60 research outputs found
Assessing the Use of Teams and Teamwork in an Organization
Hlavním cílem diplomové práce je zhodnotit využívání současných týmů a týmové spolupráce v dané organizaci za účelem navržení doporučení k účinnějšímu fungování týmů a týmové spolupráce. Pro vyhodnocení aplikace týmů a týmové práce v organizaci je vytyčeno dalších devět podcílů. Diplomová práce je rozvržena do šesti kapitol. První kapitola je úvodní a jsou zde uvedeny cíle diplomové práce. V druhé kapitole jsou objasněny rozdíly mezi pracovní skupinou a týmem a dále jsou zde uvedeny některé současné druhy týmů v organizacích. Následně je zde věnována pozornost sestavení týmu, vývojovým fázím, komunikaci v týmu, teambuildingu, týmové motivaci, týmovému odměňování, faktorům úspěšnosti týmové práce a metodám a technikám pro získávání a posuzování dat. Třetí kapitola obsahuje charakteristiku vybrané organizace. V této kapitole je podrobněji popsáno oddělení, kde je realizována aplikační část práce. Čtvrtá kapitola se zabývá analýzou týmů a týmové spolupráce na vybraném oddělení organizace. Významnou částí dané kapitoly jsou výsledky dotazníkového průzkumu a jejich interpretace. V páté kapitole jsou uvedené návrhy a doporučení, která mohou vést k účinnějšímu aplikování týmů a týmové práce. Závěrečnou kapitolou je kapitola šestá, kde se nachází stručné shrnutí diplomové práce.The main goal of the thesis is to evaluate the use of current teams and teamwork in the organization in order to propose recommendations for more effective functioning of teams and teamwork. Another nine sub-objectives are set to evaluate the application of teams and teamwork in the organization. The diploma thesis is divided into six chapters. The first chapter is introductory and there are the goals of the thesis. The second chapter explains the differences between the working group and the team, and also lists some current types of teams in organizations. Subsequently, attention is paid to team building, development phases, team communication, teambuilding, team motivation, team reward, success factors of teamwork and methods and techniques for data acquisition and assessment. The third chapter contains the characteristics of the selected organization. This chapter describes in more detail the department where the application part of the work is implemented. The fourth chapter deals with the analysis of teams and teamwork in a selected department of the organization. An important part of the chapter are the results of the questionnaire survey and their interpretation. The fifth chapter contains suggestions and recommendations that can lead to more effective application of teams and teamwork. The final chapter is the sixth chapter, which contains a brief summary of the thesis.115 - Katedra managementuvýborn
Self-Regulated Vocabulary Learning in EFL Context
Bakalářská práce se zabývá analýzou strategií učení slovíček ve vztahu k autoregulovanému učení. V teoretické části je popsán proces autoregulace učení a strategie učení se slovní zásoby, které jsou klasifikovány do skupin. Součástí je i krátká analýza mentálního vývoje vysokoškolských studentů. Z těchto poznatků těží dotazníkové šetření v praktické části, které zkoumá míru samostatnosti a strategie učení studentů anglického jazyka pro vdělávání na Fakultě přírodovědně-humanitní a pedagogické Technické univerzity v Liberci. Pomocí otázek, které navazují na teoretickou část, jsou vytvořeny grafy a vyvozeny závěry. Vytvořena je rovněž tabulka s nejvíce používanými strategiemi učení se slovíček.This bachelor's thesis deals with the analysis of individual vocabulary learning strategies in connection with self-regulated learning. The theoretical part of the thesis describes the process of self-regulated learning as well as vocabulary learning strategies and their classification. It also includes a quick analysis of the mental development of university students. The practical part of the thesis includes a questionnaire which examines the level of independence of the students of English for Education at the Faculty of Science, Humanities and Education at Technical University of Liberec as well as their most frequently used vocabulary strategies. Graphs and conclusions are made from the results of the questionnaire. Moreover, a table with the most frequently used vocabulary learning strategies is created
Assessment of Employee Learning and Development at a High School
Hlavní cílem bakalářské práce je analyzovat a vyhodnotit současný stav vzdělávání a rozvoje zaměstnanců na vybrané střední škole a zjistit aplikované metody vzdělávání a rozvoje. Dále navrhnout případná doporučení na zdokonalení nynějšího systému vzdělávání a rozvoje na vybrané střední škole. Bakalářská práce je rozdělená do šesti kapitol. První kapitola je úvodní. Druhá kapitola popisuje strategické vzdělávání a rozvoj, rozdíly mezi učením se, vzděláváním a rozvojem a také obsahuje charakteristiku systematického vzdělávání a rozvoje. Třetí kapitola zahrnuje popis vybrané střední školy. Čtvrtá kapitola se zabývá analýzou současného systému vzdělávání a rozvoje na střední škole. V páté kapitole jsou navrženy návrhy a doporučení na zlepšení dosavadního systému vzdělávání a rozvoje na škole. Šestá kapitola je kapitolou závěrečnou, která obsahuje stručné shrnutí každé kapitoly.The main aim of this thesis is to analyze and evaluate the current status of staff training and development to selected high school and find out the applied methods of education and development. Furthermore, to suggest possible recommendations to improve the current system of training and development to selected high school. Bachelor thesis is divided into six chapters. The first chapter is introductory. The second chapter describes the strategic training and development, the differences between learning, education and development and also contains the characteristics of the systematic training and development. The third chapter includes a description of the selected high school. The fourth chapter deals with the analysis of the current system of education and development at the high school. In the fifth chapter are designed suggestions and recommendations to improve the current system of education and development at the school. The sixth chapter is a chapter of the final, which contains a brief summary of each chapter.115 - Katedra managementuvýborn
Spravedlivé zacházení a legitimní očekávání v investičních sporech
Právní institut ochrany legitimních očekávání hraje v právu mezinárodních investic důležitou roli. Ačkoli se do popředí dostal především v průběhu posledních patnácti let, jeho význam a uplatnění stále vzrůstá. Daný institut poskytuje ochranu rozumným a ospravedlnitelným očekáváním na straně investorů založeným na objektivně seznatelném chování hostitelského státu, na které se investor při investování spoléhá a jimž hostitelský stát následně nedostojí, a způsobí tak investorům škodu. Koncept legitimních očekávání nicméně vyvolává debaty týkající se oprávněnosti aplikace institutu v právu mezinárodních investic a vzbuzuje obavy z nejasných hranic daného institutu a přílišně extenzivního výkladu. Tato diplomová práce si klade za cíl potvrdit, či vyvrátit dvě základní teze. Zaprvé, princip ochrany legitimních očekávání je etablovaný právní institut práva mezinárodních investic s patrnými kořeny v národních právních systémech i v obecném mezinárodním právu. V rámci zkoumání této otázky práce nastiňuje možná teoretická zakotvení konceptu obhajující jeho aplikaci v investičním právu, ale i související kritiku. Mají legitimní očekávání svou oprávněnou pozici v právu mezinárodních investic, nebo se jedná o nesprávné použití daného institutu? Druhá teze reaguje na zvyšující se varovné hlasy upozorňující na...The concept of legitimate expectations plays a significant role in international investment law. Although it is only in the past roughly fifteen years that the concept has come to the spotlight, its importance and utilization is on the rise. Generally speaking, the concept of legitimate expectations, under certain conditions, allows a foreign investor to claim compensation in situations where the conduct of a host State creates a legitimate and reasonable expectation that the investor may rely on such conduct, and consequently the host State fails to fulfill those expectations, causing damages to the investor. However, the concept of protection of legitimate expectations has stirred up debates as to the legitimacy of its use in investment law and raised concerns due to its imprecise boundaries and excessively extensive interpretation. Accordingly, it is the goal of this thesis to either confirm or refute two main propositions. The first proposition suggests that the principle of protection of legitimate expectations is an established principle of investment law with traceable origins in both domestic law and general international law. The examination of the first proposition addresses theoretical roots of the concept of legitimate expectations justifying its application in investment law together...Department of Public International LawKatedra mezinárodního právaPrávnická fakultaFaculty of La
Intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) planning and verification is a complex process but it could be simplified without compromising patient safety. One such way is suggested in our work. A new method for estimation of fluence complexity in IMRT fields is proposed. Unlike other previously published works, it is based on portal images calculated by the Portal Dose Calculation algorithm in Eclipse (version 8.6, Varian Medical Systems) in the plane of the EPID aS500 detector. Fluence complexity is given by the number and the amplitudes of dose gradients in these matrices. Our method is validated using a set of clinical plans where fluence has been smoothed manually so that each plan has a different level of complexity. Fluence complexity calculated with our tool is in accordance with the different levels of smoothing and correlates well with dose volume histogram parameters. Thus, it is possible to estimate plan complexity before carrying out the measurement, which could save time in the replanning and remeasuring process
Climate, host and geography shape insect and fungal communities of trees.
Non-native pests, climate change, and their interactions are likely to alter relationships between trees and tree-associated organisms with consequences for forest health. To understand and predict such changes, factors structuring tree-associated communities need to be determined. Here, we analysed the data consisting of records of insects and fungi collected from dormant twigs from 155 tree species at 51 botanical gardens or arboreta in 32 countries. Generalized dissimilarity models revealed similar relative importance of studied climatic, host-related and geographic factors on differences in tree-associated communities. Mean annual temperature, phylogenetic distance between hosts and geographic distance between locations were the major drivers of dissimilarities. The increasing importance of high temperatures on differences in studied communities indicate that climate change could affect tree-associated organisms directly and indirectly through host range shifts. Insect and fungal communities were more similar between closely related vs. distant hosts suggesting that host range shifts may facilitate the emergence of new pests. Moreover, dissimilarities among tree-associated communities increased with geographic distance indicating that human-mediated transport may serve as a pathway of the introductions of new pests. The results of this study highlight the need to limit the establishment of tree pests and increase the resilience of forest ecosystems to changes in climate
Climate, host and geography shape insect and fungal communities of trees
13 Pág.Non-native pests, climate change, and their interactions are likely to alter relationships between trees and tree-associated organisms with consequences for forest health. To understand and predict such changes, factors structuring tree-associated communities need to be determined. Here, we analysed the data consisting of records of insects and fungi collected from dormant twigs from 155 tree species at 51 botanical gardens or arboreta in 32 countries. Generalized dissimilarity models revealed similar relative importance of studied climatic, host-related and geographic factors on differences in tree-associated communities. Mean annual temperature, phylogenetic distance between hosts and geographic distance between locations were the major drivers of dissimilarities. The increasing importance of high temperatures on differences in studied communities indicate that climate change could affect tree-associated organisms directly and indirectly through host range shifts. Insect and fungal communities were more similar between closely related vs. distant hosts suggesting that host range shifts may facilitate the emergence of new pests. Moreover, dissimilarities among tree-associated communities increased with geographic distance indicating that human-mediated transport may serve as a pathway of the introductions of new pests. The results of this study highlight the need to limit the establishment of tree pests and increase the resilience of forest ecosystems to changes in climate.We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Swiss National Science Foundation (Project C15.0081) Grant 174644 and the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment Grant 00.0418.PZ/P193-1077. This work was supported by COST Action “Global Warning” (FP1401). CABI is an international intergovernmental organisation, and R.E., M.K., H.L. and I.F. gratefully acknowledge the core financial support from our member countries (and lead agencies) including the United Kingdom (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office), China (Chinese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs), Australia (Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research), Canada (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada), Netherlands (Directorate General for International Cooperation), and Switzerland (Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation). See https://www.cabi.org/aboutcabi/who-we-work-with/key-donors/ for full details. M.B. and M.K.H. were financially supported by the Slovak Research and Development Agency (Project APVV-19-0116). H.B. would like to thank the botanist Jorge Capelo who helped with Myrtaceae identification and INIAV IP for supporting her contribution to this study. Contributions of M. de G. and B.P. were financed through Slovenian Research Agency (P4-0107) and by the Slovenian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food (Public Forestry Service). G.C, C.B.E. and A.F.M. were supported by OTKA 128008 research grant provided by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office. Contributions of K.A. and R.D. were supported by the Estonian Research Council grants PSG136 and PRG1615. M.J.J., C.L.M. and H.P.R. were financially supported by the 15. Juni Fonden (Grant 2017-N-123). P.B., B.G. and M.Ka. were financially supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Poland for the University of Agriculture in Krakow (SUB/040013-D019). C.N. was financially supported by the Slovak Research and Development Agency (Grant APVV-15-0531). N.K. was partially supported by the Russian Science Foundation (grant № 22-16-00075) [species identification] and the basic project of Sukachev Institute of Forest SB RAS (№ FWES-2021-0011) [data analysis]. R.OH. was supported by funding from DAERA, and assistance from David Craig, AFBI. T.P. thanks the South African Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) for funding noting that this publication does not necessarily represent the views or opinions of DFFE or its employees. In preparing the publication, materials of the bioresource scientific collection of the CSBG SB RAS “Collections of living plants indoors and outdoors” USU_440534 (Novosibirsk, Russia) were used. M.Z. was financially supported by Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation of the Republic of Serbia (contract no. 451-03-47/2023-01/200197). We acknowledge the Genetic Diversity Centre (GDC) at ETH Zurich for providing computational infrastructure and acknowledge the contribution of McGill University and Génome Québec Innovation Center (Montréal, Quebec, Canada) for pair-end sequencing on Illumina MiSeq. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Peer reviewe
Determination of selected metals in soils and mushrooms in the vicinity of the D1 highway.
The aim of the bachelor thesis was to determine the concentrations of heavy metals in edible mushroom samples and underlying soils. The elements measured were mainly copper, iron and zinc, followed by manganese, strontium and rubidium. The literature search contains brief information on each element and their content in soils and fruiting bodies of mushrooms in other studies. The theoretical part also includes chapters on fungi, soils and their contamination, the effect of vehicular traffic on the heavy metal content of soils and the used analytical method, which was atomic absorption spectrometry. For the practical part, 24 samples of eight different species of edible mushrooms were collected in the autumn of 2020 and 2021 in the vicinity of the D1 motorway. As part of the collection, the soil beneath the mushroom was also sampled to a depth of approximately 15 cm. The samples were first perfectly dried, then processed by microwave digestion, and finally analysed by AAS. All work was carried out in the laboratories of the Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture and Technology, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice. The results of the measurements were tabulated and processed statistically and graphically. Finally, they were evaluated in a discussion. The analysis showed that birch and birch goosefoot accumulate the least heavy metals in their fruiting bodies. The spruce budworm, the pink toadflax, the celandine and the brown mushroom accumulate metals on a large scale. In total, 4.2-45 mg.kg-1 dry weight Cu, 97,4-4166 mg.kg-1 Fe, 52,1-338,7 mg.kg-1 Zn, 3-61,4 mg.kg-1 Mn, 1,3-7 mg.kg-1 Sr and 7,7-300,9 mg.kg-1 Rb were measured in mushrooms. In soils, the values were as follows: 5,2-78,6 mg.kg-1 Cu, 2 965-41 983 mg.kg-1 Fe, 25,8- 174,2 mg.kg-1 Zn, 49,7-1 868 mg.kg-1 Mn, 6,2-25,2 mg.kg-1 Sr and 12,2-114,5 mg.kg-1 Rb in dry weight. These results show that strontium was the least represented heavy metal studied and iron was the most represented
Taxation of employee benefits in the Czech Republic and Slovakia
The aim of this diploma thesis is to compare the taxation of selected employee benefits on the part of the employee and the convenience of providing them from the employer´s point of view. Everything according to the income taxes laws in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, in force at the beginning of 2023. The work is divided into two main parts. The first part summarizes the most important legal provisions governing employee benefits in the given countries. The following is a description of the taxation of selected benefits, both from the point of view of tax on income from dependent activity, and from the point of view of tax deductibility of costs on the part of the employer. In the second part of the thesis, the influence of employee benefits on the income of selected employees and also on the employer's tax base is demonstrated on a model example. At the same time, the convenience of selected benefits compared to the provision of the same amount in the form of wages is compared, as well as their convenience compared to other selected benefits, as well as the differences in taxation in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.Cílem této diplomové práce je porovnat zdanění vybraných zaměstnaneckých benefitů na straně zaměstnance a výhodnost jejich poskytování z pohledu zaměstnavatele. Vše dle zákonů o daních z příjmů v České republice a na Slovensku, platných na začátku roku 2023. Práce je rozdělena na dvě hlavní části. V první části práce jsou shrnuty nejdůležitější zákonná ustanovení upravující zaměstnanecké benefity v daných zemích. Následuje popis zdanění vybraných benefitů, a to jak z pohledu daně z příjmů ze závislé činnosti, tak z pohledu daňové uznatelnosti nákladů na straně zaměstnavatele. V druhé části práce je na modelovém příkladu demonstrován vliv zaměstnaneckých benefitů na příjem vybraných zaměstnanců a také na základ daně zaměstnavatele. Současně je porovnána výhodnost vybraných benefitů oproti poskytnutí stejné částky ve formě mzdy, dále jejich výhodnost oproti jiným vybraným benefitům a také rozdíly ve zdanění v České republice a na Slovensku
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