21 research outputs found

    Enhancement of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) accumulation in Arxula adeninivorans by stabilization of production

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    Background: In recent years the production of biobased biodegradable plastics has been of interest of researchers partly due to the accumulation of non-biodegradable plastics in the environment and to the opportunity for new applications. Commonly investigated are the polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) poly(hydroxybutyrate) and poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate) (PHB-V). The latter has the advantage of being tougher and less brittle. The production of these polymers in bacteria is well established but production in yeast may have some advantages, e.g. the ability to use a broad spectrum of industrial by-products as a carbon sources. Results: In this study we increased the synthesis of PHB-V in the non-conventional yeast Arxula adeninivorans by stabilization of polymer accumulation via genetic modification and optimization of culture conditions. An A. adeninivorans strain with overexpressed PHA pathway genes for ÎČ-ketothiolase, acetoacetyl-CoA reductase, PHAs synthase and the phasin gene was able to accumulate an unexpectedly high level of polymer. It was found that an optimized strain cultivated in a shaking incubator is able to produce up to 52.1% of the DCW of PHB-V (10.8gL-1) with 12.3%mol of PHV fraction. Although further optimization of cultivation conditions in a fed-batch bioreactor led to lower polymer content (15.3% of the DCW of PHB-V), the PHV fraction and total polymer level increased to 23.1%mol and 11.6gL-1 respectively. Additionally, analysis of the product revealed that the polymer has a very low average molecular mass and unexpected melting and glass transition temperatures. Conclusions: This study indicates a potential of use for the non-conventional yeast, A. adeninivorans, as an efficient producer of polyhydroxyalkanoates

    Needs-oriented discharge planning and monitoring for high utilisers of psychiatric services (NODPAM): Design and methods

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Attempts to reduce high utilisation of psychiatric inpatient care by targeting the critical time of hospital discharge have been rare.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This paper presents design and methods of the study "Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Needs-Oriented Discharge Planning and Monitoring for High Utilisers of Psychiatric Services" (NODPAM), a multicentre RCT conducted in five psychiatric hospitals in Germany. Inclusion criteria are receipt of inpatient psychiatric care, adult age, diagnosis of schizophrenia or affective disorder, defined high utilisation of psychiatric care during two years prior to the current admission, and given informed consent. Consecutive recruitment started in April 2006. Since then, during a period of 18 months, comprehensive outcome data of 490 participants is being collected at baseline and during three follow-up measurement points.</p> <p>The manualised intervention applies principles of needs-led care and focuses on the inpatient-outpatient transition. A trained intervention worker provides two intervention sessions: (a) Discharge planning: Just before discharge with the patient and responsible clinician at the inpatient service; (b) Monitoring: Three months after discharge with the patient and outpatient clinician. A written treatment plan is signed by all participants after each session.</p> <p>Primary endpoints are whether participants in the intervention group will show fewer hospital days and readmissions to hospital. Secondary endpoints are better compliance with aftercare, better clinical outcome and quality of life, as well as cost-effectiveness and cost-utility.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>If a needs-oriented discharge planning and monitoring proves to be successful in this RCT, a tool will be at hand to improve patient outcome and reduce costs via harmonising fragmented mental health service provision.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p>ISRCTN59603527</p

    Prognostic value of cortically induced motor evoked activity by TMS in chronic stroke: caveats from a very revealing single clinical case

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    Background: We report the case of a chronic stroke patient (62 months after injury) showing total absence of motor activity evoked by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) of spared regions of the left motor cortex, but near-to-complete recovery of motor abilities in the affected hand. Case presentation: Multimodal investigations included detailed TMS based motor mapping, motor evoked potentials (MEP), and Cortical Silent period (CSP) as well as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) of motor activity, MRI based lesion analysis and Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) Tractography of corticospinal tract (CST). Anatomical analysis revealed a left hemisphere subinsular lesion interrupting the descending left CST at the level of the internal capsule. The absence of MEPs after intense TMS pulses to the ipsilesional M1, and the reversible suppression of ongoing electromyographic (EMG) activity (indexed by CSP) demonstrate a weak modulation of subcortical systems by the ipsilesional left frontal cortex, but an inability to induce efficient descending volleys from those cortical locations to right hand and forearm muscles. Functional MRI recordings under grasping and finger tapping patterns involving the affected hand showed slight signs of subcortical recruitment, as compared to the unaffected hand and hemisphere, as well as the expected cortical activations. Conclusions: The potential sources of motor voluntary activity for the affected hand in absence of MEPs are discussed. We conclude that multimodal analysis may contribute to a more accurate prognosis of stroke patients

    Production of a water-soluble dietary fibre concentrate from the process water of a wheat starch factory and view of the economy of the procedure

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    Zielsetzung dieser Arbeit war die Gewinnung von diĂ€tetisch wirksamen löslichen Ballaststoffen (wasserlösliches Arabinoxylan) aus dem Prozesswasser der WeizenstĂ€rkeindustrie und die komplexe Aufarbeitung sowie wirtschaftliche Verwertung aller bei der Verarbeitung anfallenden Stoffströme und Produkte. Das dazu entwickelte und favorisierte Verfahren zur Verarbeitung des Prozesswassers besteht im ersten Prozessschritt in der grĂ¶ĂŸtmöglichen mechanischen Abtrennung der sedimentierbaren Mehlinhaltsstoffe im Zentrifugalfeld von Separatoren oder Dekantern. Das mittels Separatoren geklĂ€rte Prozesswasser wird nach Zugabe von α-Amylase mit einem Jet-Kocher aufgekocht, anschließend zentrifugal separiert. Das so thermisch behandelte und geklĂ€rte Prozesswasser wird mit Glucoamylase verzuckert. Das verzuckerte Prozesswasser wird mit einem Tellerseparator zentrifugiert, um die wĂ€hrend der Verzuckerung koagulierten und flokkulierten Protein-Lipid-Bestandteile zu separieren. Dabei werden von den in dieser Prozessstufe vorhandenen Lipiden und Proteinen mehr als 90% (Lipide) bzw. ca. 50% (Proteine) aus dem Prozesswasser entfernt. Das so aufbereitete Prozesswasser wird ultrafiltriert. Die Ultrafiltration des geklĂ€rten Prozesswassers erfolgt mit industriellen Membranfiltern aus Polyethersulfon mit einer Trenngrenze von 100.000 Dalton. Die Zugabe von Protease wĂ€hrend der Ultrafiltration erhöht die Filtrations-geschwindigkeit und senkt den Proteingehalt des Endproduktes. Das Retentat wird pasteurisiert und bis auf 25-30% TS durch Eindampfen konzentriert. Das glucosereiche Permeat wird ebenfalls eingedampft (>50% TS). Das Permeat-konzentrat erfĂŒllt die an ein Fermentationssubstrat fĂŒr die Backhefeindustrie zu stellenden Anforderungen. Die BrĂŒdenkondensate aus der Retentat- und Permeatkonzentration können in den Prozess der StĂ€rkegewinnung zurĂŒckgefĂŒhrt werden. Aus dem Retentatkonzentrat wird mittels ethanolischer FĂ€llung ein wasserlösliches Arabinoxylan prĂ€zipitiert, das mit einem Ultrarotor zu einem fasrigen Ballaststoff mahlgetrocknet wird. Das in der Abluft der Arabinoxylantrocknung befindliche Ethanol wird mit einem entsprechend ausgestatteten Ultrarotor-System zurĂŒckgewonnen. Das aus der Ethanol-aufarbeitung anfallende glucose- und proteinhaltige Konzentrat kann als Vinasseersatz zur Pelletierung von Futtermitteln genutzt werden. Die Wirtschaftlichkeitsbetrachtung fĂŒr das entwickelte Verfahren basiert auf der Annahme einer Verarbeitung von 20t Prozesswasser/h und einer Ausbeute an wasserlöslichem Arabinoxylan-Ballaststoffkonzentrat von 100 kg TS/h. Das Ergebnis der Wirtschaftlichkeitsbetrachtung zeigt, dass eine technische Realisierung des Verfahrens weitere Optimierungen des Verfahrens im Hinblick auf Ausbeutesteigerungen insbesondere im Bereich des Hauptprodukts erfordert, um die Wirtschaftlichkeit sicherzustellen. Die Umsetzung eines solchen Verfahrens ist ein erstrebenswertes Ziel, weil durch den Einsatz des zurĂŒckgewonnenen Wassers rund ein Drittel des eingesetzten Frischwassers in der StĂ€rkefabrik verbleibt.Objective of this work was the production of dietetic effective soluble fibre (water-soluble Arabinoxylan) from the process water of the wheat starch industry and the complex processing as well as economic utilization of all material streams and products resulting from the processing. The first step of the procedure for the processing of the process water, favored developed in addition of the highest possible mechanical separation of the flour contents materials in the centrifugal field of separators or decanters. The process water, clarified by separators, is boiled up with a jet digester after addition of α-Amylase and afterwards separated centrifugally. The so thermally treated and clarified process water is saccharified with Glucoamylase. The saccharified process water is centrifuged with a self-desludging centrifuges, in order to separate the Protein-Lipid components which are coagulated and flocculated during the saccharification step. More than 90% (Lipids) of the existing Lipid and approx. 50% protein from the process water will be removed. The in such a way prepared process water is ultrafiltrated. The ultrafiltration of the clarified process water was done with industrial membrane filters from Polyethersulfon with a cut-off point from 100.000 Dalton. The addition of Protease during the ultrafiltration increases the filtration speed and lowers the protein content of the final product. The Retentat is pasteurized and concentrated up to 25-30% TS by evaporation. The glucose-rich Permeat is evaporated likewise (>50% TS). The Permeat concentrate fulfills the requirements of the fermentation substrate for the yeast industry. The vapor condensates from the Retentat and Permeat concentration can be led back into the process of the starch production. From the Retentat concentrate by means of ethanolic precipitation a water-soluble Arabinoxylan is precipitated, filtered out, dried and ground with an Ultrarotor to a dietetic effective soluble fibre. Ethanol in the exhausted air of the Arabinoxylan drying can be recovers with an accordingly equipped Ultrarotor system. The concentrate resulting from the ethanol processing contains glucose and protein and can be used as Vinasse to pelletizing of animal feeds. View of economy for the developed procedure is based on the processing of 20t process water/h and a yield at water-soluble Arabinoxylan dietary fibre concentrate of 100 kg of TS/h. The result of view of economy shows that a technical realization of the procedure requires further optimizations of the procedure regarding yield increases in particular within the range of the main product, in order to guarantee economy. The conversion of such a procedure is a worthwhile goal, because by the employment of the recovered water a third of the assigned fresh water remains approximately in the starch factory

    A geovisual analytics exploration of the OpenStreetMap crowd

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    It is sometimes easy to forget that massive crowdsourced data products such as Wikipedia and OpenStreetMap (OSM) are the sum of individual human efforts stemming from a variety of personal and institutional interests. We present a geovisual analytics tool called Crowd Lens for OpenStreetMap designed to help professional users of OSM make sense of the characteristics of the “crowd” that constructed OSM in specific places. The tool uses small multiple maps to visualize each contributor’s piece of the crowdsourced whole, and links OSM features with the free-form commit messages supplied by their contributors. Crowd Lens allows sorting and filtering contributors by characteristics such as number of contributions, most common language used, and OSM attribute tags applied. We describe the development and evaluation of Crowd Lens, showing how a multiple-stage user-centered design process (including testing by geospatial technology professionals) helped shape the tool’s interface and capabilities. We also present a case study using Crowd Lens to examine cities in six continents. Our findings should assist institutions deliberating OSM’s fitness for use for different applications. Crowd Lens is also potentially informative for researchers studying Internet participation divides and ways that crowdsourced products can be better comprehended with visual analytics methods

    Examining the cost effectiveness of interventions to promote the physical health of people with mental health problems: a systematic review

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    Recently attention has begun to focus not only on assessing the effectiveness of interventions to tackle mental health problems, but also on measures to prevent physical co-morbidity. Individuals with mental health problems are at significantly increased risk of chronic physical health problems, such as cardiovascular disease or diabetes, as well as reduced life expectancy. The excess costs of co-morbid physical and mental health problems are substantial. Potentially, measures to reduce the risk of co-morbid physical health problems may represent excellent value for money