19 research outputs found

    The SPACE Computer Code for Analyzing the International Space Station Electrical Power System: Past, Present, and Future

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    The System Power Analysis for Capability Evaluation (SPACE) computer code was initially developed by NASA in 1988 to assess the Space Station Freedom electric power system and later adapted to support contractor electrical power system capability analyses for the International Space Station (ISS). Over time, the code has supported many efforts such as ISS redesign activities in the early 1990s, assessment of time-phased loads against power system operating limits for future ISS assembly flights (including Certification of Flight Readiness reviews by the ISS program office), and determining the optimum solar array gimbal positions while respecting keep-out zones which minimize both solar array contamination and structural loads. The code has been validated by comparisons with ISS on-orbit data in multiple validation episodes. Recent updates to the code include the incorporation of a Lithium-Ion battery model in addition to the Nickel Hydrogen battery model and modifications to the solar array degradation model to better match on-orbit test results. SPACE has also been extended beyond the ISS to include modeling of the Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle electrical power system (SPACE-MPCV) and Mars Surface Electrical Power Systems (MSEPS). Portions of SPACE were integrated with a trajectory code to form a Solar Electric Propulsion Simulation (SEPSim), which can be used for analyzing solar electric propulsion missions. In addition, SPACE methods and subroutines have been adapted to a multitude of other projects. This paper summarizes the initial code development and subsequent code utilization in the context of the overall ISS program development and on-orbit operations. Recent updates and results from the code are discussed, including preliminary analyses for the Orion power system

    δ-Catenin promotes prostate cancer cell growth and progression by altering cell cycle and survival gene profiles

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    Background: delta-Catenin is a unique member of delta-catenin/armadillo domain superfamily proteins and its primary expression is restricted to the brain. However, delta-catenin is upregulated in human prostatic adenocarcinomas, although the effects of delta-catenin overexpression in prostate cancer are unclear. We hypothesized that delta-catenin plays a direct role in prostate cancer progression by altering gene profiles of cell cycle regulation and cell survival. Results: We employed gene transfection and small interfering RNA to demonstrate that increased delta-catenin expression promoted, whereas its knockdown suppressed prostate cancer cell viability. delta-Catenin promoted prostate cancer cell colony formation in soft agar as well as tumor xenograft growth in nude mice. Deletion of either the amino-terminal or carboxyl-terminal sequences outside the armadillo domains abolished the tumor promoting effects of delta-catenin. Quantitative RT2 Profilerâ„¢ PCR Arrays demonstrated gene alterations involved in cell cycle and survival regulation. delta-Catenin overexpression upregulated cyclin D1 and cdc34, increased phosphorylated histone-H3, and promoted the entry of mitosis. In addition, delta-catenin overexpression resulted in increased expression of cell survival genes Bcl-2 and survivin while reducing the cell cycle inhibitor p21Cip1. Conclusion: Taken together, our studies suggest that at least one consequence of an increased expression of delta-catenin in human prostate cancer is the alteration of cell cycle and survival gene profiles, thereby promoting tumor progression. Originally published Molecular Cancer, Vol. 8, No. 19, Mar 200

    Targeting prostate cancer based on signal transduction and cell cycle pathways

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    Prostate cancer remains a leading cause of death in men despite increased capacity to diagnose at earlier stages. After prostate cancer has become hormone independent, which often occurs after hormonal ablation therapies, it is difficult to effectively treat. Prostate cancer may arise from mutations and dysregulation of various genes involved in regulation signal transduction (e.g., PTEN, Akt, etc.,) and the cell cycle (e.g., p53, p21Cip1, p27Kip1, Rb, etc.,). This review focuses on the aberrant interactions of signal transduction and cell cycle genes products and how they can contribute to prostate cancer and alter therapeutic effectiveness. Originally published Cell Cycle, Vol. 7, No. 12, June 200

    Roles of the RAF/MEK/ERK Pathway in Cell Growth, Malignant Transformation and Drug Resistance

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    Growth factors and mitogens use the Ras/Raf/MEK/ERK signaling cascade to transmit signals from their receptors to regulate gene expression and prevent apoptosis. Some components of these pathways are mutated or aberrantly expressed in human cancer (e.g., Ras, B-Raf). Mutations also occur at genes encoding upstream receptors (e.g., EGFR and Flt-3) and chimeric chromosomal translocations (e.g., BCR-ABL) which transmit their signals through these cascades. Even in the absence of obvious genetic mutations, this pathway has been reported to be activated in over 50% of acute myelogenous leukemia and acute lymphocytic leukemia and is also frequently activated in other cancer types (e.g., breast and prostate cancers). Importantly, this increased expression is associated with a poor prognosis. The Ras/Raf/MEK/ERK and Ras/PI3K/PTEN/Akt pathways interact with each other to regulate growth and in some cases tumorigenesis. For example, in some cells, PTEN mutation may contribute to suppression of the Raf/MEK/ERK cascade due to the ability of activated Akt to phosphorylate and inactivate different Rafs. Although both of these pathways are commonly thought to have anti-apoptotic and drug resistance effects on cells, they display different cell lineage specific effects. For example, Raf/MEK/ERK is usually associated with proliferation and drug resistance of hematopoietic cells, while activation of the Raf/MEK/ERK cascade is suppressed in some prostate cancer cell lines which have mutations at PTEN and express high levels of activated Akt. Furthermore the Ras/Raf/MEK/ERK and Ras/PI3K/PTEN/Akt pathways also interact with the p53 pathway. Some of these interactions can result in controlling the activity and subcellular localization of Bim, Bak, Bax, Puma and Noxa. Raf/MEK/ERK may promote cell cycle arrest in prostate cells and this may be regulated by p53 as restoration of wild-type p53 in p53 deficient prostate cancer cells results in their enhanced sensitivity to chemotherapeutic drugs and increased expression of Raf/MEK/ERK pathway. Thus in advanced prostate cancer, it may be advantageous to induce Raf/MEK/ERK expression to promote cell cycle arrest, while in hematopoietic cancers it may be beneficial to inhibit Raf/MEK/ERK induced proliferation and drug resistance. Thus the Raf/MEK/ERK pathway has different effects on growth, prevention of apoptosis, cell cycle arrest and induction of drug resistance in cells of various lineages which may be due to the presence of functional p53 and PTEN and the expression of lineage specific factors. Originally published Biochim Biophys Acta, Vol. 1773, No. 8, August 200

    Alteration of AKT Activity Increases Chemotherapeutic Drug and Hormonal Resistance in Breast Cancer yet Confers an Achilles Heel by Sensitization to Targeted Therapy

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    The PI3K/PTEN/Akt/mTOR pathway plays critical roles in the regulation of cell growth. The effects of this pathway on drug resistance and cellular senescence of breast cancer cells has been a focus of our laboratory. Introduction of activated Akt or mutant PTEN constructs which lack lipid phosphatase [PTEN(G129E)] or lipid and protein phosphatase [PTEN(C124S)] activity increased the resistance of the cells to the chemotherapeutic drug doxorubicin, and the hormonal drug tamoxifen. Activated Akt and PTEN genes also inhibited the induction of senescence after doxorubicin treatment; a phenomenon associated with unrestrained proliferation and tumorigenesis. Interference with the lipid phosphatase domain of PTEN was sufficient to activate Akt/mTOR/p70S6K as MCF-7 cells transfected with the mutant PTEN gene lacking the lipid phosphatase activity [PTEN(G129E)] displayed elevated levels of activated Akt and p70S6K compared to empty vector transfected cells. Cells transfected with mutant PTEN or Akt constructs were hypersensitive to mTOR inhibitors when compared with the parental or empty vector transfected cells. Akt-transfected cells were cultured for over two months in tamoxifen from which tamoxifen and doxorubicin resistant cells were isolated that were >10-fold more resistant to tamoxifen and doxorubicin than the original Akt-transfected cells. These cells had a decreased induction of both activated p53 and total p21Cip1 upon doxorubicin treatment. Furthermore, these cells had an increased inactivation of GSK-3β and decreased expression of the estrogen receptor-α. In these drug resistant cells, there was an increased activation of ERK which is associated with proliferation. These drug resistant cells were hypersensitive to mTOR inhibitors and also sensitive to MEK inhibitors, indicating that the enhanced p70S6K and ERK expression was relevant to their drug and hormonal resistance. Given that Akt is overexpressed in greater than 50% of breast cancers, our results point to potential therapeutic targets, mTOR and MEK. These studies indicate that activation of the Akt kinase or disruption of the normal activity of the PTEN phosphatase can have dramatic effects on activity of p70S6K and other downstream substrates and thereby altering the therapeutic sensitivity of breast cancer cells. The effects of doxorubicin and tamoxifen on induction of the Raf/MEK/ERK and PI3K/Akt survival pathways were examined in unmodified MCF-7 breast cells. Doxorubicin was a potent inducer of activated ERK and to a lesser extent Akt. Tamoxifen also induced ERK. Thus a consequence of doxorubicin and tamoxifen therapy of breast cancer is the induction of a pro-survival pathway which may contribute to the development of drug resistance. Unmodified MCF-7 cells were also sensitive to MEK and mTOR inhibitors which synergized with both tamoxifen and doxorubicin to induce death. In summary, our results point to the key interactions between the PI3K/PTEN/Akt/mTOR and Raf/ MEK/ERK pathways in regulating chemotherapeutic drug resistance/sensitivity in breast cancer and indicate that targeting these pathways may prevent drug and hormonal resistance. Orignally published Advances in Enzyme Regulation, Vol. 48, No. 1, 2008

    Method of treating anxiety-related disorders with 2-aminocycloaliphatic amide compounds

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    A method for combatting anxiety in a subject in need of such treatment is provided. The method comprises administering to the subject a 2-aminocycloaliphatic amide kappa opioid agonist in an effective anxiety-combatting amount

    Method of treating anxiety-related disorders with 2-aminocycloaliphatic amide compounds

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    A method for combatting anxiety in a subject in need of such treatment is provided. The method comprises administering to the subject a 2-aminocycloaliphatic amide kappa opioid agonist in an effective anxiety-combatting amount