18 research outputs found

    Disruptive low-carbon innovations

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    This perspective article considers the potential for disruptive innovations to transform the market for energy-related goods and services in line with emission reductions required for stringent mitigation. Its rationale is that consumers are a neglected constituency in societal efforts to meet climate policy objectives. First, I review Christensen’s canonical definition of disruptive innovation as low-end products offering novel sources of value to users marginalised or over-supplied by mainstream markets. Second, I apply disruptive innovation concepts to the challenge of climate change mitigation and the necessary contribution of low-carbon innovation. There are both potentials for disruptive low-carbon innovations but also problems in achieving social benefits through the consumption of private goods. Third, I set out a series of criteria for disruptive low-carbon innovations and apply these to identify sets of potential innovations relating to mobility, buildings & cities, food, and energy supply. A wide range of consumer-facing innovations offer goods or services with novel attributes currently valued only in small market niches. Fourth, I report on the findings of two workshops on disruptive low-carbon innovation involving innovators, market intermediaries, policymakers and researchers. Different stakeholders hold sharply contrasting understandings of disruptive low-carbon innovation and its distinctive relevance for energy transformation

    Biotechnology and the Politics of Truth : From the Green Revolution to an Evergreen Revolution

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    This paper investigates why and how issues around the diffusion of GM technologies and products to developing countries have become so central to a debate which has shifted away from technical issues of cost-benefit optimisation in a context of uniform mass production and consumption in the North, to the moral case for GM crops to feed the hungry and aid ‘development’ in the South. Using comparison between agricultural biotechnology and the ‘Green Revolution’ as a cross cutting theme, the contributions of this paper are threefold. Firstly, by analysing biotechnology as a set of overlapping frames within a discursive formation, four frames are identified which summarise key challenges presented by biotechnology era. Secondly, the use of Foucault's concept of bio-power to synthesise key themes from the frame analysis illuminates the ‘revolutionary’ nature of the biotech revolution. Thirdly, the potential of actor-network theory to provide a tools for the empirical study of processes of (re)negotiation of nature/society relations in the context of agricultural biotechnology controversies is explored

    The potential contribution of disruptive low-carbon innovations to 1.5 °C climate mitigation

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    This paper investigates the potential for consumer-facing innovations to contribute emission reductions for limiting warming to 1.5 °C. First, we show that global integrated assessment models which characterise transformation pathways consistent with 1.5 °C mitigation are limited in their ability to analyse the emergence of novelty in energy end-use. Second, we introduce concepts of disruptive innovation which can be usefully applied to the challenge of 1.5 °C mitigation. Disruptive low-carbon innovations offer novel value propositions to consumers and can transform markets for energy-related goods and services while reducing emissions. Third, we identify 99 potentially disruptive low-carbon innovations relating to mobility, food, buildings and cities, and energy supply and distribution. Examples at the fringes of current markets include car clubs, mobility-as-a-service, prefabricated high-efficiency retrofits, internet of things, and urban farming. Each of these offers an alternative to mainstream consumer practices. Fourth, we assess the potential emission reductions from subsets of these disruptive low-carbon innovations using two methods: a survey eliciting experts’ perceptions and a quantitative scaling-up of evidence from early-adopting niches to matched segments of the UK population. We conclude that disruptive low-carbon innovations which appeal to consumers can help efforts to limit warming to 1.5 °C

    Using mathematics to solve real world problems:the role of enablers

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    The purpose of this article is to report on a newly funded research project in which we will investigate how secondary students apply mathematical modelling to effectively address real world situations. Through this study, we will identify factors, mathematical, cognitive, social and environmental that "enable" year 10/11 students to successfully begin the modelling process, that is, formulate and mathematise a real world problem. The 3-year study will take a design research approach in working intensively with six schools across two educational jurisdictions. It is anticipated that this research will generate new theoretical and practical insights into the role of "enablers" within the process of mathematisation, leading to the development of principles for the design and implementation for tasks that support students' development as modellers

    Built environment life cycle process and climate change

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    In order to design and realise an efficient built environment life cycle with focus on climate change mitigation and adaptation, it is necessary to carry out exhaustive investigations of all the decision and processes that form it. The efficiency level of the considered built environment life cycle depends on a great many micro, meso and macro factors. The authors of this paper participated in the different EU projects related with built environment and climate change [Linking European, Africa and Asian Academic Networks on Climate Change (LEAN CC), etc.]. One of the LEAN CC project’s goals was to develop a Model and Intelligent System of Built Environment Life Cycle Process for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation. The presented Model and Intelligent System enables one to form up to 100 million alternative versions. Intelligent system allows one to determine the strongest and weakest points of each project and its constituent parts. In order to demonstrate the micro, meso and macro factors that influence the efficiency of the built environment in climate change mitigation and adaptation processes, the Model and Intelligent System will be considered as an example.(undefined

    Uncritical and unbalanced coverage of synthetic biology in the Nordic press

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    Synthetic biology will probably have a high impact on a variety of fields, such as healthcare, environment, biofuels, agriculture, and so on. A driving theme in European research policy is the importance of maintaining public legitimacy and support. Media can influence public attitudes and are therefore an important object of study. Through qualitative content analysis, this study investigates the press coverage of synthetic biology in the major Nordic countries between 2009 and 2014. The press coverage was found to be event-driven and there were striking similarities between countries when it comes to framing, language use, and treated themes. Reporters showed a marked dependence on their sources, mainly scientists and stakeholders, who thus drives the media agenda. The media portrayal was very positive, with an optimistic look at future benefits and very little discussion of possible risks.The first two authors are the first co-authors and have contributed equally.Synthetic Biology: media portrayal and public understandin