31 research outputs found

    Síntese e estudo das propriedades mesogênicas de compostos contendo o heterociclo furano

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Físicas e Matemáticas. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Química.A síntese e caracterização de duas séries homólogas de compostos derivados de 4-acriloiloxibenzilideno-4-alcoxianilinas e 4-acriloiloxi-3-metoxibenzilideno-4-alcoxianilinas contendo o heterociclo furano ligado à porção acriloíla da cadeia são apresentadas

    Clinical Approach for Treating Dilated Cardiomyopathy in a Hog-nosed Skunk (Conepatus chinga)

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    Background: Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is a multifactorial disease characterized by systolic dysfunction of myocardium, affecting domestic animals like dogs, cats, and ferrets. It was sporadically described in non-domestic species, generally as a necropsy observation. The hog-nosed skunk (Conepatus chinga) is a small mammal, carnivore, belonging to the Mephitidae family, found in southern South America, and considered as concerned in a conservation status of the species. The goal of this issue is report the first clinical approach of dilated cardiomyopathy in a young hog-nosed skunk, elucidating the challenging aspects of the diagnostic, therapy, and clinical outcome.  Case: A newborn hog-nosed skunk (Conepatus chinga) was found in a farm of southern Brazil in poor nutritional and behavioral conditions. Thirty days of nutritional supplementation based on cow's milk, fruits and insects were necessary to recover its body weight score and activity level. However, 2 months after adoption, the skunk showed acute dyspnea and abnormal breath sound, decreased appetite, and loss of weight. Firstly, these signs were associated with a possible pulmonary infection or other respiratory disease. However, the general cardiomegaly and pulmonary edema pattern observed on the thoracic radiography, changed the clinical approach, conducting the presumptive diagnosis to congestive heart failure (pulmonary edema) caused by an unknown cardiac disease as a dilated cardiomyopathy (CDM). An adequate physical, echocardiographic, electrocardiographic, and hematological evaluation was possible only after chemical restraint by sevofluorane. Systolic heart murmur and pulmonary cracking sounds were detected on thoracic auscultation. These findings associated to the echocardiography features of four chamber dilatation, systolic (fractional shortening-FS = 9% and ejection fraction-EF= 22%) and diastolic (mitral E/A ratio = 4.93) dysfunctions, and bilateral ventriculoatrial regurgitation (mitral and tricuspid) were highly correlated with DCM. Considering the etiologies of CDM described in domestic species and the poor nutritional condition previously observed in the case, nutritional and idiopathic etiologies of DCM were considered for this case. Therapy was based on furosemide at hospital (4 mg/kg subcutaneous, single doses) and home (2 mg/kg orally, BID), enalapril maleate (0.5 mg/kg orally, every 48 h), taurine supplementation (100 mg orally, SID), and pimobendan (0.5 mg/kg orally, BID). Clinical improvement was already observed on the second day of treatment, and monitored for 5 months, when the skunk was completely revaluated. The second echocardiographic exam showed improvement in systolic (FS = 20% and EF = 43%) and diastolic functions (mitral E/A ratio = 2.05), tricuspid regurgitation was not observed, and decrease the left atrial and ventricular dimensions were seen. Due to good clinical outcome, furosemide was gradually reduced until complete withdrawal without any clinical complications or worsening. After 30 months of therapy of pimobendan, taurine, and enalapril maleate, the skunk has good quality captive life without congestive heart failure recurrence.    Discussion: The lack of information about DCM in hog-nosed skunk turns the clinical diagnosis and therapy challenging. However, the radiographic and echocardiographic features seamed to lead the same domestic animal patterns. The therapy based on decrease the cardiac overload, increase the myocardial inotropic function (pimobendan and taurine) resulted on excellent clinical and echocardiographic outcome. Although the etiologies of DCM in this species are not stablished, the diagnostic and therapeutic approaches applied resulted on excellent clinical results, and therefore may provide useful information about this cardiac condition in skunk species. Keywords: cardiovascular, disease, Mephitidae, therapy, wild animals.

    Contrast-enhanced Ocular Ultrasonography in Brachycephalic Dogs

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    Background: Contrast Enchantment Ultrasonography (CEUS) allows for detection of vascular flows that are difficult to detect with traditional methods. There were no reports found in the literature of the use of CEUS to evaluate the vascular pattern of the eye of brachycephalic dogs. The objective of this paper is to describe ultrasound findings observed in the eyes of healthy brachycephalic dogs subjected to CEUS.Materials, Methods & Results: Thirty adult brachycephalic dogs were subjected to physical, laboratorial, and ophthalmic examination. The eye structures were evaluated using CEUS after intravenous administration of Sonovue®. Contrast enhancement was seen in 52 eyes with a homogeneous and centrifugal filling pattern. Structures adequately enhanced consisted of the optic nerve, the retina-choroid-sclera complex (RCSC), and the ciliary body. The optic nerve was hyperenhanced and the other structures were isoenhanced.  The wash-in time, peak enhancement time, and wash-out time were similar for both right and left eyes. Mean values and standard deviation were calculated for contrast wash-in time, peak enhancement time, and wash-out time in the optic nerve, RCSC, and ciliary body.Discussion: Ultrasound is an important diagnostic resource for veterinary ophthalmology and provides relevant information for the detection of pathological conditions of the eyes of animals. The contrast-enhanced ultrasound allows evaluation of tissues at the capillary level (macro and microcirculation), complementing the vascular ultrasound scan. This study brings original information on contrast-enhanced ultrasound findings for evaluation of eyes in dogs, creating novel diagnostic possibilities for the use of this imaging technique in veterinary ophthalmology. The vascular pattern identified in this study, with enhancement starting at the region of the optic nerve and retina, and then ciliary body (with the optic nerve as the most hyperenhanced structure) is consistent with the expected pattern for dogs without ophthalmic disorders. The posterior ciliary artery is primarily responsible for supplying the optic nerve, later irrigating the retina, lateral and medial segments of the ciliary body. Some works on the evaluation of orbital vascular pattern in humans report a significant variability on anatomical course of the ophthalmic artery and its branches. However, in our study, no significant variation was observed on vascular flow of dogs of different brachycephalic breeds. Retinal blood vessels consist of arteries and veins that emerge from the optic nerve region and from the choroid. Contrast enhancement at the region of the RCSC is justified by the presence of vessels from the choroid that are irrigated by posterior ciliary arteries and drained by vorticose veins, since this structure is responsible for the nutrition of the external portion of the retina. Wash-in, peak enhancement, and wash-out times were similar for right and left eyes owing to anatomical and physiological similarities in vascularization. The homogeneous contrast-filling pattern is of paramount importance, since it will allow differentiation of abnormalities in sick animals, such as partial or total loss of capillarization, which will cause heterogeneity or absence of capillary fill. It will also be important for early diagnosis and evaluation of vascular alterations, especially ischemic changes, especially glaucoma, intraocular neoplasm, progressive retina atrophy, and uveitis. CEUS gives relevant information about the vascular pattern of the eyes of brachycephalic dogs, and is a quick, non-invasive, and safe exam

    Pescadores e botos : histórias de uma conexão em rede

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    "Todo mundo deveria saber o que acontece aqui, sobre os botos e da pesca com eles. Saber como eles ajudam o pescador...”. Com o objetivo de contribuir para a conservação da pesca cooperativa na Barra do Rio Tramandaí a partir de um instrumento didático, realizamos uma investigação qualitativa, que recorreu a abordagens do campo da antropologia visual (fotografia) e de relatos orais de métodos biográficos (histórias de vida/depoimentos). A interação entre essas estratégias permitiu a construção de uma exposição fotográfica itinerante, construída com curadoria dos próprios sujeitos que a significam. Enquanto a imagem parece capaz de valorizar os pescadores e sua prática cultural de forma estética, as narrações baseadas em histórias ampliam oportunidades de expressão e protagonismo destes pescadores artesanais.This study aims at contributing to the conservation of the human–dolphin cooperative fishery in the Imbé/Tramandaí estuary, south Brazil. We used an educational, sensitizing tool to carry out a qualitative survey, based on both the visual anthropology approach (photography) and oral accounts of life stories/testimonials (biographical method). The combination of these approaches lead us to produce an itinerant photography exhibition exploring human–dolphin cooperative fishery, under curatorship of fishermen themselves. While photography enhances fishermen and their cultural practice aesthetically, biographical testimonials expands their way of expressing themselves and our and our ability to help preserve human-dolphin interactions

    Efeitos de diferentes frações inspiradas de oxigênio sobre a dinâmica respiratória em cães submetidos à infusão contínua de propofol e mantidos em ventilação espontânea

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    The effects of several inspired oxygen fractions (FiO2) on the respiratory dynamics in spontaneously breathing dogs submitted to continuous infusion of propofol were evaluated. Eight adult mongrel dogs were used. Each animal underwent five anesthesias, in each procedure the patient was allowed to breath a different FiO2, thereby resulting in five groups, namely: G100 (FiO2 = 1), G80 (FiO2 = 0.8), G60 (FiO2 =0.6), G40 (FiO2 = 0.4), and G20 (FiO2 = 0.21). To induce anesthesia, propofol was given until the animals allowed orotracheal intubation, followed by immediate continuous infusion of drug. The initial measurement (M0) was recorded thirty minutes after the infusion of propofol has begun. Additional recordings were performed at 15 minute intervals for 60 minutes (M15, M30, M45 and M60). Numeric data were submitted to Analysis of Variance followed by Tukey Test (p<0.05). We recorded significantly lower values of SpO2 and SaO2 at G20, whereas PaO2 varied according to the changes in oxygen. Regarding PaCO2, the mean of G100 was greater than G20 at M30. However, spontaneously breathing dogs anesthetized with propofol at the rate of 0.7mg/kg/min should not be provided with 100%, 80%, and 21% oxygen owing to the significant compromise of respiratory system.Avaliaram-se os efeitos do fornecimento de diferentes frações inspiradas de oxigênio (FiO2) sobre a dinâmica respiratória em cães submetidos a infusão contínua de propofol e mantidos em ventilação espontânea. Oito cães foram submetidos a cinco anestesias diferenciando uma da outra pela FiO2 fornecida. Formaram-se cinco grupos denominados G100 (FiO2 = 1), G80 (FiO2 = 0,8), G60 (FiO2 = 0,6), G40 (FiO2 = 0,4) e G20 (FiO2 = 0,21). Os animais foram induzidos à anestesia com propofol na dose necessária para intubação, e ato contínuo iniciou-se a infusão do fármaco e o fornecimento de oxigênio conforme a FiO2 determinada para cada grupo. As primeiras mensurações foram efetuadas 30 minutos após o início da infusão do anestésico (M0), em seguida em intervalos de 15 minutos (M15, M30, M45 e M60). Os dados numéricos obtidos foram submetidos a Análise de Variância, seguida pelo teste Tukey (p<0,05). Os valores registrados de saturação de oxihemoglobina (SpO2) e SaO2 foram significativamente menores para G20, enquanto que a pressão parcial de oxigênio no sangue arterial (PaO2) variou conforme a fração de oxigênio fornecida. Para a pressão parcial de dióxido de carbono no sangue arterial (PaCO2) foram registradas diferenças em M30, no qual G100 apresentou médias superiores a G20. Conclui-se que o fornecimento de oxigênio a 100%, 80% e 21% devem ser evitados, pois proporciona prejuízos significativos ao sistema respiratório de cães anestesiados com infusão contínua de propofol na dose de 0,7mg/kg/min sob ventilação espontânea

    An environmental assessment of the Tramandaí River Estuary, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

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    A finalidade deste trabalho foi desenvolver um diagnóstico ambiental dos atores sociais e da fauna de vertebrados do estuário do rio Tramandaí, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Esse diagnóstico foi elaborado a partir de (1) entrevistas com atores sociais e monitoramen-to das atividades antrópicas, (2) inventariamento da ictiofauna, avifauna e mastofauna e (3) monitoramento da população de botos-de-Lahille (Tursiops gephyreus). Os atores sociais identificados incluem, em sua maioria, residentes dos municípios que compõem o estuário (Imbé e Tramandaí) e da região metropolitana de Porto Alegre, capital do Estado. Diferentes formas de uso foram registradas, sendo as atividades de lazer e a pesca amadora e profissio-nal as mais frequentes. Foram registradas sete espécies da fauna brasileira ameaçadas de extinção: duas de peixes (Genidens barbus e Pogonias courbina), três de aves (Sterna hirundinacea, Thalasseus acuflavidus e Thalasseus maximus) e duas de mamíferos (Tursiops gephyreus e Ctenomys flamarioni). No estuário do rio Tramandaí, a ocupação humana desordenada resulta em uma série de impactos ambientais, tais como poluição, in-trodução de espécies invasoras, perda de habitat, ameaça à existência de espécies e de práti-cas culturais. Nesse sentido, propõe-se como prioridades de conservação: a pesca cooperati-va entre botos e pescadores artesanais, a tainha (Mugil liza) e as aves migratórias. O diálogo entre tomadores de decisão, cientistas e atores sociais do estuário do rio Tramandaí é funda-mental para a definição de políticas públicas para a conservação da biodiversidade da região.This study aimed to produce an environmental assessment of stakeholders and vertebrates from the Tramandaí River estuary, Rio Grande do Sul, south Brazil. The assessment was based on (1) semi-structured interviews carried out with local stakeholders and monitoring of anthropogenic activities, (2) fish, bird, and mammal inven-tories, and (3) monitoring of the dolphin (Tursiops gephyreus) population inhabiting the estuary. Local stakeholders included residents in the two cities surrounding the estuary (Imbé and Tramandaí) and in cities of the Metropolitan Region of the state's capital, Porto Alegre. Different human uses of the estuary were recorded, the amateur and professional artisanal fisheries being the most frequent. Seven vertebrate species threatened with extinc-tion were recorded: two fishes (Genidens barbus and Pogonias courbina), three birds (Sterna hirundinacea, Thalasseus acuflavidus, and Thalasseus maximus), and two mam-mals (Tursiops gephyreus and Ctenomys flamarioni). Unregulated land occupation in Tra-mandaí River estuary results in pollution, introduction of invasive species, and loss of habi-tat, thus threatening species and cultural practices. Therefore, we propose the following as priorities for conservation: the cooperative fishing between fishers and dolphins, the mullet (Mugil liza), and migratory birds. We stress the need for dialogue between decision makers, scientists, and local stakeholders to develop effective public policies for the conservation biodiversity in the region

    Navegando em Suave Mari Magno, Op. 97 de Ernst Widmer: uma aplicação da teoria dos conjuntos e da análise de contornos

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    Este artigo tem por objetivo analisar uma peça para piano de Ernst Widmer, "Suave Mari Magno", op. 97. A partir de dados biográficos essenciais do compositor e da gênese da peça, a análise utiliza como ferramental teórico a pitch class theory e a análise de contornos conforme Friedmann, buscando fundamentação para a observação de aspectos de coerência musical interna e das associações com a ambiência marítima propiciadas pelo título, epígrafe e comentários do compositor. A análise correlaciona a lógica compositiva da peça com intenções semântico-expressivas manifestadas por Widmer, trazendo � tona processos composicionais diversificados e apontando a convivência de técnicas tradicionais com gestos musicais característicos do século XX