95 research outputs found

    Demokratie in der Supra-EU

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    Multicentric Evaluation of SeeGene Allplex Real-Time PCR Assays Targeting 28 Bacterial, Microsporidal and Parasitic Nucleic Acid Sequences in Human Stool Samples

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    Prior to the implementation of new diagnostic techniques, a thorough evaluation is mandatory in order to ensure diagnostic reliability. If positive samples are scarcely available, however, such evaluations can be difficult to perform. Here, we evaluated four SeeGene Allplex real-time PCR assays amplifying a total of 28 bacteria, microsporidal and parasitic nucleic acid sequence targets in human stool samples in a multicentric approach. In the assessments with strongly positive samples, sensitivity values ranging between 13% and 100% were recorded for bacteria, between 0% and 100% for protozoa and between 7% and 100% for helminths and microsporidia; for the weakly positive samples, the recorded sensitivity values for bacteria ranged from 0% to 100%; for protozoa, from 0% to 40%; and for helminths and microsporidia, from 0% to 53%. For bacteria, the recorded specificity was in the range between 87% and 100%, while a specificity of 100% was recorded for all assessed PCRs targeting parasites and microsporidia. The intra- and inter-assay variations were generally low. Specifically for some helminth species, the sensitivity could be drastically increased by applying manual nucleic acid extraction instead of the manufacturer-recommended automatic procedure, while such effects were less obvious for the bacteria and protozoa. In summary, the testing with the chosen positive control samples showed varying degrees of discordance between the evaluated Allplex assays and the applied in-house reference assays associated with higher cycle threshold values in the Allplex assays, suggesting that samples with very low pathogen densities might be missed. As the targeted species can occur as harmless colonizers in the gut of individuals in high-endemicity settings as well, future studies should aim at assessing the clinical relevance of the latter hint.Peer Reviewe

    Mast Cells in Allergic Asthma and Beyond

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    Mast cells have been regarded for a long time as effector cells in IgE mediated type I reactions and in host defence against parasites. However, they are resident in all environmental exposed tissues and express a wide variety of receptors, suggesting that these cells can also function as sentinels in innate immune responses. Indeed, studies have demonstrated an important role of mast cells during the induction of life-saving antibacterial responses. Furthermore, recent findings have shown that mast cells promote and modulate the development of adaptive immune responses, making them an important hinge of innate and acquired immunity. In addition, mast cells and several mast cell-produced mediators have been shown to be important during the development of allergic airway diseases. In the present review, we will summarize findings on the role of mast cells during the development of adaptive immune responses and highlight their function, especially during the development of allergic asthma

    Environmental Acidification Drives S. pyogenes Pilus Expression and Microcolony Formation on Epithelial Cells in a FCT-Dependent Manner

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    Group A Streptococcus (GAS, Streptococcus pyogenes) is a Gram-positive human pathogen responsible for a diverse variety of diseases, including pharyngitis, skin infections, invasive necrotizing fasciitis and autoimmune sequelae. We have recently shown that GAS cell adhesion and biofilm formation is associated with the presence of pili on the surface of these bacteria. GAS pilus proteins are encoded in the FCT (Fibronectin- Collagen-T antigen) genomic region, of which nine different variants have been identified so far. In the present study we undertook a global analysis of GAS isolates representing the majority of FCT-variants to investigate the effect of environmental growth conditions on their capacity to form multicellular communities. For FCT-types 2, 3, 5 and 6 and a subset of FCT-4 strains, we observed that acidification resulting from fermentative sugar metabolism leads to an increased ability of the bacteria to form biofilm on abiotic surfaces and microcolonies on epithelial cells. The higher biofilm forming capacity at low environmental pH was directly associated with an enhanced expression of the genes encoding the pilus components and of their transcription regulators. The data indicate that environmental pH affects the expression of most pilus types and thereby the formation of multicellular cell-adhering communities that assist the initial steps of GAS infection

    Coronavirus-Pandemie: Wirksame Regeln fĂĽr Herbst und Winter aufstellen : 6. Ad-hoc-Stellungnahme - 23. September 2020

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    Wirksame Regeln für Herbst und Winter zur Bekämpfung der Pandemie: Schutzmaßnahmen konsequent einhalten, schnell und gezielt testen, Quarantäne- und Isolationszeiten verkürzen, verantwortungsvolles Handeln erleichtern, soziale und psychische Folgen abmildern

    Kinder und Jugendliche in der Coronavirus-Pandemie: psychosoziale und edukative Herausforderungen und Chancen : 8. Ad-hoc-Stellungsnahme - 21. Juni 2021

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    Die Coronavirus-Pandemie hat für Kinder und Jugendliche vielfältige Auswirkungen auf deren Bildung, soziale Interaktion, sozioemotionale Entwicklung, körperliche Aktivität sowie auf das psychische Wohlbefinden. Viele Betroffene werden in der Lage sein, die Auswirkungen zu überwinden. Manche dagegen werden mittel- und wahrscheinlich auch langfristig von den erlittenen Defiziten begleitet. Um diesen zu begegnen, empfiehlt die Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina in der Ad-hoc-Stellungnahme „Kinder und Jugendliche in der Coronavirus-Pandemie: psychosoziale und edukative Herausforderungen und Chancen“ den Auf- und Ausbau von Unterstützungs- und Bildungsstrukturen. Diese sollten die derzeit bestehenden Ungleichheiten in Bildungs- und Entwicklungschancen nachhaltig adressieren und nicht nur pandemiebedingte Nachteile ausgleichen, sondern die Situation im Vergleich zum Status Quo vor der Pandemie verbessern

    Coronavirus-Pandemie: Die Feiertage und den Jahreswechsel fĂĽr einen harten Lockdown nutzen : 7. Ad-hoc-Stellungnahme zr Coronavirus-Pandemie - 08.Dezember 2020

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    Die gegenwärtige Situation ist nach wie vor ernst und droht sich weiter zu verschärfen. Trotz des seit Anfang November in Deutschland geltenden Teil-Lockdowns sind die Infektionszahlen auf einem sehr hohen Niveau. Jeden Tag sterben mehrere Hundert Menschen. Die Krankenhäuser und insbesondere das medizinische Personal sind bereits jetzt an ihren Grenzen und die Gesundheitsämter überlastet. Um die Kontrolle über das Infektionsgeschehen zurückzuerlangen, empfiehlt die Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina in der Ad-hoc-Stellungnahme „Coronavirus-Pandemie: Die Feiertage und den Jahreswechsel für einen harten Lockdown nutzen“ ein zweistufiges Vorgehen. Die Rahmenbedingungen ‒ Weihnachtsferien in Bildungseinrichtungen und eingeschränkter Betrieb in vielen Unternehmen und Behörden – bieten die Chance, in der Eindämmung der Pandemie ein großes Stück voranzukommen

    Santé des onglons et parage correct

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    Soins corrects des onglons – que faut il respecter, quelles sont les erreurs les plus courantes et comment prévenir les maladies des onglons? Cette vidéo a été réalisée à l'occasion de la 2e Journée suisse du bétail bio 202
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