
Estrategia de Negociación Comercial de Uruguay. Visiones de Agentes Involucrados


Uruguay has undergone a gradual trade liberalization process that has opened the economy to the world. The country is currently conducting trade negotiations that can considerably improve its access to developed countries markets. Based on interviews with enterprises, trade unions and government authorities, this paper aims at identifying the main interests of different sectors and agents involved in trade negotiations. MERCOSUR was indicated by the agents as the main subject of trade negotiations, considering the relevant concessions already achieved by the country within this regional agreement. Developed countries are regarded as suppliers of intermediate inputs and capital goods in order to improve competition in regional markets and as potential markets for agricultural and agroindustrial products. Other regional markets are considered to be less important. Uruguay is a small country with a highly specialized productive pattern, so the availability of intermediate inputs of appropriate price and quality was mentioned as an important priority by most of the agentes interviewed. On the other hand, there is no consensus regarding the future direction of trade negotiations; in particular, different opinions concerning the future of MERCOSUR coexist and a short - term view prevails.MERCOSUR, negociación externa, instrumentos de política comercial.

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