49 research outputs found

    β-alanine supplementation improves in-vivo fresh and fatigued skeletal muscle relaxation speed

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    Purpose: In fresh muscle, supplementation with the rate-limiting precursor of carnosine, β-alanine (BA), results in a decline in muscle half-relaxation time (HRT) potentially via alterations to calcium (Ca2+) handling. Accumulation of hydrogen cation (H+) has been shown to impact Ca2+ signalling during muscular contraction, carnosine has the potential to serve as a cytoplasmic regulator of Ca2+ and H+ coupling, since it binds to both ions. The present study examined the effect of BA supplementation on intrinsic in-vivo isometric knee extensor force production and muscle contractility in both fresh and fatigued human skeletal muscle assessed during voluntary and electrically evoked (nerve and superficial muscle stimulation) contractions. Methods: Twenty-three males completed two experimental sessions, pre- and post- 28 day supplementation with 6.4 g.day−1 of BA (n=12) or placebo (PLA; n=11). Isometric force was recorded during a series of voluntary and electrically evoked knee extensor contractions. Results: BA supplementation had no effect on voluntary or electrically  evoked isometric force production, or twitch electromechanical delay and time-to-peak tension. There was a significant decline in muscle HRT in fresh and fatigued muscle conditions  during both resting (3±13%; 19±26%) and potentiated (1±15%; 2±20%) twitch contractions. Conclusions: The mechanism for reduced HRT in fresh and fatigued skeletal muscle following BA supplementation is unclear. Due to the importance of muscle relaxation on total energy consumption, especially during short, repeated contractions, BA supplementation may prove to be beneficial in minimising contractile slowing induced by fatigue. Trial registration The trial is registered with Clinicaltrials.gov, ID number NCT02819505

    Variable, but not free-weight, resistance back squat exercise potentiates jump performance following a comprehensive task-specific warm-up

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    Studies examining acute, high-speed movement performance enhancement following intense muscular contractions (frequently called "post-activation potentiation"; PAP) often impose a limited warm-up, compromizing external validity. In the present study, the effects on countermovement vertical jump (CMJ) performance of back squat exercises performed with or without elastic bands during warm-up were compared. After familiarization, fifteen active men visited the laboratory on two occasions under randomized, counterbalanced experimental squat warm-up conditions: (a) free-weight resistance (FWR) and (b) variable resistance (VR). After completing a comprehensive task-specific warm-up, three maximal CMJs were performed followed by three back squat repetitions completed at 85% of 1-RM using either FWR or VR Three CMJs were then performed 30 seconds, 4 minutes, 8 minutes, and 12 minutes later. During CMJ trials, hip, knee, and ankle joint kinematics, ground reaction force data and vastus medialis, vastus lateralis, and gluteus maximus electromyograms (EMG) were recorded simultaneously using 3D motion analysis, force platform, and EMG techniques, respectively. No change in any variable occurred after FWR (P > 0.05). Significant increases (P < 0.05) were detected at all time points following VR in CMJ height (5.3%-6.5%), peak power (4.4%-5.9%), rate of force development (12.9%-19.1%), peak concentric knee angular velocity (3.1%-4.1%), and mean concentric vastus lateralis EMG activity (27.5%-33.4%). The lack of effect of the free-weight conditioning contractions suggests that the comprehensive task-specific warm-up routine mitigated any further performance augmentation. However, the improved CMJ performance following the use of elastic bands is indicative that specific alterations in force-time properties of warm-up exercises may further improve performance

    The acute effects of plyometric and sled towing stimuli with and without caffeine ingestion on vertical jump performance in professional soccer players

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    Abstract Background Post-activation potentiation (PAP) is the phenomenon by which muscular performance is enhanced in response to a conditioning stimulus. PAP has typically been evidenced via improved counter movement jump (CMJ) performance. This study examined the effects of PAP, with and without prior caffeine ingestion, on CMJ performance. Methods Twelve male professional soccer players (23 ± 5 years) performed two trials of plyometric exercises and sled towing 60 min after placebo or caffeine ingestion (5 mg.kg− 1) in a randomized, counterbalanced and double-blinded design. CMJ performance was assessed at baseline and 1, 3 and 5 min after the conditioning stimulus (T1, T3 and T5, respectively). Results Two way ANOVA main effects indicated a significant difference in jump height after the PAP protocol (F[3, 11] = 14.99, P  0.05) compared to placebo. Conclusions The results of this study suggest that acute plyometric and sled towing stimuli enhances jump performance and that this potentiation is augmented by caffeine ingestion in male soccer players

    Changes in agonist neural drive, hypertrophy and pre-training strength all contribute to the individual strength gains after resistance training.

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    PURPOSE: Whilst neural and morphological adaptations following resistance training (RT) have been investigated extensively at a group level, relatively little is known about the contribution of specific physiological mechanisms, or pre-training strength, to the individual changes in strength following training. This study investigated the contribution of multiple underpinning neural [agonist EMG (QEMGMVT), antagonist EMG (HEMGANTAG)] and morphological variables [total quadriceps volume (QUADSVOL), and muscle fascicle pennation angle (QUADSθ p)], as well as pre-training strength, to the individual changes in strength after 12 weeks of knee extensor RT. METHODS: Twenty-eight healthy young men completed 12 weeks of isometric knee extensor RT (3/week). Isometric maximum voluntary torque (MVT) was assessed pre- and post-RT, as were simultaneous neural drive to the agonist (QEMGMVT) and antagonist (HEMGANTAG). In addition QUADSVOL was determined with MRI and QUADSθ p with B-mode ultrasound. RESULTS: Percentage changes (∆) in MVT were correlated to ∆QEMGMVT (r = 0.576, P = 0.001), ∆QUADSVOL (r = 0.461, P = 0.014), and pre-training MVT (r = -0.429, P = 0.023), but not ∆HEMGANTAG (r = 0.298, P = 0.123) or ∆QUADSθ p (r = -0.207, P = 0.291). Multiple regression analysis revealed 59.9% of the total variance in ∆MVT after RT to be explained by ∆QEMGMVT (30.6%), ∆QUADSVOL (18.7%), and pre-training MVT (10.6%). CONCLUSIONS: Changes in agonist neural drive, quadriceps muscle volume and pre-training strength combined to explain the majority of the variance in strength changes after knee extensor RT (~60%) and adaptations in agonist neural drive were the most important single predictor during this short-term intervention

    Half-Time Strategies to Enhance Second-Half Performance in Team-Sports Players: A Review and Recommendations

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    The competitive demands of numerous intermittent team sports require that two consecutive periods of play are separated by a half-time break. Typically, half-time allows players to: return to the changing rooms, temporarily relax from the cognitive demands of the first half of match-play, rehydrate, re-fuel, attend to injury or equipment concerns, and to receive tactical instruction and coach feedback in preparation for the second half. These passive practices have been associated with physiological changes which impair physical and cognitive performance in the initial stages of the second half. An increased risk of injury has also been observed following half-time. On the day of competition, modification of half-time practices may therefore provide Sports Scientists and Strength and Conditioning Coaches with an opportunity to optimise second half performance. An overview of strategies that may benefit team sports athletes is presented; specifically, the efficacy of: heat maintenance strategies (including passive and active methods), hormonal priming (through video feedback), post-activation potentiation, and modified hydro-nutritional practices are discussed. A theoretical model of applying these strategies in a manner that compliments current practice is also presented

    Patellar tendon properties distinguish elite from non-elite soccer players and are related to peak horizontal but not vertical power

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    Purpose: The aims of our study were to investigate differences in tendon properties between elite and non-elite soccer players, and to establish whether tendon properties were related to power assessed during unilateral jumps in different directions. Methods: Elite (n=16; age, 18.1 ± 1.0yrs) and non-elite (n=13; age, 22.3 ± 2.7yrs) soccer players performed three repetitions of each type (unilateral vertical, unilateral horizontal-forward and unilateral medial) of countermovement jump (CMJ) on a force plate. Patellar tendon (PT) cross-sectional area (CSA), elongation, stiffness and Young’s modulus (measured at the highest common force interval) were assessed with ultrasonography and isokinetic dynamometry. Results: Elite soccer players demonstrated greater PT elongation (6.83±1.87 vs. 4.92±1.88 mm, P=0.011) and strain (11.73±3.25 vs. 8.38±3.06 %, P=0.009) than non-elite. Projectile range and peak horizontal power during unilateral horizontal-forward CMJ correlated positively with tendon elongation (r=0.657 and 0.693, P<0.001) but inversely with Young’s modulus (r=-0.376 and -0.402, P=0.044 and 0.031). Peak medial power during unilateral medial CMJ correlated positively with tendon elongation (r=0.658, P=<0.001) but inversely with tendon stiffness (r=-0.368, P=0.050). No tendon property correlated with unilateral vertical CMJ performance (r≤0.168; P≥0.204). Conclusions: Patellar tendon strain was greater in elite vs. non-elite soccer players and can therefore be considered an indicator of elite soccer playing status. Moreover, a more compliant patellar tendon appears to facilitate unilateral horizontal-forward and medial, but not vertical CMJ performance in soccer players. These findings should be considered when prescribing the detail of talent selection and development protocols related to direction-specific power in elite soccer players

    The Dementias Platform UK (DPUK) Data Portal

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    Abstract: The Dementias Platform UK Data Portal is a data repository facilitating access to data for 3 370 929 individuals in 42 cohorts. The Data Portal is an end-to-end data management solution providing a secure, fully auditable, remote access environment for the analysis of cohort data. All projects utilising the data are by default collaborations with the cohort research teams generating the data. The Data Portal uses UK Secure eResearch Platform infrastructure to provide three core utilities: data discovery, access, and analysis. These are delivered using a 7 layered architecture comprising: data ingestion, data curation, platform interoperability, data discovery, access brokerage, data analysis and knowledge preservation. Automated, streamlined, and standardised procedures reduce the administrative burden for all stakeholders, particularly for requests involving multiple independent datasets, where a single request may be forwarded to multiple data controllers. Researchers are provided with their own secure ‘lab’ using VMware which is accessed using two factor authentication. Over the last 2 years, 160 project proposals involving 579 individual cohort data access requests were received. These were received from 268 applicants spanning 72 institutions (56 academic, 13 commercial, 3 government) in 16 countries with 84 requests involving multiple cohorts. Projects are varied including multi-modal, machine learning, and Mendelian randomisation analyses. Data access is usually free at point of use although a small number of cohorts require a data access fee

    Mechanisms to attenuate load in the intact limb of transtibial amputees when performing a unilateral drop landing

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    Accepted author manuscript version reprinted, by permission, from Journal of Applied Biomechanics, [ahead of print]. © Human Kinetics, Inc. Individuals with unilateral transtibial amputations experience greater work demand and loading on the intact limb compared to the prosthetic limb, placing this limb at a greater risk of knee joint degenerative conditions. It is possible that increased loading on the intact side may occur due to strength deficits and joint absorption mechanics. This study investigated the intact limb mechanics utilised to attenuate load, independent of prosthetic limb contributions and requirements for forward progression, which could provide an indication of deficiencies in the intact limb. Amputee and healthy control participants completed three unilateral drop landings from a 30 cm drop height. Joint angles at touchdown, range of motion, coupling angles, peak powers, and negative work of the ankle, knee and hip were extracted together with isometric quadriceps strength measures. No significant differences were found in the load or movement mechanics (p ≥ .312, g ≤ 0.42), despite deficits in isometric maximum (20%) and explosive (25%) strength (p ≤ .134, g ≥ 0.61) in the intact limb. These results demonstrate that, when the influence from the prosthetic limb and task demand are absent, and despite deficits in strength, the intact limb adopts joint mechanics similar to able-bodied controls to attenuate limb loading

    The effects of combined action observation and motor imagery on corticospinal excitability and movement outcomes: Two meta-analyses

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    The bioRxiv preprint has not been certified by peer reviewMotor simulation interventions involving motor imagery (MI) and action observation (AO) have received considerable interest in the behavioral sciences. A growing body of research has focused on using AO and MI simultaneously, termed ‘combined action observation and motor imagery’ (AOMI). The current paper includes two meta-analyses that quantify changes in corticospinal excitability and motor skill performance for AOMI compared to AO, MI and control conditions. Specifically, the first meta-analysis collated and synthesized existing motor evoked potential (MEP) amplitude data from transcranial magnetic stimulation studies and the second meta-analysis collated and synthesized existing movement outcome data from behavioral studies. AOMI had a positive effect compared to control and AO but not MI conditions for both MEP amplitudes and movement outcomes. No methodological factors moderated the effects of AOMI, indicating a robust effect of AOMI across the two outcome variables. The results of the meta-analyses are discussed in relation to existing literature on motor simulation and skill acquisition, before providing viable directions for future research on this topic.This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors