633 research outputs found

    Die Einheit des “Griechischen Rechts”. Gedanken zum Prozessrecht in den griechischen Poleis

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    Since classical Greece was not politically united, modern scholars have questioned whether one Greek law existed or every city-state (polis) had its own. The latest contribution by Gagarin (2005) denies unity in substantive law, but finds it in legal procedure. This article shows that under the surface of highly differentiated legal institutions within Greek city-states one can find general juristic conceptions. It just depends on the observer, not on the object observed. Looking at general conceptions is necessary also for a deeper understanding of any city-states’ particular law, substantive or procedural. From Homer to Athens and Gortyn legal procedure developed in secularizing decisive oaths. A process from horkos to psêphos, from decisive oaths to the voting pebbles used by the Athenian judges, can thus be reconstructed

    L’enseignement supérieur: illusions et réalités

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    Le Financement de la recherche universitaire

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    Starting now, we must make better long range plans for our various schemes of financing university research. With the rapid growth of the Canadian economy from 1962 to 1974, we saw the establishment of several programs for financing university research. A trend we saw in other areas as well. This expansionist policy came to a plateau in the early 1970's. The deterioration in economic growth now demands that we revise these generous practices. It is not a question of cutting out these important programs, nor of curtailing plans of any new program. We must however learn how to better co-ordinate these efforts.Il faut, de`s maintenant, mieux planifier a` long terme l'ensemble des programmes de fin- ancement pour la recherche universitaire. De 1962 a` 1974, avec la croissance rapide de l'e´conomie canadienne, on vit mettre sur pied un bon nombre de programmes de finance- ment dans le domaine de la recherche universitaire comme dans d'autres domaines. Cette politique expansionniste plafonna au de´but des anne´es 70. L'effritement de la croissance e´conomique exige actuellement une re´vision de ces pratiques ge´ne´reuses. Il ne s'agit ni de la coupure de ces programmes importants, ni d'un arre^t de tout nouveau programme, mais pluto^t de savoir les coordonner plus efficacement

    Aus den Listen der Poletai in Athen

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    Similarities and differences in speech Pozega and Kumrovec area

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    Rad se bavi usporedbom dvaju govora različitih narječja hrvatskoga jezika od kojih je jedan kumrovečki koji pripada kajkavskom narječju, točnije gornjosutlanskom dijalektu, a drugi požeški koji pripada štokavskom narječju, točnije slavonskom dijalektu. Kumrovec, omanje selo koje čini 304 stanovnika, udaljeno je 236 km od Požege, a leži na rijeci Sutli, na samoj granici sa Slovenijom. Požega je središte Požeško-slavonske županije koju naseljava 26 000 stanovnika. Uvodni dio rada smješta oba govora u povijesni i geografski položaj donoseći nekoliko povijesnih činjenica koje su ostavile trag na govor stanovnika navedenih mjesta. Također donosi nekoliko podataka o samoj pripadnosti narječju i dijalektu te njihovim pojedinim osobnostima kojima se izdvajaju kao govori tog narječja. U središnjem dijelu rada prikazane su posebnosti te sličnosti i razlike navedenih dvaju govora, i to na svim jezičnim razinama – fonološkoj, morfološkoj, sintaktičkoj i leksičkoj. Za potrebe istraživanja prikupljeni su zapisi kazivača obaju govora čiji primjeri potkrepljuju iznesene tvrdnje. Rad je također obogaćen primjerima iz leksika koji su prikupljeni višetjednim proučavanjem govora kazivača