93 research outputs found

    Perception and evaluation of the re-vegetation process by local stakeholders : a preliminary study in the Iberian Mountain Range

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    S’estudia la percepció que tenen els actors (stakeholders) de Cameros Viejo (Sistema Ibèric) del procés de revegetació, les seves causes, conseqüències socioeconòmiques i impactes en el medi natural. Es varen fer 25 entrevistes semiestructurades. Els resultats mostren que perceben clarament que s’ha donat un procés de revegetació durant les últimes dècades, tot i que difereixen en les característiques d’aquest procés. Les respostes són heterogènies respecte a les causes, conseqüències i impactes que implica la revegetació. La població resident té una percepció més realista que la població forana dels canvis en el medi natural. Es discuteix sobre el grau de correspondència entre els canvis en el medi natural i la percepció que la societat en té.This paper analyses the perception of stakeholders in Cameros Viejo (Iberian Mountain Range, Spain) concerning the re-vegetation process, its causes, its consequences and the socioeconomic impacts on the natural environment. Twenty-five semi-structured interviews were conducted. The results clearly show that the population perceives there to have been a re-vegetation process in recent decades, although they differ in their ideas about the characteristics of the process. The answers are heterogeneous regarding the causes, consequences and impacts involved in re-vegetation. The resident population is more realistic than the foreign population about the perception of changes in the natural environment. Moreover, the degree of accordance between these environmental changes and public perceptions of the same is discussed

    Alteraciones en la conectividad funcional en el autismo: un estudio mediante magnetoencelofalografía

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    Desde inicios del siglo XXI la teoría de una conectividad alterada ha cobrado interés como modelo fisiopatológico dentro del Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA). Esta teoría defiende que las deficiencias en la integración y sincronización de la actividad neuronal entre distintas regiones cerebrales puede dar cuenta de la sintomatología clínica del trastorno (Vasa, Mostofsky, y Ewen, 2016). Inicialmente se planteó que el trastorno podría caracterizarse por un patrón general de hipoconectividad (Just, Cherkassky, Keller, y Minshew, 2004) o por un patrón de hipoconectividad a larga distancia e hiperconectividad a nivel local (Belmonte et al., 2004), que podrían contribuir a las alteraciones sociales, cognitivas y comportamentales del (TEA). Ambos trabajos sirvieron de acicate para el surgimiento de multitud de estudios que pusieron a prueba ambas hipótesis. La literatura es consistente en afirmar la existencia de una conectividad funcional anómala en el TEA independientemente de la técnica de registro empleada (fMRI, EEG, MEG) y del estado cognitivo evaluado (actividad en reposo o tarea) (Hull et al., 2017; O’Reilly, Lewis, y Elsabbagh, 2017; Picci, Gotts, y Scherf, 2016; Vissers, Cohen, y Geurts, 2012; Wass, 2011). Sin embargo, estas mismas revisiones muestran escaso apoyo a las hipótesis iniciales, esbozando un patrón más complejo de hiper e hipoconectividad en el TEA..

    Towards Neuro-Inspired Electronic Oscillators Based on The Dynamical Relaying Mechanism

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    Electronic oscillators are used for the generation of both continuous and discrete signals, playing a fundamental role in today’s electronics. In both contexts, these systems require stringent performances such as spectral purity, low phase noise, frequency and temperature stability. In state of the art oscillators the preservation of some of these aspects is jeopardized by specific critical issues, e.g., the sensitivity to load capacitance or the component aging over time. This leaves room for the search of new technologies for their realization. On the other hand, in the last decade electronics has been influenced by a growing number of neuro-inspired mechanisms, which allowed for alternative techniques aimed at solving some classical critical issues.In this paper we present an exploratory study for the development of electronic oscillators based on the neuro-inspired mechanism dynamical relaying, which relies on a structure composed of three delay coupled units (as neurons or even neuron populations) able to resonate and self-organise to generate and maintain a given rhythm with great reliability over a considerable parameter range, showing robustness to noise. We used the recent leaky integrated and fire with latency (LIFL) as neuron model. We have initially developed the mathematical model of the neuro-inspired oscillator, and implemented it using Matlab®; then, we have realized the schematic of such system in PSpice®. Finally, the model has been validated to verify whether it observes the fundamental properties of the dynamical relaying mechanisms described in computational neuroscience studies, and if the circuit implementation presents the same behaviour of the mathematical model.Validation results suggest that the dynamical relaying mechanism can be proficuously taken in consideration as alternative strategy for the design of electronic oscillators

    Efectos en los usos del suelo de la dinámica reciente del Rioja

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    Desde hace dos décadas desciende en el mundo el consumo de vino de forma continuada en dos millones de hectólitros aproximadamente al año (RODRÍGUEZ DE LA CRUZ, 1994), lo que ha llevado al arranque de plantaciones en la Unión Europea y Argentina hasta muy recientemente, sin alcanzarse a veces los efectos buscados debido al aumento de los rendimientos (BARDAJÍ AZCÁRATE, 1994

    CBT and positive psychology interventions for clinical depression promote healthy attentional biases: an eye-tracking study.

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    Background: Although there is a growing interest in the role of attentional biases in depression, there are no studies assessing changes in these biases after psychotherapeutic interventions. Methods: We used a validated eye-tracking procedure to assess pre–post therapy changes in attentional biases toward emotional information (i.e., happy, sad, and angry faces) when presented with neutral information (i.e., neutral faces). The sample consisted of 75 participants with major depression or dysthymia. Participants were blindly assigned to one of two 10 weekly sessions of group therapy: a cognitive behavior therapy intervention (N = 41) and a positive psychology intervention (N = 34). Results: Both treatments were equally efficacious in improving depressive symptoms (p = .0001, �2 = .68). A significant change in attentional performance after therapy was observed irrespective of the intervention modality. Comparison of pre–post attentional measures revealed a significant reduction in the total time of fixations (TTF) looking at negative information (i.e., sad and angry faces) and a significant increase in the TTF looking at positive information (i.e., happy faces)—all p < .02. Conclusions: Findings reveal for the first time that psychotherapeutic interventions are associated with a significant change in attentional biases as assessed by a direct measure of attention. Furthermore, these changes seem to operate in the same direction typically found in healthy populations (i.e., a bias away from negative information and a parallel bias toward positive information). These findings illustrate the importance of considering attentional biases as clinical markers of depression and suggest the viability of modifying these biases as a potential tool for clinical change.pre-print591 K

    H2O2-preconditioned human adipose-derived stem cells (HC016) increase theirresistance to oxidative stress byoverexpressing Nrf2 and bioenergetic adaptation

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    BackgroundMesenchymal stem cells, including those derived from human adipose tissue (hASCs), are currently being widely investigated for cell therapy. However, when transplanted at the site of injury, the survival and engraftment rates of hASCs are low, mainly due to the harsh microenvironment they encounter, characterized by inflammation and oxidative stress. To overcome these therapeutic limitations, cell preconditioning with low-concentration of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) has been proposed as a plausible strategy to increase their survival and adaptation to oxidative stress. Nonetheless, the underlying mechanisms of this approach are not yet fully understood. In this study, we analyzed molecular and bioenergetic changes that take place in H2O2 preconditioned hASCs.MethodsLong-term exposure to a low concentration of H2O2 was applied to obtain preconditioned hASCs (named HC016), and then, their response to oxidative stress was analyzed. The effect of preconditioning on the expression of Nrf2 and its downstream antioxidant enzymes (HO-1, SOD-1, GPx-1, and CAT), and of NF-kappa B and its related inflammatory proteins (COX-2 and IL-1 beta), were examined by Western blot. Finally, the Seahorse XF96 Flux analysis system was used to evaluate the mitochondrial respiration and glycolytic function, along with the total ATP production.ResultsWe found that under oxidative conditions, HC016 cells increased the survival by (i) decreasing intracellular ROS levels through the overexpression of the transcription factor Nrf2 and its related antioxidant enzymes HO-1, SOD-1, GPx-1, and CAT; (ii) reducing the secretion of pro-inflammatory molecules COX-2 and IL-1 beta through the attenuation of the expression of NF-kappa B; and (iii) increasing the total ATP production rate through the adaption of their metabolism to meet the energetic demand required to survive.ConclusionsH(2)O(2) preconditioning enhances hASC survival under oxidative stress conditions by stimulating their antioxidant response and bioenergetic adaptation. Therefore, this preconditioning strategy might be considered an excellent tool for strengthening the resistance of hASCs to harmful oxidative stress.Partial funding for this project was provided by the Department of Economic Development and Competitiveness of the Basque Government, the European Regional Development Fund (PREMISE IG-2015/0000558), and the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU; research grants PES 17/29 and 16/37)

    Hydrogen Peroxide-Preconditioned Human Adipose-Derived Stem Cells Enhance the Recovery of Oligodendrocyte-Like Cells after Oxidative Stress-Induced Damage

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    Oxidative stress associated with neuroinflammation is a key process involved in the pathophysiology of neurodegenerative diseases, and therefore, has been proposed as a crucial target for new therapies. Recently, the therapeutic potential of human adipose-derived stem cells (hASCs) has been investigated as a novel strategy for neuroprotection. These cells can be preconditioned by exposing them to mild stress in order to improve their response to oxidative stress. In this study, we evaluate the therapeutic potential of hASCs preconditioned with low doses of H2O2 (called HC016 cells) to overcome the deleterious effect of oxidative stress in an in vitro model of oligodendrocyte-like cells (HOGd), through two strategies: i, the culture of oxidized HOGd with HC016 cell-conditioned medium (CM), and ii, the indirect co-culture of oxidized HOGd with HC016 cells, which had or had not been exposed to oxidative stress. The results demonstrated that both strategies had reparative effects, oxidized HC016 cell co-culture being the one associated with the greatest recovery of the damaged HOGd, increasing their viability, reducing their intracellular reactive oxygen species levels and promoting their antioxidant capacity. Taken together, these findings support the view that HC016 cells, given their reparative capacity, might be considered an important breakthrough in cell-based therapies.Partial funding for this project was provided by the Department of Economic Development and Competitiveness of the Basque Government, the European Regional Development Fund (PREMISE IG-2015/0000558) and the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU; research grants GIU 19/088 and PES 17/29 and 16/37)

    towards neuro inspired electronic oscillators based on the dynamical relaying mechanism

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    Electronic oscillators are used for the generation of both continuous and discrete signals, playing a fundamental role in today's electronics. In both contexts, these systems require stringent performances such as spectral purity, low phase noise, frequency and temperature stability. In state of the art oscillators the preservation of some of these aspects is jeopardized by specific critical issues, e.g., the sensitivity to load capacitance or the component aging over time. This leaves room for the search of new technologies for their realization. On the other hand, in the last decade electronics has been influenced by a growing number of neuro-inspired mechanisms, which allowed for alternative techniques aimed at solving some classical critical issues. In this paper we present an exploratory study for the development of electronic oscillators based on the neuro-inspired mechanism dynamical relaying , which relies on a structure composed of three delay coupled units (as neurons or even neuron populations) able to resonate and self-organise to generate and maintain a given rhythm with great reliability over a considerable parameter range, showing robustness to noise . We used the recent leaky integrated and fire with latency (LIFL) as neuron model. We have initially developed the mathematical model of the neuro-inspired oscillator , and implemented it using Matlab®; then, we have realized the schematic of such system in PSpice®. Finally, the model has been validated to verify whether it observes the fundamental properties of the dynamical relaying mechanisms described in computational neuroscience studies, and if the circuit implementation presents the same behaviour of the mathematical model. Validation results suggest that the dynamical relaying mechanism can be proficuously taken in consideration as alternative strategy for the design of electronic oscillators