4,150 research outputs found

    NT1-Tau Is Increased in CSF and Plasma of CJD Patients, and Correlates with Disease Progression

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    This study investigates the diagnostic and prognostic potential of different forms of tau in biofluids from patients with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD). Extracellular tau, which is molecularly heterogeneous, was measured using ultra-sensitive custom-made Simoa assays for N-terminal (NT1), mid-region, and full-length tau. We assessed cross-sectional CSF and plasma from healthy controls, patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and CJD patients. Then, we evaluated the correlation of the best-performing tau assay (NT1-tau) with clinical severity and functional decline (using the MRC Prion Disease Rating Scale) in a longitudinal CJD cohort (n = 145). In a cross-sectional study, tau measured in CSF with the NT1 and mid-region Simoa assays, separated CJD (n = 15) from AD (n = 18) and controls (n = 21) with a diagnostic accuracy (AUCs: 0.98–1.00) comparable to or better than neurofilament light chain (NfL; AUCs: 0.96–0.99). In plasma, NT1-measured tau was elevated in CJD (n = 5) versus AD (n = 15) and controls (n = 15). Moreover, in CJD plasma (n = 145) NT1-tau levels correlated with stage and rate of disease progression, and the effect on clinical progression was modified by the PRNP codon 129. Our findings suggest that plasma NT1-tau shows promise as a minimally invasive diagnostic and prognostic biomarker of CJD, and should be further investigated for its potential to monitor disease progression and response to therapies

    Observation of isotonic symmetry for enhanced quadrupole collectivity in neutron-rich 62,64,66Fe isotopes at N=40

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    The transition rates for the 2_{1}^{+} states in 62,64,66Fe were studied using the Recoil Distance Doppler-Shift technique applied to projectile Coulomb excitation reactions. The deduced E2 strengths illustrate the enhanced collectivity of the neutron-rich Fe isotopes up to N=40. The results are interpreted by the generalized concept of valence proton symmetry which describes the evolution of nuclear structure around N=40 as governed by the number of valence protons with respect to Z~30. The deformation suggested by the experimental data is reproduced by state-of-the-art shell calculations with a new effective interaction developed for the fpgd valence space.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    High-mass star formation at high luminosities: W31 at >10^6 L_sun

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    Context: High-mass star formation has been a very active field over the last decade, however, most studies targeted regions of luminosities between 10^4 and 10^5 L_sun. Methods: We selected the W31 star-forming complex with a total luminosity of ~6x10^6 L_sun for a multi-wavelength spectral line and continuum study covering wavelengths from the near- and mid-infrared via (sub)mm wavelength observations to radio data in the cm regime. Results: While the overall structure of the multi-wavelength continuum data resembles each other well, there are several intriguing differences. The 24mum emission stemming largely from small dust grains follows tightly the spatial structure of the cm emission tracing the ionized free-free emission. Hence warm dust resides in regions that are spatially associated with the ionized hot gas (~10^4 K) of the HII regions. Furthermore, we find several evolutionary stages within the same complexes, ranging from infrared-observable clusters, via deeply embedded regions associated with active star formation traced by 24\,μ\mum and cm emission, to at least one high-mass gas clump devoid of any such signature. The 13CO(2-1) and C18O(2-1) spectral line observations reveal a large kinematic breadth in the entire region with a total velocity range of approximately 90 km/s. While the average virial mass ratio for W31 is close to unity, the line width analysis indicates large-scale evolutionary differences between the southern and northern sub-regions (G10.2-0.3 and G10.3-0.1) of the whole W31 complex. The clump mass function - tracing cluster scales and not scales of individual stars - derived from the 875mum continuum data has a slope of 1.5+-0.3, consistent with previous cloud mass functions.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, accepted for Astronomy and Astrophysics, high-resolution version of paper at http://www.mpia.de/homes/beuther/papers.htm

    Observation of Bound Surface States in Grain Boundary Junctions of High Temperature Superconductors

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    We have performed a detailed study of the tunneling spectra of bicrystal grain boundary junctions (GBJs) fabricated from the HTS YBCO, BSCCO, LSCO, and NCCO. In all experiments the tunneling direction was along the CuO planes. With the exception of NCCO, for all materials a pronounced zero bias conductance peak was observed which decreases with increasing temperature and disappears at the critical temperature. These results can be explained by the presence of a dominating d-wave symmetry of the order parameter resulting in the formation of zero energy Andreev bound states at surfaces and interfaces of HTS. The absence of a ZBCP for NCCO is consistent with a dominating s-wave symmetry of the pair potential in this material. The observed nonlinear shift of spectral weight to finite energies by applying a magnetic field is in qualitative agreement with recent theoretical predictions.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    On the Identification of High Mass Star Forming Regions using IRAS: Contamination by Low-Mass Protostars

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    We present the results of a survey of a small sample (14) of low-mass protostars (L_IR < 10^3 Lsun) for 6.7 GHz methanol maser emission performed using the ATNF Parkes radio telescope. No new masers were discovered. We find that the lower luminosity limit for maser emission is near 10^3 Lsun, by comparison of the sources in our sample with previously detected methanol maser sources. We examine the IRAS properties of our sample and compare them with sources previously observed for methanol maser emission, almost all of which satisfy the Wood & Churchwell criterion for selecting candidate UCHII regions. We find that about half of our sample satisfy this criterion, and in addition almost all of this subgroup have integrated fluxes between 25 and 60 microns that are similar to sources with detectable methanol maser emission. By identifying a number of low-mass protostars in this work and from the literature that satisfy the Wood & Churchwell criterion for candidate UCHII regions, we show conclusively for the first time that the fainter flux end of their sample is contaminated by lower-mass non-ionizing sources, confirming the suggestion by van der Walt and Ramesh & Sridharan.Comment: 8 pages with 2 figures. Accepted by Ap

    Adaptive Lévy processes and area-restricted search in human foraging

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    A considerable amount of research has claimed that animals’ foraging behaviors display movement lengths with power-law distributed tails, characteristic of Lévy flights and Lévy walks. Though these claims have recently come into question, the proposal that many animals forage using Lévy processes nonetheless remains. A Lévy process does not consider when or where resources are encountered, and samples movement lengths independently of past experience. However, Lévy processes too have come into question based on the observation that in patchy resource environments resource-sensitive foraging strategies, like area-restricted search, perform better than Lévy flights yet can still generate heavy-tailed distributions of movement lengths. To investigate these questions further, we tracked humans as they searched for hidden resources in an open-field virtual environment, with either patchy or dispersed resource distributions. Supporting previous research, for both conditions logarithmic binning methods were consistent with Lévy flights and rank-frequency methods–comparing alternative distributions using maximum likelihood methods–showed the strongest support for bounded power-law distributions (truncated Lévy flights). However, goodness-of-fit tests found that even bounded power-law distributions only accurately characterized movement behavior for 4 (out of 32) participants. Moreover, paths in the patchy environment (but not the dispersed environment) showed a transition to intensive search following resource encounters, characteristic of area-restricted search. Transferring paths between environments revealed that paths generated in the patchy environment were adapted to that environment. Our results suggest that though power-law distributions do not accurately reflect human search, Lévy processes may still describe movement in dispersed environments, but not in patchy environments–where search was area-restricted. Furthermore, our results indicate that search strategies cannot be inferred without knowing how organisms respond to resources–as both patched and dispersed conditions led to similar Lévy-like movement distributions

    The Origin of T Tauri X-ray Emission: New Insights from the Chandra Orion Ultradeep Project

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    We use the data of the Chandra Orion Ultradeep Project (COUP) to study the nearly 600 X-ray sources that can be reliably identified with optically well characterized T Tauri stars (TTS) in the Orion Nebula Cluster. We detect X-ray emission from more than 97% of the optically visible late-type (spectral types F to M) cluster stars. This proofs that there is no ``X-ray quiet'' population of late-type stars with suppressed magnetic activity. All TTS with known rotation periods lie in the saturated or super-saturated regime of the relation between activity and Rossby numbers seen for main-sequence (MS) stars, but the TTS show a much larger scatter in X-ray activity than seen for the MS stars. Strong near-linear relations between X-ray luminosities, bolometric luminosities and mass are present. We also find that the fractional X-ray luminosity rises slowly with mass over the 0.1 - 2 M_sun range. The plasma temperatures determined from the X-ray spectra of the TTS are much hotter than in MS stars, but seem to follow a general solar-stellar correlation between plasma temperature and activity level. The large scatter about the relations between X-ray activity and stellar parameters seems to be related to the influence of accretion on the X-ray emission. While the X-ray activity of the non-accreting TTS is consistent with that of rapidly rotating MS stars, the accreting stars are less X-ray active (by a factor of ~2-3 on average) and produce much less well defined correlations than the non-accretors. We discuss possible reasons for the suppression of X-ray emission by accretion and the implications of our findings on long-standing questions related to the origin of the X-ray emission from young stars.Comment: accepted for ApJS, COUP Special Issu

    Factor H autoantibody is associated with atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome in children in the United Kingdom and Ireland

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    Factor H autoantibodies can impair complement regulation, resulting in atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome, predominantly in childhood. There are no trials investigating treatment, and clinical practice is only informed by retrospective cohort analysis. Here we examined 175 children presenting with atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome in the United Kingdom and Ireland for factor H autoantibodies that included 17 children with titers above the international standard. Of the 17, seven had a concomitant rare genetic variant in a gene encoding a complement pathway component or regulator. Two children received supportive treatment; both developed established renal failure. Plasma exchange was associated with a poor rate of renal recovery in seven of 11 treated. Six patients treated with eculizumab recovered renal function. Contrary to global practice, immunosuppressive therapy to prevent relapse in plasma exchange–treated patients was not adopted due to concerns over treatment-associated complications. Without immunosuppression, the relapse rate was high (five of seven). However, reintroduction of treatment resulted in recovery of renal function. All patients treated with eculizumab achieved sustained remission. Five patients received renal transplants without specific factor H autoantibody–targeted treatment with recurrence in one who also had a functionally significant CFI mutation. Thus, our current practice is to initiate eculizumab therapy for treatment of factor H autoantibody–mediated atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome rather than plasma exchange with or without immunosuppression. Based on this retrospective analysis we see no suggestion of inferior treatment, albeit the strength of our conclusions is limited by the small sample siz

    Warm H2O and OH in the disk around the Herbig star HD 163296

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    We present observations of far-infrared (50-200 micron) OH and H2O emission of the disk around the Herbig Ae star HD 163296 obtained with Herschel/PACS in the context of the DIGIT key program. In addition to strong [OI] emission, a number of OH doublets and a few weak highly excited lines of H2O are detected. The presence of warm H2O in this Herbig disk is confirmed by a line stacking analysis, enabled by the full PACS spectral scan, and by lines seen in Spitzer data. The line fluxes are analyzed using an LTE slab model including line opacity. The water column density is 10^14 - 10^15 cm^-2, and the excitation temperature is 200-300 K implying warm gas with a density n > 10^5 cm^-3. For OH we find a column density of 10^14 - 2x10^15 cm^-2 and T_ex ~ 300-500 K. For both species we find an emitting region of r ~ 15-20 AU from the star. We argue that the molecular emission arises from the protoplanetary disk rather than from an outflow. This far-infrared detection of both H2O and OH contrasts with near- and mid-infrared observations, which have generally found a lack of water in the inner disk around Herbig AeBe stars due to strong photodissociation of water. Given the similarity in column density and emitting region, OH and H2O emission seems to arise from an upper layer of the disk atmosphere of HD 163296, probing a new reservoir of water. The slightly lower temperature of H2O compared to OH suggests a vertical stratification of the molecular gas with OH located higher and water deeper in the disk, consistent with thermo-chemical models.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    ALMA Reveals the Anatomy of the mm-sized Dust and Molecular Gas in the HD 97048 Disk

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    Transitional disks show a lack of excess emission at infrared wavelengths due to a large dust cavity, that is often corroborated by spatially resolved observations at ∼mm wavelengths. We present the first spatially resolved ∼ mm-wavelength images of the disk around the Herbig Ae/Be star, HD 97048. Scattered light images show that the disk extends to ≈640 au. ALMA data reveal a circular-symmetric dusty disk extending to ≈350 au, and a molecular disk traced in CO J = 3-2 emission, extending to ≈750 au. The CO emission arises from a flared layer with an opening angle ≈30°–40°. HD 97048 is another source for which the large (∼ mm-sized) dust grains are more centrally concentrated than the small (∼μm-sized) grains and molecular gas, likely due to radial drift. The images and visibility data modeling suggest a decrement in continuum emission within ≈50 au, consistent with the cavity size determined from mid-infrared imaging (34 ± 4 au). The extracted continuum intensity profiles show ring-like structures with peaks at ≈50, 150, and 300 au, with associated gaps at ≈100 and 250 au. This structure should be confirmed in higher-resolution images (FWHM ≈ 10–20 au). These data confirm the classification of HD 97048 as a transitional disk that also possesses multiple ring-like structures in the dust continuum emission. Additional data are required at multiple and well-separated frequencies to fully characterize the disk structure, and thereby constrain the mechanism(s) responsible for sculpting the HD 97048 disk