19 research outputs found

    Hartree-Fock Many-Body Perturbation Theory for Nuclear Ground-States

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    We investigate the order-by-order convergence behavior of many-body perturbation theory (MBPT) as a simple and efficient tool to approximate the ground-state energy of closed-shell nuclei. To address the convergence properties directly, we explore perturbative corrections up to 30th order and highlight the role of the partitioning for convergence. The use of a simple Hartree-Fock solution to construct the unperturbed basis leads to a convergent MBPT series for soft interactions, in contrast to, e.g., a harmonic oscillator basis. For larger model spaces and heavier nuclei, where a direct high-order MBPT calculation in not feasible, we perform third-order calculation and compare to advanced ab initio coupled-cluster calculations for the same interactions and model spaces. We demonstrate that third-order MBPT provides ground-state energies for nuclei up into tin isotopic chain that are in excellent agreement with the best available coupled-cluster results at a fraction of the computational cost.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Many-Body Perturbation Theory for Ab Initio Nuclear Structure

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    The solution of the quantum many-body problem for medium-mass nuclei using realistic nuclear interactions poses a superbe challenge for nuclear structure research. Because an exact solution can only be provided for the lightest nuclei, one has to rely on approximate solutions when proceeding to heavier systems. Over the past years, tremendous progress has been made in the development and application of systematically improvable expansion methods and an accurate description of nuclear observables has become viable up to mass number A100A \approx 100. While closed-shell systems are consistently described via a plethora of different many-body methods, the extension to genuine open-shell systems still remains a major challenge and up to now there is no \textit{ab initio} many-body method which applies equally well to systems with even and odd mass numbers. The goal of this thesis is the development and implementation of innovative perturbative approaches with genuine open-shell capabilities. This requires the extension of well-known single-reference approaches to more general vacua. In this work we choose two complementary routes for the usage of generalized reference states. First, we derive a new \emph{ab initio} approach based on multi-configurational reference states that are conveniently derived from a prior no-core shell model calculation. Perturbative corrections are derived via second-order many-body perturbation theory, thus, merging configuration interaction and many-body perturbation theory. The generality of this ansatz enables for a treatment of medium-mass systems with arbitrary mass number, as well as the extension to low-lying excited states such that ground and excited states are treated on an equal footing. In a complementary approach, we use reference states that break a symmetry of the underlying Hamiltonian. In the simplest case this corresponds to the expansion around a particle-number-broken Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov vacuum which is obtained from a mean-field calculation. Pairing correlations are already absorbed in the reference state. The mild scaling allows for investigations up to tin isotopic chains. All benchmarks were performed using state-of-the-art chiral two- plus three-nucleon interactions thus allowing for a universal description of nuclear observables in the medium-mass regime

    Eigenvector continuation for the pairing Hamiltonian

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    The development of emulators for the evaluation of many-body observables has gained increasing attention over the last years. In particular the framework of eigenvector continuation (EC) has been identified as a powerful tool when the Hamiltonian admits for a parametric dependence. By training the emulator on a set of training data the many-body solution for arbitrary parameter values can be robustly predicted in many cases. Furthermore, it can be used to resum perturbative expansions that otherwise diverge. In this work, we apply EC to the pairing Hamiltonian and show that EC- resummed perturbation theory is in qualitative agreement with the exact solution and that EC-based emulators robustly predict the ground-state energy once the training data are chosen appropriately. In particular the phase transition from the normal to the superfluid regime is quantitatively predicted using a very low number of training points.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Hartree–Fock many-body perturbation theory for nuclear ground-states

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    We investigate the order-by-order convergence behavior of many-body perturbation theory (MBPT) as a simple and efficient tool to approximate the ground-state energy of closed-shell nuclei. To address the convergence properties directly, we explore perturbative corrections up to 30th order and highlight the role of the partitioning for convergence. The use of a simple Hartree–Fock solution for the unperturbed basis leads to a convergent MBPT series for soft interactions, in contrast to the divergent MBPT series obtained with a harmonic oscillator basis. For larger model spaces and heavier nuclei, where a direct high-order MBPT calculation is not feasible, we perform third-order calculations and compare to advanced ab initio coupled-cluster results for the same interactions and model spaces. We demonstrate that third-order MBPT provides ground-state energies for nuclei up into the tin isotopic chain in excellent agreement with the best available coupled-cluster calculations at a fraction of the computational cost

    Open-shell nuclei from No-Core Shell Model with perturbative improvement

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    We introduce a hybrid many-body approach that combines the flexibility of the No-Core Shell Model (NCSM) with the efficiency of Multi-Configurational Perturbation Theory (MCPT) to compute groundand excited-state energies in arbitrary open-shell nuclei in large model spaces. The NCSM in small model spaces is used to define a multi-determinantal reference state that contains the most important multi-particle multi-hole correlations and a subsequent second-order MCPT correction is used to capture additional correlation effects from a large model space. We apply this new ab initio approach for the calculation of ground-state and excitation energies of even and odd-mass carbon, oxygen, and fluorine isotopes and compare to large-scale NCSM calculations that are computationally much more expensive

    Bogoliubov many-body perturbation theory for open-shell nuclei

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    A Rayleigh–Schrödinger many-body perturbation theory (MBPT) approach is introduced by making use of a particle-number-breaking Bogoliubov reference state to tackle (near-)degenerate open-shell fermionic systems. By choosing a reference state that solves the Hartree–Fock–Bogoliubov variational problem, the approach reduces to the well-tested Møller–Plesset, i.e., Hartree–Fock based, MBPT when applied to closed-shell systems. Due to its algorithmic simplicity, the newly developed framework provides a computationally simple yet accurate alternative to state-of-the-art non-perturbative manybody approaches. At the price of working in the quasi-particle basis associated with a single-particle basis of sufficient size, the computational scaling of the method is independent of the particle number. This paper presents the first realistic applications of the method ranging from the oxygen to the nickel isotopic chains on the basis of a modern nuclear Hamiltonian derived from chiral effective field theory

    Pre-processing the nuclear many-body problem: Importance truncation versus tensor factorization techniques

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    International audienceThe solution of the nuclear A -body problem encounters severe limitations from the size of many-body operators that are processed to solve the stationary Schrödinger equation. These limitations are typically related to both the (iterative) storing of the associated tensors and to the computational time related to their multiple contractions in the calculation of various quantities of interest. However, not all the degrees of freedom encapsulated into these tensors equally contribute to the description of many-body observables. Identifying systematic and dominating patterns, a relevant objective is to achieve an a priori reduction to the most relevant degrees of freedom via a pre-processing of the A-body problem. The present paper is dedicated to the analysis of two different paradigms to do so. The factorization of tensors in terms of lower-rank ones, whose know-how has been recently transferred to the realm of nuclear structure, is compared to a reduction of the tensors' index size based on an importance truncation. While the objective is to eventually utilize these pre-processing tools in the context of non-perturbative many-body methods, benchmark calculations are presently performed within the frame of perturbation theory. More specifically, we employ the recently introduced Bogoliubov many-body perturbation theory that is systematically applicable to open-shell nuclei displaying strong correlations. This extended perturbation theory serves as a jumpstart for non-perturbative Bogoliubov coupled cluster and Gorkov self-consistent Green's function theories as well as to particle-number projected Bogoliubov coupled cluster theory for which the pre-processing will be implemented in the near future. Results obtained in “small” model spaces are equally encouraging for tensor factorization and importance truncation techniques. While the former requires significant numerical developments to be applied in large model spaces, the latter is presently applied in this context and demonstrates great potential to enable high-accuracy calculations at a much reduced computational cost

    Normal-ordered kk-body approximation in particle-number-breaking theories

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    International audienceThe reach of ab initio many-body theories is rapidly extending over the nuclear chart. However, dealing fully with three-nucleon, possibly four-nucleon, interactions makes the solving of the A-body Schrödinger equation particularly cumbersome, if not impossible beyond a certain nuclear mass. Consequently, ab initio calculations of mid-mass nuclei are typically performed on the basis of the so-called normal-ordered two-body (NO2B) approximation that captures dominant effects of three-nucleon forces while effectively working with two-nucleon operators. A powerful idea currently employed to extend ab initio calculations to open-shell nuclei consists of expanding the exact solution of the A-body Schrödinger equation while authorizing the approximate solution to break symmetries of the Hamiltonian. In this context, operators are normal ordered with respect to a symmetry-breaking reference state such that proceeding to a naive truncation may lead to symmetry-breaking approximate operators. The purpose of the present work is to design a normal-ordering approximation of operators that is consistent with the symmetries of the Hamiltonian while working in the context of symmetry broken (and potentially restored) methods. Focusing on many-body formalisms in which U(1) global-gauge symmetry associated with particle-number conservation is broken (and potentially restored), a particle-number-conserving normal-orderedk-body (PNOkB) approximation of an arbitrary N-body operator is designed on the basis of Bogoliubov reference states. A numerical test based on particle-number-projected Hartree–Fock–Bogoliubov calculations permits to check the particle-number conserving/violating character of a given approximation to a particle-number conserving operator. The PNOkB approximation of an arbitrary N-body operator is formulated. Based on this systematic approach, it is demonstrated that naive extensions of the normal-ordered two-body (NO2B) approximation employed so far on the basis of symmetry-conserving reference states lead to particle non-conserving operators. Alternatively, the PNOkB procedure is now available to generate particle-number-conserving approximate operators. The formal analysis is validated numerically. Using the presently proposed PNOkB approximation, ab initio calculations based on symmetry-breaking and restored formalisms can be safely performed. The future formulation of an angular-momentum-conserving normal-ordered k-body approximation based on deformed Slater determinant or Bogoliubov reference states is envisioned

    Natural orbitals for ab initio no-core shell model calculations

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    International audienceWe explore the impact of optimizations of the single-particle basis on the convergence behavior and robustness of ab initio no-core shell model calculations of nuclei. Our focus is on novel basis sets defined by the natural orbitals of a correlated one-body density matrix that is obtained in second-order many-body perturbation theory. Using a perturbatively improved density matrix as the starting point informs the single-particle basis about the dominant correlation effects on the global structure of the many-body state, while keeping the computational cost for the basis optimization at a minimum. Already the comparison of the radial single-particle wave functions reveals the superiority of the natural-orbital basis compared to a Hartree-Fock or harmonic oscillator basis, and it highlights pathologies of the Hartree-Fock basis. We compare the model-space convergence of energies, root-mean-square radii, and selected electromagnetic observables for all three basis sets for selected p-shell nuclei using chiral interactions with explicit three-nucleon terms. In all cases the natural-orbital basis provides the fastest and most robust convergence, making it the most efficient basis for no-core shell model calculations. As an application we present no-core shell model calculations for the ground-state energies of all oxygen isotopes and assess the accuracy of the normal-ordered two-body approximation of the three-nucleon interaction in the natural-orbital basis