12 research outputs found

    Do foraging ecology and contaminants interactively predict parenting hormone levels in common eider?

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    Global climate change is causing abiotic shifts such as higher air and ocean temperatures, and disappearing sea ice in Arctic ecosystems. These changes influence Arctic-breeding seabird foraging ecology by altering prey availability and selection, affecting individual body condition, reproductive success, and exposure to contaminants such as mercury (Hg). The cumulative effects of alterations to foraging ecology and Hg exposure may interactively alter the secretion of key reproductive hormones such as prolactin (PRL), important for parental attachment to eggs and offspring and overall reproductive success. However, more research is needed to investigate the relationships between these potential links. Using data collected from 106 incubating female common eiders (Somateria mollissima) at six Arctic and sub-Arctic colonies, we examined whether the relationship between individual foraging ecology (assessed using δ13C, δ15N) and total Hg (THg) exposure predicted PRL levels. We found a significant, complex interaction between δ13C, δ15N and THg on PRL, suggesting that individuals cumulatively foraging at lower trophic levels, in phytoplankton-dominant environments, and with the highest THg levels had the most constant significant relationship PRL levels. Cumulatively, these three interactive variables resulted in lowered PRL. Overall, results demonstrate the potential downstream and cumulative implications of environmentally induced changes in foraging ecology, in combination with THg exposure, on hormones known to influence reproductive success in seabirds. These findings are notable in the context of continuing environmental and food web changes in Arctic systems, which may make seabird populations more susceptible to ongoing stressors. Stable isotopes Carbon-13 Nitrogen-15 Mercury Seabird ArcticacceptedVersio

    Biological Earth observation with animal sensors

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    Space-based tracking technology using low-cost miniature tags is now delivering data on fine-scale animal movement at near-global scale. Linked with remotely sensed environmental data, this offers a biological lens on habitat integrity and connectivity for conservation and human health; a global network of animal sentinels of environmen-tal change

    Biological Earth observation with animal sensors

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    Space-based tracking technology using low-cost miniature tags is now delivering data on fine-scale animal movement at near-global scale. Linked with remotely sensed environmental data, this offers a biological lens on habitat integrity and connectivity for conservation and human health; a global network of animal sentinels of environmental change.Correction published in: Walter Jetz, Grigori Tertitski, Roland Kays, Uschi Mueller, Martin Wikelski. Biological Earth observation with animal sensors: (Trends in Ecology and Evolution 37, 293–298; 2022), Trends in Ecology &amp; Evolution, Volume 37, Issue 8, 2022, Pages 719-724, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tree.2022.04.012</p

    Vital rate estimates for the common eider Somateria mollissima, a data-rich exemplar of the seaduck tribe

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    This database collates vital rate estimates for the common eider (Somateria mollissima), providing a complete demographic parameterization for this slow life‐history species. Monitored across its circumpolar range, the common eider represents a data‐rich exemplar species for the less‐studied seaducks, many of which are under threat.The database contains estimates of the following vital rates: first- year survival; second- year survival; adult annual survival; first breeding (both age‐specific recruitment probability, and breeding propensity across potential recruitment ages); breeding propensity of established female breeders; clutch size; hatching success; and fledging success. These estimates are drawn from 134 studies, across the scientific and grey literature, including three previously inaccessible datasets on clutch size that were contributed in response to a call for data through the IUCN Species Survival Commission's Duck Specialist Group.Although clutch size has been much studied, the contributed datasets have enhanced coverage of studies reported in non‐English languages, which were otherwise only represented when cited in English‐language publications. Breeding propensity has been little studied, perhaps because adult females are often assumed to attempt breeding every year; we obtained a mean breeding propensity of 0.72. Our synthesis highlights the following gaps in data availability: juvenile and male survival; population change; and studies from Russia (at least accessible in English).The database is intended to serve population modellers and scientists involved in the policy and practice of seaduck conservation and management

    Vital rate estimates for the common eider Somateria mollissima, a data-rich exemplar of the seaduck tribe

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    This database contains estimates of the following vital rates (as required to parameterise matrix population models), for the common eider (Somateria mollissima): 1st year survival (measured either from hatching, or from fledging, to 1 year old); 2nd year survival; adult annual survival; first breeding (both age-specific recruitment probability, and breeding propensity across potential recruitment ages); breeding propensity of established female breeders; clutch size; hatching success; and fledging success. These estimates are drawn from 134 studies, across the scientific and grey literature &ndash; including three previously inaccessible datasets on clutch size that were contributed in response to a call for data through the IUCN Species Survival Commission&rsquo;s Duck Specialist Group (IDs 127, A and B). This is a relational database, linking estimates and associated metadata to the relevant study (or unique unpublished combination thereof) by a unique ID number in the &#39;MASTER&#39; sheet. For further information, refer to the associated publication, and/or explanatory notes on the column headings of each sheet (.xlsx version only, but provided in the dataset README .txt file).,We surveyed published academic and grey literature via keyword searches (e.g. &ldquo;Somateria mollissima&rdquo; &ldquo;clutch size&rdquo;) through Google Scholar, &lsquo;citation snowballing&rsquo; (pursuing reference trails; see e.g. Greenhalgh &amp;amp; Peacock, 2005), and cross-referencing authors&rsquo; personal databases. Additionally, a call for data was posted on the IUCN Species Survival Commission&rsquo;s Duck Specialist Group website (www.ducksg.org/2018/10/seaducks/the-not-so-common-eider-can-you-help/), circulated through the corresponding mailing list, and advertised by ANH on Twitter in January 2019 and at conferences (the British Ecological Society&rsquo;s &lsquo;Quantitative Ecology&rsquo; meeting in July 2019; the European Ornithologists&rsquo; Union Conference in August 2019; and the Ecological Society of America&rsquo;s annual meeting in August 2020) thereafter. The call for data elicited three previously inaccessible datasets, of which one was recorded in Icelandic and another in Russian, broadening language coverage since non-English language reports were otherwise only covered by citations in English-language publications. Accessible vital rate estimates, and associated metadata, were collated in a relational database in Microsoft Excel, linked by a unique ID number associated with each study (or unique unpublished combinations thereof). A list of data sources used in the study are provided in the Data sources section of the associated publication. We focussed on the vital rates required to parameterise matrix population models (MPMs), which are used widely by population ecologists and conservation biologists to project population dynamics over time. We therefore included the following vital rates: 1st year survival (measured either from hatching, or from fledging, to 1 year old), 2nd year survival, adult survival, breeding propensities for 2- to 5-year-olds (both probability of having recruited at a given age, and breeding propensity at a given age), adult female breeding propensity, clutch size, hatching success and fledging success (alternatively included in 1st year survival where measured from hatching). We define: (i) hatching success as the proportion of all laid eggs that hatch (if probability of successful nesting &ndash; i.e. of at least one egg hatching &ndash; was provided, we used it to calculate hatching success where feasible), and (ii) fledging success as the proportion of hatchlings that fledge. Where provided by the authors, we recorded the following metadata at the study level: location (country and geographic coordinates); subspecies; and population trend (classified as increasing, decreasing, stable, or variable). Further, for each estimate we recorded: sample size; variance measures (as provided and/or calculable from reported information); start and end years; and any covariates (freeform). We did not formally screen studies, preferring instead to provide as complete a reference database as possible. We facilitate filtering with the following assignations: verification status (whether the source was seen in the original or cited by another verified source); precision (some estimates were simply the midpoints of observed ranges); and independence (which is not met when multiple estimates are provided by the same study, or when separate studies are based on the same datasets). Greenhalgh, T., &amp;amp; Peacock, R. (2005). Effectiveness and efficiency of search methods in systematic reviews of complex evidence: Audit of primary sources. British Medical Journal, 331(7524), 1064&ndash;1065. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.38636.593461.68,The database is available in full as an xlsx spreadsheet (including header comments providing further information), or as a series of csv files for each sheet (comments not included, although they are provided in the dataset README .txt file). The &lsquo;master&rsquo; sheet provides study-level information, with each study being assigned a unique identifier: numeric 1-127 for published studies, upper case A-B for unpublished contributed datasets (ID 127/Ragnarsd&oacute;ttir et al., 2021 was contributed through the call for data but is published online, as an Icelandic-language publication not accessible through English-language searches), and lower case aa-ee for combinations of datasets reported in published studies (such as the combination: &ldquo;Nyegaard, 2004 [thesis]; H.G. Gilchrist unpubl. data&rdquo; reported in Gilliland et al., 2009, Table 1). Estimates and associated metadata for each vital rate are then recorded in separate sheets, with the ID column relating back to the studies in the &lsquo;master&rsquo; sheet. Vital rate sheets include columns to replace imprecise overall study-level population growth rate, geographical coordinates, and subspecies entries where appropriate; for example, if the study provided vital rate data for each of several locations. Further information specific to each column can be found in comment boxes associated with the headers (.xlsx file only), and both studies and estimates are further annotated in &lsquo;Comments&rsquo; columns where relevant. A text file with an English translation by AP of the summary from ID 127/Ragnarsd&oacute;ttir et al., 2021 is also provided (see Nicol-Harper_202110_VitalRates_RagnarsdottirTranslation.txt). The two forms of breeding propensities for 2- to 5-year-olds correspond to two of the recruitment quantities discussed in Pradel &amp;amp; Lebreton (1999): the probability of having recruited at a given age, which sums to 1 across all possible ages of recruitment, is equivalent to their &alpha;i (specifically, the second version described on p. S80); breeding propensities at age i (2 &le; i &le; 5) correspond to their ai. Vital rates referring to subadults are assumed to refer to both sexes, whereas adult survival may refer to either sex or both (specified in the database), while adult breeding propensity has thus far only been estimated for females. Pradel, R., &amp;amp; Lebreton, J.-D. (1999). Comparison of different approaches to the study of local recruitment of breeders. Bird Study, 46(sup1), S74&ndash;S81. https://doi.org/10.1080/00063659909477234 Ragnarsd&oacute;ttir, S. B., Thorstensen, S., &amp;amp; Met&uacute;salemsson, S. (2021). Fuglal&iacute;f &iacute; &oacute;sh&oacute;lmum Eyjafjar&eth;ar&aacute;r: k&ouml;nnun 2020 me&eth; samanbur&eth;i vi&eth; fyrri &aacute;r. [The birdlife of the delta area of river Eyjafja&eth;ar&aacute;, N-Iceland: The results of a survey in year 2020 in comparison to former years.] N&aacute;tt&uacute;rufr&aelig;&eth;istofnun &Iacute;slands N&Iacute;21001. 62 pp. (In Icelandic). Available at: https://utgafa.ni.is/skyrslur/2021/NI-21001.pdf accessed 5th October 2021. Gilliland, S. G., Grant Gilchrist, H., Rockwell, R. F., Robertson, G. J., Savard, J.-P. L., Merkel, F., &amp;amp; Mosbech, A. (2009). Evaluating the Sustainability of Harvest Among Northern Common Eiders Somateria mollissima borealis in Greenland and Canada. Wildlife Biology, 15(1), 24&ndash;36. https://doi.org/10.2981/07-005</span

    True navigation in migrating gulls requires intact olfactory nerves

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    During migratory journeys, birds may become displaced from their normal migratory route. Experimental evidence has shown that adult birds can correct for such displacements and return to their goal. However, the nature of the cues used by migratory birds to perform long distance navigation is still debated. In this experiment we subjected adult lesser black-backed gulls migrating from their Finnish/Russian breeding grounds (from >60°N) to Africa (to < 5°N) to sensory manipulation, to determine the sensory systems required for navigation. We translocated birds westward (1080 km) or eastward (885 km) to simulate natural navigational challenges. When translocated westwards and outside their migratory corridor birds with olfactory nerve section kept a clear directional preference (southerly) but were unable to compensate for the displacement, while intact birds and gulls with the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve sectioned oriented towards their population-specific migratory corridor. Thus, air-borne olfactory information seems to be important for migrating gulls to navigate successfully in some circumstances