420 research outputs found

    Significance of electromagnetic treatment in production technology of cold smoked sausage

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    Today there are a number of technological approaches for accelerating the maturation and drying of cold smoked sausage. We propose a new way of intensifying technological process based on electromagnetic treatment of starter cultures and meat products. This paper presents the results of commercial production of cold smoked sausage and reasons for the potential use of electromagnetic treatment for accelerating technological process.

    Significance of electromagnetic treatment in production technology of cold smoked sausage

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    Today there are a number of technological approaches for accelerating the maturation and drying of cold smoked sausage. We propose a new way of intensifying technological process based on electromagnetic treatment of starter cultures and meat products. This paper presents the results of commercial production of cold smoked sausage and reasons for the potential use of electromagnetic treatment for accelerating technological process.

    Адвокатура в Российской Федерации на современном этапе

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    In the present article authors conducted research and generalization of results of organizational and legal regulation of the legal profession and lawyer activity in Russian Federation. Law-enforcement practice and actual perspective is presented, a number of author's recommendations are presented.В статье проведено исследование и обобщение результатов организационно-правового регулирования адвокатуры и адвокатской деятельности в Российской Федерации. Представлена правоприменительная практика и актуальная проблематика, предложен ряд авторских решений

    Quantitative analysis of morphology of porous silicon nanostructures formed by metal-assisted chemical etching

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    Morphology features of porous layers consisting of silicon nanowire arrays, which were grown by metal-assisted chemical etching, have been analyzed by means of digital processing of their scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images. Informational-entropic and Fourier analysis have been applied to quantitatively describe the degree of order and chaos in nanostructure distribution in the layers. Self-similarity of the layer morphology has been quantitatively described via its fractal dimensions. The applied approach allows us to distinguish morphological features of as-called "black" (more ordered) and "white" (less ordered) silicon layers characterized by minimal and maximal optical reflection, respectively.This work was partially supported by the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Grant AP05132854, Grant AP05132738). G.K.M. and V.Yu.T. acknowledge the support of the Comprehensive Program of NRNU “MEPhI”

    Diffraction of flexural-gravity waves by a vertical cylinder of non-circular cross section

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    The linear three-dimensional problem of flexural-gravity wave (hydro-elastic wave) diffraction by a vertical cylinder of an arbitrary smooth cross section is studied using an asymptotic approach combined with the vertical mode method for water of finite depth. The surface of the water is covered by an infinite, continuous elastic ice plate. The rigid cylinder extends from the sea bottom to the ice surface. The ice plate is frozen to the cylinder. The ice deflection is described by the equation of a thin elastic plate of constant thickness with clamped edge conditions at the cylinder. The flow under the ice is described by the linear theory of potential flows. The coupled problem of wave diffraction is solved in two steps. First, the problem is solved without evanescent waves similar to the problem of water waves diffracted by a vertical cylinder. This solution does not satisfy the edge conditions. Second, a radiation problem with a prescribed motion of the ice plate edge is solved by the vertical mode method. The sum of these two solutions solve the original problem. Both solutions are obtained by an asymptotic method with a small parameter quantifying a small deviation of the cylinder cross section from a circular one. Third-order asymptotic solutions are obtained by solving a set of two-dimensional boundary problems for Helmholtz equations in the exterior of a circle. Strains along the edge, where the ice plate is frozen to the cylinder, are investigated for nearly square and elliptic cross sections of the vertical cylinders depending on the characteristics of ice and incident wave. The strains are shown to be highest in the places of high curvatures of the cross sections. The derived asymptotic formulae can be used in design of vertical columns in ice. They directly relate the strains in ice plate to the shape of the column

    Anti-corrosion ceramic coatings on the surface of Nd-Fe-B repelling magnets

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    The results of vacuum-arc deposition of thin ZrO₂ coatings to protect the surface of Nd-Fe-B permanent magnets used as repelling devices in orthodontics are presented. The structure, phase composition and mechanical properties of zirconium dioxide films have been investigated by means of SEM, XRD, EDX, XRF, and nanoindentation method. It was revealed the formation of polycrystalline ZrO₂ films of monoclinic modification with average grain size 25 nm. The influence of the ZrO₂ coating in terms of its barrier properties for corrosion in quasi-physiological 0.9 NaCl solution has been studied. Electrochemical measurements indicated good barrier properties of the coating on specimens in the physiological solution environment.Представленo результати вакуумно-дугового осадження тонких покриттів ZrO₂ для захисту поверхонь постійних магнітів Nd-Fe-B, що використовуються як стягувальні пристрої в ортодонтії. Структура, фазовий склад та механічні властивості плівки діоксиду цирконію були досліджені засобами SEM, XRD, EDX, XRF та наноіндентування. Було виявлено утворення полікристалічних плівок ZrO₂ моноклінної модифікації з середнім розміром зерна 25 нм. Вивчено вплив покриття ZrO₂ як бар’єру для захисту магнітів від корозії в квазіфізіологічному розчині 0,9 NaCl. Електрохімічні виміри встановили хороші бар'єрні властивості покриття на зразках у середовищі фізіологічного розчину.Представлены результаты вакуумно-дугового осаждения тонких покрытий ZrO₂ для защиты поверхности постоянных магнитов Nd-Fe-B, используемых в качестве стягивающих устройств в ортодонтии. Структура, фазовый состав и механические свойства пленок двуокиси циркония были исследованы методами SEM, XRD, EDX, XRF, наноиндентирования. Было обнаружено образование поликристаллических пленок ZrO₂ моноклинной модификации со средним размером зерна 25 нм. Изучено влияние покрытия ZrO₂ в качестве барьера для защиты магнитов от коррозии в квазифизиологическом растворе 0,9 NaCl. Электрохимические измерения показали хорошие барьерные свойства покрытия на образцах в среде физиологического раствора

    Demonstration of the temporal matter-wave Talbot effect for trapped matter waves

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    We demonstrate the temporal Talbot effect for trapped matter waves using ultracold atoms in an optical lattice. We investigate the phase evolution of an array of essentially non-interacting matter waves and observe matter-wave collapse and revival in the form of a Talbot interference pattern. By using long expansion times, we image momentum space with sub-recoil resolution, allowing us to observe fractional Talbot fringes up to 10th order.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure

    Azimuthal anisotropy and correlations in p+p, d+Au and Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV

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    We present the first measurement of directed flow (v1v_1) at RHIC. v1v_1 is found to be consistent with zero at pseudorapidities η\eta from -1.2 to 1.2, then rises to the level of a couple of percent over the range 2.4<η<42.4 < |\eta| < 4. The latter observation is similar to data from NA49 if the SPS rapidities are shifted by the difference in beam rapidity between RHIC and SPS. Back-to-back jets emitted out-of-plane are found to be suppressed more if compared to those emitted in-plane, which is consistent with {\it jet quenching}. Using the scalar product method, we systematically compared azimuthal correlations from p+p, d+Au and Au+Au collisions. Flow and non-flow from these three different collision systems are discussed.Comment: Quark Matter 2004 proceeding, 4 pages, 3 figure

    Azimuthal anisotropy: the higher harmonics

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    We report the first observations of the fourth harmonic (v_4) in the azimuthal distribution of particles at RHIC. The measurement was done taking advantage of the large elliptic flow generated at RHIC. The integrated v_4 is about a factor of 10 smaller than v_2. For the sixth (v_6) and eighth (v_8) harmonics upper limits on the magnitudes are reported.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, contribution to the Quark Matter 2004 proceeding