107 research outputs found

    Programa de estrategias metodológicas para desarrollar la conciencia ecológica en los estudiantes de la Institución Educativa "Agropecuario Toribio Rodriguez de Mendoza" - 2016

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como propósito demostrar que la aplicación de un programa de estrategias metodológicas desarrolla la conciencia ecológica en los estudiantes de la Institución Educativa “Agropecuario Toribio Rodriguez de Mendoza”- 2016. Esta investigación ha utilizado el diseño pre- experimental con pre test y post testcon 20 items con una escala de respuestas de cinco (05) alternativas, con una muestra de estudio de 22 estudiantes, cuyos resultados se evidencian a través de cuadros y gráficos. A través de la investigación realizada con los estudiantes de la I.E. Agropecuario Toribio Rodriguez de Mendoza, se ha logrado mejorar el nivel de la conciencia ecológica, luego de la aplicación del programa de estrategias metodológicas, cuyos resultados se evidencian a través de la aplicación del Post-Test. Teniendo como resultados de la aplicación del programa, el Grupo de Estudio después de haber recibido el estímulo observa un grado de logro significativo del nivel de desarrollo de la conciencia ecológica, pues gran parte de los estudiantes de Primer Grado “C” que se encuentran en la categoría nunca migran a las categorías rara vez, a veces y siempre, haciéndose incluso un grupo más homogéneo. En consecuencia, por los resultados obtenidos se puede afirmar que la hipótesis que se ha planteado se logró confirmar , considerando que la sig (bilateral) es menor que 0,05; entonces la diferencia del resultado del Pretest y Postest es significativ

    Efecto del SO2 sobre las reacciones de oxidación de C3H8 y reducción de NO en los convertidores catalíticos comerciales de tres vías

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    En este trabajo se reporta el efecto del SO2 sobre la actividad de cuatro convertidores catalíticos comerciales en la reducción de NO y la oxidación de C3Ha. Los convertidores catalíticos estudiados fueron un original (Original-PtPdRh) y tres de repuesto (Repuesto-Pd, Repuesto-PtPd y Rep-PtPdRh). Se evaluaron fijando la concentración de alimentación de SO2 en 3.4, 10.3, 20.5 y 34 ppm (equivalentes a 50, 150, 300 y 500 ppm de azufre en la gasolina). Al estudiar los catalizadores original y de repuesto, se observó que el SO2 provocó varios efectos: 1) Inhibe la reducción de NO en el caso de los catalizadores Repuesto-Pd, Repuesto-PtPd y Original-PtPdRh. 11) Inhibe la oxidación de C3Ha sobre el catalizador Repuesto-Pd. 111) Promueve la reacción de oxidación de C3Ha sobre el catalizador Original-PtPdRh, Repuesto-PtPd y Repuesto-PtPdRh, además promueve la reducción de NO con el catalizador Repuesto-PtPdRh. La presencia de SO2 en la alimentación al reactor causó una disminución en la conversión de NO a N2 de los catalizadores Repuesto-Pd, Repuesto-PtPd y del catalizador Original-PtPdRh, la que fue función de la concentración. La conversión de NO en los catalizadores al variar de O a 34 ppm de SO2 en la alimentación pasó de 100 a 90 % con el catalizador Original-PtPdRh, 64 a 25 % con el catalizador Repuesto-Pd, y de 90 a 57 % en el caso del catalizador Repuesto-PtPd. Por otro lado, la temperatura de encendido para la reducción de NO sobre los catalizadores Repuesto-Pd y Repuesto-PtPd se incrementó 100 y 55 ºC respectivamente.En el caso de los catalizadores Original-PtPdRh, Repuesto-PtPd y Repuesto-PtPdRh se encontró que el SO2 promovió la reacción de oxidación de C3Ha ya que la temperatura de encendido disminuyó. Por su parte en el caso de los catalizadores Original-PtPdRh y Repuesto-PtPdRh el S02 disminuyó la temperatura de encendido de la reducción de NO. Por otra parte, cuando se evaluó el efecto de 34 ppm de S02 a 500ºC y a 215,600 h-1 se encontró que la conversión al usar los catalizadores Repuesto-PtPd y Repuesto-Pd disminuyó. Al eliminar el S02 de la alimentación se recuperó la actividad original de los catalizadores

    Paternity allocation in a mutant Heliothis virescens colony

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    Tobacco budworm, Heliothis virescens (F.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), females can copulate multiple times creating the possibility for sperm competition. We used a colony lacking wild pigmentation on the wings (albino-type) for an experiment in which females double mated. Females copulated 2 days apart with two, 2-day-old males, one albino-type and one wild-type, or in the opposite sequence. A third of the females produced offspring from the first mate, and this group was significantly biased toward producing albino-type compared to wild-type progeny. A fourth of the females produced offspring from the second male exclusively and within this group was a significant bias toward wild-type compared to albino-type progeny. Almost half of the females produced offspring sired in equal proportions by both males simultaneously or in alternated paternities throughout all the reproductive life. These results suggest that regardless of the order in which moths mated, wild-type sperm had potential superior competitiveness. Therefore, sperm precedence is not the main driving force behind the paternity allocation mechanism in this strain of tobacco budworm

    An unholy alliance: Christian identity extremists and ICTs

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    The rise of extremism has been a global concern, but white extremism, in particular, has been expanding rapidly within the United States (U.S.). Even more concerning is how white extremist groups have utilized Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to broaden their reach and spread their ideologies to larger audiences. This research examines the Christian Identity Movement (CIM) subset within the larger white extremist community. The CIM has utilized Christianity to justify extremist actions, a problem notably reflected in recent white extremist shooter manifestos. As extremist propaganda continues making its way through the digital landscape, this study aims to understand how the CIM has infiltrated the greater white extremist digital communities. This is particularly relevant as extremist groups are proliferating across numerous social media platforms. Due to the lack of scholarly literature currently discussing the nexus between white extremists, Christian Identity, technology, and social media, this research is necessary to understand the information flow between these groups online


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    The focus of this work is to analyze from a medical perspective the multiple aspects that guide the criteria that assumes the training of health professionals. This research is based on the theory of social representations; this theory is referred to an epistemology of the sense common, which allows to interpret the reality-the knowledge every day, product of social interactions. Within this theoretical framework, it worked with the approach process, which focuses on the content of the representation in terms of its meaning and significance. It was a descriptive study, qualitative, cross-not experimental, with interviews semistructured with three axes categorical (training, bonding and regulation). The sample was obtained in a manner not probabilistic, they interviewed 12 subject, six heads of teaching and six medical in training attached to the institutions that agreed to participate in the research. From the crossroads of knowledge, the experiences and opinions of education managers and doctors in training, is develop that the training of the professional of the health still framed in the paradigm positivist (hegemonic biomedical). Of this form is evidence a worldview in the training of the medical and an approach to this reality training, that allows carry to the reflection all those aspects forgotten that dan by made a conformation infinite and dogmatic of medical and thus, placed in the context to the actors main (universities, institutions of health, decision makers of decisions, executing or responsible of the training).The focus of this work is to analyze from a medical perspective the multiple aspects that guide the criteria that assumes the training of health professionals. This research is based on the theory of social representations; this theory is referred to an epistemology of the sense common, which allows to interpret the reality-the knowledge every day, product of social interactions. Within this theoretical framework, it worked with the approach process, which focuses on the content of the representation in terms of its meaning and significance. It was a descriptive study, qualitative, cross-not experimental, with interviews semistructured with three axes categorical (training, bonding and regulation). The sample was obtained in a manner not probabilistic, they interviewed 12 subject, six heads of teaching and six medical in training attached to the institutions that agreed to participate in the research. From the crossroads of knowledge, the experiences and opinions of education managers and doctors in training, is develop that the training of the professional of the health still framed in the paradigm positivist (hegemonic biomedical). Of this form is evidence a worldview in the training of the medical and an approach to this reality training, that allows carry to the reflection all those aspects forgotten that dan by made a conformation infinite and dogmatic of medical and thus, placed in the context to the actors main (universities, institutions of health, decision makers of decisions, executing or responsible of the training).Beca CONACYT estudiante de maestri

    Geographic variations in cervical cancer risk in San Luis Potosí state, Mexico: A spatial statistical approach

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    El trabajo es una investigación orientada al uso de herramientas de análisis espacial para analizar la distribución del cáncer cervicouterino en el Estado de San Luis Potosí. Se consideran aspectos como el lugar de residencia de la población usuaria de los servicios de detección-tratamiento y los lugares donde se ogrecen los servicos. se aplica un modelo de accesibilidad potencial a los servicios a fin de diferenciar las ventajas y desventajas que tiene la población

    A Bayesian Approach for Estimating the Thinning Corrosion Rate of Steel Heat Exchanger in Hydrodesulfurization Plants

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    Fuel consumption has been increasing in recent years, especially that of diesel and jet fuel. For this reason, the necessity to build new plants to reduce their sulfur content has arisen. Sometimes, just revamping existing plants is feasible, but determining which pieces of equipment are in the appropriate condition to be reused is also necessary. In order to select the equipment, it is essential to have information about the wall thickness of vessels. Sometimes, the information is limited; consequently, the application of advanced statistical techniques is needed. ,e Bayesian Data Analysis (BDA) used in this study has the goal of determining a more accurate, unobserved thinning rate distribution for existing heat exchangers, taking into consideration all the information available about the thinning rate of the heat exchangers that cool down the effluent of the hydrotreating reactors in Mexican oil refineries. ,e information obtained from BDA was compared with existing shell wall thickness obtaining favorable results

    Paternal Determinants in Preeclampsia

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    Preeclampsia is a condition associated with high rates of maternal-fetal morbidity and mortality. It usually occurs in 3–10% of nulliparous women and 18% of previously affected women. Different lines of evidence have demonstrated the role of the father in the onset of preeclampsia. The placenta is the cornerstone of preeclampsia and poses important paternal genetic determinants; in fact, the existence of a “paternal antigen” has been proposed. Nulliparity is a well-known risk factor. Change of partner to a woman without history of preeclampsia increases the risk; however, this change decreases in women with history of the condition. High interval between pregnancies, short sexual intercourse before pregnancy, and conception by intracytoplasmic sperm injection suggest a limited exposure to the so-called paternal antigen. A man who was born from a mother with preeclampsia also increases the risk to his partner. Not only maternal but also paternal obesity is a risk factor for preeclampsia. Fetal HLA-G variants from the father increased the immune incompatibility with the mother and are also significantly associated with preeclampsia in multigravida pregnancies. An analysis of a group of Swedish pregnant women showed that the risk for preeclampsia is attributable to paternal factors in 13% of cases, which could be related to genetic interactions with maternal genetic factors. This review aimed to evaluate the evidences of the father’s contribution to the onset of preeclampsia and determine the importance of including them in future studies

    Neutrophil infiltration regulates clock-gene expression to organize daily hepatic metabolism.

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    Liver metabolism follows diurnal fluctuations through the modulation of molecular clock genes. Disruption of this molecular clock can result in metabolic disease but its potential regulation by immune cells remains unexplored. Here, we demonstrated that in steady state, neutrophils infiltrated the mouse liver following a circadian pattern and regulated hepatocyte clock-genes by neutrophil elastase (NE) secretion. NE signals through c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) inhibiting fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) and activating Bmal1 expression in the hepatocyte. Interestingly, mice with neutropenia, defective neutrophil infiltration or lacking elastase were protected against steatosis correlating with lower JNK activation, reduced Bmal1 and increased FGF21 expression, together with decreased lipogenesis in the liver. Lastly, using a cohort of human samples we found a direct correlation between JNK activation, NE levels and Bmal1 expression in the liver. This study demonstrates that neutrophils contribute to the maintenance of daily hepatic homeostasis through the regulation of the NE/JNK/Bmal1 axis.BGT and MC were fellows of the FPI: Severo Ochoa CNIC program (SVP-2013–067639) and (BES-2017–079711) respectively. IN was funded by EFSD/Lilly grants (2017 and 2019), the CNIC IPP FP7 Marie Curie Programme (PCOFUND-2012–600396), EFSD Rising Star award (2019), JDC-2018-Incorporación (MIN/JDC1802). T-L was a Juan de la Cierva fellow (JCI2011–11623). C.F has a Sara Borrell contract (CD19/00078). RJD is an Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. This work was funded by the following grants to GS: funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n˚ ERC 260464, EFSD/Lilly European Diabetes Research Programme Dr Sabio, 2017 Leonardo Grant for Researchers and Cultural Creators, BBVA Foundation (Investigadores-BBVA-2017) IN[17] _BBM_BAS_0066, MINECO-FEDER SAF2016-79126-R and PID2019-104399RB-I00 , EUIN201785875, Comunidad de Madrid IMMUNOTHERCAN-CM S2010/BMD-2326 and B2017/BMD-3733 and Fundación AECC AECC PROYE19047SABI and AECC: INVES20026LEIV to ML. MM was funded by ISCIII and FEDER PI16/01548 and Junta de Castilla y León GRS 1362/A/16 and INT/M/17/17 and JL-T by Junta de Castilla y León GRS 1356/A/16 and GRS 1587/A/17. The study was additionally funded by MEIC grants to ML (MINECO-FEDER-SAF2015-74112-JIN) AT-L (MINECO-FEDERSAF2014-61233-JIN), RJD: Grant DK R01 DK107220 from the National Institutes of Health. AH: (SAF2015-65607-R). The CNIC is supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MCNU) and the Pro CNIC Foundation, and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (SEV-2015–0505).S

    Toro Times: Raising Our Voices!

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    During the Spring 2019 semester, Dr. Noah Asher Golden\u27s Teaching of Writing K-12 students partnered with the Journalism class at Yorba Academy for the Arts. Through collaboration over a four-month period, Chapman\u27s future teachers and Yorba\u27s junior high journalists engaged a deep writing process to write a series of features, editorials, and news articles related to a number of global issues. Thank you to Principal Preciado-Martin, former principal Tracy Knibb, Mrs. Andrea Lopez, Mrs. Kori Shelton, and the Lloyd E. and Elisabeth H. Klein Family Foundation for supporting this project.https://digitalcommons.chapman.edu/yorba-chapman/1004/thumbnail.jp