141 research outputs found
Proyecto García: construcción de la ciudad de la costa
Se analiza el proceso de urbanización de la Ciudad de la Costa, complejo y
creciente territorio metropolitano montevideano, que a la vez es la segunda
ciudad más importante de Uruguay. Entendido siempre como un proceso
espontáneo y sin planificación de formación del territorio, se sugiere una mirada
al mismo como un proyecto de suelo global que se realiza en un siglo, donde la
agrimensura y la forestación adquieren crucial importancia. El proyecto se inicia
con la adquisición de un gran campo por parte de un empresario que comienza
a utilizar la forestación como instrumento de recuperación y cualificación de tierras pantanosas. Una primera partición de la tierra marca las principales trazas en el territorio, y un sucesivo proceso de fraccionamiento del suelo rural con visión urbanizadora, primero motivado por un reparto equitativo entre los descendientes de Doroteo García, pero luego por un proyecto urbanizador basado en la cultura de sol y playa y la especulación inmobiliaria, define los principales componentes de este proyecto.This article analyses the urbanization process of the Ciudad de la Costa, a
complex and growing metropolitan territory in Montevideo and the second largest city of Uruguay. Always understood as a spontaneous configuration process and an unplanned territory, a view of a global land project is suggested, completed in one century and in which the surveying and afforestation acquires crucial importance. The project begins with the acquisition of a large field by a businessman who starts using forestry as a tool for recovery and qualification of
wetlands. A first land partition defines the main traces in the territory, and it is
followed by a process of rural land fragmentation with an urban vision: first
motivated by an equal distribution among the descendants of Doroteo Garcia, but then by an urbanizing project based in the sun and beach culture and real estate speculation. This defines the main components of this project.Peer Reviewe
Social Inequalities in Argentina and Chile: A Comparative Analysis of Welfare Models, Labour Policies, and Occupational Trajectories from a Biographical Perspective
The article analyses the configurations of social inequality in Argentina and Chile between 2000 and 2019 through a comparative biographical approach that combines three dimensions: macro-social (welfare models), meso-social (labour policies), and micro-social (occupational trajectories). In Argentina, welfare schemes oscillated between moderate protectionism and a liberal approach; in Chile, a movement was observed between revised neoliberalism and a protectionist liberal welfare approach. Regarding labour policies, a transition from employment regulation to self-management was observed in the Argentine job market; in Chile, a meritocratic discourse remains that advocates for worker self-management, regardless of changes in welfare schemes. These differences have no appreciable impact on the configuration of class trajectories, which are similar in both countries. While the service classes generally construct advantageous trajectories, the intermediate classes are ambivalently affected by crises and insufficient protection and the working classes accumulate disadvantages since they are conditioned by welfare schemes and social-labour policies.Fil: Muñiz Terra, Leticia Magali. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación. Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales; ArgentinaFil: Rubilar, Gabriela. Universidad de Chile; Chil
Inserção de ações em saude bucal e do tratamento Restaurador atraumático em conjunto com as pastorais da Criança de Mandaguari e Sarandi-PR
Trabalho apresentado no 31º SEURS - Seminário de Extensão Universitária da Região Sul, realizado em Florianópolis, SC, no período de 04 a 07 de agosto de 2013 - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.Saúde bucal, Criança, Tratamento restaurador atraumático, Pastora
This paper aims to rescue and condense microeconomic elements that can be found in the oeuvre of Keynes and the Post Keynesians. To do so, this paper undertakes a vast review of the literature on the theory of the firm in this theoretical perspective, based on the perception that this is not a standard research agenda in post Keynesian literature. Therefore, there are two gaps on the Post Keynesian theory: on the one hand, there is a lack regarding a consolidated and firm theory; on the other hand, updated references on the subject are not frequently seeing. The contribution of this review gathers and thickens the developments made on the subject.O objetivo deste artigo é buscar e reunir elementos microeconômicos em meio às obras de Keynes e dos pós-keynesianos. Para tanto realizou-se uma revisão da literatura sobre a teoria da firma nessa perspectiva teórica, a partir da percepção de que a microeconomia não é um tema recorrente na literatura pós-keynesiana, o que gera duas lacunas, por um lado, de uma teoria consolidada de firma e, por outro lado, de referências mais atuais sobre o tema. A contribuição desta revisão reúne e adensa os desenvolvimentos feitos sobre o assunto
Perspectiva biográfica comparada: reflexiones conceptuales y metodológicas para el estudio de casos de desigualdades sociales en Argentina, Chile y España
This article presents a conceptual reflection and a methodological proposal for studying social inequalities from a comparative perspective. The proposal incorporates a theoretical-conceptual approach to comparative qualitative analysis, reviewing a number of traditions that inform the analysis and production of comparative studies, comparative cases, and the comparative biographical perspective in social science research. First, this reflection makes it possible to formulate, at a conceptual level, a Comparative Biographical Perspective (CBP), which is then reviewed and discussed considering a specific methodological design for comparing cases in Argentina, Chile, and Spain. The empirical analysis of the theoretical model makes it possible to adjust elements of the initial proposal and analyze its scope and possibilities for more wide-ranging studies, thus extending the preliminary experience led by an INCASI research group. In the results section, an analysis is presented of the particularities of the comparative biographical perspective as an articulation of case studies, the biographical approach, and comparative methods. It is asserted that this perspective has the potential to articulate and add tension to the macro-, meso-, and micro-social scales, leading to comparison at four levels: intra-scalar, intra-configurative, inter-scalar, and inter-configurative. The temporal dimension, as a core element of biographical studies, incorporates dynamism and a longitudinal perspective into case follow-up processes. This was mainly revealed by the empirical testing of the model. The piloting of the theoretical model presented in the article –based on the comparative biographical perspective– made it possible to observe differences between countries (cases), social classes (high, middle, and low), and subjects (within each class) in three cities of the three countries selected, shedding light on the macro-, meso-, and micro-social scales, their articulations with temporality, and their possible comparisons in future research. Lastly, the article outlines the potential and limitations of the perspective discussed, emphasizing the challenges that must be addressed to consolidate the comparative analysis proposal advanced and providing theoretical and empirical materials for enriching debate and contributing to the progress of comparative methodology.Este artículo desarrolla una reflexión conceptual y una propuesta metodológica para el estudio de desigualdades sociales con perspectiva comparada. La propuesta incorpora un acercamiento teórico conceptual al análisis cualitativo comparado, revisando algunas tradiciones sobre análisis y producción de estudios comparados, casos comparados y perspectiva biográfica comparada en ciencias sociales. Esta reflexión permite en primera instancia la formulación a nivel conceptual de una propuesta teórica de Perspectiva Biográfica comparada (PBC), la que posteriormente se revisa y discute a partir de un diseño metodológico específico de casos comparado en Argentina, Chile y España. El análisis empírico del modelo teórico permite ajustar elementos de la propuesta inicial y analizar sus alcances y posibilidades para otros estudios más amplios a la experiencia desarrollada preliminarmente por un grupo de investigación de INCASI. En los resultados se presenta un análisis de las particularidades de la perspectiva biográfica comparada como una articulación entre los estudios de caso, la aproximación biográfica y los métodos comparados. Se sostiene así que esta perspectiva ofrece la potencialidad de articular y tensionar las escalas macro, meso y microsociales, dando lugar a comparaciones en cuatro niveles o escalas: intraescalar, intraconfigurtiva, interescalar, interconfigurativa. La dimensión temporal presente como eje clave en los estudios biográficos, permite aporta dinamismo y perspectiva longitudinal al seguimiento de los casos en el tiempo y que se recoge especialmente de la prueba empírica del modelo. La prueba piloto del modelo teórico de perspectiva biográfica comparada permite observar las diferencias entre países (casos), entre clases sociales (servicios, intermedias y trabajadoras) en tres ciudades de los tres países seleccionados, recuperando las escalas macro, meso y micro sociales, sus articulaciones en la temporalidad y sus posibles comparaciones en investigaciones futuras. El estudio concluye señalando las potencialidades y limitaciones que posee la perspectiva presentada, enfatiza en los desafíos para la consolidación de la propuesta de análisis comparado, al mismo tiempo que aporta insumos teóricos y empíricos para el debate y avance de la metodología comparativa.
This article presents a conceptual reflection and a methodological proposal for studying social inequalities from a comparative perspective. The proposal incorporates a theoretical-conceptual approach to comparative qualitative analysis, reviewing a number of traditions that inform the analysis and production of comparative studies, comparative cases, and the comparative biographical perspective in social science research. First, this reflection makes it possible to formulate, at a conceptual level, a Comparative Biographical Perspective (CBP), which is then reviewed and discussed considering a specific methodological design for comparing cases in Argentina, Chile, and Spain. The empirical analysis of the theoretical model makes it possible to adjust elements of the initial proposal and analyze its scope and possibilities for more wide-ranging studies, thus extending the preliminary experience led by an INCASI research group. In the results section, an analysis is presented of the particularities of the comparative biographical perspective as an articulation of case studies, the biographical approach, and comparative methods. It is asserted that this perspective has the potential to articulate and add tension to the macro-, meso-, and micro-social scales, leading to comparison at four levels: intra-scalar, intra-configurative, inter-scalar, and inter-configurative. The temporal dimension, as a core element of biographical studies, incorporates dynamism and a longitudinal perspective into case follow-up processes. This was mainly revealed by the empirical testing of the model. The piloting of the theoretical model presented in the article –based on the comparative biographical perspective– made it possible to observe differences between countries (cases), social classes (high, middle, and low), and subjects (within each class) in three cities of the three countries selected, shedding light on the macro-, meso-, and micro-social scales, their articulations with temporality, and their possible comparisons in future research. Lastly, the article outlines the potential and limitations of the perspective discussed, emphasizing the challenges that must be addressed to consolidate the comparative analysis proposal advanced and providing theoretical and empirical materials for enriching debate and contributing to the progress of comparative methodology
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Black, Brown, and Powerful: Freedom Dreams in Unequal Cities
In April 2018, the Institute on Inequality and Democracy convened scholars, activists, policy advocates, community residents, and nonprofit workers to share and discuss research and action pertaining to processes of inequality in Los Angeles. We sought to shed light on the entangled structures of oppression, including urban displacement, housing precarity, racialized policing, criminal justice debt, forced labor, and the mass supervision and control of youth. Through keynote talks, group dialogue, and workshops, we analyzed how in Los Angeles, and elsewhere, black and brown communities face multiple forms of banishment and exploitation ranging from the criminalization of poverty to institutionalized theft.The question of racial banishment has been an important one for the Institute since its inauguration two years ago. This year though, amidst the troubled times of Trumpism, we wanted to shift our focus from banishment to freedom. In the reports that follow, you will find many examples of what Robin D.G. Kelley, a key presence at the Institute, has famously called “freedom dreams.” Located in, and thinking from South Central Los Angeles, the event’s participants provide insight into organizing frameworks and resistance strategies that challenge exclusion and refuse subordination. From tenant organizing to debtors’ unions, from underground scholars to educational reparations, visions of freedom abound. The Institute on Inequality and Democracy is convinced that university-based research can, and must, support such freedom dreams. Such partnership – between the public university and social justice movements – requires careful attention to the difficult task of decolonizing the university. This mandate is evident throughout this collection of reports. There is no easy alliance between academic power and banished communities; there is no obvious solidarity between urban plans and freedom dreams. This event was intended to be a step towards building such alliances, especially by reconstructing the curriculum and canon of knowledge
Estrategia de Negociación Comercial de Uruguay. Visiones de Agentes Involucrados
Uruguay has undergone a gradual trade liberalization process that has opened the economy to the world. The country is currently conducting trade negotiations that can considerably improve its access to developed countries markets. Based on interviews with enterprises, trade unions and government authorities, this paper aims at identifying the main interests of different sectors and agents involved in trade negotiations. MERCOSUR was indicated by the agents as the main subject of trade negotiations, considering the relevant concessions already achieved by the country within this regional agreement. Developed countries are regarded as suppliers of intermediate inputs and capital goods in order to improve competition in regional markets and as potential markets for agricultural and agroindustrial products. Other regional markets are considered to be less important. Uruguay is a small country with a highly specialized productive pattern, so the availability of intermediate inputs of appropriate price and quality was mentioned as an important priority by most of the agentes interviewed. On the other hand, there is no consensus regarding the future direction of trade negotiations; in particular, different opinions concerning the future of MERCOSUR coexist and a short - term view prevails.MERCOSUR, negociación externa, instrumentos de política comercial.
Insumos alternativos para produção orgânica de mudas de hortaliçasAlternative inputs for organic production of vegetable seedlings
Na cadeia produtiva de produção de mudas de hortaliças, a definição de substratos de baixo custo, que sejam facilmente disponível regionalmente e com reduzido impacto ambiental, é uma demanda atual. No projeto em questão, avaliou-se o desenvolvimento de mudas de tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) produzidas em estufa plástica do tipo túnel baixo, no período de 03/09/2014 a 21/10/2014, na Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Sul, unidade de Santana do Livramento. Os tratamentos foram constituídos de diferentes formulações de substratos com base em casca de arroz, sendo: 1 - casca de arroz carbonizada (100%); 2 - composto orgânico comercial (100%); 3 - casca de arroz carbonizada (33%) + esterco bovino (33%) + solo (33%); 4 - casca de arroz carbonizada (33%) + esterco equino ( 33%) + solo (33%). As variáveis agronômicas medidas foram precocidade de emergência de plântulas, altura de mudas, número de folhas, matéria seca da parte aérea, sendo que todas apontaram para um resultado superior ao utilizar o substrato casca de arroz carbonizada (33%) + esterco bovino (33%) + solo (33%). Nesse sentido, conclui-se que se pode recomendar ao agricultor familiar essa opção para utilizar no meio de cultivo de mudas na propriedade rural, já que existe a facilidade de obtenção dos materiais, aliada à redução dos custos de produção e adequado desempenho.AbstractIn the productive chain of vegetables seedings growth, the definition of low cost substracts wich are easily available in the local area and with reduced environment damage is current demand. This present project the development of tomatoes seedings (Lycopersicon esculentum L),produced inside hatchery with plastic cover and short tunnel model,in the period from 03/09/2014 to 21/10/2014 at Rio Grande do Sul State University, Santana do Livramento Unit. The processings were made in different substracts formulations based on rice rusk,were: 1-carbonized rice rusk(100%);2-comercial organic compost(100%); 3-carbonized rice rusk(33%)+cattle manure(33%)+soil (33%);4-carbonized rice rusk(33%)+horse manure(33%)+soil(33%) The agronomic variables measures were emergency precocity of seedlings, seedings height, number of leaves, dry material of the air part, and all of them showed the best result with the substract of carbonized rice rusk (33%)+cattle manure (33%)+soil(33%). So we conclude that we can recommend this option to the farmer, to use that in the cultivation of seedings, as well as the facility of getting the materials, the reduction of production costs and an appropriate performance
Comparative biographical perspective: conceptual and methodological reflections based on case studies of social inequalities in Argentina, Chile, and Spain
Este artículo desarrolla una reflexión conceptual y una propuesta metodológica para el estudio de desigualdades sociales con perspectiva comparada. La propuesta incorpora un acercamiento teórico conceptual al análisis cualitativo comparado, revisando algunas tradiciones sobre análisis y producción de estudios comparados, casos comparados y perspectiva biográfica comparada en ciencias sociales.Esta reflexión permite en primera instancia la formulación a nivel conceptual de una propuesta teórica de Perspectiva Biográfica comparada (PBC), la que posteriormente se revisa y discute a partir de un diseño metodológico específico de casos comparado en Argentina, Chile y España. El análisis empírico del modelo teórico permite ajustar elementos de la propuesta inicial y analizar sus alcances y posibilidades para otros estudios más amplios a la experiencia desarrollada preliminarmente por un grupo de investigación de INCASI.En los resultados se presenta un análisis de las particularidades de la perspectiva biográfica comparada como una articulación entre los estudios de caso, la aproximación biográfica y los métodos comparados. Se sostiene así que esta perspectiva ofrece la potencialidad de articular y tensionar las escalas macro, meso y microsociales, dando lugar a comparaciones en cuatro niveles o escalas: intraescalar, intraconfigurtiva, interescalar, interconfigurativa. La dimensión temporal presente como eje clave en los estudios biográficos, permite aporta dinamismo y perspectiva longitudinal al seguimiento de los casos en el tiempo y que se recoge especialmente de la prueba empírica del modelo.La prueba piloto del modelo teórico de perspectiva biográfica comparada permite observar las diferencias entre países (casos), entre clases sociales (servicios, intermedias y trabajadoras) en tres ciudades de los tres países seleccionados, recuperando las escalas macro, meso y micro sociales, sus articulaciones en la temporalidad y sus posibles comparaciones en investigaciones futuras. El estudio concluye señalando las potencialidades y limitaciones que posee la perspectiva presentada, enfatiza en los desafíos para la consolidación de la propuesta de análisis comparado, al mismo tiempo que aporta insumos teóricos y empíricos para el debate y avance de la metodología comparativa.This article presents a conceptual reflection and a methodological proposal for studying social inequalities from a comparative perspective. The proposal incorporates a theoretical-conceptual approach to comparative qualitative analysis, reviewing a number of traditions that inform the analysis and production of comparative studies, comparative cases, and the comparative biographical perspective in social science research. First, this reflection makes it possible to formulate, at a conceptual level, a Comparative Biographical Perspective (CBP), which is then reviewed and discussed considering a specific methodological design for comparing cases in Argentina, Chile, and Spain. The empirical analysis of the theoretical model makes it possible to adjust elements of the initial proposal and analyze its scope and possibilities for more wide-ranging studies, thus extending the preliminary experience led by an INCASI research group. In the results section, an analysis is presented of the particularities of the comparative biographical perspective as an articulation of case studies, the biographical approach, and comparative methods. It is asserted that this perspective has the potential to articulate and add tension to the macro-, meso-, and micro-social scales, leading to comparison at four levels: intra-scalar, intraconfigurative, inter-scalar, and inter-configurative. The temporal dimension, as a core element of biographical studies, incorporates dynamism and a longitudinal perspective into case follow-up processes. This was mainly revealed by the empirical testing of the model. The piloting of the theoretical model presented in the article –based on the comparative biographical perspective– made it possible to observe differences between countries (cases), social classes (high, middle, and low), and subjects (within each class) in three cities of the three countries selected, shedding light on the macro-, meso-, and micro-social scales, their articulations with temporality, and their possible comparisons in future research. Lastly, the article outlines the potential and limitations of the perspective discussed, emphasizing the challenges that must be addressed to consolidate the comparative analysis proposal advanced and providing theoretical and empirical materials for enriching debate and contributing to the progress of comparative methodology.Fil: Dominguez Amorós, Marius. Universidad de Barcelona; EspañaFil: Rubilar Donoso, Gabriela. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Muñiz Terra, Leticia Magali. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación. Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales; Argentin
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