant reviews and P4P evaluation studies identified from our search strategy, which informed our reporting framework and typology. Table S3. Search strategy output for economic theories to inform the P4P typology. This table details the search strategy employed to identify relevant economic theories that were used to construct the P4P typology. This includes the database searched, years covered, and number of citations. Table S4. Application of the typology on selected identified P4P schemes. This table outlines the results of applying the P4P typology to categorized identified P4P schemes. Table S5. P4P studies used in testing the inter-rater reliability of the P4P typology. This table list out the P4P studies that were selected for the raters to apply the P4P typology. Table S6. Rater population. This table describes the rater population i.e. qualifications, research experience, and experience with P4P in healthcare. Table S7. Sources of disagreement between raters. This table highlights the items on the P4P typology that were sources of disagreement between he raters. Table S8. An example of source of disagreement between raters (risk). This table details text extracts from the sample P4P study and describes the reason for disagreement between raters testing the P4P typology. (DOCX 127 kb

    Gesellschaftliche Moral und individuelle Lebensführung

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